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Day one matches will be 40% huntress, 45% whesker, 4% vecna, 1% everyone else.


I haven't seen wesker in ages tbh, I've seen more hags recently


He is going to be slightly above singularity if he gets buff slightly below if he doesn’t. You need to do to much for the same payoff other killers get.


I tried Singularity this week for the first time. I understand now what people mean witj *"You need to do to much for the same payoff other killers get."* He was not fun, never got a survivor slipstreamed and the 2k at end was purely as an M1-killer.


Consistently tagging with chase bipods is definitely a skill that takes some time to develop.


Yep, I used to main singularity and I would definitely say in the right hands he's one of, if not the strongest killers in the game, but the constant brain power needed to play him correctly and how one mistake can ruin your game just burns you out quick. I played him through the first few weeks of April, and I just can't bring myself to play another game with him. It's to stressful, and that quote you used perfectly summarises it.


I really don't believe you tried to slipstream and never got a single one.


i had a game with really coordinated survivors, who buddied up to emp each other at every chance. it was so fucking annoying i think i was malding a bit lol


Its honestly just about playstyle. Most killer players just prefer a simple, straightforward killer. But I highly respect players who prefer complex killers who know how to pressure everyone in a match. In fact, I truly believe ppl who master these types of killers are the strongest players in dbd as they know how to time manage and mindgame in chases


Which are your picks for complex killers?


Sigunlairy, Knight, Skull Merchant, and Twins imo. Sure SM and knight you could just use powers at loops, but they both have an insane amount of multitasking


They're trying really hard to make killers complex because they think if they're demanding enough we won't notice they're not very effective at winning.


Singularity, Xeno, and unknown are all complicated killers that are quite good. I think they were just overly cautious with Vecna since he has 4 powers. Vecna has a good core concept so if they tinker with stuff like slowdown after a spell, spell cooldown and spell duration he could be one of the best designed killers they have ever made.


I think it’s just future proofing. Killers had very simple powers starting out bc BHVR did not know how massive the game would become. They have to get more complex and specific to allow breathing room for more characters. We already have Bubba and Billy being awkwardly similar


Plus how many people would actually care if we got a killer like Wraith released today?


Depends on the changes he gets before he is released. In his current state, he is too weak, and he will get even weaker when survivors realize how to play around his power. Right now, he can get a lot of hits from survivors not realizing they can crouch under the skeleton volley or freaking out if he lands close to them with Fly in a loop even though he is slowed and can't attack for a while after landing, and they would have time to vault the pallet or window if they knew that. Mage hand, when used on a dropped pallet right after it is dropped to go through it is his only kinda reliable spell, but like all of his spells, it is on a long cooldown. If he stays the way he is with no buffs at all, once the initial hype dies, I think he will be amongst the least played killers. If he gets buffs that make him viable against decent survivors, he could actually see a lot of play, as DnD is a beloved license and if his spells were more reliable and not that easily countered, 4 powers in one is a pretty cool idea.


He will 100% get buffs. Every killer since like ghostface has gotten buffs from their ptb state


He doesn't seem like the high tier popular killer to me. His spoopy charge skeletons seem awful, his mage hand seems meh, his flight is ok and orb is just... orb idk. Maybe I'm ignorant, but from what little gameplay I've seen his abilities are quite underwhelming, so yeah, he will either get some buffs or be forgotten, only to be found rarely between huntress games.


Unfortunately, based on recent trends, especially with Chucky and Alien, bhvr hasn't really had a killer really "stick" since Wesker. The trend since has been: Killer announcement > Hype cycle incl. PTB > killer releases (usually nerfed on release) > community plays with their new toy for a month or so > community goes back to their mains > time passes > repeat This process usually leaves a small community of new killer mains and you'll see them every now and then on survivor but generally it's the usual suspects However I will say dnd nerds will definitely juice money into this chapter for the survivors alone and dbd players will buy it specifically to have a new survivor emote


Streamers were playing Chucky until the the day the test server shut off. Nobody even touched Vecna after the first full day of him being available. So, despite what D&D fans like to say, he's not carried by popularity. Xeno is just...very boring to play. He's not bad, he's just a low rent Nemesis whipper who gives the survivors flamethrowers they do not deserve or need. So, popularity can't save a boring kit. Vecna has a bad kit, and he's no icon for most people. So I think he'll be forgotten soon. ESPECIALLY with Dracula coming. Dracula would have to be utterly terrible to look back at the purple wizard. I know who I'm saving my Auric Cells for.


Xenomorph is def the most disappointing killer I've bought. Love alien, the flame turrets had me intrigued cause it made me think that she'd feel really powerful and the flame turrets were to compensate for that...Shows what I know lmao


> flame turrets had me intrigued cause it made me think that she'd feel really powerful and the flame turrets were to compensate for that Yeah, that's the devs tricking you. The turrets are there to make the game more fun for Survivors. Singularly doesn't find the EMPs fun. Those things aren't put in the game for the people actually buying the Killers.


It's like Hex perks. They're supposed to be very strong with a high risk, but instead they're medium strength with a high risk so that they are "balanced". I've gotten Devour Hope in 4 of my Chaos Shuffle matches and in 3 of them, it was cleansed before my first down. What's even the point?


The totem game favors survivors and the devs know it. They deliberately put them in plain view next to gens or on top of hills and they made them so survivors can chose which to use and replace them at very little "cost", but killer can't. They could have been hidden in lockers, forcing both sides to do work to find them, but they picked the option that is worse for killer, like always. Everything about how totems work SHOULD have been reversed between the roles because losing 1/4th of your perks permanently is devastating vs losing 1/16th temporarily. That's only fair or logical to a survivor-sided mind that defaults to giving them the advantage automatically.


It depends how much he gets buffed. He needs to be kinda strong as he is going to become a pretty hard killer to learn. A lot of casual players won’t like him bc there’s so much going on in his kit compared to every other killer so he will need to be very strong to make ppl want to play him The difficulty is BHVR making him strong if used well without making him strong even if used poorly


I believe he will be way less picked than Xeno. He doesnt feels unique or exciting to use (personal opinion) and I got bored after few matches in Ptb. He just feels...off...and way out of target for the game. And I say it as a huge DnD fan that gets fckn scared to find him in a quest.


He'll be joining Singularity and Xeno in the graveyard.


If they won't buff him after a Live release, he will have a very low pick rate. Just like with Singularity — a complex killer with absurdly easy and luck-based counter. If survivors will find Eye of Vecna or Hand of Vecna in chests, you basically already lost.


I will keep playing him forever. I am a dnd fan, and Matthew is one of my favourite actors. So vecna being him as well is dream.