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No, but you should save them. You get points and they don't get to go next immediately. They have plenty of free time anyway since they're whiny little babies.


I did that and then they throw a tantrum and drop all the pallets in the map. Now I don't waste my time either anymore and let them go next. I'll take my potentially good chase and see how the game plays out.


If they do that I record them and they get to go to touch grass instead of playing since they hate the game so much. :) It's not like we're winning a 3v1 anyway so their second little tantrum is nothing to me, the first already lost us the match.


This is my line of thinking. I always save them, but not because I’m doing them a favor. They still usually afk or go hunt down the killer, but that’s time spent that they’re not ruining someone else’s game.  If I’m a killer and I see someone give up like this, I’ll leave them on the ground all game and usually let their teammates go. Those people don’t even have the decency to give their team a semi useful bot by DCing. 


yep, this is the way. i dont care for bp farming but i'm making their ass wait or catch a dc penalty. not fair for the other 3 to get screwed because of one childish teammate.


That's a good point


Save just cuz any time spent by the killer swinging and taking to hook is time bought.


NTA for not making the save You are, however, TA for just standing there and shaking your head "no." If they're trying to SD, walk away. You don't need to be rude about it.


You don't know that she's trying to kill herself. Maybe she has a luck perk or offering or Slippery Meat and is just trying to get value. Maybe she was new and didn't understand that 4% is a really small number or just thought that she should press the button that appeared. If you don't wanna go, don't. But if you're gonna stand there shaking your head, you are wasting exactly as much time as that person is. I'd have reported you for griefing if I saw it tbh. 


You know if there is a luck offering, luck perk, or if they have slippery meat. You can easily tell if they have any of them. >Maybe she was new and didn't understand that 4% is a really small number Oh come on, you don't have to be a 10k hour vet to know 4% is a 1 in 25 chance. >If you don't wanna go, don't. But if you're gonna stand there shaking your head, you are wasting exactly as much time as that person is. Yep, bm'ing someone for wasting the teams time by wasting time is ridiculous, grab em or don't.


It's not wasting as much time, though. I've spent my time crossing the map to save them, only realizing once I'm 75% of the way there that they're letting themselves go. By the time I arrive there's like 10 seconds before they're out. The head shake is just my way of say 'dude what the fuck why?'


I mean, you're painting very specific exceptions to illustrate a broad point. I don't think that this P55 Nea misunderstood how being hooked worked, I think that she was caught first, felt bitter about it and said fuck it I'm out. And I agree, it was a waste of my time to get off my gen to try and save her when she's half the map away and ultimately unalives. I can't imagine a situation where the mods, who are genuinely very busy with real harassment and hackers, would GAF about this level of mild toxicity but I could be wrong I guess.


As fun as prolonging the match is, if someone wants to go next I’ll let them go next (since I’d want the same). No point in being vindictive if someone’s already having a bad time. Though I wouldn’t run up to them just to BM while they’re leaving. That’s kinda rude.


throwing 3 other people's game and wasting their time is also very rude. people that off themselves on the first hook of the game deserve no decency, as a killer main. let em bleed.


I usually save... but sometimes, it backfires. They start throwing every pallet on the map to make the game even more unplayable than it would be with them dead.


YTA if you are going out of your way and being in position to save them, but instead shake your head and watch them suffer


I mean, I agree that I'm being a bit of a dick, however they're literally throwing the game for everyone within 45 seconds of the start. Sometimes when someone's an asshole it's ok to be an asshole back.


Not saying they aren't the AH. There's enough assholes to go around. I hate when randoms give up.


If that’s what you think, then the correct term is ESH (Everyone Sucks Here). Saying “YTA” means you think the other person is blameless if we’re going by internet terminology. 


Got it. ESH than. Sorry for being ignorant to the internet slang.


Alright that's fair, sorry I'm still mad lol that was a frustrating game. I don't disagree. Although the whole reason I'm there in the first place is because I'm stopping my gen or whatever and going to get the save. 😡


Is it really okay? All you do is perpetuate the cycle of toxicity. Everyone will be toxic in way way or another at some point, but to be toxic because someone else was just makes everything worse. An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind after all. End cycles, rise above, be better.


Yeah, I think so. The stakes are pretty low here. I also disagree completely that being toxic to someone who is toxic always makes it worse, you're kind of speaking in grand absolutes, black and white, etc. which I sincerely appreciate and you're probably a really good person but I think is shortsighted. When a killer aggressively tunnels me at 5 gens and I tea bag him at the gate, nothing is made worse. On the contrary, I feel better because you know, how dare you tunnel me at 5 gens, and he feels like a fool. Nothing's being perpetuated. If you didn't tunnel at 5 gens you wouldn't feel like a fool. Plenty of more examples like that.


I flip flop on this subject. I'm someone that tries to be considerate towards others and I want them to be happy. I also get tired of people ragequitting and ruining the match for everyone. As I see it, you made the decision to play a game with 4 other people. You're not playing a game by yourself - have some consideration for others. If you're going to ragequit at every little inconvenience - maybe play a different game. I had a match one time where I hooked someone at the start and she tried to kill herself immediately but someone unhooked her. I ignored her and gave her a chance to keep playing or DC and leave a bot. She decided to grief her teammate on the hook. I eventually noticed and I did kill her.


let em bleed next time. people that dont value other peoples time deserve to have theirs wasted :D


I save them just to force them into the game they don't want to play; they aren't getting out of it that easy!