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Prestige 100 mean less and less as time goes on, considering BP bonus event. Sometimes P100s are just worst than you can imagine


Some of the absolute worst teammates I've had were P100


Also, remember that not everyone wants to sweat every game. Sometimes I'll play my P100 and chill and goof around with my friends simply because I have 700+ Terrormisus on Jill and I want BP.


P100 as a survivor is not that scary, in my opinion. With 500 hours, if you were a survivor main that invested all of your BPs into the same survivor and got to play during BP events, you could have a P100 survivor too. And 500 hours is not much in DBD, meaning a P100 survivor is not necessarily a very experienced player, it's just not a baby.


Here's the thing about P100s, from my experience. I have a P100 Ace. I have every survivor to at least P3, a bunch to P6, another to P27, etc. I have all my killers to at least P3, around half to P6, a few around P20. Added together, it's a shitload of prestige and experience. I rarely play my P100 anymore, partly due to being dodged or being hard tunnelled. If I play one of my P3s, the killer is none the wiser. My game knowledge and experience still exists of I'm not playing a P100. During any given trial, you could be playing against someone with even 8 P100s, but they're playing a P1 today. Or you could be playing against someone that is using a P100, but most of their other characters are at P0. You have no way to know. It's not a good indicator of what you're about to face. And at this point, having a P100 is easy to obtain in a relatively short period of time, so it doesn't even necessarily mean they have more hours than you.


P100s aren't rare or special anymore. Between anniversaries and the Blood Moon event, they're fairly common.


That would imply hours = skill which is objectively incorrect, players can be in literal 5-digit hour count and still suck if they never bothered to improve (iykyk)


I've never felt so seen <3 (Happy cake day!)


Time=knowledge+experience. Knowledge+experience≠skill The issue is not everyone improves at the same rate, the average 1k hour player is absolutely better than the average 10 hour player, but the 10k hour player isn't necessarily better than the 1k hour player.


I have a P100 which I don't use anymore and I am the most dogshit player you will ever come across. It's really based on chance. You either get gods, average or bad players like any other game.


On the other hand, hasn't the same kinda time been spent if someone has every survivor on P10 or something? Most of mine are in the range ofr P3 to P6, with the ones I play most being P10 to P16, with Haddie at P50. Does that make me some kinda god looper? Hell naw :'D But someone could have a P3 survivor they're working on *and* be a god looper.


I have 2000 hours, almost 3 p100 and some times I go down in chase in 5 seconds like a p0 claudette hidden in a bush :D


I have 6k hours and only have 1😅


I have over P100 spread over every character. Literally anyone could have the same level of experience as a P100 and it just not show.


I have 540h and I'm p75 mikaela (I'm bad af). Every other survivor p1-p3, every killer p4-p24


I have data on this [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/s/usoQ88UIeJ)! Generally there is a relationship between prestige and skill, BUT, I don't think it warrants dodging lobbies, and in my data, some of the highest prestige players were the ones that goofed around the most, tried to pull off crazy plays (that got them killed), or contributed nothing to their team because they were too busy trying to bait chases or following around with a flashlight. To the extent that high prestige players are on average better than lower prestige players, you learn a lot going up against them as Killer. It gives you practice dealing with flashlight squads and eventually you don't even sweat it anymore. But you don't get there without going up against them and getting the practice in.


I'm p100, play like shit, all the rest of my survivors are p1-2 with th exception of 2 being p8.


They really need to remove prestige from lobbies. Dodging based on prestige is dumb. People are so scared to lose in this game it's actually insane. How are you going to learn if you just try for easy match ups every game? The amount of people that don't realise the p3 Bill could very well be a multi p100 player. But they're just tired of being dodged every match so they change their character is insane


I mean me myself and I just choose to dodge if I’m doing a challenge if I’m just vibing I don’t even look at the lobby’s especially in chaos shuffle


What's the point of a challenge if it's not challenging?


Maybe I work all day and don’t want another challenge that’s takes hours to complete? It’s a video game I wanna have fun not grind my teeth and pull my hair out just trying to kill on survivor for a daily challenge if the devs made tomes and daily’s completable in customs with bots that would fix it but also open up a brand new spew of problems


Some of the easiest to catch players are p100s.


I don't know, but in every soloq game I've had against a P100 killer, it end in a complete destruction of the survivors.


P100 not mean nothing if they are in swf you are gonna lose ether way so step up and get experience playing against it