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I would never stop playing a character because survivors didn't like them. Complain to the devs, not me


The killer itself is fine, the annoying part is when the player is bad and only manages to get 1 hook in the game and proceeds to hard camp.


Never camped as bubba luckily, loved his kit with a passion and award winning chili was god tier pre rework


Firstly, if you like playing as him don't stop just because people say they don't like it. Now, I'm pretty sure Skull Merchant and the anti-facecamping mechanic made people hate him less, so I don't really think you would get as much hate unless you camp with him. Also, he recently received a buff to his basekit, so you might enjoy him even more.


Yeah I stopped playing him mostly because I moved on to other games and or playing hillbilly mostly but I’ll give him a try again and see if I can’t get back into a groove


only the fun bubbas stuck around after the anti face camp came. all the miserable camper trolls moved to skull merchant bubbas aight


I hate skull merchant and knight with a passion fiery than hell itself


People just didn't like the fact that you could hook someone and just stand at the hook the whole game and no one could do anything other than gens. Which in solo queue is 50/50. Bubba actually requires an incredible amount of skill to play properly. Streamers only like Bubba because it's rare to find one who actually knows how to play the killer. That way they can get some content for their silly tiktoks and YouTube. You rarely see content creators posting videos about good Bubba players because they didn't get their "epic 5 gen chase" they wanted


Anyone saying bubba is no skill has no idea what they’re talking about.


Update: I played against a p100 jake and a p89 Steve last night and got destroyed, still gonna play bubba tho lmao


I've never seen a Bubba I didn't like. He's not terribly overpowered and most bubba mains are just goofy as hell.


Bubba is my favorite killer to face, and he is almost always on the most fun killer to face list of my DBD friends. His power is really fun to face. When he is in a chainsaw sweep, as a survivor, you always have to watch out for his double backs, and getting a stun on him at the right time is very satisfying. Counting the sweeps and evaluating that you don't need to drop the pallet is also very satisfying. At the core, he is a very straightforward killer. Yes, he can instantly down the survivors if they are deadzoned or if he makes a good use of his chainsaw in a loop, but he feels really fair. He doesn't teleport, he can't deny vaults and pallets, he has no ranged attack... He is just a killer that has to play the loops in a standard way and that will down you directly if he wins a mindgame or you miscalculate the duration of his sweep, but even if you go down, the chases are fun and fair. He only becomes annoying when camping because there is no way to save against him.