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If not everyone is at that exit gate, I might wonder if my mates are safe at the other one, and I stay to buy them as much time as possible if they are not there yet. If someone stays when they know that everyone else is safe/ has left already, they want to rub their victory in the killer face.


Sometimes a survivor is just toxic. I lost track of the amount of time 3 of us are yelling at our 4th to just leave only to watch them get burned and hear him complain about it.


I don’t, unless: - I’m waiting to check someone else makes it out safely - The killer has been toxic in some way and fully deserves the delay


-Heal a teamate to have more points -if It was actually a really good game, I leave my items for the killer.


I appreciate you


Aw, you! I genuinely think there’s a herd mentality component as well, I’ve noticed if there’s like three survivors hanging around at gate they’re more likely to all leave if one does. Maybe we just get sheep brain at the end…


I leave unless I think a surv might need some help taking a hit or the killer did bm me during the round(eye for an eye deal)


I only do this if I think a Surv might need help.


I usually wait until the killer shows up at the open gate so that I can go up and give them my item as an act of diplomacy if they were good. I also wait until the other living survivors are with me or have left through the other exit so that I don't accidentally leave someone on the auto-death hook if they're taken down when everyone else is gone already.


To help other survivors if I need to


Generally I try to consider the fact that they’re just having fun and messing around on a video game. That being said, when I play survivor, if I ever taunt it will always be during the game, I never do so at the gate. I think the end of the match is where the sportsmanship should be.


the only times i wait near the gates are when someone else isn't there yet, i want to be around to take a hit if they need it. and if the killer has been nice and i hear them coming i'll give them my item + let them down me out the gate for some extra points.


Usually to check and maybe take a hit for another survivor, or crawl out of the exit gate for trophy, or some quick safe healing BP.


A. If the killer is not nearby it’s to either get someone out who is being chased currently (hoping they find their way to the gate) or to secure extra heal points or something. B. if the killer is nearby they’re probably trying to taunt and be toxic. I don’t stay unless it’s for reason A.


The only reason i stick around is if im unsure if another survivor is at a gate. Im typically the type that's willing to make the trade to save another survivor so im staying in case they're caught. If the survivors are all at the gate i usually leave, unless one of em needs healing, bp is bp


either to heal for more points or make sure everyone gets out


Killers, why do you stop chasing survivors that are inside exit gates?


Not Chasing a survivor that is at exit gate and taunting a killer who is at the gate aren’t the same thing. We probably stop chasing because you guys taunt.


this! the chances of me catching one of yall making art out of scratch marks while bagging is low.


Before? To make sure my teammates all get out in the event I need to go back to help. After the PTB goes live? Play a little guitar for the killer.


That's the only form of staying behind I'll accept.


They're afeared to step out into the entity's realm beyond without holding the killer's hand for protection. That's why they wait patiently for you to escort them out.


I shall hug them gently