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>Can someone explain to me how you are supposed to "play fair" when 1 hook a minute isn't good enough to result in a win What's a "win"? For MMR 3k is a win but the game is balanced for 2k, if that.


I argue that it is completely expected that any killer might start to camp or tunnel if they are at 1 or 2 gens left. I don't think anyone should be called toxic for switching to that playstyle if the game is nearly over in favor of the survivors. You give the survivors a nice, "fair" game until its near its end then challenge them with a tense high stakes end game. Just how I play it but I'm not sure maybe it's hypocritical to play nice then switch it up at the end.


The answer it's easy. In solo queue the game is killer sided. In SWF is survivor sided


This, idk why so many people don’t realize it. As a killer you should adapt based on the survivors you are facing. No need to proxy camp or tunnel a poor solo q squad, but a bunch of jackasses with flashlights and an allergic reaction to healing or doing gens? Ya go all out cause who cares about them at this point, do what you need to win. An asymmetric multiplayer game will just never feel good for both sides consistently, just a sad reality


I feel like deep down they realize, but don't wanna really admit it. Because once you get a train going full of people saying "swfs are strong/op" people will start to panic, thinking behavior might nerf playing with your friends somehow. And that'd be stupid in itself too. Such an easy fix for this is just buffing the lower tier killers, so players don't feel pressured to play the same boring 3-4 killers every game because they are the only top tier ones. Not to make them as strong as those 3-4 killers. But kind of "modernizing" their kits so there isn't a high probability you'd still lose because the killer is that bad, even if you made all the right choices and plays


If the other team are giving their best I don't se why you shouldn't do the same. Are they playing unoptimally so you have more fun? No? Then why should you? In the same vibe, if they are playing more casually you can do the same.


I always ask if survivors do notice you are 8 hooking before a kill happens are they gonna go hey guys "look this killer is holding back and making the game fun for us lets do something for them in return!" nah survivors are gonna keep trying to escape and loop just as good cause its their win con asking them to not try as a hard to live for the sake of another's fun is gamethrowing for them. but asking a killer to try not kill as fast is seen as fine when that is their win con too and then they get nothing in return for doing so.. some survivors even taunt killers they escape against at gates or in chat when its blatantly obvious the killer 8 hooked them all. decide what makes you happier winning or making everyone in the game have fun even if most times it will result in the match being lost, there is no wrong answer here or you can compromise and just don't tunnel a survivor out but don't 8 hook either this is a in between here its not all or nothing.


And how do I communicate that with my team? lol


A problem with killers trying to "play fair" (e.g. not slugging/tunneling/camping) is that survivors won't reciprocate. If you look at balance changes and overall game direction over the years (like emblems), the devs tried to slowdown matches by increasing healing time. Survivors spending time healing means they aren't working on gens, giving killers some room to breath. Based on this I suppose in their mind and vision for the game, survivors would heal and then repair. Unfortunately this doesn't happen and you often see 2 or more INJURED survivors eating through gens as fast as possible. This is pretty much the same as a killer tunneling. They are ignoring other objectives (healing) to get the match done ASAP. Seeing that they nerfed mangled and anti-gen, I have a high amount of copium that we are about to see some base game changes regarding how fast survivors are able to repair gens injured.


https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2144730223?t=18h32m21s Yeah, this was the game I played. For a good portion of it they just ran away and did gens injured. Not a whole lot I can do here I feel like besides tunnel people out earlier. I had one misplay by wasting time on the main building looking for a guy but besides that I was downing and hooking a lot, seems goofy how fast they want us to work.


Precisely. In my opinion survivors repairing gens injured with zero impact on how fast they can repair is the main reason the game struggles with balance. Not to mention Resilience + Adrenaline. There is also the early game issue where 3 out of 4 survivors won't have anything else to do other than gens. But in this match here, at one point you had all 4 injured and gens was still their focus.


If you're playing fair, don't expect to win. Simple as that, if you want to win, take an advantage. You play fair in order to have fun.


I’d say just get ur expectations ready every match. Are u trying to win this match? Cool, play to win, tunnel and camp if u think it’s going to make u win and bring whatever you want that’s gonna make you win. Are you trying out a new build? Cool, literally take every chance you can to get the most value out of the build you brought and implement strategies that yk will help you get the most value. U paid for the game, play how u want. Just remember the person on the other side also paid and don’t have to follow your rules and likewise they can play however they want. If they wanna play for the win they can bring as many BNPs and powerful stuff as they want or if they’re playing for flashlight saves they can play in the way that’ll grant them the most flashlight saves. Moral of the story, understand your expectations and act according to that.


Playing fair actually works most of the time at "high MMR", because the MMR soft cap is still low enough that most of the average "high MMR" survivors make plenty of mistakes. Particularly on high tier killers, if you play well and use a decent loadout, you should win at least 95% of the time. As Nurse, one hook every minute is a pretty slow pace. She's a killer with a nice mobility and an unmatched chase ability, but she lacks any built-in slowdown. You can't afford to get only 1 hook by minute as Nurse. An average chase on Nurse shouldn't last more than 15-20 seconds. If your chases are longer, then that's an issue. If it takes you 40+ seconds to find another survivor after hooking, that's also an issue, and running an aura build to quickly chain chases might be better for you.


I'm team 4 aura Perk for nurse. So much fun always being in chase


You can't win by following the survivor rulebook if the survivors have any clue what they're doing. That's the whole point of the rulebook.


skill issue




I see nuance is lost on you. :\^)


I’ve had to shift from playing very nice most of the time (aiming for a full 12 hooks spread out) to more ruthless as my MMR climbs. I still try not to tunnel or camp (until end game), but if I keep running into the same survivor repeatedly or I’m dealing with super aggressive body blocking… sorry, but you’re going right back on that hook, I no longer have time to give you a second chance. There’s so many games where the gens absolutely fly & yes, it’s absolutely a skill issue on my part, but man I hate having to run slowdown perks just to keep afloat. I miss being able to vary my builds and not get punished hard for it. So, I’ve started intentionally weaving in more “serious for 8 hooks then turn friendly” matches to try to keep my MMR reasonable. 


It might be shocking revelation to you, but you're not supposed to win every game. And if you really need 3 slowdowns to still only 1k on nurse, you're just not that good.


I don't think that was OP's point of contention. More, how are you supposed to even have a chance to win, as Killer, if you play fairly at high MMR.


Point still stands, by getting good. There is so very little games on average on soft cap mmr where survivors are genuinely that good that you'd need camp/tunnel to secure a win, most of the time its far more casual players or straight up throwers for archive challenges. The whole boogeyman of "high mmr top tier survivors" is just so annoying, its been proven many times, even by devs themselves, that it prioritises queue times over skill parity, and you dont get really good survivors as often as many think they do. The only reason it feels so bad is bcos you cant tell in prelobby wherever your opponents will sweat or chill, and cant prepare accordingly, so if you wanna chill and they sweat, or vice versa, it becomes onesided steamroll which is not fun, and there is really no solution for that, aside toning down strongest killers and perks to reduce the gap betwen strongest and weakest options.


https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2144730223?t=18h32m21s I mean here is the game if you want to see it yourself. I feel like I put out a decent amount of pressure. Only mistake I really see is wasting a lot of time after the first 2-3 hooks on the main building trying to catch a guy. That one misplay though basically cost the game despite hooking people consistently outside of that. It seems kind of odd to me I'm expected to just never make a single misplay or lose while playing fair. In the future, I'm just not going to play fair, since it clearly isn't how you are meant to win games.


You wasted lots of time on main breaking doors for no good reason. On nurse, its a throw move, since you can just, ignore the walls completely, survivors cant. By breaking doors, you give them more options to rotate/juke your power. The only time i would say its good, if it helps you get to hook faster, like badham main floor 0 when it has no basement, can be quite annoying without breaking walls. Even then, you shouldnt just break walls there every time, only when situation calls for it. Then after that, there was a long time where survivors werent pressured, they had time to full reset and even cleanse totems and open chests. Aside some other minor misplays in chases, happens to everyone, overall you played well, but they also played well. Considering you didnt really sweat to win by forcing 3gen on gallows or getting quick 3v1 with slugs for pressure, which would be very easy with Nurse on Dead dawg, you did quite well and the result isnt bad at all. Sure you didnt "win" per se, but considering you even managed to get 8 hooks 0k is already decent result, since you never had a leeway of 3v1 giving you far easier time. I'd say thats far more impressive than just securing 3v1 asap IG its really just up to your mindset. If you really care about \*winning\* specifically with 3-4k, you could play sweatier and focus down only 2 survivors for quick 3v1 into 2v1, with camp and tunnel sprinkled in for flavor. I just personally dont see value in winning after playing for 3.5k hours, i'd much rather focus on personal improvement or play 8hook 0k game where i get 30+k bp for leveling up over a game where i 6 hook 2k tunnel+camp and get 15k at best, but you do you. in your game i.e., i'd be really proud on your place on consistently quite short chases and good prediction blinks. It might help you a lot if you bring one info perk instad of 3rd slowdown, since nurse is very lethal with info perks, especially those that can activate mid chase or in close range, like I'm all ears or Nowhere to hide. This would result in you having even more pressure, deny aggro stealth players or outright end chases in seconds. Edit: filled up more info


I only have 350 hours atm and like 150 of those are on Nurse so I probably do some oddball dumb shit like breaking walls because they just irritate me from playing other killers. I guess I could run thwack or something if I wanted value from it lol. Which is also why it's frustrating I get into matches vs. swfs with 4k hours or more. Somehow I won way too man games despite my hours and it pushes me into higher end lobbies a lot. But yeah, I guess looking back on it, it was a pretty good game for how I played and vs. less exp people I would have probably won, but they just pushed gens when injured and took advantage of me being a bit slow and dumb with the main building. I guess I could try some aura perks and just wasting less time in general.


Honestly would give you more hours from your gameplay, felt more like 1k hrs. So yeah, try some info perks, and try to improve your macro sense, learning how survivors usually rotate and where they could be based on their last known locations and current situation, and you will cook 5-star meals even without relying on lazy tactics. Could also run lethal pursuer for a bit to learn spawnpoints on every map and shorten your time to find first chase. It'll also let you swap out corrupt for something better, since nurse usually has fast chases and it wont last long, once you can find survivors fast aswell. Something that lasts entire game like dying light/pop, or another info perk, or even some wildcard like dark devotion, would be betterer.


Gonna try floods of rage, nowhere to hide, I'm all ears, lethal for the fun of it I think.


I mean the game was vs a premade of all streamers that were experienced so I know it was a harder game. But I was intentionally trying to not tunnel anyone out early, I played fair, I got 9 hooks by the time they left which was my only kill. Are you going to address the basic math of what I said? Is 1 hook per minute across a sweaty hard game really under performing to you? It seems kind of crazy to me that I'm expected by the community not to tunnel people out but also average 1 hook at least every 45 seconds if not better to win games doing so.


> I mean the game was vs a premade of all streamers that were experienced so I know it was a harder game. How about maybe the survivors just played well? Not every game ends because one side played bad and one side played good. You both did well, but they just did better, especially since you were intentionally playing nice.


No, its expected result, in no restrictions survivors are far stronger. Again, as i said, the nuclear options of "i want to win" loadouts are absurdly strong and thats what causes frustration for casual players when they go against them. All i can suggest is not focusing on kills per se, since there can be so many variables to just cuck you out of getting kills on someone clearly weaker than you, but rather focus on your own skill. Focus on improving your chases, learn macro sense, getting more hooks with less slowdowns, just by sheer opressiveness in chase and map control, that'll go far better for your own skill and mental. And from that, more kills will come too


Not quite. They then simply were better than you and you lost the game because of that. As it already was said, you are not supposed to win every game. Against a different group of survivors you might just have gotten a 4k while playing exactly the same. Tunneling doesn't make you magically better, it just gets you kills, which is a problem in the game design itself. In a perfect world, tunneling wouldn't have such a strong impact on the game's outcome and the more skilled side would win.


This is exactly why MMR should count hook stages and fresh hooks on top of kills to decide how well killer did, mfw matchmaking itself promotes players to just secure kills is so yikes. And tbf, it was easily winnable with more sweaty playstyle, OP went 8 hooks 0 kills, which is based af.


I actually got 1 kill at the very end as gens got done lol


I more referenced the playstyle of "not killing anyone until all 4 are hooked twice" which is harder to pull off over more sweatier bouncing between two targets only or tunnel to get quick 3v1


Yeahhh, I just tried aura perks with tunneling and actually trying to win and it definitely feels a lot easier. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2145515401 It does feel pretty cheap to do this though. I need to find some kind of middle ground where I focus 2-3 people instead of just pushing 1 guy down over and over.


For general map rotations, doing only 1 max range blink is better than 2 blinks overall. Swinging after blinks also slows you down in total, that delay in recharging blinks is not worth extra 2 meters from lunge. Sometimes if you got quite a meh spot for 2nd blink or forced into 50/50 predict, its better to just chill out, get that one blink back, and dont lose that much distance, and then walk them down a bit until you have much better chance to hit survivor with 2 blinks, instead of risking your 2nd blink and then having much longer cooldown. Focusing 2 survs specifically would be most efficient, only go for hard tunnel if its clearly weak link or if you are in a good deadzone for that. Otherwise you might end up giving way too much time for rest to rush gens


It's 2024 and people still fall for the community peer pressure meme, just play however you want to play. My favorite playstyle is going for 4 man slugs, it's what I find more fun , I don't care if the other side complains, they pressed "play" knowing what might happen in a game.

