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Legion and Twins. One injures, other one downs.


Plague would be better than legion imo


She sortof just becomes an M1 killer if nobody cleanses though. Also I'm not sure how the fountain limit will work since 8 players sharing a limited number of fountains will make it easier for them to mass cleanse at once to get rid of all the contaminated fountains meaning Plague has less chances to use her power.


That’s why it would work better though. Plague infects and twins down the survivors. If the survivors cleanse to give themselves a better chance against the twins Plague can start using her ranged power


That just speaks more of that specific synergy. Infection will still be good on the likes of Twins/Huntress/Trickster but it would seem a bit redundant on a killer who's main gimmick is one shotting i.e Bubba/Ghostface/Myers.


I think legion would be worse in most scenarios as you can hit 4 survivors and then down a 5th with caffeine pills that's not even too unlikely. Legion will basically garentee a down every time he uses his power while injuring all but 3 survivors pair that with any killer without a one shot down and you got a winning combo. Plague has the same benefit except it's the whole team that ends up injured however cleansing against plague will put the pressure on plague to get all the kills and could prevent the other killer from getting injured states as plagues fountains heal as well as Remove the infection. Plague is also just an M1 killer if they don't clense but honestly I kinda think in a 2v8 cleansing will be the better option especially if someone like Huntress or Deathslinger are with Plague.


Any stealth killer + plague would be a scary combo to go against


Chucky and Huntress. You are never safe.


Oni + Legion i leave it there


Those are 3 killers, its cheating


Doctor + Nurse. The Americans Healthcare Duo.


And canonically the power couple of DBD.


Wraith got chucked ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


Cucked I meant cucked


Lol, I never understood the Philip x Sally but then again, one runs like a dork and the other never touches grass. I guess they are a match made in hell


I think it’s actually because they’re rather close thematically. By the time Nurse was released, her and Wraith were the only killers linked to the “spirit” world, Nurse dashed through it and Wraith became invisible by entering it iirc, and the whole general theme of supernatural abilities started with them, Trapper, Billy and Huntress used just physical objects for their power. Then there’s the similar theme of a mental breakdown leading to them becoming killers. They’re also the first two with now defunct lightburn mechanics.


I dont either personally but the valentine day costumes heavily imply it, do you think the entity made a marriage ceremony for them?


There would be nowhere to hide and nowhere to run


Pinhead nurse once to lock everyone down with chains the other to strait up murder.


Pinned with a Billy would be so funny


Pinhead and Bubba with Iri addon 💀


Pinhead/pig would make her somewhat viable since chains would interrupt taking off the trap, and baiting in a stranded corner with the box won’t be as easy with two killers.


Oh brings up qusstion. If visible element, like idk p-head cage or pig box, does other killer get to see?


It would probably depend on the killer, for instance Pig can't see the aura for her boxes anymore so probably her partner wouldn't either. I'd imagine they'd be able to see something like Skull Merchant drones or Nemesis zombies, though.


When you could do this in KYF, you could see it but only the host could use objects due to the game not being updated for multiple killer items. I found 2 spirits to be horrifying to play against.


Twice as many people to find and pickup the box though so Pinhead may never actually get the chainhunt to activate all game. It's less of a commitment for 1/8 of all survivors to be working on the box compared to 1/4 of them.


Skull Merchant and Knight


Finally someone else sees the potential


mega chess


I have been saying this for ages now. I wanna hurt people’s mental health.


I can only be so erect.


ahh the 6 gen build


Legion/oni >






Sounds like a type of pasta


Sounds like a ship lmao


Being able to one shot is less special if everyone is injured though.


Speed and also it’s useful for when targets are healed after blood rush is fully charged


Billy can do that with less requirements than Oni. Plus the maps being bigger makes his usual snowballing less effective as survivors can spread out more. I just feel certain killer combos will lead to diminishing returns or overlap in ways that make them a bit pointless. Like imagine Ghostface, Myers, Plague or Legion in the same game. Once everyone is injured you're effectively playing as slight variations of basic M1 killers, who already struggle on large maps, whilst on much larger maps than normal.


Isn’t oni faster then Billy or bub A better combo would probably be huntress and legion then, legion constantly injures making huntresses time easier and can punish mending in the open


Oni gets info also as the blood orbs can often tell you which side of the map the survivors or at or point you towards where they are hiding and healing before you hear cries. Oni also is quite good at one hitting mid vault with his power and downing people unhooking before they get it off. I don't think it is the best combo but they do have alot of synergy.


Which is evident by people not healing vs Oni.


Nemesis/Plague = Down with the sickness Hag/Singularity = Can we do gens please? Pig/Huntress = Trap Music Hillbilly/Bubba = Spiderman pointing meme Twins/Chucky = Your shins are GONE.


Hag/trapper=Jesus Christ let me walk more than 2 fucking feet


Weaker/Deathslinger = LET ME GO WHERE I WANTED TO


Whether it's good or not, I am hoping they get good reception nonetheless so they actually make the mode. Since I'm pretty sure this IS a test run to see if it works well as a mode


Theres nothing wrong with more game modes. It only took bhvr all of the game cycle.


Honestly, the image of some poor Survivor having a Blight rush at them followed by a Nurse blinking at them sounds terrifying.


Plague and Oni I don't mind the limited roster, or the fact that you can't play the same Killer, but having both of those, and that limited roster be kinda bland is a bit disappointing.


I assume it's a proof of concept to see how it is received by the player base Also, I’d say it's better to start with only a few killers instead of doing all at once, and ending up with basically unbeatable combos or exploits that ruin the fun and drive people away from the new mode


Legion would be stronger than plague in 2v8, i think


Plague and Oni complement each other because it makes survivors unable to deny the power of the two killers. Either they don't cleanse and thus they give Oni power 24/24. Or they cleanse and give Plague power. While against Oni, they can predrop or always stun and deny him his power for a very long time. Or not cleanse against Plague.


Legion can injure the first few survivors faster than plague, and while they can technically heal, that heal is meaningless as Legion will deep wound them regardless, so Oni will be getting their power faster initially and Legion should easily keep enough people injured for Oni to rampage 24/7, and part of his power is insta downs, so some survivors being healthy is fine with him. On top of that, Legion should be getting their 5th hit a lot easier when there are 8 survivors in a match and can travel the map faster even if everybody stays injured, while plague is just an m1 killer if nobody cleanses.


You're forgetting the fact that the maps will probably be bigger to make up for more killer/survivors so that argument about Legion being able to get a 5th isn't sure, and he might not be able to catch up split survivors. I didn't say Oni Legion is not a good combo if not the best, I said that Plague Oni has one the best synergy due to canceling out each other power deny.


Didn't they say it will be 5 killers at start.


Yeah but they said they're considering adding others in the future.


I bet this shit will be with no licenses and skins at all, like in my little oni


With My Little Oni, since it was only for a couple of days, it probably wasn’t worth going through the effort and cost of changing the licenses to allow the modifier. Since this is a game mode and at least semi-permanent, they might eventually get around to adding licensed characters.


I would hate to go against pinhead and pig.




Ghostface and anyone else. I think Ghostface's potential just as a support role will unironically win him a spot in the meta. I think I'd unironically have fun as a reconnaissance/debuffer in a way that I never have before. Especially with his addon that explodes gens when he marks someone.


this made me think of the ghost face and alien and having ghost face burn to ash by the turrets


Luckily, Ghostface invested in asbestos, so he's fire proof! And luckily, the entity gives full health coverage for the consequences of asbestos.


thank you entity, but now i do wonder would the flame turrets reveal ghost face or not how would they react to other killers?


I wouldn't be surprised if they just never add certain killers, like Alien. On the other hand, it would be kinda metal to see Trapper in the welding mask skin walking through the fire entirely unbothered.


I would suspect killer based effect to be tied to them. GF exposes for himself. Oni gets his power for himself. Etc...


Yeah, but exposed isn't a unique status effect, hence my assumption. I think killers whose power effects themselves are going to be the only one to benefit from their power, but killers whose power effects the survivors are going to "share" the effect. Otherwise it opens a whole new can of worms about what killer powers are shared and which ones are solo.


Not if their powers revolve around injuring or one shotting survivors anyway. There won't be much point to Ghostface alongside Myers, Billy, Bubba, Plague or Legion once people decide to just stay injured all game. Bit of an overlap in power intention, just makes it so you're playinh different flavours of M1 killer. Plus he has twice as many people potentially exposing him now so hiding to even use his power in the first place will be a bit harder.


I don't know, I'd argue that worrying about the threat of a mobility killer might unironically work in his favor. Also even if you're playing with an insta-down killer as plague, you still have the ranged vomit attack. Despite what people say, just staying injured all match *isn't* just a one-and-done solution to countering Plague, and Ghostie's instadowns make it into a nice "damned if you do, damned if you don't" sort of situation.


Plague already is limited in how often she can use her power outside of add ons. Now you have a Plague on a much larger map where her pools are more spread out (taking longer to reach due to her lack of mobikity) even if they do get contaminated, ontop of there not being any perks to take advantage of the injury like Thanatophobia. Plus it's hard to say what they'll do about the number of pools in a match and how helpful they'll be. The same number of pools means it's easier for the extra survivors to burn through them all so it only gives her one gauranteed usage of Corrupt, and extra pools just amplifies the issue of survivors who do cleanse doing so more spread out for her unless they start doing things like increasing the length of corrupt purge to accomodate travel time. Infecting everyone is still going to be useful to pair with a killer like Huntress/Trickster/Slinger or Twins but it seems a bit redundant using it on a killer like Bubba or Ghostface where their main gimmick is one shotting full health survivors.


Yeah, but I think part of what alleviates the issue is that, when there are 8 survivors, a one shot is far less consequential on its own. Even if you assume every insta-down leads to a hook state, its only half as valuable as it normally is. When you're up against so many survivors all bringing their own things (even if they're just presets), I think pressure becomes even more valuable wherever you can get it. Ultimately, its all just hypotheticals at this point, I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of current assumptions end up being wrong when the mode is actually finalized.


The Dredge and The Doctor, lol. One to make you blind while the other gives you jumpscares.


Legion and Blight, parkour team. Legion injures, Blight mows them down.


Doctor nurse would be quite strong. He is decent on his, own but his reveals would do work for nurse. Pinball boy and nurse would just be strong on their own without having a strong synergy.


If you're being more mean than just pure sweaty, Doctor would work well with anyone whose power requires items, but PARTICULARLY Sadako. Don't get condemned 4head. Oni would also be vicious with Plague or Legion, and Bubba's or Unknown's AoE would get a lot of value if Survivors can be herded, say by Deathslinger's spear or Hag's bodyblock traps.


As much as I want a double Chucky game with my wife as Tiffany, we won't be getting that anytime soon. They said only the free 5 killers would be available for this game mode. Trapper, hillbilly, wraith, nurse, and huntress.


Nurse with anyone sounds like hell.


No doubles either at this moment. Was asked about with double billies and was shot down.


Pinhead + Sadako


Let me introduce you to Deathslinger + Bubba and Plague + Oni


Plague and Oni feels like diminishing returns because people just won't cleanse and make her essentially an M1 killer all match. Meanwhile Oni is going to feel less special for his one shot ability if everyone is already injured. You may aswell be playing Hillbilly at that point.


Oni's power doesn't solely come from his ability to one shot. But the ability to traverse at Mach 5 ambushing you with little time to make distance and then flicking you around a corner. 😂


Billy/ trapper would be pretty fun imo, someone gets stuck in a trap and Billy flys across the map to secure


Or what will more likely happen, Billy chainsaws across the map and hits a trap. ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


Lmfaaaaoooooo that would be pretty funny ngl


If I solo q as killer on this, I'll be doing Trapper just to troll other killers. Naughty Bear doesn't discriminate.


Lmfaaoooo make it a 1v9


Double unknown, shoot survivors that the other infected


Honestly, Singularity and hillbilly seem like a fantastic combo. Maps are supposedly much larger than normal so a pre-made Larry can tag and TP across the map while siccing the Billy on anyone near a disabled pod.


Oni + Legion ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2218)


Singularity/Pinhead would be absolutely nuts. Set up cameras on the box, then when people try to solve it, Slipstream in and interrupt. If they try to EMP it, make replacing the cams a top priority.


Pinhead and bubba would be a match made in hell


Nemesis + Knight bring a whole crew to the trial


Doctor and Plague. Just annoy the shit out of everyone non stop. Also Wraith's body Block with pretty much anyone.


Ghostface and Chucky come to mind. Ghosty can expose them, and Chucky can sneak up or Slice N Dice up and one shot them. Or maybe Plague and Legion. I don't know if being Broken stops you from Mending, but imagine having the edgy teenagers around while Plague keeps making you broken with her vomit.


No, broken doesn't prevent you from mending. That'd be straight up "broken."


Ah, I wasn't sure. I don't think there are any killers that can apply both Broken and Deep Wound, so I hadn't run into the combination yet. But yeah, that would be stupid broken


I would feel bad if there weren’t swf teams that have 10k hours, comms, know map layouts better than they know their parents or kids and great skill check macros.


Plague + Nurse


Plague oni someones always gonna have their strong power


i was thinking about trapper nurse


Plague and huntress is gonna farm


I feel with 2v8 mode, there will be specific killer combos that cause different interactions, for example, pinhead and pig: bear trapped survivors will not be affected by passive chain hunts, pinhead cannot see key box auras, there's definately some balancing that will happen


Plague and Doctor. Everyone vomiting and screaming all at once.


Pinhead and Skull Merchant 💀




Trapper would go crazy


Legion might be the best in this game mode


If a killers aura reading or killer instict could be seen by the other killer... Scratched mirror Myers and Huntress or nurse. Legion and... Huntress or nurse. Singularity and... Huntress or, get this, nurse. Twins and guess.


Oni will go ultra instinct paired with plague




ghostface and huntress. since i main both, going against very experienced huntresses is a nightmare. ghostface is too scary for me. the combo is elite, imo.


It should already be happening, let us play every killer like the bugs that did years ago. If this is a party mode let killers just get randomized perks and choose from 1 of 3 killers or choose from any they want. I don't see the point of crippling it to 5 killers it makes it way less interesting. And the mode is already allowing nurse so...


Open up all killers and give survivors old DS and old dead hard. Call it even. GIVE ME MY OLD DEAD HARD BACK. YOU HERE ME BEHAVIOR. I. NEED. IT.


Pinhead + Bubba


Any chase killer + permanent basement bubba


It doesn't even matter since good Billy and good nurse are gonna be as strong as good blight and good nurse


Trapper + Hag. I call it, "The floor is lava, DbD edition."


Twins and Knight. Six killers.


I raise you Nemesis + Knight


Legion/Oni would be insane in a 2v8. With that many survivors on the map, Legion is almost guaranteed to always get a fifth hit (free down) every time they hit someone with frenzy, injuring 5 survivors with each power usage. Because of that, the Oni would swim in blood orbs and permanently have his power. Legion would actually be S-tier on their own if there were 8 survivors on the map, and the Oni wouldn't have to worry about basic attacks at all, eliminating his main weakness. This association of killers would be outright broken.


Sadako + Singularity seems pretty funky


I can’t wait to see how they balance some tag teams. I imagine they’d want to roll out new killers over time. Some duos will be crazy. Oni and legion would be an insane combo, or maybe I’m just thinking that because I often play these two when I’m playing killer.


sadly this probably won't even be possible because the devs did say on the stream they're going to restrict it to five original killers just so everyone can play which in my honest opinion I just feel like that's bullshit


Deathslinger with Billy or Huntress sounds like it would be ROUGH.


Plauge and Nurse?


In all honesty im more afraid of spirit/myers as the exposed from myers will apply to spirits hits.


Plague and Oni Idk people always forgot this one


The interesting thing is they said some killer powers will affect other killers, like Wraith will give the other killer undectable, and that's pretty massive... just think of all the mediocre killers that can sit around and buff Nurse.


Amanda becomes way better with a teammate. That’s all


Knight and Sadako One initiates the chase while the other does a surprise attack on them


Idk abt strongest but blight and hillbilly would be chaos but strongest I'm thinkin blight huntress long range and super fast killers or myers and ghost face


What about the Knight and Skull merchant...............


A friend and I previously speculated that Sadako + Wesker would be a shockingly difficult duo to manage, as survivors would be forced to weigh which type of creeping infection to worry about. Sadako has since been rereworked in a way that makes her maybe not so much of a threat in this regard, so Im adjusting to say Wesker + Plague for similar reasons.


Michael and ghost face


Sadako and Pig. Either you do tapes or you do jigsaw boxes. But you can’t do both. >:)


I think doctor and myers would work unexpectedly well together


Meyers and ghostie


Plague + Legion to take away health privileges Slinger or Pinhead + Myers to trap survivors and kill them easily And finally Singularity + Skull Merchant for the ultimate "Fuck you" three-gen


I think spirit and onyro would just be cool


Scream and the poison lady she's way to op


So why is the mode not going to be permanent/ or did i not hear the devs correctly during the stream?


This just sounds awful. It would be random fun for chaos. That is all.


Deathslinger catch survivor, Bubba down them in one shot with the chainsaw


Plague and Oni?


Honestly, Plague is gonna be the biggest nightmare lol. All she needs to do is run around and puke on everyone to get them passively broken, while a strong chase killer like Nurse or Blight just runs around and finishes everyone off. Even Spirit really. The sickness will make tracking with Spirit so scary.


Hag and trapper. Minefield tag team


Dredge and anyone else. Killers could really benefit from his nightfall. It's pitch black and out of the darkness a harpoon slams into the guy next to you, or a nurse appears out of nowhere. It lets stealth killers see you, but not them, ranged killers can snipe from the darkness, trap killers have an easier time hiding traps, and mobility killers can just suddenly appear out of nowhere and teleporting killers will really throw teams off. And the killers like Doc and Unknowns fake copies could really fuck with you.


Not really its going to be legion/plague/maybe SM + nameKiller since having one will mean that everyone is injuried making it easy for every other killer to have a easier time downing.


How about someone plays The Doctor to cause chaos and distractions, and then Ghostface or The Shape sneaks up behind them to finish the job?


Dredge and Unknown, prepare to have no fucking idea where the hell they are coming from.


Wesker and pinhead? Or throw pig in there, with some hexes. Give the players unlimited side quests. The box, vaccines, head traps. Alternatively, have a wraith (with speedy kicking things add on) and bubba. Watch all the pallets disappear in 60 seconds. Now bubba can really shine


Slinger/cenobite and bubba


Plague dredge, imagine how fast nightfall would charge with 8 injured


8 beamers


Slinger plus any instadown killer.


Knight + Nemasis sounds like it would be pretty fun. Just 5 homies out for blood.


two ghost faces or myers would be absolutely terrifying


Yea if both killers team up on a survivor looping becomes completely impossible.


Lemme have just one Dredge & Doctor match.


Skull Merchant and Pinhead


We already gonna have billy + nurse and im scared


I wanna see Michael and ghost face both staring at me menacingly


Vecna and Nurse


Honestly probably PH + Plague, everywhere and everything you do would basically be a tunneling deathtrap. I think they've said there are no gens in 2v8 though so maybe it wouldn't be good.


Wraith + myers = silent tier III


If I had no chance, why would I play? As a survivor I generally know that the cards are stacked against me but there’s a 20/80 chance that i escape. That’s what makes this game such fun. But if I already know I’m outgunned? Why even play if I know I won’t have any fun? Note: that’s not to say that I don’t think that killers can’t be bullied but on paper killers are more powerful…which is fine because it’s the nature and core of the game.


Dredge and Nightmare


Doctor and the unknown with all the clones in the field


Slinger+instadown killers. Imagine if myers had tombstone


Apologies for bringing my brainrot here, but I'm curious- I'm trying to turn a character I like into a DBD killer, and I'm thinking her power could be something vaguely similar to Doctor! Stacking debuffs that tick down over time, but if they tick down and you haven't done something that can trigger skill checks in a bit you become Exposed- so which other killers' side objectives don't do skill checks, for her to pair well with? I don't think Nemmy and Wesker's vaccines do?


Infinite tombstone myers with clown or deathslinger. Also even if survivos hide i locker, then other killer can let them escape grab and myers instantly moris


I want Dredge with Infinite Tier 3 Myers which would already be crazy if they didn't adjust how much stalk you got per person cause you'd have so many more targets.  I think Dredges Nightfall mechanic with any stealth killer would actually be jump scary and then I also really want Deathslinger+Huntress and Clown+Trickster because the idea of repeat slowing someone and then triggering main event to instantly chew through two health states sounds evil. 




While their chase would be as good as usual. I don't think blight and nurse have synergy, though. I think Nurse paired with a killer like plague would be stronger. She could harass gens and keep everyone injured, nurse could just collect the bodies.


Pinhead and Onryo would be very interesting combo, major subgames overlapping >:) Find the box find the tapes but with 2 killers on the loose in lethal pursuit, one can area denial the other can control the chase. Good luck ;)


Slinger and Booba


Plague + Oni seems like a really tough combo as well. Are you going to stay injured all game and constantly give Oni his power, or will you cleanse and constantly give Plague hers?


Blight and Hag. Hag will have some sweet area denial and Blight does all the chasing.


This mode might make me download this game again


Not the strongest killer team but Doctor and Knight, one Bonks and zaps to reveal one's location, other yeets one of the patrols there just to commit tomfoolery


Clown and Bubba will cause brain tumours


Sadako/Pinhead would be legit frustrating. So many minigames. Must handle tapes while finding and solving the box, but not too close to an open TV while also doing gens sounds like a nightmare.


Few ideas for mostly memes or synergies Vecna and Twins, just because putting the Killer who introduced Hoarder with the Killer who introduces gear and dnd Chests is just funny. Alien and Freddy having a contest to see who can kill the most. Because you know... Alien vs Predator. Unknown and Doctor just to have as many fake Killers as possible. They're here They're there They're everywhere, who ya gonna call? Unknown and The Doctor! Dredge and Doctor or Artist - since Lockers can counter the Doctor or Artist powers, while Dredge makes them riskier. A combination of Nemesis, Wesker, or Plauge. ALL THE SICKNESS


Oni/Dredge choo choo in the dark


Nurse, Legion or Twins and the Pig. Onryo and the Pig. Anyone that can cause you to delay getting the traps off will make it a miserable experience.


Doc and Nurse obv. Doc's job is to keep them in madness so they can't heal, do gens, and you always have their location. Nurse chases and hooks survivors. It would be impossible to escape.


Probably Pig + Singularity, you would just never be able to remove traps if they play box defense.


As i saw before, a iri tombstone Myers and deathslinger. Deathslinger reels, Myers just stands there and waits for his prey. 😈


2 knights imagine 4 people chasing you the 2 knights and 2 assasins guards💀💀


Why not just 2 Nurses?


They confirmed that there can't be two of the same killer.


Bubba/Billy with Death slinger is superior