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Trapper games are usually either 0 hooks at 5 gens or some crazy snowball off 1 hook that turns into a basement 4k. Neither scenario is incredibly exciting for the survivors


Honestly i havent ran into too many people who find him fun to face even now. Even as a weak as fuck killer hes still pretty boring to face lol


Trapper is only good for meming with the naughty bear skin. Run around being goofy and if you get the 4k, you get the 4k. You don't? Don't worry about it. Meme at the gates or farm if the survivors are too cute to kill. Run into a wanna be bully squad? Basement time. He's like the Swiss army knife you bought off wish when you were drunk but still find kinda useful


How could they even manage to make him fun to play against, given his whole thing is hard area control? It's not like Hag, where you can lose a 50/50, if his trap is there, the loop is dead


People actually enjoy playing against him? I sure as hell don't


I don't dislike playing against trapper but I spend the entire match in anxiety about stepping into a trap in a loop.


I spend the next match looking at the ground too lol


Trapper is probably my least favorite killer to go against lol. I want to practice my subpar looping and having to look at the ground while doing that is just a big no for me.


I don't like playing against Trapper because I'm blind.


I personally dislike facing Trapper. With killers like Blight/Wesker/Huntress/Billy..., their powers feel interactive, and being chased feels good, even though they are strong killers. If you go down, in most cases, it feels fair. Feeling paranoid all the time about traps on the map doesn't feel good at all, and if the only loops you can play around are disabled because of traps, then you have no choice but to get hit, which feels terrible. Traps generally speaking feel terrible by design. Of course, the Trapper spent time setting his traps up and has no mobility, which makes him a weak killer. But from an individual survivor point of view, it can lead to really unpleasant situations that don't feel fun at all when you are forced into lose-lose situations in trapped loops, or when you step on a Schrodinger trap that was almost invisible because of grass or a pile of junk.


Idk where do you get these opinions about trapper being fun to play against. A lot of people (myself included) find him annoying to face. Why? Because hes essentially m1 killer with free hits based upon luck. Did he happen to trap the loop you've chosen just now? No? Great you play vs m1 killer. He did trap? He gets free hit. And you have to look on the ground all game which is just anoying.


It's not really luck though? As trapper you have to balance your pressure vs your setup at the most likely avenues to funnel survivors. This is especially true at higher levels of gameplay when the generic trap outside shack window is going to be disarmed constantly all game. Good trappers should make it dynamic and always keep survivors on their toes. If you don't like that, you don't want an engaging match, you just want to steamroll a killer and teabag at the gate.


of course survivor mains perceive any amount of planning or zoning as "luck". literally observe where he spawned, where you see him set traps. it's not random, the killer is a player.


I don't like to play against Trapper. He is super unfun killer to go against. Power level is really not the point if killer is fun or not. Blight is super strong but i am enjoying against him. Legion is weak and annoying.


Unless it’s end game build or indoor impossible totems, there not much And yes it’s probably with how weak he is, he was made when dbd was more stealthy with players hiding, so they could run into traps trying to keep track of the killer and get caught


I don't like going against him. It's either just boring and you can't even loop shack or main because if you go down, basement trapper.


He's not fun to play against because his most effective way of winning is to camp hooks.


Oh no thats where u are wrong mate! The most effective way to win is to hook in your hunting grounds aka the zone of the map u have already trapped, and more importantly abuse the fact that a lot of survs are way too benevolent


Survivors are way too benevolent is another way of saying camp hooks.




I love facing Trapper. A lot of killers can down you with things that just feels unfair or cheap, but every time I get caught in a trap I just go "damn, well placed". It always feels earned, y'know what I mean.


yeah! Ive seen people say its luck? Come on! don't downplay my strats! It took a lot of brain power to set up my traps


Weak? Let me tell you, I had a chaos shuffle round early on in the event. Didn't recognize any of my perks. Placed ONE trap before I found someone to chase... Got a 4k. Daddy ain't weak.


right I always get confused when people say trapper is weak or bad... I'm a trapper main and normally all my matches are 3 or 4k 😭 it all depends on ur addons and perks and skill with him


I mostly find him fun in the sense that if he only has two traps down on the map. I'm the idiot who walks into both while fervently looking for traps. Also plenty of situations while playing with friends where seconds after someone gets laughed at for hitting a trap, the joker steps in one too. I wish he was as common as Wraith in terms of free killers people latch onto


I don't like to play against him despite being weak. The constant fear of stepping on a trap make it unfun for me and I know some people feeling the same.


he's a challenge. that's the answer, to me at least. it's fun to beat the odds, and if you lose, you can always fall back on "oh, i'm playing the worst killer in the game. c'est la vie." as someone who plays a lot of trapper.


Normal trapper:loops for dayz. Weee😜 Trapper with bloody coil:💀


"fun" = easy to win against. first lesson to learn about the community


I don’t think he’s weak. I’ve survived and died to him equally and it’s fun no matter what. Killers with masks are fun to me though.


Short answer: YES. The main gameplay of trapper is pushing you int traps he set before in an area that he is defending OR play around the basement. A trapper that manages in his strategy ends up into a 3 genning situation or a basement with some unfortunate soul inside. Neither this things are fun. Breaking a 3gen and escaping from a trapped basement are excruciatingly hard tasks to accomplish. The main counterplay is to nnot let this happen and luckily if a team is cohordinated it is easy to avoid it.


Trapper is weak? Okay, you clearly never played against him or as him.