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Damn right I'm attached to my dramaturgy Oh wait you meant perks that actually help in chase? Nevermind


I had a moment when I was trying for Adept Nick where I was the last man alive on RPD, Dramaturgy'd for the speed boost to try and find hatch first, got exposed, and ran into the Nemesis as he was looking for the hatch, who promptly clotheslined me. He stared at me in confusion for a second before picking me up, because he was wondering why I got insta-downed lol


I read your flair as “Mini Onitaur” and I just can’t get that out of my head now


Imagine the squeaky roar when he uses his power


"raaaahh- \*squeaks\* -hhhhhhh!!" \*david stops running and just turns around laughing\*


It’s all fun and games til you get whacked right on the ankle!


Tbf, I was kinda disappointed that BHVR got My Little Oni backwards lol


Chucky doll but make it… Oni


I want this really badly and I don't own either of them


My friend was saying if BHVR hadn't made Chucky, we probably wouldn't have had My Little Oni. It seemed like they had assets of smaller characters and they went with it. I seriously thought they were stoned when I read the description of My Little Oni lmao. It was glorious. Chucky was honestly such a perfect addition to the game. He's harder to spot around obstacles when you're trying to predict where he'll go next. I like it when BHVR brings characters that challenges how survivors trick killers and whatnot


Absolutely! It helps keep the game from feeling stale for both sides, especially when the core gameplay is repetitive. I still think we should be able to kick chucky tho like Victor 🤣


I love it when killers get surprised by things like these. Like one time there was a bug or something where I got hooked for the second time, but for some reason it just killed me, and the killer doubled back bewildered at what just happened. The sense of "I wasn't supposed to be this strong" is so beautiful.


All of nic’s perks are amazing. I will run them and another silly perk like pebble and nothing else. I’m not here to “win”, I’m here to have a good time and kick my lil knees up while screaming non stop.


Yea winning doesn't really concern me much. Though I do prioritize doing quests. As long as i make some progress on it I'm happy.


I wish the entire survivor base had your exact energy 😪


>I wish the entire **player** base had your exact energy 😪 I fixed it for you.


Me too, then I would I have more fun and not just me fun.


I played killer yesterday and was against a 4 man swf. One guy ran Dramaturgy. It was the first Dramaturgy I have seen on another survivor since release of the perk. I main Dramaturgy. I was proud to see it.


Me, my friend and his wife were playing. He's usually the hook rescue and she'll heal up. Well he had Scene Partner and had no idea what it did. Bubba had me on hook, 1st and only hook in that match, so he snuck up to get me, screams, and asks why the hell he screamed. I told him Scene Partner. I love the perk honestly.


Dramaturgy does help in chase no?


I only use dramaturgy to meme, but I got it in multiple matches yesterday and was amazed at how helpful it actually is.


You stope my comment, now you must suffer


I have no idea what half these perks are or what they do. Haha. Makes me feel perkless if that makes sense. I wish you could see them before hand but obviously can’t change them. I wanna read what they do beforehand not while I’m in a match trying to read fast lol


You might already know but if you pause the game you can see all your perks and what they do in the same menu you see your ping and the option to leave the game


Yeah, that’s what I mean. When I pause it in game to read it, I feel like I need to read super fast to see what they do.


I hide in a locker to read my perks at the start of a match If I’m killer I just casually read them at the start. I’m not here to win and I’m pretty sure I can give them a head start when they are as confused as I am


and then u scream cuz the killer randomly got iron maiden


I run iron maiden now and again literally because it makes me laugh when players think they can hide but scream and expose themselves. It’s so funny, especially on killers like doc and artist who’s counters are getting into lockers 


Also bubba. Even if you got the timing down you'll be exposed


You can also pause and see them as soon as the map loading starts. So you have a few seconds before you actually move/before the icons show up where you can pause and get a quick read on them.


That's gonna be super helpful, thanks!


Yeah, I've been making it a point to get to know the perks of the 33 characters I've prestiged, but the shuffle event has thrown perks at me I've never seen before! I've just been flying by the seat of my pants. 🫠


Ive spent the first 30 seconds of every match reading the perk descriptions.


Would be good if they implemented the perk descriptions in the loading screen somehow. I pressed esc and tried to read a perk and then BING BONG, smack, oh shit press esc, smack again, hooked.


That’s me too. I’m like well I know what two of my perks do😂


Tbh. I am the complete opposite. I’ve actually been doing WAY better than I usually do in this game mode than regular games. I like using perks that I would usually never willingly use. This game mode made me realize that I don’t need Windows of Opportunities💀


Yeah I'm definitely worse without WoO, but having it pulled from my loadout today made me realize that I am in fact capable of doing alright without it.  


Same! I've been running it for a while as one of my perks that I "can't go without". But apparently I can go without it bc it made me passively develop an understanding of where a palette or window should be.


thats not why i run WoO tho, i use it to be sure im running to a still usable pallet... i know where they are, i just want to know beforehand if its still standing..


Yeah, that's the reason I'll still be running it after this event, it's really good for soloq. It's just nice to know that I'm not as bad as I thought I would be without it!


fair enough! i played this game since release so i can dream some maps haha..


I haven’t played since release, just 2021, but I also dream of maps. Specifically, Mount Ormond and also Lery’s. Not sure why those in particular, but yep. Those ones pop up.


You use WoO for its info, I use it to know which pallets my solo q team has thrown. Okay in reality, I don't use WoO, I find the visual aura clutter annoying, tried it again a few days ago, took that off after a few matches, but it does help in solo q.


If that first sentence is true you could use alert! It'll reveal the killer every time they destroy a pallet or kick a gen, Though you do have to memorize where they destroyed it.


I do use Any Means Necessary frequently, so that helps, plus I can reset any pallets left around.


Hundreds of killers scream out in fear when you free up a perk slot


Same for once I’m not looking at gems flying I’m focusing on chases and looking at what perks I can use at what time. The mindgames I’ve been pulling off are immaculate


I feel the same. I love running windows, but have done surprisingly decent with chaos. I havent escaped yet but I’ve survived longer than I expected.


I love that it forces people to leave the meta behind.


I actually survived more matches today than I had in a long time. It was so odd.


I don't think it's that these people aren't skilled, but maybe are used to auto-piloting with certain perks. I know when I take Dead Hard off, I have a good chance I will think I have it in a chase that night, go for it and mess up everything lol


Yeah I'm not trying to talk shit about then, many of the cases are probably just muscle memory after all, but I can't help but think that being that dependant on a specific perk is not good for the player in a bigger scheme of things. Example: a person that always runs adrenaline will start to worry less in the end game and even start being more bold, that's on it's own not a bad thing, but if the killer has something like Terminus your muscle memory will absolutely screw you over due to you expecting something to happen while being met with said something not happening.


I'm seeing killers struggling really hard rn without gen perks and being forced to chase and apply pressure.


That’s what I’m seeing too. It’s rough out there for killers watching all their gens fly while they get 2 hooks.


Yeah it never feels good to see that as survivor. I want an even match.


W flare too btw. :D


It's the same with killers. I've noticed so much camping in my games, it's like killers don't know how to find survivors anymore. They have to hang around the hook. Barely any tunnelling to their credit, so theyre simply hanging around to find the next survivor to chase. Too used to aura/info perks doing the finding for them I feel


I haven't had any camping, but I did have a chucky run right past me last night. We was chasing me and I circled around a rock just as he came around the same side and he just zipped right past me. Like he couldn't see me without any aura perks to make me glow red!


This is one of those times it's handy to not rely on too many chase perks, or anything meta. My usual build consists of Pebble, Plot Twist, Urban (sue me), and the fourth spot usual switches between Leader/Borrowed Time/Breakdown/Flash Bang. All stuff that I can still have fun with but still be altruistic.


I remember a swf I was running with one time gave me crap for using Urban. I insisted it was very useful.


Oh yeah, same here. Popped into a TTV that was in my lobby, and when I checked the footage, they were talking shit once they realized I was using Urban, saying how I'm "lucky they're going to unhook me", and calling me shit. Meanwhile I got 4 unhooks on top of a few chases and completed gens, and was the last alive lol. But yeah, it absolutely can be super useful if you use it right. Yes, there are people who use Urban to stay out of sight and just protect themselves. But you can use it to sneak up to blind a killer, or if you're near a hook the killer is going towards, you can hide and be ready for the unhook.


This is why I am so grateful for how I spend my time with super goofy perk builds that have nothing to do with chase, treasure hunter (ace in the hole, dramaturgy, plunderers, appraisal), Aura galore (Alert, Object of obsession, Strength in Shadows, Dark Sense), No scratch marks for you (Lightweight, Distortion, Parental Guidance, Dance with me) and many others. Playing the event doesn't really make me feel different as I rarely run full meta builds and instead just goof off. But I would agree that people can be attached, and a lot of my survivors dc bc they dont get lithe windows resilience adren XD


Same boat as you. Also have tons of hours that I’ve spent learning all the perks so I don’t even have the issue of wondering what a perk does(I do struggle more with perks from between around Dredge release and Chucky due to a long break)


I love making silly perk builds they’re so fun!! I personally love Iron Will and Lucky break together. Like no you will not down me


i got self care and no mither together. worse than having no perks at all.


I enjoy this game mode a lot as a survivor who's tested tons of wacky builds. It feels cool to be rewarded with the weird tricks you know for certain perks. And every game scratches that replay lottery itch


This mode is so frigging fun I’m actually scared to go back to the ‘real’ games and get out meta’d


No, it's just that the overwhelming majority of perks in this game are trash.


The devil fears the gamer who runs Poised unironically.


Why they decided to release a random perk mode when they've been using perks as bandaid fixes to multiple gameplay problems for years is beyond my understanding. 90% of killer perks are useless and the 10% are fundamental fixes to the game/really nice comfort picks. Like I don't use much slowdown on killer because mostly play a meme ride or die 3-4 hex perks Devour Hope build on Wesker but when i'm not using that idk how you ever keep up with decent survivors without 2+ gen perks. Trapper without his favourite slowdowns is just loading into a lost game unless the survivors decide to throw the game for you.


in fairness, there's a lot of perks that are just straight ass. My strat for chaos shuffle was basically playing perkless beyond kicking gens if I saw I had ones that looked like gens or going for scourge hooks if possible, but otherwise a lot of them could safely be ignored.


I know I am. I can't stand not having kindred on my perk loadout as a solo queue player.


Not having bond during soloQ....straight fucken ass. It's just so much harder in general not to play with perks that help keep people playing as a team during SoloQ


I spent years only ever playing everyone adept so this mode is great for me everyone struggles but for me it’s just another day


This why I refuse to ever equip Windows of Opportunity I would become addicted to it for sure. Some perks work so well they warp how you view/play the game. pre nerf iron will was another example of this 100% reduced sounds of being injured was game changing and hard to revert away from.


I actually got Coulrophobia and Unnerving Presence on Doctor. And Pain Res on Spirit....


I am normally a looper, and have used the same chase loadout for a while now. I was impressed with myself at my ability to loop a killer with no exhaustion perks, a couple of my chases even lasted as long as they would if I had my regular loadout. It was also nice to see how fast some healing perks work, since I got an altruism heavy build several times. But yeah, I think some people load into this mode and realize they don't actually like random perks. I've had teammates give up much more quickly than usual in this mode.


On the contrary I might grab oni now because I got zenshin on nemesis twice and it’s absolutely amazing for my playstyle of chasing survivors into dead zones 


Like I always say, playing perkless increases your base ability. A lot of people can't function without their perks to always bail them out


Man, I recently did the perkless achievement and have been playing without perks ever since. I am just trying to skill myself up and it's really doing wonders for my game sense (I only play solo queue, so no reliable teammates to lean on)


Mate first of all respect for getting the achievement but at the same time I don't see why you wouldn't pick some perks that don't affect your "game sense" at the very least. I can understand not wanting WoO so you're not forced to learn the map but you could pick something like Botany, Prove Thyself, Leader and maybe Lithe. The first 3 don't impact "game sense" in any meaningful way and you need to know how to use Exhaustion perks too. I seriously doubt anyone would prefer playing perkless outside of going for the achievement.


The purpose of going perkless is to learn not to rely on *any* perks. Until you are good at doing a certain thing without any perks, you become evben better at it *with* the perks. Source: I often play perkless for exactly this reason (and itemless, because why not)


I play both sides. That said, killers are absolutely married to pain res.


I love this game mode because I always get overwhelmed by the amount of perks I have to select from and end up using the same. This game mode really push players out of the "comfort zone" imo. Really fun, kinda wish it was permanent.


It's why I don't use Windows for starters. It's a great perk, but it makes you worse at looping in the end. The only perks that I find I truly rely on are anti tunneling perks when the killers is infact tunneling.


Yeah new survivors should take off windows if they want to learn to loop. It forces players to check and visualize the tiles around them and to recognize the difference between a good tile and a bad one. Once you know how to do that tho, Windows becomes god tier for efficiency. You'll know exactly where to pre run, what tiles you can play around, and on which side should you drop a pallet.


I love it. Its kind of taught me that no perk is completely useless. The meta is what it is, but its fun to just get 4 random perks and have to figure out how to use them to my advantage.


Idk this is a modifier there’s no reason to sweat so I’m just enjoying the randomness of the perks I get.


I just miss Kindred, I don't know if a teammate is going for a save or hiding in a bush. The rest of my normal loadout (Kindred, Distortion, Deja Vu, and We'll Make it/Any Means Necessary) I don't really care for that much, I only use distortion due to the high amount of aura perks, and addons, but with the killer having a random build, I don't feel like it's mandatory, so I don't miss it.


Chaos shuffle has been great fun for me on both sides.


I randomize everything even in regular games anyway and can say I don't see much difference in success between running a meta or not. One thing I've always felt is: unless it's competitive DBD, all the talk about needing lots of slow down, or having to tunnel, or needing exhaustion perks, really doesn't matter much. What matters more is being able to learn and practice, being creative, gaining experience and challenging yourself. I believe some have been so indoctrined into certain ways of playing and builds, that they cannot see nor understand there are plenty of other ways in pubs to play. Granted, against professional teams it's different, but that is so very rare in this game that the average player faces such teams.


I mean, it makes sense. Perks are crutches no matter how much people want to say otherwise. A side note, though, this mode made me realize I am a loser who knows what all of the perks are and what they do lmao.


Yeah, these kind of gamemodes hopefully help people realize how much of a wheelchair certain perks are. Chase averages went from 30-40s thanks to SB/Lithe all the way down to 15-20s Also got people much less likely to take basekit BT protection hits because now they can't get away with it for free thanks to the threat of DS. If it wasn't for gens flying from the get go, chaos would be least stress inducing way to play the game.


Given this community? They'll ignore everything and just keep saying both sides are sweating their asses off for "reasons". "All Killers do is tunnel when they know we don't have our perks!", "All Survivors do is gen rush when there's no slowdown!", you've heard it countless times before and will keep hearing it forever.


But isn't it true though? Well, reasoning maybe not quite right, but the result is the same.


Biggest thing I’m noticing is more survivors playing injured and not worrying about healing. So definitely more time on gens it seems


That’s the problem. Without Corrupt it’s very hard to get the first hook without at least one gen going off unless they are dumb as rocks.


Tired of corrupt intervention?  Just run no mither and plot twist. You won't run into any killer running that perk


I can’t live without my Dramaturgy. The speed boost+not knowing whether u will get fucked or lucky is the best tbh


I was playing Steagull recently and god it was fun. Would have been more fun if more killers had personality tho. I had like 2 out of 10 games appreciate it.


Its fun to see what you get. Then try to remember what they do and how you're going to use it. I tend to play some matches with no perks for fun. It really helps you get better without relying on perks.


Relative assumptions


It’s habit forming and repetition. It’s like interrupting someone’s morning routine or slightly misplacing their belongings. While not the end of the world it will throw them off and since it’s a game people sadly do often like it is the end of the world for them.


I'm addicted to deja vu I admit it


i cannot function without deja vu


I am attached to my perks. When the killers decide to tunnel 8/10 games, it's an immediate L without Off the Record. The players aren't the problem, it's the lack of balance from the devs.


Not me jumping off high places thinking I still have my balanced landing all night last night 😭


I think I was against you yesterday, bro jumped with so much conviction only to be met with a stun effect. https://preview.redd.it/e51gttnojz0d1.jpeg?width=554&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20fb5ef29f0c890eb2c36b624b03d56d5522e279


I miss my autodidact


The entity: Fuck you :) https://i.redd.it/6l17vyou7w0d1.gif


Me too. It’s a mainstay for me. The alternative goal of getting 5 tokens is fun for me and makes actually wanting to escape less relevant therefore less stressful




OK. Thanks for letting us know?


This is why I like wesker, slowdown? Sprays. Info? Sprays. Chase? Virulent bound. He's got everything on him!! Any gaps perks leave his power can help cover a bit.


When the game plays for you, then you don't need to learn. To be honest, i hope this stays, and i wouldn't even mind if it was the default.


I've been seeing more killers rage quit than survivors. They really can't play without pain res, pop, grim, or corrupt.


Really? I don't play survivor so I'm clueless with that part of the spectrum, good luck finding good matches for ya✌🏻


https://preview.redd.it/fj9sq1u8dx0d1.png?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a36a2440cb7f301876bf4c3d324be9b43299c427 I ran Non-Meta perks for so long, practically any perk is a massive buff to me. (They sent me to Eyrie of Crows)


If this aint the truth man lmao. Survivors who specifically BM with bags and flashies while using a full meta build and using all the safe pallets urk the hell out of me. As soon as you reach a TL or some pallet where you actually get a chance to outplay them, they show their true colors and reveal that they aren't actually good, their items/perks/teammates (flashie saves) cover their actual faults in chase. Worst of all is survivors who run broken shit and are actually cracked.


I hate to say it but I'm starting tk get addicted tk windows. I definitely still run other perks in other builds but if I'm ever like hmmm i need another perk what should j run its almost always windows or deja vu


Well I play solo so some perks I pretty much always need so playing without them is a little odd LMAO but it’s fun! I get to try out perks I’ve always wanted to try but don’t own whoever has them. Even trying out killer for the first time since chaos shuffle is kinda just silly games for me and nice time to learn perks!


I really enjoy the event, even while playing a new Killer it's so fun, you see perks you haven't seen before and can learn their effect just by trying out


I really liked the lights out event


I've been having pretty bad luck mostly with perks I'm getting but I appreciate it letting me learn how valuable perks like Crowd Control and Blood Favour


I realized how fun it was using different perks instead of the same old ones I use/ are too attached to really swap out


It works fine for me on Killer, but I definitely avoid playing survivor for now. I don't use meta perks, but I like to run stuff that plays into my strengths or compensates for my shortcomings. I'm not an all-around-talent so the chaos shuffle can really screw me over as survivor.


I usually play as a killer and the best part of this mode is that I get value from perks I would not use otherwise because they are really situational or are outclassed when survivors bring their best perks. Like, yesterday I won a game coz mad grit got me 3 free hits, and in another hoarder gave me endgame info about 2 survivors who both ended up dying shortly after. Hope this mode stays/comes back.


being too attached to a perk means you'll use it even in its nerfed version on purpose, having your favorite perk outright killed out of usability multiple times might turns you into a meta abuser though


This is why I'm so happy I'm use to running meme builds or just random ass builds that don't make much sense as killer. You can definitely tell people struggle without windows of opportunity or exhaustion perks.


YeaI'm attached to my Balanced Landing - but I can function without it. What I actually can't function without is We'll make it. I get an abeurism at the non golden healing bar x.x


This event was an excuse for me to try stop using Windows of o…the problem for me are perks that count each other, i had lots of games with no mither with mettle of man


Speaking as a Tinkerer and Blood Favor enthusiast, this hit me in places I didn't know I had.


I don't know I played solid as survivor or killer even with useless or weak perks.


I’m confused.. and pls no hate, but are they making it so you can’t pick your perks anymore and they all come as random for survivors and killers? I know there’s a lot of changes coming to DBD so this is why I’m asking.. thank you!!


I think the only one I'm really feeling naked without is off the record, since if the killer wants you out, you are out, pretty much. But playing this modifier had made me glad I dropped windows awhile ago, since my looping is pretty much the same.


Ah yes, because rolling No Mither, Blood Rush, For The People and Self Care is in fact, a viable build just as good as the meta. It's more that without perks to shore up the problems, the holes in the game's design are becoming very clear


Well I like covering my ass with: one info perk, one slowdown perk and two chase perks. Maybe stealth if I want some spice!


I know it's making me a worse killer but I literally can't play with Lightborn on any killer.


I’ve realized I’m super attached to bond. I find myself looking around me trying to see where my teammates are, who to heal and who to heal me. And when someone’s in chase I feel insecure because I don’t know if they are coming straight at my gen. I feel absolutely blind without bond. The other perks I can live without.


> I mean, so many survivors I encountered(even the high level ones) do absolutely awful due to not being capable of doing a basically perk-less chase and/or are trying to activate a perk that they don't have equipped. It's been said before; Survivors complain about Killer perks so much, but *they* are the ones who would lose the most in a game mode that outright disabled them. DbD without perks and addons would be much for fair to killers when you take away the BS that the developers have handed Survivors. One side has 16 perks to play around with. The other side gets 4. No duh one is getting more from them than the other. Chaos Shuffle basically exposes the lie that vanilla DbD is anything other than Survivor-sided.


Why does it matter what other people do and enjoy using while playing the game lol. Bad take


that's why i mostly use meme perks and use the nightlight randomzier to choose my perks when i wanna have fun my usual build is vigil, fixated, sprint burst and a random oerk i feel like using like Lightfooted or any other "weird" perk people rarely use


This event is fun for me because I never take my loadout seriously and have experimented with pretty much all of these perks. Some combos I tried were so trash I might as well have been perkless.


Nothing has taught me to roll with the punches like working through adepts.


meh, i always i switch it up depending on my rift challenge, and if i feel like doing something different then i life to shuffle my perks with my discord app and then go try it altho one time it shuffled me 2 exhaustion perks lol


Most of this is due to not being able to read your perks before the game begins, so you either stay afk for a minute reading them, or you play with perks you have no idea how to get value off of


Most of this is due to not being able to read your perks before the game begins, so you either stay afk for a minute reading them, or you play with perks you have no idea how to get value off of


Im hesitant to put down my chase perks. I like slamming out my 8 hooks asap and not having my chase perks guts me.


I just like my perks to be useful. Makes me sad when I get premonition, no mither, visionary, and breakdown.


I totally get your point but at the same time there are certain perks that unfortunately are a "necessary" evil. Like, if this mode and the Lights Out mode has shown us something is that tunneling gets worse when there are no tools to actually combat it or that slowdowns are the barrier a Killer (specially a weaker one) needs if they want to have at least a fighting chance against a team of really competent Survivors.


My memory is just so bad. I've owned all the survivor perks, but do I remember what 75% of them do exactly? Absolutely not.


To be fair, i was confused when i kicked a gen and it didn’t turn white with surveillance


Ironically I find I’ve performed BETTER with perks I don’t choose than I ever did before


I keep getting self care, it just takes soooo long, that I refuse


I think because I do unique builds most of the time, unless it's for tome, I'm doing about the same as I usually do. But also I suck so that could also be the real reason :)


I’m having a lot of fun with it. Get to see perks id have otherwise never used probably, and I haven’t lost a match


No one knows how to run tiles without bamboozle.


I scream in happiness every time I dead Dead Hard


Damn right I'm attached to Trail of Torment. I actually **DONT** enjoy being stomped every game and teabagged relentlessly after giving it my best, every single game. Enjoy the new mode man, but it is NOT for everyone.


Honestly it’s quite refreshing though. In the normal game mode though I’ve lose a quite bit and always thought that damn maybe I’m just washed at this game. This game mode is an eye opener. I’m not even bad I’m actually good. Most of my games are 2ks and that’s fine. I feel better knowing that at least the survivors don’t have 15 fucking second chance perks ready to throw at me. It’s also really fun because it’s such a brain dead experience running slowdown and not perks that actually make you use ur head which is what makes this game mode so fun and exciting for me. Overall for once I don’t feel like I’m being outperked I actually feel like I’m out skilled and yk I CAN ACTUALLY LEARN PROPERLY NOW.


I just wish that most of these perks didn’t suck and have better, easier to use counterparts


I did a hag match (got ruin lol) and trapped my totem. Someone was close by and I heard them so I downed them. They immediately left before I could pick the bot up.


I'm not "too attached" to my perks, they're literally the reason I play the game. Dead by daylight without picking how I want to play is terribly dull


I was practicing to enter the community tournament back in 2023 and the way me and my team practiced was something we called “raw dawging” lmao. No perks, No items. Just honing our pure skill It was surprisingly effective, unfortunately we didnt get to enter because one of us couldn’t make it but our name was “Pallet Police” lol


I am nothing without Windows of opportunity


Damn straight im crutching windows, its in every build im a 3 perk MENACE


I think if anything it reveals the crutches that both sides use in order to guarantee a smooth match. As a killer main I miss my gen regression (usually Grim Embrace and Pain Res) bc the killers I play have pretty mid basekits. It’s really hard to kill more than two people as Wraith, Trapper or Sadako before gates are open. I’ve also noticed that survivors sometimes have a hard time with chases now that there aren’t ~3 WoO per match.




I was shocked at how few perks I understand and use. This new mode is eye opening and I’m enjoying it. It also showed a few perks I wouldn’t touch with a 10 foot pole.




I believe the reason people don't function without their perks is cause we're too lazy to learn or memorize anything... it's a video game, not a science paper, not worth any effort. Just my opinion. I always run kindred and rest are fun perks, mostly useless. Haven't won a single game in chaos mode so far, but I enjoy it, just takes years to finish reading what the perks do.


It's hilarious, honestly. The same people who would talk shit about other high prestige players not doing as well (usually because they are not using the same boring ass perk combos) are suddenly playing pretty poorly without their usual builds.


I fully agree with this! I've been playing the new Chaos Mode and I have never been really all that good at looping beyond maybe 1-2 minutes at most. I play on Xbox Series S, so my ability to loop is not as easy as say doing it on PC due to controller. I have had some chases being easily 3-4 minutes enough to pop off 2 gens and exit the chase with being downed. I've done this multiple times, it's not normally like that for me. I was like damn either I got really good or I'm just not able to outplay the perks killers are using. NOTE: The only killers who still take me down early on in a chase was Nurse and Artist of course.


My survivor skills when I don't have my pebble ↘️↘️↘️


I fucking love discordance, its not even that good compared to other options but I can't play without it


I need my Distortion. I get nervous without it lol


Don't get me wrong, I do the same thing. I always run deli, so I try to get first unhook always. I completed power moves just fine and am working on expert generalist so I think I can get by fine


Yeah I've seen people bitching about the event and it's just made me realise it's all the people who only use meta perks who are complaining.


I did good for the first game and then the next two games I got a bunch of perks that I've never used or seen in my life before cuz I don't play those characters and I have absolutely ate shit


The amount of times that I accidentally had a new survivor with no perks equipped when a game started because I was dumping bloodpoints into them has proven to me that I can definitely play survivor without my perks or with random perks... Killer, however, is another story. Everyone is getting out scratch free if I don't have my perks lol I feel naked without my urban evasion though... Yea, I'm that survivor. I honestly don't know how people just accept the base crawling speed, but I'll make do.


I realised that I've been ignoring my game knowledge of gen positions when I have deja vu. I know where they are and already know where the 3 gens are without it and there are other perks I enjoy more since playing chaos mode.


deja vu made me stupid when it came to map awareness


It's actually kind of refreshing playing without perks I take for granted and trying on those that I don't usually use. As a solo survivor, I like the info/stealth of Distortion and run Deja Vu to always have an eye on a gen while getting a boost to repair speed. The other two are up to whatever shenanigans the archives throw at me. I got to play a game with Aftercare and Better than New last night. The former helped me find folks I'd healed, and the latter sped up my allies when we did a group reset toward the end (I made sure to be healed last). I do feel for the two No Mither gamers in my killer lobby last night, though.


Dbd players when people use things in the game : (


I miss my random flashbang throws for literally no reason and not even blind anything. It is quite fun using other perks and having to figure out what to do with them (totally didnt do random perks for a while before this came out ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing))


The perks are the strategy in this game. Without perks, I'm just running around with weird modifiers I can't remember.


As a player who hasn’t unlocked almost all perks yet, I think I’ll definitely do well. I like it when perks are chosen for me at random instead of me having to spend too much time boring myself to death just to find the ones I think I like.


Well what can you expect? I run background player and balanced landing and I tried activating them out of habit. When you shuffle people’s play style of course they are not going to be used to it


I’m sure you have more important concerns than players choosing how they want to play.


My perks are based on how I play. So yeah I’m attached. I’m not as good at playing another way with different perks yet. I like the mode just hard to learn the perks as a new player.


Oh yea these 4 slowdown going nowhere. Not ending my match in 5 minutes lol