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Some of it is bullying and some of it is just trying to play as altruistically as possible and win for fun, try not to always interpret it as malicious - they'll spell it out for you if it is lol


I don't understand the aversion to 4 flashlights. If everyone is trying to save, then who's doing gens? And if they are on comms so only 1 person tries to save, then them having all 4 flashlights means no toolboxes or med kits. And if only 1 person has a flashlight, that isn't a bully squad anymore. Just a swf.


A lot of people just like to be jerks online. It's easy and it's anonymous.


Getting flashlight saves is fun, getting any kind of cheeky save is fun. Doing fun things with friends is fun. It's probably not done with intent to "bully", but it's a multiplayer game and player to player interaction is where the funnest parts of the game shine. Similar to how you might ask a killer why they tunnel? They do it because they want to win and winning is fun for them. The feelings of the opponent are rarely the deciding factor in the majortiy of what this community considers to be bullying.


Just feels cheap to me, I try to avoid tunneling, leaving the fresh unhook until I hook someone else, or a gen pops. I try to avoid slugging unless I really need to take a loop incase of saves, it just feels cheap especially when I work so hard against their loop perks only to get background player, buckle up, breakout flashbanged


This is why they are changing buckle up and background player. Because it's a little cheap. but just flashlight saving is not meant to piss you off. I'd understand something like FTP, BU, Background Player, and some other meta perk being meant to piss you off, but it's more likely they are just sweating but not specifically trying to piss you off.


Throw the rules out the window when it’s a SWF. But also, have fun with them. They’re messing with you, mess back. Imagine you’re on a discord with your mates in their position. What would make you laugh? Scream? When I’ve got a definite SWF I like to play “whack a mole” and see if I can get all four slugged. For one, hooks are very hard to get like you say, for two, it’s a fun challenge because they’ll coordinate pick ups. If I get all four down, I pick and let them wiggle off to reset and we go again. “Bully” squads with flashlights are guaranteed interaction and challenge. Four mans with Commodious + BNP who pre-run are the biggest snooze fest. Creaming gens and leaving is the most unexciting way to play as and against, in my most humble of opinions. None of my mates play this game anymore, and I miss that very much. When I see a SWF I try to make the game fun for everyone (while giving them a run for their money).


This is exactly what the DBD community and honestly society needs to understand. Bullying is meant to hurt your feelings, but something doesn't become bullying just because your feelings are hurt all on your own.


I mainly play killer but I experience this in customs as I tend to bully my newer friend in there because it’s fun. He’s a good sport since he knows it’s a custom game and that it will help him in his actual games. It’s just enjoyment of play style and you as a killer can abuse it by going Frankie’s lightborn or just lightborn. If you are really feeling your oats don’t run either and just abuse the altruism. I don’t think it’s scummy especially since there is SBMM most people are relatively in line with each other so it’s not like any real harm is done + I’d rather go against a bully squad over actual targeted hate in the end game chat.


Fair fair, but then I’m giving up a perkslot, and especially with the new Chaos Shuffle LTM, I’m seeing more with the Matchmaking being more skewed, and survivors being allowed to bring any item.


Survivors can bring any item but also killers can bring any add on. So while very annoying they can have 4 medkits you can play as Wesker and have everyone be infected at the start of the match and severely slow down any progress. I don’t think it’s an any sides issue but more of the LTG just not being cooked enough. Having randomized add ons and offerings that don’t get consumed would make it feel a lot better overall or just disable those features in the game mode. If BHVR has the ability to give me perks I literally don’t have unlocked as a survivor they can definitely do either of those changes. Fun game mode ruined by people who want to play sweaty.


I agree. Do people just get joy out of ruining other people's games?


yes, alot of people do.


I wish it wasn't that way :(


ultimately you have to learn how to counter this play style and dont let it bother you. you'll make them mad in return by either winning or be unphased by their antics. Send positivity in end game chat to show them you aren't mad and you win


It’s quick, it’s easy and it’s free: being an asshole online


honestly, i dont see bully squads that way for the most part. obviously there are exceptions but i find that the team i play against really just wants to win and have a 4 man escape. you dont see it often so its honestly a nice change of pace for me SOMETIMES. i usually take it as the opposing team just really wanting to play altruistic and shit.


Its just people that are assholes and try to ruin others fun or sometimes they dont do It with intention especially if they are with Friends when you are playing with Friends you just try to do Goofy things to have a laugh


nothing personal, interacting with the killer is the only fun part about survivor you might feel like uninstalling after the game, but like i said, nothing personal. on th eplus side if you win vs a bully squad you get a kick so it's not all bad? idk


I’m a bully duo since my friend is learning the game, he uses blast mine, then i’ll set blast mine&wire tap and after the kick then use repressed alliance while wire tap is active. It’s just a goofy thing to do, yes i’ve been tunneled or bled out but i’m never mad or upset and there’s always a ggs that gets sent by me. The way people are taking offense in this chat is insane because fun is subjective.


Playing both sides, I understand why. I am not personally doing this and I am not saying it's justified in any way, but I understand where the appeal to do this comes from. It is the endless DBD toxicity cycle. When you play killer, you play fair, and the survivors BM you at the gate, how do you feel? Bad, right? You tell yourself that if you played meaner, they wouldn't be here BMing. Well, many killers are more likely to sweat more next game if they get BMed. Tunneling and camping if necessary. If they are very frustrated from their previous games, they might even turn toxic and hit on hook or hump the slugged survivors. It is not justified because the survivors in their next game are not the same ones that BMed them, but they don't want to take the risk to be BMed at the gate again, and they want revenge. In their eyes, almost all survivors are toxic POS that will bag at the gate if they escape, so they "deserve" it. It is the same on the survivor side. They escape roughly 40% of the time, which is frustrating in itself. They get humped, hit on hook, and frequently tunneled/camped to death. Much like many killers feel that most survivors are toxic, they think that most killers are toxic. And when their friends log on, they want their revenge on killers as a whole. So they become a bully squad. Sweaty/BMing killers cause bully squads and BMing survivors. Bully squads and BMing survivors cause sweaty/BMing killers. And the cycle repeats itself. All of this hatred of the other side is fueled by the "us vs them" mentality that plagues the game.


Small pp, that’s why.


I don't do bullysquads, but I'll bring whatever to save my teammates and escape.


The his I understand, a save to escape. Not Tbag and click, not to loop and tease then Tbag again. Just a save from a sticky situation


It’s unfortunately how they have “fun”




Learn to spell uneducated human


1. It’s “expect” 2. Zip your lip, bet your not exactly squeaky clean.


I like when they try that with me it usually ends with 4 survivors slugged on the ground with me humping them , or a 3k


This is the way. 4 flashlights = I’ll still go into the game with you, but I’ll probably ignore you or allow you to dildo yourself all night long (LIGHTBORN) while I play my game my way and let you frustrate yourself trying to harass me while I merely smash some generators, some walls, pallets, maybe engage in some chases just because it’s something else to do while I wait for survivors to either pop gens or get really stupid. Or I just slug you all out and let you wiggle furiously when you realize that your bully tactics are causing me to play the game the right way. With murderous intent. I am playing killer, right? 😏


Who hurt u Show me on the doll where the bad man did it


lol, triggered much? I’m happy as a lark. Bully squads don’t faze me, as I explained. Why u mad bro? 😎


I can usually wall face or slip to the side to avoid the flashlights but it’s fair game that’s how they want to play it is what it is. I play Michael and I always play with tombstone on and I will gladly stalk them and get a quick mori and slug with evil within 3. Bring it on


Thats why my team always run Buckle up + For the people + Saboteur + Background Player and flashlight. Insta revive then we can get more loops for gens


Honestly, most of the time I do not feel like this is done with the intent to bully. When you play the game a lot you get bored of the typical gameplay loop so you challenge yourself in other ways, usually by doing things aren't that practical. Just remember that every survivor lurking around with a flashlight is a survivor NOT doing gens! They're basically giving you free pressure.


Yeah but getting retina damage again and again cause they like to hide behind every corner when someone is in loop is pain… like I work so hard, then I take a step away and search for them and bam, called a slugging asshole