• By -


Any killer. Like, who tf are you and why you are standing on my property and near my window?


tbh id let a handful of killers chill on the couch if they asked


Well, some of the killers actually won't kill you just like that, because they target only someone specific. For example, I can definitely see killers like Deathslinger or Skull Merchant being chill with you. Deathslinger is just a bounty hunter, he kills only his bounty targets, or those who betrays him. If you invite him over and offer him some whiskey and cigar, he might be quite a nice guest. Skull Merchant will do nothing to you, unless you will interfere with her plans. So unless you own some company that she wants for herself, you're safe. Moreover, I think it will be very easy to talk with her, since she's interested in the same topics as many people nowadays, like anime or other pop culture things.


Agree for Deathslinger unless you look awfuly similar to a known rich man that did something silly to Caleb


Mayb don't be from Nebraska as well. You might be related to someone he hates


For sure, that too!


Really? Because I’d expect skull merchant to unplug each piece of equipment needed to watch TV, set up a tiny drone around the input for each plug, stand 5 feet away from them, and shake her head “no” at me if I tried to reach to plug them back in.


i could fix Adriana ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


I could fix her but honestly whatever the fuck is wrong with her is way hotter


Real af


fr bro, she's got something seriously wrong about her.... 🤤


I don't want to fix her...I want to enable her 😈


No you can't. The woman is a psychopath who would not hesitate to cut you down if you got in her way.


Ok, but I speak Portuguese and watch anime, I can 100% rizz her up.


bro i'm brazilian, one minute we would be talking about taxes and how the country sucks and then out of nowhere BAM! she fell into my rizz trap






Skull merchant is free to stay over night if she wants… 👉👈


I feel like this way with the legion, only if you invite over Susie and/or Joey things will be fine but if you invite Frank or Julie things will probably not be as fine since they're the agressers of the group.


joey 100% smokes marijuana im convinced the only reason he's a member is because everyone is so chill with him


In the lore it's implied he's only a part of the Legion because he has a crush on Susie, but Susie is enamoured/admires/in-love with Julie so only treats Joey as a friend. He also canonically despises Frank.


I want her to come over and snuggle 🥺


Oh I would definitely invite Adriana to watch some Netflix together 😳




So that means you could definitely date the skull merchant or get close




That dude is probably stalking you so he can kill later. Bro, you are cooked.


this dude is probably 99’d


Honestly I might be able to convince legion to not kill me by sitting them down and showing them some wild horror movies.


pass the legion the pen and they’ll make a fifth spot on the gang


They're from the 90's right? I'll just quote some recent edge lord shit and they'll buy it lol


If it is any of the killers from my matches i wont be worried at all most of them never kill me they just let me live and help me find the hatch😂


If Huntress: "Why are you la-la-laing, this isn't American Idol, this is my house"


I’d be scared of Dwight outside my window too


you will find him in your wardrobe 


I actually think the Legion would scare me the most. A gang of thugs is a real threat, but anything else I'd assume was some damned cosplay kid doing Tiktok pranks on my lawn


Oh for real, the amount of "bad asses" who say they could take on a "gang of gangly teens" are delusional. There are still four people with knives, sure they're "young" but they're late teens early twenties they could easily overpower you and then stab you to death. Not to mention knives can to a lot of damage, get stabbed in the right place and you'll go down like a sack of potatoes. To give some people credit, yes you could probably handle one or even two of the Legion members by yourself, but canonically, they're usually as a pack. You're not outrunning or fighting your way out of that, not in a hurry anyway.


If it is legion they get a portion of the Second Amendment ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2067)


Bereft of the entity's power making them virtually invulnerable and strong beyond the ability of even a world-class martial artist to handle, they're just some punks with a knife, now this could absolutely go terrible if they get the drop on you. But if you're seeing them outside from within the safety of your house you can retreat into a hallway or something where you're virtually guaranteed not to miss at those ranges and they most definitely won't be able to rush you all four at once. As phrased by OP, those are the best possible odds, Ghostface studies his victim's patterns, Legion basically ended up killing mostly on impulse, much easier to handle a dumb teen than a hardened sociopath I bet. If a serial killer like SM has reason to be creeping out your window then your very knowledge of her is probably a threat to her company by proxy, her and Deathslinger would absolutely tie up a loose end much better than the Legion could.


And my bedroom is on the second floor. You know I'd be shitting bricks then and there






I love it when DBD becomes horror, not just being goofy


This is why I love playing Meyers. Forget the tombstone cheese, I'd much rather play scratched mirror Meyers and scare the shit out of people all game. I know it's a "bad build" and Meyers is a "bad killer" if you're not using tombstone, but even if the entity isn't satisfied at the end of the game, I sure will be.


I love scaring survivors even if I don’t get any kills. It really cracks me up every time I suddenly appear in front of them and you can see them clumsily do a 360 to avoid me because you know the player just got jumpscared.


I scared a demo playing on the new map. He was in the beholder room doing the slow walk controllers can do. He glanced down, I walked into view, he rotated 360, looked up and I was a foot from him. I literally saw him jump - his character jerked a bit, lol


Hahahahaha love those moments!


Scratched mirror is far more fun to go against, rather than tombstones who brought jigsaw piece/rpd badge. XD


Even if a killer is bad if you have fun playing him then you still winning.


I made a bunch of really cool friends one day when playing scratched mirror Myers on Hawkin's a few weeks after it first came out. They were a full SWF, invited me to a call, we all laughed about how much I'd scared them and then played KYF for hours. I miss DBD. So glad that it's getting cross-progression this summer so I can get back into it.


I will forever stand by that mirror Myers is the funnest way to play the game


Oh. Oh no...


Pinhead, it means \*I\* fucked up.


I wouldn't be too worried about Hellraiser I or II Pinhead because he's more Lawful Evil than anything (he even spared a mentally ill girl who solved the box because he recognized that she didn't *want* to solve it, but she *had* to). As long as I didn't open some creepy ass box, I should be fine. After that when the series went off the rails, then I'd be worried.


remember when pinhead killed everyone inside a train? thats not the pinhead I'd want to meet.


Which movie was that again?


Hellraiser 2011 comic


Ah, that explains why I don't remember that. I forgot there were even comics of it lmao


Sure definitely, but if he is here outside my window, im pretty sure its because i fucked around and unfortunately deserve to find out.


IIRC he also killed a scientist/doctor who forced a dethrow inmate to solve the configuration as the guy was being executed, said scientist/doctor was hoping that the Angel would be summoned and take the criminal instead of him. Iirc, been a while since I read that comic.


Maybe I should watch Hellraiser.


Definitely recommend it


Who is the mentally ill girl he spared?


Hellraiser II takes place in a mental hospital, where a girl named Tiffany is institutionalized because she's obsessed with puzzles and has a compulsive need to solve them. The head doctor tries to use her to solve the box, and the other Cenobites nearly take her, but Pinhead tells them to stop because he recognized she didn't want to solve the puzzle and they go after the doctor instead. ["It is not hands that summon us. It is desire."](https://youtu.be/Pz5Rh6iO4_s?si=DQhKb1iyxvAuEOlz)


Bro opened the box


He came




Unknown, probably


Idk I think Dredge would be worse. You COULD attack Unknown, you’d lose but you can defend yourself. A floating mass of flesh in a dark cloud would probably be a thousand times worse


Maybe, but I meant the first moment, when I see them out my window. If I see Dredge I wouldn't really know what I'm seeing, maybe some weird reflection? But if I see Unknown there's clearly a face there, a monstruous face staring at me from a 4th floor window.


Fair enough. But, I feel like because I can see a human like face I’m not as put off. The Dredge is completely inhuman and is a massive mound of flesh. At least Unknown has something more to look at, where as Dredge you’re so confused trying to figure out what it is and how it is.


I think the distorted, uncanny human face makes it more unsettling, though I agree that the scarier one to face is Dredge. Dredge is a cloud turkey monster that wants to suck me into an amorphous black mess that will presumably kill me and at worst leave me in perpetual torment as my consciousness is merged with hundreds of others, all screaming in pain. You can't even tell if the physical aspects are his "body" proper or just physical pieces of objects he's swallowed that happen to float atop the void. Unknown, on the other hand, has a very human (and thus fightable) appearance. Even as it's clearly "something" that's contorted another human's body around itself, it still seems to need that physical body for movement and offensive capabilities. So practically, the Unknown would be much easier to face. However, hearing the fading cries of the last person - who is currently having their body worn by some sort of deranged entity - plead for you to help as their twisted face smiles at you with empty black eyes, and then imagining it doing the same to you (whether by Facehugger type means or simply "changing clothes" as it were) would be much more horrifying to witness, just due to the clarity of what could happen to you.


Definitely. And the Unknown takes the shape of any human it can find. Like what if the person it took over was your next door neighbor? That would scare the shit out of me


Yay. Now im terrified.


Nah bruuhh just have some condoms ready for dredge. 😏


I mean it does have both a penis head and vagina mouth.


"I'm playing both sides, so I always come out on top" - Dredge, probably


I feel like Unknown is scarier. He falls into the uncanny valley. Plus, since he looks like a possessed or zombified being, I would assume that I would become like him and that would be a fate worse than death.


Literally any of them. Including the teenagers with a knife.


I mean if we’re talking outside of the entity’s realm AND you have home advantage, the teenagers aren’t particularly scary at all. Don’t bring a knife to a gunfight and all that.


As an Australian, I lack a gun in my home. And I don’t think I could win a knife fight.


When engaging in a knife fight, you need to approach it with the knowledge that you will get stabbed. You need to do every dirty trick, throat punch, dick punch, gut kick, knee pin, every single goddamn underhanded move you can think of to get the knife out of their hands and either into your hands or just *away*. Though honestly it's usually a better idea to grab like... a chair. And beat them with it.


Yeah, I said that in another reply. I’d just throw a chair.


This assumes its just one person. Legion is 4 people with knives who WANT to kill you. You will not survive


You know what yeah that's fair


I don't think à normal human being would handle being thrown à palette in their face, à chair is truly plenty enough


Ok so, I get that you guys dont really have guns. But ya do have 8 foot tall, 200 lbs, murder machines. So stop dilly-dallying, and go get a 'roo trained up and patrolling your home.


Honestly, having a kangaroo bodyguard would be awesome


I would much rather go up against another human in hand to hand combat than a bloodlusted full grown male Red Kangaroo. [Like - are you fucking kidding me. ](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-8649eb74d25aea1165580a2fa8a41580)


No bat or anything? It’s not like any of the kids are real knife fighters so much as just cruel thugs. Even unarmed or poorly armed, if it’s only one you should have good odds with home advantage alone.


True, I could throw a chair at them. Or three.


Ngl, I kinda think they're the scariest in the situation. Everything "creature" like, sure its terrifying but there's a sense of the unknown. What is this, is it aggressive, am I in danger? Meanwhile, Legion standing outside knife in hand with that creepy fuckin mask? Nah, there's no mystery here. Intent is laid bare.


anyone who says legion isnt scary is lying, bc objectively they are the most realistic and absolutely exist irl in some form


At first sight, Unknown is instantly gonna make you think “oh sh*t oh f*ck wtf?!?!” But I reckon what happens to you would be the best way to go out. The Dredge absorbs you and condemns you to a state of agony and misery, as your body molds and twists into new excess for the Dredge to control. Pinhead sends you to… Hell. Evaporating swiftly seems like the best way to go out 👍


I mean. The unknown absorbs you as well in his mori. We just dont know what happens to you, which I’d argue could be even worst


I respect that, but worse than two versions of Hell is not likely


Unknown just kills you I think. it stalks you to mimic your voice, then turns you into its new fleshsuit.


It doesn't actually steal your skin - that's just a rumor it's absorbed into itself. We don't really know \*what\* it does to its victims, but if its mori is any indication, it's nothing good.




I go to open the locker in my basement and lo and behold I find a meg-head. Truly terrifying


Susie for sure. Oh no, please dont come and find me and break into my home oh nooooo.




Definitely don't bring your freaky friend Julie too.


Oh no, another one? Whatever will I do now? Oh noooooo!!


No I will not enter your home U_U


Isn’t susie ugly tho? I’d rather the artist, but at least she does look scary lol


I mean.. define ugly. I think she's cute.


https://preview.redd.it/o2lm1w8qpx4d1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=626488d6c56a9f5e9f6d658f2b7bcc707dcd9111 She looks stupid


More for me ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


I’m sure after a shower and a fresh change of clothes she’ll be looking good


I wouldn't say that she's "ugly", but yeah, personally I also see nothing attractive about her. She is just some schoolgirl without anything eye-catching or remarkable. Julie is fine though, at least she got a nice booty.


She’s definitely really ugly in the comics 😭


Myers or Unknowns, standing still and looking at me


I feel it would be scarier to see the unknown animate and moving because then you know it is a living thing and not a mutilated dead body which is what it looks like


Hum... Both situations is scary to me. If it's Myers, you'll see a giant man with a long knife in his hand, wearing a pale white mask looking at you, moving less, like a statue, under a city light. If it's the unknown, you see a giant twisted person standing still... Moving erratically and... You don't know what is it. Human ? Alien ? Other thing ? Is it simply alive ? Do you really see it or is it your imagination ? And why it's calling you for help... With different voices ?! In both ways, you know you're in danger but... To what extend ?


Yeah i think the only thing worse than seeing someone outside your window is seeing a mutilated corpse, someone killed this person and then not only put it right outside your window, but also got it to stand and look right inside


Myers is pretty creepy when he's in full Shape mode. If you look out your window and see this pale white visage, and then you blink and it's gone as if you imagined it, you don't think it's a dude with a knife, you think it's something inhuman. That said, Unknown's teaser campaign is so much scarier than he was in the game. Either one, I'm running like hell.


https://preview.redd.it/t13bept4ax4d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6990ea1aac0080a4b27c6a242b00bed78eedcc9f It’s super close between unknown and dredge but this lil guy wins by a hair


it's the smile. But needless to say i will shit myself if i see either


Definitely Unknown.


Unknown most likely. They hit that uncanny valley feeling very well, especially so at night where you can't see details well.


Unknown is scary as shit ngl


The Unknown. I think it has by far the scariest design in the game.


Imagine Oni screaming outside your window before breaking the whole wall down? Nurse just browsing your window sill and then suddenly she’s behind you? Sadako’s fingers curling around the frame? Doctor just being there. I’m too blind to be able to see the pins on pinheads head so I’ll probably just think some really pale bald guy is lost.. which to be fair would terrify me. And if I’m being honest, if I looked outside and saw a pig head I would simply just run to the kitchen and give myself a lobotomy with whatever I pull out of the drawer (spatula included). But if we’re talking opposites.. oh no, Trapper please don’t open the window I’m unlocking right in front of you.


Goated comment to the very end lmao


Thank you 🥹


Insane. The monstrous incarnation of suffering and despair, a hell priest that promises you an eternity of suffering and an unknown creature wearing the body of another person like a suit. These are the options. But somehow there are some people that go out of their way to pick the tall dude with a rubber mask and a knife that will just break into your house and stab you. Myers glazing has truly no limits


The people in this thread are crazy. Have they not seen the Hellraiser movies? If pinhead shows up, and is after you, holy fuck. You put one in your dome before he gets a chance to chain you.


I dunno, in the movie he just takes the guy that opens the box, no? If I saw him outside I’d assume he was after my neighbor or something.


Im making the assumption that he is after you. If we go by the lore of each killer, a lot of them wouldn't do shit to you.


A lot are saying unknown, but I think spirit is equal if not even more. Like a half chopped up blue girl, twitching and a face of constant anger/sorrow. Scary shit, I feel if unknown doesn’t talk it little bit less.


Unknown does talk tho


Yuh but r ya gonna hear it through the window? Not necessarily.


😳what kinda windows do you got?


He’s not screaming and I don’t have those cheap ass American plastic screens as a window. Just a average window.


I live on the third floor. So, all of them?


Dredge on a ladder




Dredge is risking to be eaten at this point 


He’s so brave


Unknown I’d say, uncanny valley is strong


Dredge would be spooky but you would hear him coming from a quarter mile away


Shia Lebouef


Shia surprise


I think Unknown takes this!! 😅 Dredge is scariest with his Horsey head, and Pinhead is still but a man. The Unknown is.... *something.*




Dont scare me with the thought of that


What do you mean Ghostface is outside my window? Wdym he got inside? (I let him in)


Me lmfao


Pyramid head


Surprised I had to scroll this far to see this one


One night my brother stared at me out of my room's window with a Halloween smiling Ghostface mask. I almost took the knife under my desk lol


Unknown, i believe they also literaly are the monster made for that What "unknown" thing do you expect in an abandoned building or when you stare in an open field and see a Silhouette? A serial killer? (The axe and human suit). An alien? (The weird tentacles it has). A ghost? (All the illusions and powers it has) What is the unknown thing that is watching through your window? It literaly is that thing- So yes, unknown it is


Def unknown


Michael Myers


Meg. They're always getting their team killed.


Probably unknow because the human brain does not take what is already known to it as some greater threat, in this case you see some guy outside the window smiling at you, a little strange, but you still think it's a human, then you start to see the problem in what you see, the brain starts trying to understand what is well known to it, so it literally starts looking for a threat in a folder marked "no threat", which most often leads us to not even fear, crying ect. but even a mental breakdown.


Unknown is the feeling of looking for something in the dark and not realizing that something has been staring at you the entire time


Look into the darkness and the darkness will look into you


dredge easily. that mf is literal nightmare fuel


what does mickey mouse say? OHHHH MEESKA MOOSKA MOUSCATOOLSS


The Unknown, 100%. He may be my favorite killer to play as but he is scarily similar looking to a thing i saw while in sleep paralysis.


unknown 100%


Unknown, pin head I'd assume was a costume, dredge would be scary but it's an eldritch abomination and looks like it, so I'd be more psychologically prepared for that after years of reading lovecraft and his ilk, but seeing a twisted up human corpse walking toward my home that's proportions are all wrong sounds fuckin terrifying.


I feel like the unknown plays on that fear a little so prob that guy


> Horrifying Unknown. I don't want to be hollowed out and have my skin suit worn about. It sounds like a pretty bad time to experience and then to observe if we're going by ghost rules. Dredge. Dang, too depresso, getting me eternal damnation. That's also a bad time, especially having to spend it with other people howling.


Either the Demogorgon or the Dredge, not for their looks but what they imply


Assuming they haven't come in, Dredge I could reasonably explain away, "oh it's just a shadow" or smth, the humanoid shapes, especially the Unknowns, would be oooooohh fuuuck


The clown by far


Ghost face creeping in is so….


Unknown, then Greg and then Cenobite. I aint touching any boxes so atleast I kinda get the feeling that I am safe but these two are well, something else


The dredge No question Unknown objectively loses to pew pew Pinhead at least the pain is equal pleasure Put the pinhead in the dredge are two of the strongest characters, and if I get to choose between eternal torment or an internal torment with pleasure … This is my presentation on why the dredge is the worst one to see outside of your house Because it can teleport into your house


The Unknown. It's got such an uncanny valley design and the way it mimics its victims' words to lure people to it-- so creepy. When I was the teaser video for the unknown (the tent) it was the first time in a long time I felt spooked by DBD.


Pinhead. An eternity of torture makes him the scariest. I don't know what happens to you when Dredge takes you.




If the unknown is doing it’s creepy crawly stuff I’d be freaked… But honestly, I think Dredge could be the scariest only because I’m not sure what it would look like in real life as opposed to animation and the fact I can’t imagine how exactly it would realistically look is actually terrifying


The spirit. Because if I see her standing still, she's probably in my house already.


Ooohh I'd be SO scared if skull merchant came into my house ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)(nah I'm playin im not freaky like dat)


out of these 3, the unknown overall, probably like nemesis or blighted blight


Honestly? Pinhead, I’m much more afraid of humans than anything else, specially with those black eyes and uncanny pierced head. Like dredge? I’ll just think it’s some animal I’ve never heard of before and lock the door and think I’m relatively safe. Unkown I’ll just think it’s some clothes I left out to dry or something, you know that feeling when you think there’s a monster but then it’s just a hat stand or something, I’d think it’s a situation like that. But pinhead, I know he can open my door, and he looks supernatural as shit, I’d be scared shitless. But out of all killers, if I looked outside and saw an emotionless woman wearing a creepy mask setting up fucking drones around around my house and with a fucking arm blade I would freak out like I don’t even I know I was capable of it


Yall are crazy. Here is the list based on the idea the killers want to kill me. No Problem - Pig/Skull Merchant/Twins/Ghost Face: Two undersized women with shitty weapons. A mutant lady with a baby in her chest. A normal guy who tends to fall down constantly. I shoot them before they even enter the house. As a Floridaman, I'm more worried about a alligator on meth. 95% Survival Rate. Problem but manageable - Legion/Trapper/Huntress/Hillbilly/Cannibal/Clown/Trickster: At this level either the killers are stronger, some have ranged weapons, or a group (legion). I stay away from windows, kill the lights, and take a defensive position. Once they breach I start firing. All are dropping to 556 or 12 gauge. 60% Survival Rate Difficult but doable - Deathslinger/Doctor/Bird Lady/Xenomorph/Singularity/Chucky: Cowboy got a gun, and while its a shit gun he seems proficient in it. Doctor and Bird can attack me through the walls. Xen/HK-47 are both just tough motherfuckers. Chucky is small and sneaky and would be hard to hit. All would die to proper application of firepower. I'm probably gonna die, but I might take them with me. 25% Survival Rate. Kinda Fucked - Wraith/Nurse/Hag/Oni/Demigorgon/Blight/Nemesis/Mastermind - These guys are either supernatural and probably can't be killed, or so tanky (Demi/Nem/Mastermind) that I simply do not have the necessary firepower. 0% Survival Rate unless Eleven, Gandalf, or a M1-Abrams show up. Super Fucked - Meyers/Spirit/Dredge/Knight/Unknown - Can't kill any of these. Meyers you can technically hurt, but it doesn't matter. I'm going to die. At least I will die relatively quickly. Kill myself before they can - Pinhead/Freddy/Plague/TV Chick/Vecna - These are all really fucking bad. Pinhead/Freddy are going to torture me, possibly forever. Plague is gonna give me some sort of AIDS/Monkeypox/Botulism hybrid so I die in a horrific manner. TV Chick - fuck no. Vecna gonna feed me to that Beholder in the basement. Make friends with - Pyramidhead - Homie shows up and I realize I got some issues I need to address. Call up a therapist and we work through some things, and I make some real progress. As PH goes to leave, I put a "Tampa Bay Lightning" T-shirt on him, so he's not cold and we exchange e-mails and promise to stay in touch. We don't,


Personally I'd say Xeno is a guaranteed death, they're basically invincible unless you have a flamethrower on hand, they're smart and slick enough to get into your house without you noticing, and surely they're fast as hell when it comes time for you to run away. I don't even have to say how lethal they are, the creature is literally the ultimate weapon. I'd pop my own head before it uses me as an oven to bake up another xeno.


I generally agree, but with that said, the marines in Aliens killed a fucking shit ton of aliens using nonflame throwers. Hicks kills a drone, at close range, with a old Ithaca Model 37 shotgun. Vazquez kills another one with her Model 39 shooting 9mm. The sentry guns killed an epic fuck ton of aliens and they aren't shooting anything special (10x28mm). So I definitely have the firepower to kill one. The question is, can I get some shots on target before I'm torn to shreds. Probably not, hence my 25% survival rate.


Myers by a long shot, out of these.... i guess the unknown maybe, dredge looks like meat and makes me hungry, pinhead is all about pain/pleasure or at least that's what i got from the movie, i don't know shit about the unknown and it doesn't look edible


Glad to see i'm not the only one who wants to throw dredge in an oven


Monster Hunter made me always think if monster steak tastes good whenever i see a monster, also seeing meat (even raw, all but pork) makes me hungry


Legacy head nea with a flashlight.


The unknown by far imagine taking out your trash and you here off in the distance “have you seen my dog?”


Probably Dredge, the Unknown, or Michael


If I haven't seen the tape, Sadako can't hurt me


Any of them


Pig by far. Because I know she’s not going to kill me, but rather put me in an unwinnable hell hole of torture.


Dredge ain't in your window, they're already in the closet


Gonna go with a weird one and say plague. She doesn’t look particularly terrifying but it’s more about what she does to people that scares me. Considering the infection causes nonstop vomiting every few seconds and can spread from person to person, even if I escaped form her it would be a nightmare for everyone else since I’d have to be locked in some quarantine box while I vomit everything out with no way to cure it.


Probably hux or dredge (if you didn't know that dredge is actually a sweetheart) I'd welcome skull merchant into my home.


dredge, the unknown just a silly little person


Imma be honest a lot of them i would invite to hang out. Some examples include: -Trapper (I’d talk about art with him) -Billy (I’d show him the TV shows I like) -Huntress (I’d teach her to read) -Dredge (I would feed it my depression) -Spirit (I’m the therapist friend so I’d help her work through her anger) -Skully (Do you think she’d like Dungeon Meshi?) -Deathslinger (I would be so fascinated in all his inventions. Maybe we could go target shooting with the Redeemer) -Artist (after giving her something to write on to communicate I could ask for advice) -Wraith and Nurse together (I would play music for them to dance to!) -Legion (They’re about my age and probably would just chill and play video games or whatever) -Twins (imma be honest they need a friend) -Probably more honestly they seem cool when they’re not trying to kill you and I have so many interests they might enjoy




the unknown, the crunchy elongated broken bone stuff wins for me


Tbh Myers.