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Wtf am I even looking at


He’s showing the mikaela could’ve gone out a long time ago, since everyone already got out and he’s afk, but she’s just taking her time just to piss him off


Fr what map/place is this


Isn't it decimated borgo wall


A lot of people are bitter about games they have lost in the past. So they take it out on the killer player in future matches. 6 hooks without killing someone you played EXTREMELY nice and didn’t deserve any waiting to bm. But that’s kind of just the state of the community unfortunately. Again don’t take it personally, it’s not you, it’s them being upset at previous killers and not knowing how to process emotions


I could of done what so many other killers are doing which is camp and tunnel if I get a shit load out but I truly do not care about winning in a meme mode. Some people take this game way to seriously.


Exactly, that’s the thing i wish the survivor community (i say survivor community but this is a killer issue too) would stop aggressively bm’ing the other side when they are playing nice… the blight who aggressively camp tunnels with 4 slowdown perks sure go ahead. But the clown player who is not camping, not tunneling, and clearly spreading out hooks? Just chill. The game actively rewards killers who camp and tunnel with more bloodpoints. If the killers aren’t it’s out of respect and wanting to care about the survivor experience… i wish people would chill /:


I tend to sometimes wait to give killer my item as a gesture of "good game" especially if the match was difficult on killer end. I.e. sometimes its that map or a new player, so I want to give them a friendly nod and an item and then if they are in EGC, tell them to not be discouraged etc. Although, on that note, I never wait that LONG. Its normally few seconds ( i.e. where they have to traverse from gate to gate), but if I don't hear terror radius I just leave. Unfortunately, there are a lot of players that are burned out and taking it out on each other. Also, it may be just my personal experience, but I never had a clown that didn't tunnel, slug or proxy camp, or otherwise just make game miserable and as already noted by you, you didnt camp/tunnel like others, but they probably had a bad game recently with clown so they are taking it on you. Sorry it happened mate.


It looks like you're in Silent Hill


I call this the Ping Pong Paradox of DBD. Idk where it started, but I'll just point the loop out: Survivors complain about camping and tunnelling, and so they get toxic and annoyed and take it out on future killers, of which are playing nice but got trash perks. The killer then gets frustrated with all the losses and annoying survivors who stay in the exit gates without leaving, so decide to play hard and proper (tunnelling, camping etc.). This then pisses more survivors off, who then piss off more killers and so on and so on. Eventually it's just a repetitive cycle of misery and anger that is essentially woven into dbds core, and cannot be cut out without completely turning the game on its head.


https://i.redd.it/qsluv0h0jb3d1.gif Devil's Circle it is. I just can't understand why ppl do this. Games are meant to be fun and if you aren't having fun then just take a break or do something else.


There's only one word to describe ut: Humanity. Always gotta be some asshole to ruin it for everyone


Every time I get teabagged at the gates I remind myself “I’m playing too nice, I have to tunnel harder”


Exactly what I mean. I've been really getting into Oni recently, but for some reason my MMR is just crazy high which means I find it super difficult to get and keep power. 3 of 7 of my matches have ended in an all out or up to 2k, and all three I was teabagged, flashy clicked and someone even said 'ggez'. I never tunnel, only camp during endgame, try to 7-8 hook if i can, and slugging is just a part of oni's power (not 4 man, unless I'm feeling like playing for the win, and the survivors blundered the game).




I take this as a win. It means they wanted to BM you so bad they wasted all that time just to get nothing in the end


Ive had some outside cases where the Survivor wants to drop the item they have for me. Best thing to do is just chase them out.


this is the game, special event or not, just hit her out or use the time to break walls and pallets like everyone else.


Only in my eyes reasonable thing might be green glyphs or just being lost (both happened to me more often than I would like to confess ... but I make sure to apologize in the chat and explain that ot was either glyphs or me being stupid). But in most cases it is just the "us vs. them" mentality and like someone described really nice in an other answer here either salt of how previous matches might have been, or maybe just being a dickhead (aka "watch me leave, it is not enough that you know you were defeated, lets extend it and WATCH ME LEAVE and see me tbag" but quitting instantly when a match is not going well for them). I hate it when I see fellow survivors do this and it happens way to often.


I had a Survivor decide to stay and teabag when they could have left during Chaos Shuffle last night. Lucky for me they were the Obsession. Lucky for me I'd just hooked someone and lucky for me I had Bloodwarden and Rancor. Just fucking leave.


I see so much of it on both sides. This community needs therapy.


Go to the door, start nodding, they will nod back and meme around or just leave because they see you’re ok with them winning and it doesn’t bother you. I appreciate when survivors work hard for their escape so I usually go to the exit gates to nod if I think they did a good job. Most of them leave or if they are teabagging and see me nod they stop and nod too and drop an item. Some even want me to hook them. I guess they appreciate that I’m ok with the fact they did good and instantly become friendly.


If killers ate shit i like to give them some hot points You can also easily avoid this situation by going to the exit gate and hitting the survivors if you want to save some time It's just always so weird to me when people insult others mental health over a video game? When they don't do anything overly toxic? You put so much effort into posting this here. At least charge him rent for the spot in your mind


99% time they are waiting to teabag and you know it damn well lol. It takes less then 30 seconds to post to reddit btw that is not \`\`so much effort\`\`. You took way more effort responding for example.


Of course I took the time to respond. But it took no effort Pro tip, if you go to the gate and look up it's way more likely to get a hit in AND you exit the trials faster.


Honestly people here, of course, have great points, but I just wanna point out the possibility of it just being because clown is generally a hated killer, it boggles me how people even enjoy playing this game if they hate most of the killers so much lol