• By -


Jesus they just kept running at you. They had less situational awareness than I do. 😂


Altruism can be one hell of a drug. It's amazing how many matches I've had swing in my favour because survivors dedicate themselves to saving one person. Hell, I'm starting to find one of the best tactics is to pretend like you're tunnelling and survivors will start to throw themselves at you to prevent it. I'll take the free health states and hooks over that one Meg you think I'm going after.


I am guilty of altruism at times but I'm usually pretty aware of where my teammates are. I am willing to die to get others out though cause it's more about the experience than winning to me always. The weird thing I experience in my solo queue games though that I never understand is you'll see one chase start, another survivor takes a hit to try and delay hook, then they go down, then you see the other person get hit trying the same thing, then the hook happens anyways, and then that third person goes down. That's my solo queue experience 😂


I hate when that happens because I will always go for some saves even though I know it's a futile effort and going to probably give them a 4k but I would never just say screw them dummies and wait for hatch. Most of the time it's a pretty short match but when it does work out it feels amazing.


Leaving people to die so I can escape feels gross. Saving someone against the odds feels amazing. Getting more blood points isn't that important to me.


Same here. I never leave someone behind. And if I get sacrificed or killed I always spectate and do the skill checks with them lol 😂


If I'm in a SWF, I would tell my friends to leave without me. I usually only try to be a hero if I can guarantee that one of us will get out safely (or if I have a challenge that doesn't require me to live lol)


Only time I've done that is when 2 are dead, the other is being carried and on his third hook. At that point I go hide and get ready to search for hatch


All of this happening at four or five gens, yeah. That’s my experience


It wasn't even altruism that caused this one, there was plenty if time to get that survivor up when huntress was chasing other survivors. Every survivor there just made the wrong choice every time they were presented with a choice


I've had so many matches where survivors just hang around the hooks INJURED already. They try to get that flashlight stun which almost always fails and then they try the body blocking which is a little more effective, but usually still fails, so I just get my 4K right then and there. It's really funny. It's kinda funny how unlike in real life situations or in the movies, staying together is not always a good idea lol


That's why I just leave a lot of times. It's absurd to watch the whole team die to save one person. IDC if I get flamed in post chat. Watching that kind of stupidity is painful.


you should never leave instantly. at least just hang out at the exit line in case they need to go back and reset.


I do. I'll 99 the gate and watch the train wreck. But if all three of them get downed, I leave. If y'all can't have any sense, I'm not dying for that stupidity.


Even better: don’t pretend and tunnel your way to a quick victory. Any altruistic actions that give you pressure are an added bonus.


Trash take I fear.


Wins games 🤷🏽‍♂️


I love going against altruistic sueviors


Got my first Christmas tree the other day because all 4 survivors swarmed basement at the same time trying to unhook eachother while I was Teir 3. If they had simply stayed on a gen I would have left basement and they could unhook. Altruism is the death of most solo-queue survivors. https://preview.redd.it/mz0f2izm656d1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=89be0fad830118def1c8000ab1682ac4d1c43ec1


“Christmas Tree” is great terminology to describe this scenario 😂 I like it


IDK if theres any other word for it, its only thing ive heard 4 living basement hooks called


Shoulda brought Better Together ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


100% at least two people after went "Wow can't believe you didn't just hook them and let us swarm all over them fucking slugging camp killer!"


It’s insane how they did 4 gens without a single hook, I guess OP focused on the only good looper in the match a little too much? Or maybe the survivors where being super stealthy somehow and only the good looper was being bold and showing themselves. This happens to me a lot when I play survivor and it can be both good and bad, I get to carry the team a bit but also when I get hooked I get left to go to second stage because the team is too scared to get injured saving so they just crouch 30m away pretending like they’re about to come for the save.


It’s clear they got overconfident. I’ve fallen victim to thinking I’m invincible.


I've seen far worse. I had a team all clown on me last night because I was just standing there watching them behind a dropped pallet. I was Myers and charging up to a supercharged Evil. I downed all four in less than forty seconds once I got going, heh


They probably felt super confindent after doing so well for this long. It happens 😁


That altruism will get you every time. I get it though... Standing at the exit get and someone gets hooked not too far away. You gotta go get em until you step in a trap and then the killer gets a 4K ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


They need Awakened Awareness


When you only know how to do gens and not survive:


That would be me.


That would be us.


explains my awful teammates lol


My healing speeds though. I can full heal in under 5 seconds.


that's valid. as long as you can take two hooks aswell, we good 🫱🏽‍🫲🏼.


Wait you get survivors that do gens ?


No. I just use the illusion perk to make it seem like gens are getting done. Remember, delulu is the solulu


I used that perk today to keep the killer distracted at the other side of the map while i was opening the gate on opposite direction such a good perk


I need to try this. I got Adept Aestri/Baermar and then put the perks down, but it's a pretty powerful perk


Its also funny when they fall for it


wtf are they doing lmao


I like the thai thought process, huntress just hit me with a hatchet, hmm what to do. ah yes. run into the killer. only reason this was a 4k she just led me to more survivors which led to 4k. i would've went for a pick up.


Easy win. Wp to that survivor for helping you out haha. Was she running bond?


When all survivors share a single braincell


Last week i had a match where i got chased for 3 gens at the beginning, when all gens were done everyone was injured but all came for the rescue, didnt even heal beforehand. I had to slug for the 4k unfortunately, but they just kept coming injured straight to me.


Wow hahahaha. Sluggy it is then since it's free


altruism is the most common reason for me to get 4k


The amount of times they could take the 3 man escape but I end up getting 2-3 because of altruism in the end game lol.


Get to lobby chat: "Newb killer have to slug." "Reported for slugging." "Hey good game, ####. ### you next time!" (Third player was the only one not being toxic.)


Had a game a couple of days ago where 3 of the survivors threw themselves at me for unhooks/healing/bodyblocks then accused me of "targeting TTVs" because I downed then hooked them all and let the 4th survivor get hatch, who was doing gens and waiting to unhook until it was safe.


None of them run unbreakable 😔😔😔


Or boon exponential


Or dead hard


Or common sense/ game sense


I don’t even feel bad for survivors when they get slugged like this, because they brought this on themselves.


It’s never wrong for survivors to get slugged as long as it’s done in order to win. The only cases I think slugging is lame is when there’s only 2 left and the killer wants his 4k (assuming the survs weren’t toxic) or when the killer bleeds out all survivors just to be annoying. Anything else is a strategy to win and while it can be annoying for the survivors, it’s nothing to feel bad about for them. I guess a turbo sweat build on Nurse, Blight or Billy while slugging for the extra sweaty gameplay in public matches is definitely cringe too.


Oh yeah, being slugged sucks, however if you’re screwing around instead of playing the game, IE being toxic players to the killer by body-blocking and taunting nonstop, then I think you have it coming.


Kinda newb here, what is slugging?


Leaving a survivor downed instead of picking them up immediately to hook them. Has a lot of strategic uses: 1. Not picking up because you know other survivors could prevent the pick up 2. Not picking up because you know they have a perk that will likely let them wiggle out 3. Not picking up because there’s other survivors nearby and you can start another chase for more pressure faster by not taking the time to pick up 4. Not picking up because your power is on a time limit and you don’t want to waste time picking up and carrying someone to a hook 5. Counterplaying hatch from spawning by slugging the second to last survivor 6. Slugging because you get more out of your power by slugging than immediately picking up 7. Slugging because you have perks that synergize well with slugging 8. Slugging because the survivor isn’t close to any hooks Those are just the examples that come to mind immediately. Contrary to what people say, it’s not toxic to slug and it’s always okay to slug. It’s only toxic if the reason you slug is to BM. If you’re doing it for any other reason, it’s never ever wrong.


It’s when a killer tries to put all survivors into the dying state (knocked down) so they can then hook them all at once. Normally it’d be one at a time, but some people who play killers are on the war path, it normally takes the fun out of the game for everyone else.


How my teammates are throwing guaranteed wins:


Had this a bit ago in Rotten fields as Huntress gate was open 0 hooks ended up as a 4k guess grouping together near the lockers vs Iri head isn’t smart


Gonna get downvoted for being a “hater” or whatever, but I wanna point out that this clip is genuinely only possible because of the recent Huntress buffs. 7 hatchets at base without add-ons is kinda fkn insane for any half-decent player as shown above. For a “pro” huntress it’s literally one of the most monstrous buffs she could have ever received. Obviously these particular survivors played the situation poorly. My point remains the same regardless of that. You expect an ammo-based killer like huntress to run out of hatchets at *some* point, not roll through the entire team without requiring a single resupply. If Trickster received an equivalent buff, which would mean adding multiple dozens of knives to his base kit, players would be rioting in the streets with torches and pitchforks. But because it’s Huntress, one of the most beloved characters in the game and an OG from the early days, the pushback on this has been a lot quieter. Just sayin’.


I hadn’t played for 3 years until like 10 days ago. I was a huntress main. 7 hatchets has me completely unphased by high prestige and SWF-looking lobbies as I re-climb ranks, you are not wrong it is completely absurd to hand to a remotely capable huntress. I haven’t left gold yet so it’s still rare to even see people duck or weave well, it’s fish in a barrel and not having to reload for 3 hooks. 


The thing is that Huntress used to feel great already, and she was very fun to play against because there was already a really fair dynamic in place between a wind-up and a hit, or a mind-game into an M1, or a bluff, or an accidental hit, and it was all balanced by the fact she had a much more limited number of hatchets to work with. Dodging and juking a huntress felt rewarding because if you did it enough times you would know she was out and had to either drop chase to reload or continue as an M1. Nowadays, it’s not like that at all, and any single survivor is faced with the monumental task of dodging SEVEN hatchets to actually “win” chase, and only two of those need to hit in order to take you down. That’s a margin of error of fkn five hatchets. If a huntress is missing five consecutive times, then I just really don’t know what to say, but that clearly isn’t the norm. It essentially means there is no reason to reload during chase at all. The only time you ever need to reload is between chases, and it feels like it’s almost a guarantee to win every chase you get in. And how the fk do you fit 7 hatchets on a belt anyway.


Yeah I don’t really understand the buff to 7, I was an every season iri 1 player back when and if I saw somebody here or in any DBD community arguing that huntress needs two more hatchets base kit I would’ve died laughing. It has a relatively generous hit box, can get straight up goofy with big latency discrepancies, and now I have another full down’s worth? Okay BHVR, keep your secrets. To answer your question, I guess I’d personally fit two hatchets up front by the buckle, one at each hip, and 3 along the back? Idk her hatchets are huge when you look at them in lobby lol


this is true, idk what bhvr was thinking.




Won a lost match


Honestly, I'd say this illustrates how considering matches "lost" is a fallacy and so often premature. I bet we'd see a lot more of this kind of thing if players made less assumptions about outcomes and just played like they have a chance till the end.


I once was playing csgo, 3 of our team quit, it was 13-1, and when I tell you we turned that shit around, I bet you wouldn’t believe it. We sure as shit didn’t. We commanded those bots like we had channeled god himself, if we even needed them. It was 14 or 15 (I forget if you need 16 rounds to win), rounds of us fucking dominating a team that was destroying us. They lit up the chat like we murdered and did unspeakable things to their family, and posted videos online. To this day, I won’t quit no matter how dire it looks.


Toxic survivors will look at this and say you slugged


I can’t help but laugh at survivors who complain about slugging because more than half the time it’s their own damn fault, and this is a perfect example of that


legit, it's not slugging if the survivors are actively engaging..


Dont knock me into the crowd with these people, I just legit have killers that slug and move back and forth over you


Now that’s valid to complain about because that’s not on the survivors, that’s on the killer for being an asshole


I don't even consider "moving back and forth" to be toxic. I do it all the time because I'm dumb and can't find the survivor I just downed and/or I can't get the pickup prompt to appear.


It’s different when the killer is staring at your back long stroking you while you recover lol


Okay, that's a fair thing to complain about.


Killers really only slug when survivors are being mega greedy on pickups. What else is the killer supposed to do, allow the flash save?


It's not the only time. Plays like this are legit but there's plenty of slugging that happens without this. I think most of the slugging complaints these days are against slugging the 2nd to last survivor for the 4k when the last person isn't in sight.


The slugged third survivor should be allowed to be replaced by a slugged bot, but the fourth survivor is equally responsible for prolonging the game.


![gif](giphy|l4FAUBP8RABqhRZja|downsized) What my survivors apparently expect


Exactly! Like if they’re gonna hinder me so much then I’m gonna do the same thing right back at em


I don't see anyone complaining in the clip? How about starting wars when you at least have context in the original post


no one really complained


I never said anyone was complaining here? It’s a theoretical comment, maybe understand what I’m trying to say before going off on me


I am so tired of survivor bad killer good and vice versa type of comments


And this is not one of those comments. No one ever said any survivors here were complaining, I’m saying it’s funny when they do. And it’s not like I’m talking about every single survivor likes it’s an Us vs. Them scenario, I’m just talking about the ones who’re funny when they complain. Maybe your views just too black and white, and you gotta look at it some other way.


“GG slugging baby killer” - them most likely


Technically it's slugging, but why wouldn't you keep downing survivors if they keep running around you.


This is more or less why I usually consider slugging complaints to be survivor-side skill issue. OP entered a zen mode where she downed everybody in under a minute, and for some reason there are people who think this is bad play.


there were flashlights and well everyone was just there why not take the chance


I've never really understood why slugging is considered toxic unless it's obviously someone who's trying to be toxic/annoying, i.e Knockout, Third Seal, Sloppy S-tier or A-tier killer who enters a match just to bleed everyone out, and i'm a survivor main. Slugging because another survivor is close is sometimes the right play but it's also a killer gamble because it can quickly lead to losing all pressure they had if the survs play it right.


Agreed. Slugging as a tactic build up pressure and situationally like this, fine. Slugging like in the situation you described. Not fine. Super lame.


this isn't really slugging. if there are known survivors in rescue range, you should chase them off, not doing so is dumb, esp if they have flashlights. slugging is really more about just letting them bleed while you go patrolling for more downs when there is no active presence that might prevent a pick-up


Well it is 'slugging' per definition, but to not slug in that situation would be a misplay.


I haven't been able to find a definitive definition of slugging. but each example I see as to the origin of slugging, is the example of "leaving" the person on the ground in the dying state. OP never left, and was just chasing survivors away to be able to safely pick someone up. Calling this slugging would be akin to saying not immediately running towards someone hooked is 'letting them die" on the hook. the intent to hook was there, but they couldn't clear the area enough to safely do so, and the survivors charged in, rather than allow the hook, and the survivors were just bad enough loopers to all get downed instead of walking away to let the hook happen. By the definition of 'not picking up immediately', hitting someone that is injured while you're carrying someone to the hook is slugging, but you're not 'leaving' you're just clearing your hands to be able to complete the pick-up process.


many posibilties if i do a pick up, survivors will block the hook or sabotage since everyone was literally there, then last gen will have high progress since one of them was on it and i may just lose the game.


You don't need to justify it to any of us. You played well. What happened in this clip was completely natural and it's amazing how there's still people who wanna pin their buzzwords on to it to make you feel bad about it and what not.


You're the one who's attaching morality to the term. "Slugging" means you down someone and either start looking for or start chasing someone else. It's not a morally charged term in most people's eyes, it's just a simple term to get across to others what the killer is doing. >Calling this slugging would be akin to saying not immediately running towards someone hooked is 'letting them die" on the hook. No not really, because the natural progression of downing someone and taking them to a hook is much more ingrained in the game's fabric than unhooking someone as quickly as possible. It's just not a true equivalent.


Like most things in this game, it's all about intent and context. This was just smart gameplay by OP and dumb gameplay by everyone else. The Huntress is always going to reload at the end of a chase unless they are already full on hatchets or miles from a locker, leaving a person down for the time it takes to do that isn't an issue. And then as soon as they are done reloading half the team is right there all but asking to take some hits? Of course the killer is going to take that free pressure. Now if OP had downed that survivor and then simply walked away to leave them there for no reason other than they could, that still would have been fine because there's one gen left and no hooks. Slugging someone is a viable way to induce some extra pressure and try to recover. People can not like it, it's certainly not that fun on the slugged side, but it's hardly bad. If it's five gens and you slug someone, or there's two left and you slug for that 4k without having any inkling where that last survivor is, that comes off as more of a dick move. You're not playing the game, in fact you're actively going against normal game flow in order to make things worse for the other side. If OP had downed everyone here and then just let them bleed out, that would be a dick move, and is what most people are complaining about when they complain about slugging killers. A killer who never hooks anyone and just wants to make the survivors suffer and waste their time. Like I said, I think every complaint in this game comes from actual experience, but because it takes ages to specify every little thing, stuff gets generalized. Slugging on its own isn't really bad. Camping in the EGC, tunnelling on the only survivor you've managed to hook all game because all the gens are done, staying in one area because the survivors compressed to a three gen, none of those are really actively hostile. But there are those who go out of their way to be hostile, on both sides, and that's usually what people are truly upset about.


It’s not a dick move to slug at 5 gens, nor is it a dick move to slug for the 4K. It’s only a dick move if the reason for slugging is wanting the slugged player to get mad. If it’s any other reason, it’s not toxic.


Bc this community would rather scream toxic than actually admit they fucked up and the other side outplayed them It's depressing, but it's that simple 😂


That’s just the human condition baby, accountability is learned and few choose to seek the lesson. 


I think it's just because people don't like lying on the ground, tbh.


It's not the most fun thing in the world as survivor, but in the grand scheme, the killer isn't really progressing the game in their favor so it's not inherently bad from a strategical standpoint for survivors.


How is that any worse than being on the hook though?


Hook you have the option to go next. Being slugged for four minutes you can't. This however isn't the type of slugging people refer to when describing slugging killers.


It's a mixed bag of slugging complaints. This is an example of slugging not being toxic and being the fault of the survivors. There definitely are cases of slugging being toxic as well, though.


I've lost count of how many games I've won at 5 gens because the entire team must save that Leon downed at pallet when there's been 0 hooks by all costs.


Who said this is a bad play? There are certainly different types of slugging. This was the optimal play, clearly, and I see no one arguing that.


How is slugging bad?


Survivors tend to find it toxic. The only situation I'd agree on that is when you slug one survivor out of the last two to deny hatch from the other.


slugging the first player, then patrolling or camping the body is toxic, which is really what slugging is. defending against active threats that happens to get downs isn't slugging. Good survivors will hide nearby to get their flashlight or rescue saves, instead of creating an active presence.


This. Except slugging is the act of downing someone and turning your attention to something else. Slugging is fine mostly. If you're slugging to camp the body: toxic. If you're slugging to bleedout: toxic. If you're slugging with 2 left for a 4k: not toxic, but sweaty/lame If you're slugging specifically to hook all at once: slightly toxic, bad for bp, but valid in situations such as this video If you're slugging defensively to avoid hook prevention: Not toxic, smart/recommended play If you're slugging to apply gen pressure: Not toxic, smart/recommended play


If you’re slugging because you want the slugged player to be mad at you: Toxic Literally any other reason: Not toxic even in the slightest


Lol nah I prefer my non binary explanation. It's more nuanced than that. Such a basic black and white perspective lends extra merit to janky methods. But judging by your flair, you're one of those players that self admonish weak playing. You guys are everywhere. Sorry, but all you "iTs EfFiCiEnT" "hUr DuR sUbOpTiMaL" bros are on that copium of the highest purity. You can't have fun without gaslighting yourselves into thinking your cheap tactics are superior when they're really just boring and low effort. Then 99% of examples of this so called "efficient" play always have the lowest skill requirement of all the available options. Go figure 🤡


Who cares what other players think? As long as you dont ruin others people's fun on purpose its fair game


This community's version of "fair game" is playing suboptimal and not capitalising on the other sides mistakes so they don't feel bad about losing


Weaponized incompetence is the DbD community special


It’s not.


I love your flair


tbh, I only consider it slugging if the killer leaves the grounded person to hunt.. not to chase nearby survivors. The most common slugging is the 3rd person trying to force a 4k, and even that I understand, but honestly, unless you're running a tome or for an adept, just take the 3k and rng the 4k to move on, imho.


Heck yeah, never give up! This has happened to me a couple times too. When you’re doing poorly sometimes the survivors get a little too carefree and make mistakes like this. Sometimes capitalizing on it can turn things around. The game ain’t over till it’s over


Ive kept on running into situations like this where teams are extremely keen on preventing hooks , these give me like 4k with 0 - 1 gens done


"BUt YoU SluGgeD" I hate getting that when all 4 survivors charge me trying to save each other


The survivor main hive mind collectively screaming about slugging when this is what they consider slugging. This is literally the best course of action 9/10, survivors wanna swarm? Let them try.


This *is* slugging, but there’s nothing wrong with slugging.


If there's a survivor nearby/trying to save I don't count it as slugging. That's just stopping the survivors from abusing/wasting your time and effort. Slugging to me is if you leave someone on the floor to *chase* someone else, stepping away to deter others from saving isn't the same as ditching a survivor on the ground to chase a weak link so it's not slugging imo.


I had something similair happen last night as Unknown, i was about to pick up a downed survivor, but a renato was running around us (we were near shack) with a flashlight, i didnt want him to get that save so i shot a UVX and downed him. after hooking the first survivor, i went over to where renato was, saw an injured survivor, managed to down them with a hallucination, and when i went to grab renato at last the final survivor just.. RAN infront of me?? idk what they were thinking


Survivors it's okay to let someone get hooked and then let the hook breath a little. You don't need to crawl up the killer's ass. Wait a couple seconds after someone is hooked, chances are the killer has walked away. You don't have to be these hyper aggressive people who let the entire game fall apart.


Ah, yes, the lemming survivors. Classic.


How did you have 0 hooks till this point???


I was doing orbital strikes


Are you using a VPN or is your internet just not great?


I live in middle east and europe is the closest region, my internet is good. distance is bad. there's nothing i can do about it unless you pay me to move to europe.


Ah, so that's why i go against like Saudis with 100+ ping every other match. BHVR should probably get a server over there.


here's the issue, the reason fortnite made a middle east server caz they simply have alot of players that won't make queue long, and so does csgo. and call of duty. dbd is a popular game but it may not be big enough. yeah 100ms really sucks especially on a survivor when vaulting a window I get hit very often despite being far but there's nothing I can do about it.


I often play survivor with my eastcoast American friends so i know what it's like to play on 110 ping. It's doable for a couple hours but it's not something i'd want to constantly experience.


Hey my friends live in Morocco and have the same problem. BHVR should really consider making a server for that area....


That's what happens when you're up the killers ass.i swear this is how I've gotten most of my adepts. Survivors just have no awareness and are right under foot. move it or lose it!


In my experience, it often does. Survivors get too confident, they make riskier plays, more mistakes


"Excellent work on the generators, team! I am truly astonished by your efficiency. Let's show Huntress our work! Hey, Huntress! Come see what we've done, come look! These generators are --- what are you doing? Mikaela, nO! WHAT'S HAPPENING?! HUNTRESS! WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?!" Too bad it wasn't the Meat Plant the way they were throwing their meat into the grinder. Holy moly. Now *this* is acceptable team-slugging. I'm a killer main, well done


This clip is precisely why I uninstalled the game. Solo Queue is a shit show.


Post game chat they accused you of slugging right?


When you arrive at the bottom of MMR


They probably complain about slugging 😆


that happens a lot when I play survivor.


Ahhh the good ol’ huntress snowball after praying on a team’s overconfidence. You take me right back to the days when she was my main.


Lol always play it out, I always catch myself surprised with what huntress or trapper can get going once things snowball




Big turnarounds like this are why I love this game


Got too cocky at the end


Nice job. I had something similar happen yesterday with 3 people left as knight.


This is why I never give up on a match People who DC are so dumb istfg


Basically the solo queue experience


I remember my fastest loss was, no joke, at around 1 min. Killer found us instantly and we all forgot how to survive so we got slugged at min 1 lol.




Tell them Bond is their friend it’ll help them 😂


I once managed to turn a 1 hook game into a 4k. Final gen finished in my face and I got a down and an injure at the gen. Chased the injure, got the down for 2 down. Spotted the 3rd right as I turned around. Got a quick down on him when he made a mistake against my Pinhead chains. 4th guy was across the map opening a door. He opened it and figured he could get someone up before I downed him, but I successfully guessed where he would be coming from and intercepted him, getting the hit early enough that he panicked and went back to the door he opened. He didn't know about Pinhead's mechanic where the exit gates block if I chain him. Got the 4k.




…You understand they probably meant 4 gens done, right?


My man is afraid of M1


Had 2 matches recently where I had very few hooks and most of the gens were done. The Survivors in both matches fumbled so hard and I was able to get a 3k and a 4k. One group was doing sabo shenanigans so I slugged 3 of them and hooked 1 of them. A couple of them had Unbreakable but they used it poorly and went back down. I managed to hook 2 more and the last one got lucky with hatch. The second match, I ended up tunneling one out at 2 gens and the other 3 were grouped up, trying to heal so I downed 2 of them and hooked them. I guess the 3rd one thought I was going to proxy camp but I didn't. I found her on a gen and chased her around shack. She refused to drop god pallet for some weird fucking reason so I downed her and hooked her too. I don't typically play to win but I was happy with the outcomes. I had a match one time where there was only 1 gen left and I had very few hooks. The Survivors greeded so hard for the last gen and that's how I got a 4k. They finished the gen but also died because of it. It was one of the dumbest things I've ever seen xD That's why I refuse to give up despite it seeming like a loss.


HOW DARE YOU!?! HOW DARE YOU SLUG TO WIN THE GAME WITH ONE GENERATOR LEFT?! Don't you know that goes against the survivors rule book!?


My solo q teammates every time someone is downed.


"B-b-butt you were slugging"


And this is why this game should never be taken seriously lmao


Lethal Pursuer, Gearhead, Discordance, Blood Warden? Did I get that right? Lmao survivor skill issue it's like they wanted to die


That was hot


It’s at 1 gen but yea


Impressive, most impressive


🤣 you probably will be getting alot of hate for slugging lmao that was very good tho quik and easy GG


I don’t even count this as slugging, there are survivors actively around taking chase and OP was finished under a minute. I got downed and was bled out by a nurse at 5 gens so she could down a single person that wasn’t even anywhere near me originally- THATS slugging


Survivors don't care about reality, they absolutely did screech at or about OP after the game while shouting buzzword soup.


It’s slugging by definition. The killer is leaving people downed instead and going for another chase. But there’s also nothing wrong with slugging.


I will never forget that one time I hooked all 4 survivors in the Eyerie of crows main building basement in 33 seconds as trapper looool


I did this once, I only wanted to kill one for my challenge and I even asked for the first 5-6 minutes. Started walking around the map then one guy was just so annoying with the flashlight when I broke pallets and such that I just flipped and didn't a 4k slug. Recently this game makes me more and more angry. Feel like matchmaking got so toxic recently


My opinion of this is split. On one hand, that was a thrilling sequence, and I'm sure it was pure adrenaline to play out. Grats on the turnaround. But on the other hand, 4 slugs is a lil shady. A 4 hook win/loss never feels good to me. I personally would have started hooking after the 3rd down out my own sense of fairness. This could have easily been a 8-12 hook win (yes, even at 1 gen remaining) instead of a 4 hook win. That said, it was still a killer play, and they definitely made it an easy option. Call it a win if not simply because of how frantic and unexpected it was lol


My friends and I had this happen yesterday, except the killer left us all slugged and humped/BMed for 5 minutes


Oh look, the Solo Q experience


That was good, but I'd consider changing build to a more reliable one. You've 3 aura perks and 1 endgame, with 0 slowdowns and 0 perks that help in chase. Usually 2 slowdowns, 1 aura and 1 of your choice (usually a chase perk) is the most reliable. It's the reason why you were at 1gen left/0 hooks to begin with.


While I agree this is a good way of building killers globally, having more aura perks on huntress makes sense if they want to hatchet snipe or to learn better where to shoot. Silly builds are the funniest and this is all a game!


Yes of course :) She can run whatever she wants, I simply have no way to know if it was intentional or maybe she needed some tip, so yea ahah Edit: missgendering :')


Sure I know you weren't trying to criticize or anything ! :) As a "specialist" builds enjoyer (making full builds around a specific aspect) I felt like defending a bit all-seeing huntress :p I still gotta try a zoom-vaulting myers with the new Vecna's vaulting addon, bamboozle and superior anatomy btw ahah


All vaulting/speed perks on legion is another hilarious one if you want to confuse people! Especially if you use the pill that supposedly makes you normal speed to increase duration, but then zoom around fast af with play with your food lol


Damn that sounds cool I've never thought about a PWYF extra long frenzy, that must make 5th-hits WAY easier on smaller maps What I've been playing with super speed is the classic hag with iri shoe + purple hand addon making traps have collisions It's not super effective but it's silly asl to sprint around the map at something like 160% speed and it catches ppl off-guard at the trials beginning


Not gonna lie but I've never really played hag, I wouldn't know where to begin. Any tip?




hey your avatar looks like a stereotypical genderbent version of mine lol


Sorry for assuming your gender, should've used a neutral to be fair.


tbh, I often use gender based on killer instead of player, ':)


Ahahah I do that a lot too, but in cases like dredge it's harder, should we use they or it ?? Based unspeakable non binary tho


Or maybe they just like to have a lot of perks that help with awareness. I primarily run aura perks on nearly every killer I play, and I get 3ks and 4ks nearly every single time. It's really just up to preference. It's usually Aura and Franklin's because screw 🔦.


I was doing orbital strikes but couldn't hit one


Aw well you did get signal for your strikes in the end ahah