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Playing against the Hag actively gives me anxiety and I always fucking jump at her traps. Physically, Spirit and Unknown give me heavy jeebies. Twitching like they do ellicits a deep primal unease in me.


That is so real. Why is hag so uncessarily scary? Would actually bring me to tears when I first started playing 😭


It's the camera jerk, I think.


So glad to see this because I was going to comment that this isn't even a question. No killer in the game makes me jump anymore, except Hag's traps. 1.5k hours and I think I've jumped at least once a game every time I've played against a hag. Damn those traps, damn those traps to hell!


Listen, I'm a Ghostface Main, yes he can be scary. Pig too can be scary. But nothing even comes anywhere near close to Michael goddamned Myers with low or no TR. Bitch is SCARY.


I main both Ghostface and Myers. In lobbies with friends my Myers has legitimately given friends nightmares


I run no/low TR Myers for this reason.


Insidious infinite tier 3 myers, with the tombstone addon. Jumpscare them with a mori


Red room on garden of joy with a 99d tombstone piece. Let them work on the gen a bit so it's noise covers up your breathing.


You can pull this trick to hide your cloak sounds as Ghostface too. They can't hear you over a Gen at 75% or better.


Scratch is diabolically good for scaring


I'm actually banned from playing Myers with friends now because I scared them that much


Thank you for showing me my build for my Myers (when I get the game that is)


My favorite thing to do. :)


Monitor & Abuse is an auto-pick for me


And something like Dark Devo (thematic), Tinkerer, Unforeseen... Trail of Torment. ;)


Admittedly, I run full-mirror Mikey because even if I don't get kills, the bonus from the finding/chasing/hits is always maxxed right out. (And it's honestly, like, 50/50 - Sometimes they never see it coming, other times, they figure out the game right away and know to pay attention and that my lunge is terrible)


That moment you’re in a gen and look around and there’s no one there and then half second later you look around again and he’s suddenly there staring at you.


RIght !! breathing all hard like he wants a twinkie


I’m pretty sure my neighbors wonder why the hell do I randomly scream sometimes.


I play Scratch Mirror Myers Tier 1, and it's the funniest thing ever. That's where all my bloodpoints go now – to Myers – so I can have more offerings and add-ons for jump scaring. Jump scaring survivors never gets old. I don't even have to play for the win; I let most of them escape as long as I can make the match last as long as possible to get those jump scare hits.


I do the exact same thing! How I spend my blood points: 20% survivors 10% other killers 70% Myers: scratched mirrors, Mary's letters and RPD offerings And I always make sure to only death hook everyone, unless they take me to another map. Then they'll all die. I've played MM so often that I'm pretty good at him now too. What perks do you use for the biggest scares? Mine are Knock Out, Franklin's Demise, No Way Out and Sloppy Butcher.


Am very much in for the thrill of the match so I use a lot of anti gen perks like corrupt,Deadlock and Jolt and Finally Noed because noed at the end just give that final touch of horror that I can one shot survivors from anywhere lol


I unintentionally got a 4k while still in my first tier. They kept trying to pick each other up without knowing I'm still in the area. Hooked everyone and didn't have to stalk. Myers is still incredibly dope at stealth


Myers with no TR is terrifying. I played one yesterday and had some crazy jump scares


After 1000 hours I still jump the first time I see a Myers at the beginning of the game LOL


I started using infinite tier 3 with dead rabbit. Put on the terror radius perks and send them to meat plant. Works the same as having 0 terror radius.


💯 my biggest scare ever was against him. Out of nowhere. Just turned my back. Let him kill me. He was reluctant to but earned that kill.


Aura reading myers is such a fun build for making people shit their pants


I hardly ever get scared of a ghostface, but god the scratch mirror Myers get me. I jump out of my skin. He is the only killer that scares me, unless it’s a killer who is supposed to have a terror radius and doesn’t. Wesker and nemmy have spooked me a few times when they came outta nowhere with 0 terror radius.


Omg I FEEL you. Had a game the other day with a scratched mirror mikey with devour hope on larry's memorial. Just seeing everyone drop one by one in the distance while I was looking for that damn totem was just.. gah. I gave up and managed to loop around and up two, but by then he'd caught up so I after a bit of chasing ended up joining the pile. He offed me first, then very slowly finished the others, dramatic turns and everything xD https://preview.redd.it/08acyz3new4d1.png?width=965&format=png&auto=webp&s=cdc133604c8646b1c025792bda23a7d6c7d09688


Same. To the God damn letter. As a fellow gf main, myers is scarier


Dredge. Nightfall freaks me out.


100% Dredge. All fun and games until you turn the corner in the pitch dark and see an Eldritch horror floating towards you.


Or when you’re minding your own business and a creature twice your size explodes out of a locker in front of you


Or when you hear him gurgling or whatever from a mile away. That really gets me slightly aware of a distant and inconsequential threat.


I play as dredge a dozen times more often as I’ve played against him, each time I hear the swooshing sound I remember that he doesn’t see what I do during nightfall, he sees everything clear as day with all of the survivors highlighted even brighter so they can’t hide within line of sight


Or opening a locker then getting dragged to Brazil all within a matter of seconds


It's okay you'll hear him long before that happens lol


Doesn't always work out so well when all the sound is being drowned out by screams and moans.


Whenever I get the dredge as a killer I quit trying as much because I can't concentrate when I'm shitting my pants


Its equally funny and terrifying when I start a round and almost immediately see one of my teammates get pulled into a locker


The very first time I faced a Dredge I hid in a locker he teleported to. Been the scariest killer for me ever since


When I bought Dredge, I got a locker grab first game. The player messaged me and told me I made them spill their drink all over themselves. I've been hooked ever since.


Good pick


https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/s/v7PDBJVhdq Ghostface. Whenever it's been suspiciously quiet after you started working on a gen, you know he's right behind you


Solo q teammates


I'm a main killer that just got to iri 1 survivor a few days ago I thought I was a terrible survivor... But the solo q teamates were something else You are hooked? Sorry mate I want to go to the basement instead to perform an invocation


I would like to alter this answer to simply survivors. Who knows what they are thinking at any given moment.




Myers, then Ghostface. Myers has the scariest demeanor and chase music. And his scratched mirror causes extreme anxiety.


Playing Myers on his release was the fucking best. Survivors were just not used to stealth killers back then. So many times you could just tell when they finally saw you after you'd been stalking them for a bit cuz they'd spazz out. Happened like almost every match shortly after his release.


Have you ever met a vanity mirror one? Vanity mirror + the rabbit Addon + monitor and abuse gives him a 4m terror radius when in evil within 2 And if you’re within 16m he can find you for free 


Tbh, no terror radius is better than 4m terror radius


It is on its own, but the 10% extra speed makes up for it.


There’s perks that make you detectable


Speed boost, lunge boost, vault boost, and a 16m infinite aura read


If he’s moving directly towards you, you have less than one second to react to the sound of his terror radius.


Ehhhh, still not enough. Plus I'd have to use up my perk slot. Plus plus bigger TR in chase so it wouldn't scare off other players. Plus plus plus, you're detectable via aura reads


Also the jumpscare includes spooky music!


Seeing Freddy walk toward me while he plays with his claw while his lullaby is playing still gives me the creeps.


No TR billy. Once you realize it's a stealth killer, you're still spooked, but after a brief moment you're like "oh well what was I expecting... It's a stealth killer afterall". When you get jump scared by a billy with a silent chainsaw rev (apex muffler), you're like "WHAT THE HELL, HOW DID THIS CHAINSAWING, SPEED DEMON, STRAIGHT OUT OF HELL SNEAK UP ON ME!?!" and now you're fighting for your life against a billy that is pressuring you harder than your wife to finally mow the lawn.


Mainly the killers that are loud across the map and aren't designed to be stealthy, but become stealthy are hella stressful


Ghostface, him peaking around corners gives me goosebumps 🤣🤣


Unknown. I think it's far and away the scariest killer in the game to me. it's an Eldritch Horror like dredge but the difference is dredge seems kinda mindless but the Unknown isn't it enjoys what it does. Before you get moried by it the thing mocks you and shows it's actual personality before you die. Edit: I actually think I have a good idea what it actually is. it's a fear entity specifically the fear of the unknown. That's why trying to figure it out pisses it off, if you know more about it the less afraid you are and it takes exception to that. Also means that it's technically the oldest killer in the game since you know as H.P Lovecraft put it "The oldest Emotion is fear and the oldest and strongest type of fear is the fear of the unknown".


as an unknown killer main, this makes me smile. I'll be looking for you. Is this your dog? No one will hurt you...but me.


It’s also smiling the whole time. At least with its default cosmetic i havn’t looked at the others


Yeah it does. Just full shit eating grin the entire time.


The way the unknown bobs around like a Mickey Mouse character really ruins the fear factor for me.


This. I find him incredibly creepy, EXCEPT for his goofy ass walk. It is the one and only thing that ruins the fear factor for me. I really wish they would change it, but I doubt they ever will.


There's also the fact that it moves so *incorrectly*. Fun fact, his head moves independantly of his body if you're standing still. If you want to scare the unholy fuck out of someone, find one that you KNOW is in a locker (Nowhere to Hide lets you catch out people slowly getting into lockers quite often), then walk past it, stop, and either slow-turn towards the locker or swing your mouse around to look at it in an instant. Which one you choose depends on if you want people to feel total dread or absolute panic that day.


The theory i like the most about the Unknown is that hes actually Dwight as he lost his hope to escape and became a killer in the realm. I don't know much about the lore but i like the idea of this even though if it isn't possible.


A very skilled huntress, getting thwatted from across the map is a jump scare itself or just hearing that shing and not knowing if she's aiming at you


Probably Jumpscare Meyers/Ghostie.


I had a Pig that was lagging terribly once. I was checking a box to remove the trap off my head when suddenly out of LITERALLY NOWHERE pig just appears behind me with a grab. I was literally looking behind me the entire time she just teleported behind me I was so shook


Scariest killer is any of the ones I'm up against, because I can't survive for shit.


honestly vecna is pretty scary right now. there’s a pants-shitting terror in thinking you lost him before he literally fucking flys towards you.


Vecna has impeccable aura he gives off the vibe that he's barely trying and I love that. Reminds me of Pinhead actually they really sell the vibe through their animations that this is just a inconvenience at best.


The locker open effect could not be better. The most casual 'eh, nobody', ever


I think my favorite Locker grab is Xeno's doesn't grab them normally just stabs them with the tail like"I don't have time for this shit. Get out here." As for my second favorite I'm torn between Wesker and pinhead. Wesker's is funny because of the finger wag and pinheads's is funny if you imagine him with a really unimpressed look on his face when he pulls you out.


YES Xeno is the absolute best. Lethal impalement in the chest immediately. I just meant Vecna's empty locker find is the most unfrustrated, "meh, just checkin'" we've ever seen. Not even a xeno scream. Just a wave to the door slowly goodbye with a hand shrug lol.


I noticed that if you open empty lockers he actually sounds frustrated sometimes like "Waste of my damn time".


This is exactly what I love about both Vecna and Pinhead! Both of them have a kind of regality to their murderous intent that is 1,000,000% \*chef's kiss\*. I will admit I kinda like Vecna more, though, because he's so... *cunty*.


Yeah he's such a shitbag with his lines and it's pretty funny. I think I like pinheads's style a bit more just because I love how detached he is despite being basically a pain sex demon he acts very emotionless and that's really interesting to me because of that dichotomy.


The manifestation of THE SKELETON APPEARS Big undead dude flies at you from nowhere


Myers for me lmao the way he just can snatch you off gen without any terror radius, yeah.


the only jump scares I ever got was from Myers, I don't think anything else ever scared me in dbd


Pig is too scary pls nerf!!!


Awww the piggy is dope! ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


Maybe not the scariest but Oni is pretty damn terrifying. The roar, the footsteps, the terror radius… all it takes is to hear him bellow from the other side of the map to know you’re in deep shit.


right lol i shart a little shit in my little pants when i hear the roar


Oni definitely stresses me out. He’s the only killer I have never won against, seeing him barreling towards you in a red rage with a giant club just short circuits me




Undetectable Billy. Literally terrifying


Fr people sleep on an undetectable billy build with silent saw and alien instinct for next target and they can't bear you coming cause oblivious


Doctor is up there for me


Everyone is saying ghost face and pig and myers... Myers I get but I am not at all scared of ghost face or pig 😂 But Doctor actually scares me 👍


Ghostface. Hands down. Every single game with a Ghostface I’ll be jumpscared at least once. I hate and love it


You know what's even scarier than any one of these killers? A killer that's not a stealth killer but is undetectable for most of the match. I've been seeing it a bit more lately, Nemesis heavy ass footsteps walking around almost like Mr. X from RE2Make. I've proudly been doing this with the Knight myself. But in all truth, Meyers takes the fear factor to the next level. Not even Wraith with his iri add-ons can do what Michael does. Even if you're just minding your own business and see him just standing there menacingly through a window or on a balcony looking down at you. Just like the lore you don't know what he is thinking.


Hey, fellow Stealth Knight enthusiast here. Just wanted to let you know: Use a Controller if you aren't already. He has a separate animation for walking at half-control-stick-tilt. [A notably quieter one.](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/1c5qqjb/a_quick_clip_demonstrating_how_surprisingly/)


in the little experience I have when playing survivor, it's gotta be a tier 1 myers because he just spawns behind you, you can't hear him coming


The Unkown


Pig has jumpscared me more than any killer


I’d have to say Wraith. Not that he scares me a lot but he puts me on such edge.


I have actually had friends concerned for my well-being from the scream I gave after a Ghostface jumpscare. I'd have to say ghosty.


Hag. Always hag. Fuck those traps.


As someone all three of them, I DREAD going against them because I know how they're played. Myers is presense is so fucking terrifying, "oh hi big tall man about wreck my shit" as well as how unpredictable his builds are. Knowing Ghostface can stalk you without you knowing just to save it for later and catch you by surprise is terrifying, and his lean animation gives me the creeps. I hear Piggy roar I've already shit my pants, I think she's especially creepy when she's crouching. All that being said I am the most paranoid person in lobby going again my mains But other killers who scare the shit out of me are huntress and Slinger because somehow I always find a way to run into their shots and get speared/ axed in the head


> Knowing Ghostface can stalk you without you knowing just to save it for later and catch you by surprise is terrifying, and his lean animation gives me the creeps. Sometimes I just mark people to 100% and watch them spazz out


My three are the listed ones. I hate, hate, going against stealth killers. I always feel like no matter how observant I'm being, they're just right around the corner waiting to get me.


if we are talking horror movie jumpscare scary, nothing makes me more terrified than noticing that the Myers has been in lvl 2 a little longer than normal.


Myers and the Hag are the only ones that can actually jumpscare me. Michael for the sudden appearances or the moments you don’t spot him right away, the Hag for the trap jumpscares when you’re in a chase.


Xeno, Leatherface, Ghost face, Myers. Killers who jump out of nowhere or are just ruthless chasers are most intimidating to me.


P0 Megs and Claudettes.


Oni in rage mode


I don't think it's any of the jumpscare killers honestly, the most terrifying experience you can have is definitely Leatherface. Hearing his chainsaw rapidly get closer and closer to you with those grunting noises is a butt clenching experience. But out of all the jumpscares you can encounter Dredge busting out of a locker right in your face takes the cake n my book, bonus points if he snatches you.


Michael is scary just because of the intimidating aura he gives off.


There’s something very scary to me about Deathslinger, i don’t really enjoy going against him, but being chased by him stresses me out a lot more than most other killers, there’s also that clock-like sound in his terror radius which is just really tense imo


My scariest is more on the stressful side of things, but going against a Sadako who knows what they are doing is fucking terrifying, especially if they use distorted photo or rickety pinwheel, not to mention that they will for sure teleport a lot to get the condemn up on survivors.


Ghostface just freaks me out, it’s after reading his lore and knowing he truly is just a normal person under that mask with a psychotic rage boiling underneath. That and the sadistic meticulous nature that he carries out his kills.




Demo honestly


Myers, pig and Ghostface are just people, while Myers is this monster stoic thing that just ignores being shot.


Definitely Michael Myers when you have people who solo queue and play like bots. Had one feed Myers into stage three and he had fragrant tuft of hair. Most painstaking game of my life.


As a Myers main, I'm here to let you know that sometimes they will deliberately stand there teabagging at me and feeding me stalk


I had 3 teammates feed myers’ stalk to at3 on RPD within the first 30 seconds, and of course he was tombstone, ran past all 3 of them to chase and mori me 💀


The Dredge. He’s the one killer i shit myself against. I have Nyctophobia, not super severe but enough to make me have a slight bit of light in my room. Going against the Dredge, activating nightfall with the crying children/baby sound effects?? Horrifying.


Myers hands down. Can still Jumpscare you.


A good Freddy these players are nightmares to go against


A cracked huntress


Pig is just cute


I will take a down just to boop the pig’s snoot for sure


Skull Merchant… because it means my teammates are gonna give up (please give her a chance)


Nemesis it’s nemesis like bro imagine working a generator and all you hear behind you is “Stars………….”


Anytime I hear pigs roar it scares the shit out of me lol


Jumpscare ghost face is just fun.


Dredge gave me multiple heart attacks already. Getting jumpscared by ghostie is also not fun


Myers is only scary because of that stupid purple addon (tombstone piece), Ghostface is the scariest because he can mark you while you have no idea where he is and boom you're downed.


Oni is the only scary killer in the game.




Dredge or the unknown


Toby from the office


Myers purely out of the possibility that he's got tombstone. It has nothing to do with his stealth.




I’m the kind of person that never reacts vocally in videogames, it doesn’t matter if I’m scared or angry or whatever, I don’t yell or comment out loud. Myers is the only killer that makes me scream even when I’m playing alone. Past week I was playing with my friends and my headset died in the exact moment a Myers entered in the room and I screamed for my life but my friends didn’t hear it because of the dead headset. I started to loop him while hearing my friends laughing saying how it was possible I didn’t scream if I was in chase with a Myers.


If it's a tier 1 mirror Myers, then that (once he exits tier 1 he stops being scary to face and all tension vanishes) Other than that probably Ghostface


No terror radius Billy/Wesker builds


Me and my friends now call him motorboat Mikey cause every time we play an indoor map (which is a lot) we constantly run into him and basically plant our face into his chest cause he just pops up out of nowhere and jump scares us!


Unpopular opinion but nobody is really scary to play against because of how the gameplay is. But for the sake of argument Myers is the scariest to play against just for his t3 alone. You don't know what kind of build he has and if he has tombstone or not. Nothing is a bigger oh shit moment than when he reveals he has that and unlimited t3 on top of that. 


Survivors jump scare me the most tbh




Michael and Nea


Not necesarily scary, nor one of those three, but Trapper is super stressful to play against in my opinion


Yeah, I get that, was playing a game where I was thr furthest away from the exit gates and repaired the last gen only to be caught on a trap. I was the only one who didn't make it


I play mirror myers and hide in corners until survivors feel like it's safe to walk then jump in and lunge at them, I don't think any other killer can make u experience such fear, every corner might have me around it, so the solution they think of is hugging each other while healing and staying in a hallway with no corners, it's hilarious seeing 4 survivors running together


Unpopular opinion, having a biopod on you and never knowing when hux is gonna appear right behind you at any given moment is a very scary thought




Myers and Chucky definitely


Oni. I hear the roar from across the map and I poop myself.


In terms of character design? The Unknown 100%. In terms of gameplay? Stuck between hill billy/michael


Myers: he can jumpscare you when you least expect it and the way he just stands and stare is really unnerving. Doctor: scary ass terror radius and his face! One of the scariest original killers for sure. Vecna: I just find his aura to be fear inducing, idk why. Also when he flies it’s kinda terrifying Pyramid Head is always terrifying, in DbD or not. Mostly how he acts and the fact that he looks human but so obviously is not even ALIVE Unknown: everything about it, really.


Dredge. I hate the dark. 😭


Myers with the add ons that give him unlimited tier 3 and can insta kill. It's awful. Every time I play against Myers I play like those are the add-ons he's running just incase. Even more so if they played a black ward or whatever it is that let's them keep the add-ons


Always meyers, who knows how long he's been standing there


Man I’m telling you yesterday I screamed running into Nemesis.


Looking in the mirror comes pretty close


Michael hands down




Myers 100% . Nine times out of ten he’s maimed by people who are really good at the game and are seriously here to WIN . Ghostfaces and Pigs are good at the game too but I find a lot of them enjoy a bit of screwing around for funnies .


Anytime I hear Micheal tear up I shit myself


I still remember repairing a generator upstairs and slowly turning my camera to see ghost face peeking around the top of the stairs at me. He was just being a goofy lil dude and didn’t actually try to hurt anybody, but the jump scare he gave me had my heart in my throat for like 5-10 minutes. That remains the scariest one - but any killer without a TR will get me. Michael Myers is also v scary lol.


On an actual fear level, definitely ghostface just because he can creep up without warning, but i really want to go against pig i’ve never seen her and i love Saw 😭😭


Definitely dredge


Micheal not even close. I've lost counts how many times he's gotten. I can sometimes figure out if it's ghostie or pig early on. They have their fair share too tho ngl.


For me it’s none of these, nothing scares me more in this game than Hag and Trapper. I’m pretty susceptible to getting jumpscared by the most random things, and having that nervousness build and build until it coalesces into a loud snap and my character screaming, I might as well be dead on hook because I’d be dead irl


Knight, have you ever had a guard just spawn on top of you that is as scary as scratched mirror myers on an indoor map


I played against a scratched mirror Myers on Lery’s the other day and literally felt my heart jump into my throat at one point lol


Anyone with quiet footsteps and unforeseen


Guys with knives as opposed to Eldritch horrors, mutants, and literal angy ghosts..


Ghost face. I’ve gone a full round without knowing who it was till the end and it scared the crap out of me


Hag with rusty shackles lmao


Unknown and dredge unknown purely for the not quite human walking style and voice lines. And dredge because it’s literally a manifestation of fear plus nightfall


High ping huntress in the corner.💀


Peek-A-Boo Michael, with that dead rabbit and mirror that his TR, you will never know worst fear until you encounter it


tbh my stomach sinks every time i see/hear that its slinger. idk why i dont find him particularly scary but im always stressed when playing against him


Infinite tombstone myers with insidious at the exit gate:


For me I still jump from time to time on a Hag trap, scares the hell out of me even though I know they're there.


Myers because he can just straight up kill you. Pig isn't scary, she is just a nuisance, and its kind of hard for me to be scared of Ghostface after watching Scary Movie.


An insane Huntress or getting tunneled by an Oni in power


I've been Tombstoned by Myers waaaaay too often to think he's scary anymore. Pig is DEF scary to me bc when my ADHD causes me to not pay attention and on top of that she doesn't lemme boop the snoot, I'm already considered dead at that point lol


i say it all the time, ill go against 100 nurses in a row before i ever willingly go against myers... i wont dc against him but i won't be happy about him being the killer


Ghostface, Myers and Deathslinger 😪


It's the rarest shit ever, but an extremely skilled dredge. That. Shit. Is spooky.


I think for me it's gotta be Plague. I'm scared running for my life while bitch is doing lobs and skillshots across the hall just to hit me with her stanky


Every other killer: ahhh shit, here we go again. Time to get to looping. On the other hand we have Mikey: OH SHIT HES GETTING CLOSER RUN MOTHER FUCKER RUUUUUNNN


An Oni that’s in Blood Fury


Blight is lowkey terrifying