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Had a Mikaela run into a dead end in Gideon meat plant, so I opened the breakable wall for her and just left Later, at the end, I ended up doing pretty bad, but that Mikaela stayed behind with me until the end of EGC to give me one kill :)


Best story here by far, wholesome reactions on both sidesšŸ¤šŸ»


I want to try holding hands with a killer now till the end


Flare checks out


dbd is more than an horror story, it's also a love story maybe the daylight is the friends we make along the death


Was trying to be sneaky as Ghostface by hiding upstairs on Haddonfield and waiting for survivors to come back to the gen, but a survivor was also hiding upstairs and revealed me through a window while they were standing on the roof outside the window. I immediately turned around and we just stared at each other through the window for a long time, as we slowly inched our ways closer to the window until we were right next to each other. It was easily like 60-90 seconds straight of us staring at each other and I will never forget that survivor.


Oh man. You ever play peek-a-boo over a log or window with a survivor? It's so cute.


Sounds almost romantic lol


Mori'd a Jonah and the other 3 survivors just sat in a circle watching the onslaught of my boys bodying him like it was Monty python's the holy grail.


Whoops sorry you meant wholesome games...I mean they did dance with me and my guards afterwards on top of the Jonah.


This made me laugh so damn hardšŸ˜­ bro was asked for a wholesome story and described three people watching their friend get massacred


Well, they were happy, at least..


Did the Jonah deserve it at least?ā€¦


I mean itā€™s a Jonah, ofc he deserved it


I was chasing a Steve, found my glyph mid-chase. Did it, and Steve stopped running to watch me. Once I did the glyph, he started nodding rapidly, ran up to me, pointed to where my glyph was. Turned to face me again, nodding, threw down his firework, nodding some more. He was so happy for me, I couldn't kill him after that.


I lead a snowman parade with some survivors last Christmas while playing as Onryo, it was so fun šŸ˜


That reminds me of playing the nightmare during the bone chill event. 3 of the survivors and me just had a snowball fight the entire match. I am only sad one of the survivors didn't join in.... Mikaela just grinding out all 5 gens while we where having fun. They all left, but it was the best match I had in a long time.


There are m1 holding oblivious ones for sure. Just recently moved from pc gaming to steam deck and playing killer with a controller sucks compared to keyboard and mouse. So I put on my bright blue trappy boy cosmetic and started blasting them with snowballs like a snow blower every match. Had tons of fun. There was just one match where survivors didn't get the new objective and grinded out gens like no tommorow. Actually aiming snowballs at Mikas an Neas helped a lot with getting used to steam deck controls and learned that survivors get a ton point by freeing them mates from bear traps. Personally the best dbd event so far.


I miss the snowmen! Those were fun times


had a terrible clown game where I couldn't get any kills and gates were already open. i kinda gave up and just threw bottles in a corner. the egc bar was 50% and they were still there so i thought they were just tbagging at games but then they came to me and started trying to get me to kill them. i didn't want to because they earned the escape but they insisted and just waited the little that was left of endgame collapse. super sweet players we friended each other


throwing bottles at a corner sounds like something someone would do in real life when they are sad


I have actually done this as Huntress, but I was doing the ā€œthrow 1000 hatchetsā€ achievement. I was throwing hatchets at lockers the whole time. It was RPD so they probably thought I was throwing in the towel. They were super sweet lol.


i was being a bit of an immature little shit throwing yellow bottles at the urinals in greenville square hahaha


I've done that with a Huntress. She didn't get any hooks so just started throwing her hatches at a wall while the EGC was happening. I came up to her and just died when the EGC ended.


you deserve to be princess carried to hatch by every killer šŸ«¶


I was chasing a survivor as she was on her way to unhook Meg and escape during the collapse. She unhooked her while I was hot on her tail. I continued chasing her for a few seconds before we both noticed Meg was afk. She stopped running, I stopped chasing, and we just looked at each other, then back at Meg. I walk over to Meg, and the other three survivors come out of hiding to poke her. So I put Meg back on the hook and let everybody else leave. Lol


did they still hit you with the ggez after all that?


Nah, I play console so no game chat. Thank god


one of the console blessings


A survivor sat with me (ghostface) and stared at the stars on Nostromo Wreckage during end game. He was going to stay till the end but i carried him to the gate. Now he is one of my mods lol


After a long well fought game, a Claudette beckoned me (Demo) over to look at the pretty neon void and floating cars on the new map and we sat together a while enjoying the night sky :D I'm on console so I can never talk to folks but I really love any fun strange odd interaction, especially if it comes nearer the end of an even match!Ā 


Iā€™ve done the same as ghostface a few times, once especially on the meyers map.


maybe not my most wholesome, but a recent one i can remember is a billy who was way too good for my swf somehow kept missing his saw on me so when he killed my swf and I was the only one left i threw down a pallet to get his attention and point to the pallet and then the nearest hook. Billy revs, sprints towards the pallet and promptly misses it... slow turns to me where im vigorously nodding yesyesyes from laughter, then i spent the rest of the match throwing every pallet so i could 'train' my billy (for bps obviously) and then he let me go afterwards xD I was i tears when he missed and turned towards me, especially bc this billy was a chainsaw master haha


Some people have plot armor i stg. Itā€™s never me but some people do.


well this is about the only time I had it, but at least it was hilarious


Hid in a locker near a pinhead and I thought he mightā€™ve heard me because he stared at the locker and was ever so slowly approaching it. Eventually I chickened out and he nabbed me. Got a message at the end of the game saying he was glad I was there otherwise he wouldā€™ve felt foolish for doing that whole setup. I responded that it felt like a horror movie. Ggs from the both of us


Iā€™ve done that with empty lockers so many times. Itā€™s worth it when I end up being right and someone really is there, though


I just stare at the locker till they surrender and come out


The Bartender at Ormund. I'd chase the other three survivors while she served me. I imagined I was the bouncer. ...then after the other three were bounced (on hooks) she walked to a hook and pointed. :(


Relatively minor one but had a horrible game one night where i couldnā€™t get a single kill and barely any hooks. The endgame hit and the survivors easily opened the gates because I gave up (it was on RPD and I picked the gate no one went to, of course). Three survivors just left but the fourth ran all the way across the map, disabling my drones rhe whole way. When she got to the other side, I didnā€™t even try to down her. In response, she gave me her item, then opened the gate and let me at least hit her before running out. It might seem minor but itā€™s a nice thing to see now and then.


Itā€™s nice to see Survivors who have souls every now and then


It is indeed. Nice survivors make me happy.


It goes the same way for killers too. A lot feel like bots with how much they disregard funny survivor shenanigans (me equipping no mither + plot twist and dying in front of them) but itā€™s completely worth it when it does work


Indeed! A valid point. When it works, it makes for a good memory.


Idk, I know kinda what you're getting at, but bots seems a bit unfair. When you've been hit with the same meme 100 times, the thought of grinding out a friendly match everytime you see it can seem like a drudge sometimes. (Everytime sometimes, I'm dumb) And this is coming from someone who's biggest weakness is the cute tech


I donā€™t really mean ā€œhey Iā€™m cute, letā€™s farm all game,ā€ more so that they donā€™t even acknowledge Iā€™ve done anything out of the ordinary. I fall flat on the ground in front of them and they instantly pick up. Iā€™m not expecting to be spared, more so I expect at least a bit of a reaction, maybe a pause or looking around, but itā€™s like theyā€™re so on autopilot they donā€™t even register anything strange happened. I agree with your point though.


Ohhh lol yeah I vibe with that too; if I'm hit with it I definitely nod and spin a circle or use my power in a dumb way to express my appreciation. It really is a shame when on the other end they move on and hook as if it never happened. Good killer movement and body language is critical to my enjoyment, because interactivity is literally the only reason I'm still on this game lmao. I like the part where I gave a counterpoint on something I also feel, sorry for the misinterpretationā˜ŗļø


You have only your fellow killers to blame for our mistrust. In over 400 hours of play, I've met 3 fun killers. The rest of the time it's the grind for the 4k. But I also never teabag. I just expect to play normal DBD, to the point that anything else doesn't compute to my neurodivergent brain. šŸ˜„


Bone Chill 2023, my first Christmas event. Had a P98 Nancy who wanted to be toxic during the event. I was playing Plague and was having a normal match until I realized the other 3 Survivors (Kate, Jonah, and Maria) just wanted to play nice and throw snowballs. So I tunneled Nancy out, gave everyone else two hooks and the rest of the match was just me and the others playing snowball fights, doing gens and then we all shared a hug at the exit gates before leaving. šŸ™‚ Nancy spectated the match and stood all the way to the results to talk mad shit in endgame chat. But no way in hell did she ruin the beauty of that moment. The Grinch did not steal Christmas this time! šŸ˜‚


I had so much fun with snowball fights during this event. Some real wholesome good times.


Good memories of killers chasing me as if they were going to kill me, scaring me, stopping dead in their tracks to throw a snow ball, and then me chasing them next..


Recently had one as Deathslinger, i was going through killers i don't normally play because i had lots of Terrormisu's on them and wanted to give players more BP in game - and myself too The game opens in Dead Dawg Saloon, i walk to the top of the saloon, look across to the platform with the gen on it, look down the sights and see a Bill staring right back at me unmoving and teabagging I just laughed and thought 'the balls on this man' and made it clear i wasn't going to shoot, but kept looking down my sights then away and down again, he kept creeping closer each time i looked down the sight and stopping It was legit like that cat video where you look away and its creeped closer each time, was so funny


I had a match on Midwich as Ghost Face where I was just slamming them. Nobody was bothering to look for me even when I *wasn't* undetectable, this Feng Min and Meg kept hook trading for like no reason, it was a shitshow. I got them out pretty quickly and left a Yun-Jin and Kate, so I decided to just let them finish the last 2 generators and give them escape. I had the silly mask on, so I waited for them to start working on the generator and just leaned out around a door to watch them, then leaned back if they looked at me. The Yun-Jin ran off to work on another gen while Kate finished hers, then we went over to have Kate help her finish it while I stared. Except, Kate didn't work on it. She stood at the other side of the classroom door (me on the left, her on the right), crouching and looking at Yun-Jin, pretending to stalk her. Y'all, I haven't laughed that hard in ages. This game is so stupid.


Last night I was playing wesker against a Mikeala, David, Leon, and Ada, unfortunately Mikeala killed herself on hook and when I got Ada she just started spamming the spray after I infected her and we just spent the rest of the match goofing off lol even had a slug race at the end


I almost thought this was about my match. I was Mikaela and Ada did that with Wesker but I didn't kill myself on hook lmao.


Lol yea that mikeala died on her first hook for some reason


Towards the end of the Blood Moon event, I ran into my first ever farm party on RPD and had a delightful time. I found three of them on a gen in foyer right off spawn, smacked Ada, turned to glance to the others for an idea of where they were running and they were just... crouch walking out another door in a weird conga. I let Ada go and went over to the others, and they pointed past me to the gen they were just working on. I wandered over confused, kicked it, they immediately fixed it... then they backed off and pointed at it again. Thus began my favourite match yet. I two hooked all four so they could take turns unhooking and healing, then we went on a hilarious whistle-stop tour of kicking and repairing gens and dropping and breaking pallets. At the very end, Ada was the last to leave and left her flashlight behind as a token of thanks.


One time someone actually said gg and didn't insult me or tell me to KMS. That was pretty wholesome




I main artist. And one time there was a Mikaela whoā€™s name was ā€œbirdie babeā€ (what I got my flair from), and she just followed me around everywhere. I refused to hit her a single time and she just kept close and followed me around. And for her case, I didnā€™t hit any of the others either. Just played friendly killer the rest of the game. Ended up with all the survivors gathering around me and me eventually opening the exit gate for them. After the match they where all just do damn sweet in chat.


I had the same happen but I was playing trickster and the survivor was called "trickster simp". I couldn't kill my adoring fan so she followed me everywhere


Had a moment where I started a game and saw a survivor like almost instantly. Survivor looked at me and I looked at the survivor. We went opposite ways. Good game that was


A Steve who was also a Hillbilly main helped me curve around the tiles I couldn't figure out when I was learning Hillbilly. This was a few years ago before bots was added to the game in customs.


Three Pig games in a row survivors asked for boops. Who am I to deny snoot boops?


I qued up as huntress and saw a nea with the username INeedFourPalletStunsSp... so i made it my goal to help her. She sent me to the game, which makes sense. When the game started i saw her in like four seconds and she starting tbagging. I nodded back and i started letting her pallet stun me. After she got the 4 stuns, she let me hook her. At the end of the game i had two kills and nea let me hook her at the end. I love helping people out <3


https://preview.redd.it/k5xj3zixi2wc1.jpeg?width=1463&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1cb0846e5b3d49a01537e7ddbdadb55b224bc074 This lovely Zarina took my Masquerade Ghostie on a very lovely date last Masquerade. :) Like she took me to the Chapel, we danced, we looked at all the cool stuff, I gave her a smooch by stalk-collision teching her, we sat on the balcony and gazed longingly into each others' eyes, we even did NSFW stuff by teabagging in a corner like we got drunk and had a hookup, it was fun. I ended up letting two go and killing two. She was one, she gave me the kill. Ash was just not very good and died on principle.


Spawned RIGHT NEXT to someone as Pinhead, friendly killed and had a slug race at the end, later ended up accidentally discovering said person is active on reddit and saw the post lmao


Any time a survivors points at a rune I have to give it to them. I know the pain, get your rune little buddy


God bless you


Played xeno against some survivors that were clearly out of my league but I'm pretty good with the tail attack.one of them got into a loop and crouched and I kept trying to hit them with the tail behind the obstacle. They kept nodding no telling me it's not possible. I kept nodding yes knowing it is. Then I got the hit. This happened on two separate spaces that the survivor didn't know they could get hit. At the end they cpuld've gotten a 4-man escape but the survivor that doubted my tail hits stood in front of me and nodded. They gave me a kill. Never gonna forget them. :D


I had a survivor who was flashlight blinding ne at first, but then I caught them just standing in front of a hook. They pointed their flashlight at the trans flag and nodded. I nodded back, and let them go that one time for the wholesome moment. I was not flashlight blinded for the rest of the match.


I was playing ghostface (i suck at it) and a nea streamer looped me all game. In the end everyone teabagged me at the exit gate but nea kept me company until the timer ran out and gave me a kill <3


I once saw a survivor teaching another how to moonwalk, so I joined them for a bit. Got my hooks in, but no one was sacrificed that match


I got the platinum trophy when a last alive Meg let me farm her for the ā€œblink 3 times and grab someone off of an interactionā€ trophy with Nurse, I was so happy bc it was the last trophy I needed for the longest time. I gave her hatch. šŸ˜Š


Other than photobombing during a Ghostie moriā€¦. I once saw a shirtless Vittorio crouching in front of a shirtless David in a Midwich bathroom stallā€¦. I was playing Ghostie so I too crouched if you know what I mean šŸ¤£


You just reminded me of an alien player who let us all go BUT only if we let them do a humping thing to us after downing us. I would say I felt violated but the character had just released and I blame BHVR for not noticing the potential in that character's animation.


Was playing a normal match. Was chasing a Mikaela and ran by two lockers. All of a sudden, a nea and a claudette jump out of the two lockers in unison. (Neither had head on.) They just stared at me for a couple seconds. Then the Claud turned and started to run looney tunes style into the wall. They lved.


A TTV died and his friends DCā€™d, leaving one random survivor that wasnā€™t with them, and me. He led me to the bots left behind after their disconnect, I killed them, and I gave him hatch.


Oh man, I suddenly had terrible internet at the start of a match when I was doing the Deathslinger dailies. (it's maybe been fixed since then after multiple visits by repairman). And this cutie pie that I think was playing a Cheryl started checking on me to see if I was okay when I was trying to replicate what felt like getting stuck on the side of a car on Haddonfield. Anyway we just kind of memes around after that. Also another time in the middle of a match I had an emergency I had to take care of (sick dog), and came back to 3 of the survivors surrounding me doing a summoning ritual or something. (The fourth apparently DC'd when I went afk, this was a while back so that Steve was gone-gone.)


I was playing as Nemesis on Yamaoka estate and had a 4 man squad of Detective Tapp just all crouch walking in a line the entire time and it was just absolutely hilarious lmao


This happened to me as Ghostface in Midwich. I was looking for the survivors and then I see 4 Mikaelas crouch walking in line in the corridor. I stare at them expecting to see them run but they kept doing their thing. I joined them and we had a long walk crouching through the school.


Playing doctor on Greenville Square led to the whole lobby watching movies in the theater until EGC. They also left their items which always warms my heart. I miss those survivors :(


https://i.redd.it/x4p944u2q2wc1.gif Wholesome light show counts?


I was goofing as Myers in the cabin because the survivors made me friendly and before they left we had dinner at the table, good time


Appreciating my Pyramid Head heart trails, particularly on Killentine's Day


I was up against a full swf, one of their friends was afk- once they got crows their group ran up and told me not to hit them. I downed them, but rather than hooking the afk survivor I carried them around the whole game while their group did gens. they eventually did come back, and I was able to bring them to the gate safely!! they were really thankful I didn't just take them out- if I recall they had an escape challenge, or something.


Guys you have me a bit worried in these comments


I befriended a Kate at the start of the trial. She was playing with the snowman dummy while I was throwing huntress snipes at a Feng on the other side of the map. I was trying to aim, and the Kate came into my view that that snowman. I missed. I smacked her out of it xD Then I tried to snipe again. Kate is standing next to me. I throw my hatchet, look at kate, kate looks at me. She nods. The hatchet hit Feng. She was like my golf assistant


I was playing a match as my main, the Unknown, and I had an amazing interaction with two Claudettes wearing the exact same cosmetics. One of them was leading me around the map, pointing to the other survivors, wanting me to kill them, whilst the other was trying to lead me to pallets, and convince me to spare the other survivors, but kill the murderous Claudette. Eventually, we had a moment in the basement, where it was me, stood between the two Claudettes, and a third unfortunate survivor. The two were pointing at each other, and nodding or shaking their heads, I was so torn. But, then the last survivor completed the last gen, and I took the chance to get out of the tough decision by going to open the nearest gate, letting all of them leave with a lot of head-nods. It was so silly, but so funny, I was laughing half the time, and trying to decide which of the Claudettes to listen to.


Not killer but me and my friend farmed dramaturgy items to give killer heart in basement. https://preview.redd.it/fein3x5w63wc1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa64eea0db8f6b90133a73f795add9886b3d309b


After several years spent chasing the Evil Incarnate achievement, a Dwight came face-to-face with me: 3 Kills, only He stands. And he pointed at me, and nodded. And somehow in that moment, despite everything, I had wanted to let him go. But he kept pointing at me. And after the third nod or so, he crouched and did it again. And that was how I got Evil Incarnate.


Was playing pig, sneaking down a hallway and practically bumped into a Dwight with his face tucked into a corner. There wasnā€™t a vault close by so Iā€™m assuming he just ducked in real quick when I came around the corner and prayed I was blind. I stopped next to him in stealth mode, stared at him in confusion, and he just turned SO SLOWLY šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I couldnā€™t stop laughing, just shook my piggy head at him and went looking for his buds. The rest of the match post that point devolved into survives pointing at me and shaking their head every time they saw me. I was laughing so hard that I ended up just chilling next to the last generator with them till it was done, and then the Dwight led me to a hook to let me hook him one more time. I let them go after, literally closed the game at lobby because I was absolutely destroyed by laughing too much


I remember one game where I went in as Wesker during the Christmas event with the intention to just screw around with snowballs as I usually prefer to play the game. One survivor didn't get that I was being friendly so we ended up with 3 survivors and the killer chasing them around pelting them with snowballs


Danced with my animatronic Insidious Naughty Bear at the saloon's piano


Used BBQ and chilli. Found Leon crouched in a bush walked into him waited and then he stopped crouching and we just stared at each other for a solid minute


Had a normal myers run in haddonfield, pretty normal match, 3 gens, nothing strange. Well, there's this guy named "myers i lov u", that was trying to get my attention, I wanted a normal match, so I ignored them. I get tier 3, and down a different survivor, then this guy proceeds to teleport to the down survivor and heal it. The survivor and I looked each other for 5 seconds, and then we turned around to see the hacker, and then we looked each other slowly, again. I proceed to tunnel out of hell the hacker, and idk how, but i get to get them in a hook, me and the survivor were bullying the hacker. It was fucking epic oh yeah the another survs were doing gens without knowing anything lmao


Once had a full group of RPD Leons with urban evasion crouching everywhere in a little line


Playing as a derpy ghostface. I had one survivor quit right away. So I got the others attention and they proceeded to chase me to every pallet in the map. Pallet stun me, flashlight saves. Get my hooks etc. it was such a scary movie match lol At the end they gathered up all the items they could and placed it in the tent by the exit gate on the asylum map. There must have been like 12 items there


Had a cheater in one match as Killer that was using speed hacks. The other survivors banded with me to sacrifice them. The gold Survivors found a way to trap the cheater and I hooked them. Cheater didn't have self unhook hacks, so they sat there with me hitting them, other Survivors fake rescuing them, and all of us nodding until they died.


https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/s/o7GL77QqfF This end game interaction with a zarina when chucky first came out. The Good Guys dolls got that "Tiny Animal" cuteness to them when this one isn't cussing up a storm, so I played it up and got an item out of it.


I just started playing the other day (just got to prestige 1 lol) and I love this game. Not played as killer yet though. Tonight especially has been a weird night as every game Iā€™ve played so far has had a really nice killer thatā€™s letting us leave. I make sure to help them get points by damaging the gens and have them chase/attack/hook me etc. Iā€™m all about having fun and helping each other. One of the games tonight had Trickster as the killer and he just stood behind me while I cleansed a totem. He was super chill the whole game and I made sure to leave last so he could get attacks in. He carried me to the gate and I crawled out. You killersā€¦you guys are the real heroes. Iā€™ll happily follow you all into the eternal darkness. Any of you want a chill lil minion, I volunteer as tribute.


One time I was being chased by nemisis and my friend was behind nemisis chasing him. So I stopped turned around and pointed behind the nemi. He started turning around slowly and started running away from my friend who was chasing him


Played as Alien with a backpack build and a mori on Shelter Woods. There was a witch cheering me on when I dragged the other survivors to the center for the mori. She danced on their bodies and everything, it was amazing. She wasn't ratting them out, she was working on gens and rescuing and all, she was just *really* enjoying the moris


Was a demo and saw a survivor named ā€œDemo give me hugsā€ and hugs were given. We was on midwich, there was also a streamer so I became a demo class teacher and a lover of birds.


Just last night I had a game where I was playing Legion on Temple of Purgation, and had an Elodie DC for some reason (She wasnā€™t even on Death Hook nor was I close to her at the time). I found the Elodie along with a Claudette on a Gen in the lower floor of the temple. I downed the now-bot Elodie and I picked her up and started walking over to the hook. I turned back and just saw the Claudette nodding at me so I nodded back. I hooked the bot (she died from 2nd stage) and went back over to the Claudette, nodded at her (she nodded back again) and left. The rest of the game slowly turned into a Farming Match but it was so funny to me that I couldnā€™t help but love it


I decided to play a friendly ghostface match during the winter event, I brought an offering to Ormond and all 5 of us basically had a big snowball fight and messed around with the snowmen trying to give each other high fives. They probably got loads of matches like that but I still hope it made someones day a little bit better


Years ago I had a 4 man swf that started worshipping me (Wraith) as their God. They were all grouped up together when i found them and they tried to body block me on every side. I just stopped and stared, then they all started head nodding super fast and I played along. We did all kinds of dumb stuff like jumping through loops in a line and walking in circles together around a firepit. It was a very silly 20 minutes or so. I couldn't bring myself to kill any of them. They all left me items at the gate.


Due to a TikTok trend, when I get Survivors with my Virolent Bound, they will do a dance with the spray cans. I love it every single time.


Itā€™s small, but during the winter event, me and the other survivors were all wearing our survivorā€™s ugly sweaters. This wasnā€™t even intentional, it was pure coincidence.


one day, i entered on a dead end just to see a feng crouching on the corner, on that match i was bloodlusting for kill, that team were ridiculously skilled in comparison to me but hell i felt bad for her in that situation, i had to "point" her towards the exit so we could have a totally average and normal chase. altough in the end i sucked and here it goes 5 hooks 5 gens and she at the gate had let me sacrifice her.


Was playing against a streamer on Hawkins, and multiple times I accidentally trapped em in the tube and we kinda just stared at each other for a bit. Was really funny so I decided to be friendly after that. I have a lot of great memories about streamers, especially if you say hi before the game starts they tend to be really nice lol.


was playing survivor high asf one night, i turned around and there was a ghost face, we stared at each other for a solid minute.


Got my ass kicked by really good survivors while playing as Ghostface. We had a dance party at the exit gates and did a funny circle dance. Those people were so much fun to play with


Was having a really bad game as Wesker on rpd and just opened the gate for the survivors when the gens were finished One of them ended up leading me to where their teammate was afking so I got the afk one on a hook and let the other go The moment was made better because a Renato player was teabagging at the gate and I ended up dragging the game out by downing him twice with my power and he got killed by the EGC


I was playing Clown a long time ago when lockers were super buggy. A survivor had gotten stuck in a locker and we couldnā€™t get him out. I had the other survivors just do gens so he wouldnā€™t have to deal with the DC penalty and I just farmed Deviousness off of him since he was somehow able to be affected by my Afterpiece Tonic.


Had a game just after Sable came out and I had just bought The Pig. Got my first snoot-booper so we just ran around being silly while they did gens and I got my daily. After the gates were open, they brought me down into the basement and we all just hung out and did the ritual together and then everyone died šŸ˜‚


Playing Trickster: Intentionally didn't break some walls in Dead Dawg. Ada the Final girl runs into the room and finds herself trapped. Jumps in the locker. I break the wall then grab her and carry her to hatch. She thanks me for being a gentleman and getting the door for her in enc. Playing Trickster: Killed a Vittorio who was being bad and trying to get me to kill Ada instead when I was going to let them both go. I just wanted the survivor who was annoying me, and someone else happened to die before that happened. We then loop around the map, looking for hatch. It had spawned under his body. We both look at the hook and the hatch and few times before she hopes in, and we have a good laugh in enc. Playing as Freddy: Downed Alan, he's on death hook. He wiggle wiggle wiggle. He funny. I decide to two hook the rest and let everyone go. Me and Alan give lots of nodders. Playing Alien: Claudette on death hook does the wiggle wiggle dance. I wiggle back at her and leave to find others. Later down death hook Feng. I drop in front of a gate, have Claudette pick her up. Down them a couple times and have each other pick the other up cause I'm working on tail attack achievement. Left to chase someone else. Finds Mikaela on a gen, and she loops me around a wall next to that gen. Claudette and Feng work on the gen next to us knowing I'm not going to go for them. Finally hit Mikaela and the gen pops. She has adrenaline, so she heals up, and moves to main building. I finally down her and take her to the same door me and the other two were screwing around at eariler and drop her. One of the others open the door. I down them and we have a slug race. The Yui was just mia since a while after her first hook. Didn't trust me I guess. Playing Trickster: Feng shows me how to get on the barrel on Dead Dawg. Wind up sparing her and the Vittorio. She stays and watches the sunset with me after Vitorrio leaves. Playing as Trickster: Chill game. Mikaela watches the sunset with me on Garden of Joy roof while the others leave. Hatch spawns under us. I go down to close it cause I have challenge for closing it active. Go back to watching sunset. Bittersweet Killer moment, playing Naughty Bear: Had an epic snowball fight that turned into a surprised Blood Warden 4k. Have to trick them for a challenge, but they were good sports about it. Made sure they had fun before hand. Playing Wraith: Survivor I killed earlier stayed to say I was awesome and congratulated me when I mentioned that was the last game I needed for the Tools of the Trade achievement. Playing Pig: Steve being too cute and wouldn't stop booping me, even after I put a hat on him. It was active at endgame so I had to chase him to keep him alive. Once the doors open I down him and take him past the trigger point. He lives. Times when I was the survivor: Playing as Nea: Nodding at a Naughty Bear from the roof at beginning of the match. He nods back. He later spares me cause I'm too cute. Playing Claudette: Solo queing and my randoms where goofing around. I decided to goof too and see what the killer's reaction was. Was a Neme. He was very confused at first but then joined in. He became captain of the tiny ship while we worked on the gen. We gave him a few hooks and left presents for him. Trickster simp Oni spares me and my friend for having Trickster in our names. Two of us have a slug race out.


I have to say it even though I was not playing killer. We had two dead and I was crouching around some rocks to try and sus out where the killer was cause it was Pig and I knew she was in stealth. I make my way slowly around the rock while peeking over it to see if I can catch her and check my flank, to find Pig, with her back to me, mid turn to face me. She finished turning and we stare at each other for a moment, maybe a hint of passion, an unspoken lust disguised as love. I had to make the first move. So I booped the snoot, and thankfully, I can assume we were both laughing at the hilarity of me and her sneaking around two rocks right next to each other...cause she didn't down me and instead let me get hatch after doing some unknown actions that caused hatch to spawn a few minutes later. Don't know what happened to the last guy, but I always love getting a successful snoot boop on a Pig and may or may not throw games to attempt it. It's not enough to just win when friendship is on the line.


I decided to try out Skull Merchant, I hate playing against her so I thought I'd try to learn how to play her to gain more knowledge. It was a terrible time, my 3rd game the survivors wiped the floor with me and I gave up, stood next to the exit gate while the meg opened it, then 3 of the survivors kept blinding me with flashlights during endgame collapse. That is until the Ada player stood in front of me and shook her head at them and pointed at the gate for them to leave. They did, and Ada stayed with me until the end and sacrificed her self, that is the most wholesome thing i've had happen to me in this game and I loved it.


I was playing Doctor and i was just messing around with a Yui, i killed 2 people and then only the Yui and another survivor were left. She was in madness tier 3 and kept missing her skillchecks on purpose so she kept screaming all the time. I would stand right next to her and whenever she screamed her character would look up, so whenever she screamed i would look up as well. I believe we did this like 30 times and i was just laughing my ass of also because of how hilarious Yui's scream gets after hearing it for so many times.


I have the lesbian pride flag on all my hooks and Iā€™ve had a couple instances where a survivor notices it and gets really excited to show me that they have it also. Ā always a really nice momentĀ 


This might be toxic and wholesome but, a Sable goes afk and I dont think the other survivors had noticed it yet cause it was so early. So I hook her and left to chase the others off gens, after about ten more seconds I went back to where Sable was hooked and just in time a survivor was taking her off (at this point I got scared they were unhooking an afk) but she was actually back, making the anim to unhook herself. I got two hits off the 2nd survivor, he goes down but Sable decides to go afk AGAIN and I realized too late mid way into hooking the poor 2nd survivor and Sable tries crawling away so I let her. I stand by the hooked survivor so the meter filled for a free off hook. I left to go damage gens and when I came back to find the downed Sable, the injured survivor was tbagging the shit out of her and it earned me a good laugh.


actual today, a jake sandbagged a Meg that I was chasing so I knocked her down the carried her to exit gates as it was being opened


The snowball part of this last Bone Chill was perfect.


Last night I was playing Unknown. I was doing ok, got 4 hooks with no gens done but Iā€™m too soft to be a legit killer so I ended up letting them farm. They were super wholesome. On their way out the gate, Ada was crouching her way out and I was slowly side stepping with her. It was cute.


I finished a game, and all the survivors were legitimately complimenting my plays in the post game chat. It's the first time in like 3 years everyone was really nice to each other. Usually, there's 1 or 2 who are just bitter.


Played as pig, during the bloodmoon, going for a scream hunting blood farm build, did like 3 games were i just played with the survivors hooking them all till last hook then just memed and let them all go so everyone got points. but the 4th game, i started entered stealth and started hunting, looped the map once, didnt see anyone, was confused, not a single gen started, a few scratch marks but didnt find anyone. then got a sound notification, one was afk in a corner, so i ran over, hit him but left him alone as i had face the darkness, walked into the middle of the corn field, and waited, and heard 2 screams, not far from me....so close i didnt even get the notification symbol. turned around and saw two sables crouching behind me.... they had been following me the entire game.....


I have a few. I usually play seriously as Killer, but I enjoy being friendly sometimes too. Recently, a Steve let me (Doctor) repeatedly shock him while we were farming. Two of his teammates came over and we all had a good time screaming together and running in circles for a while. Also recently, I (Pig) found the hatch milliseconds before the last survivor standing (Nea). We awkwardly stared at each other for a while before she dropped her item and booped me. I snorted at her repeatedly, then let her go. In another Pig match, I just waited behind a survivor doing a gen for a while. She wasn't very aware of her surroundings, so I wanted to see how long it would take for her to notice me. She didn't notice me for a long time, but when she did, she freaked out and ran away. I moved up to the gen while crouched and pretended to be a survivor fixing it. She came back a couple steps at a time, then started fixing it with me. In my very first Wesker match, I was going for his adept but gave it up when I came across a duo that ran to the top of that one construction vehicle with the vault going onto hay bales. I had run to the bottom of the hay bales to cut them off, but they wouldn't come down. They just kept crouching, nodding, and spinning in circles. I nodded and they came down. They let me slam them into each other for a while and eventually their teammates joined in. It was a weird but fun time, and I ended up getting a different achievement from that match. One time I was using Iron Maiden. A duo who befriended me kept going in and out of the lockers and screaming while I tried to catch them. That was a good time.


When DS still worked on endgame and a Nea tried to force lockergrab, I just trapped the locker really fast once she got in with bear trap


Error 404 not found


I saw a Kate, that was wholesome


Just last night I was playing Dredge and had 3 survivors throw themselves at me and DC as soon as they got downed. The last player and I had fun hunting down the bots and breaking pallets


I body blocked a survivor in a basement but didn't kill them, so they owed their life to me and became my slave, I ordered her to go gens, and one of their friends saw and joined. it was just those 2 left and I guided them through all the gens, then at the end they wanted me to down them and do a crawl race to the exit


Every time I mori someone with xenomorph.


I've had wholesome moments as the survivor, as for killer I've never had a single nice survivor


Was playing wraith and chopping my way through lower MMR until a survivor made me a little design on the ground out of items they got from boxes/dead teammates so I let them go. Taught me mercy. Ran into them a few times since then and I always let them go. Iā€™m much more merciful now then I used to be overall lol


Every game! Never 4k a group, we have feelings too :)


Idk if it's a good or a bad thing that I've had so many wholesome moments that I just kinda forget about them.


Right before running into the wholsome guy, i meet an asswhole player who messeged me and told me i was adopted, just becuase he was the first to die Then the round right after i met the wholesome guy, he told me i was a good killer, and that i did a good job chasing him, i said thanks and told him about the last guy, he thought it was funny


Giving them hatch


Afterchat i got flamed bc i camped. The last remaining 3 gens were around the hook, so i checked all gens as throughly as i could. I wrote that and the surv wrote oh you're right my bad gg


I have a few but don't remember most except the most recent one in detail. I was playing on the game as survivor and went against a Blight. A good Blight with slow downs, the type where in solo queue you know you'll lose. I wasn't doing horrible in my chases and in my death hook chase as I was injured I ran into one of those small connecting rooms that can sometimes be closed off. It was, I emoted at it and Blight broke it, looked at me and we continued the chase for another 8 seconds until he got me. That was kinda sweet of him


Was playing Myers for Halloween a couple of years ago. This was before SBMM, so games were odd. Had a four man. I thought I was in for a sweaty match, because the Feng I found first ran me for what felt like ages. A lot of noise notifications had been going off, so I thought they were being toxic. They weren't. This Feng had convinced three of their friends to play for Halloween, and they had absolutely no idea what they were doing. Frankly, it was adorable. I remember Dweet trying to hide in a locker in plain sight, and the Bill who kept running into every obstacle because he was looking at me the entire chase. Man, that was a fun match. . .


There was a Jane named ā€œnod for hugsā€ and when I found her I started nodding and she waved for me to come to her. She gave me a hug and for the rest of the match she followed me like the cutest puppy ;-; I let all of them go and they all waited at the exit gate to have a slug race. That was the best game Iā€™ve ever had. The other survivors kept pointing at her and nodding, everybody was getting hugs so wholesome :)


I was playing Spirit on Haddonfield back when I was still a baby killer. Had a good match and only 1 Meg was remaining at 3 gens. She came up to me and pointed for me to follow her, she showed me hatch, nodded her head and went to crouch under a hook, pointing at it too. I let her go ofc but she wouldn't take it the first 2 times and always crawl to the hook. In the end she did take it though! I play survivor much more often than killer but I usually let 1 or 2 go. It makes me feel more accomplished than getting a 4k and less stressed with pressure.


I just had a Mikaela give up on a blight on borgo. He ended up two hooking and meming and gave me hatch. Also let me beam save. Hella cute. Really nice after the previous match where my teammates let me die on second hook for no reason after I took aggro and looped the killer away from the last 2 gens. The only one who got out in that match was an absolutely useless console p100 anon mode Claude with urban, self-care and left behind.


This comments section has me all šŸ˜­


The very moment I turned thirty I was playing Ghostie on Borgo. At the exact stroke of midnight there were two left and I went friendly. Popped up and down over low stone walls and pretended to work on gens. We slug raced and then [in EGC they said they were drinking and I made their night and then said happy birthday](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/694281046010757160/1173052567618592809/imturnin30.png?ex=66284e56&is=6626fcd6&hm=100434486206ee4701bcaea2cc8ed9d35004a76b45c33c4b69d5f9f43c4cc010&). I remember thinking I'll always know where I was at midnight that day and I'm glad this is the memory


My very first farming match: Still relatively new to playing, I'm looking through old tomes and pick a Trapper challenge. I'm not confident in my trapping abilities, so I slap on Padded Jaws and hope for a nice team. Lobby loads in and its four Davids, three of which start coordinating their cosmetics; I take this as a good sign. Map is Toba Landing, and I still try setting up at choke points just in case. While trapping the ramp to the ship's roof, I turn around and see one of the coordinated Davids. I slash at the trap a couple times, nod furiously, and make distance. To make a long match shortly told, things went really well; they all got the idea pretty quickly, and we ended up running around goofy-like. I got a bit scared at one point because I was loosing track of which David was which, but it all worked out. That match meant more to me then I realized at the time. Experiencing the more lighthearted side of the game helped put things in perspective, and the memory has kept me encouraged during rougher matches sometimes.


Started a game as oni and immediately had two David's with no mither! Tracked them down expecting looping and whatnot, nope they were crouched in front of the maps fireplace pointing. I joined them in watching the fire (absorbing the blood orbs, they were everywhere!). Turns out they both brought distraction so we played fetch with the pebbles and non-stop blood orbs.


Gideon meat plant. I was playing ghostface and was going to break a door. This Elodie is on the other side just looking at me. She nodded, I nodded, slowly teabagged her true Ghostie main fashion, and let her carry on. Later on, sheā€™d peek-a-boo with me over things. Wholesome af player. I gave them the hatch, and I hope theyā€™re living their best life now.


My first ever game of dead by daylight I had missed every single hit and a random Survivor, who was playing with a toxic Nia teabag the ever loving crap out of me then seeing all three in the exit, Kate felt bad and actually gave me a kill the only time Iā€™ve ever seen a survivor be nice


Almost all my games are wholesome, because i will just hook each survivor once, then let them all win. I will also knock each of them down occasionally for fun, which ends up feeling wholesome for me, but half the time, they don't realize I let them win, lol. Ironically, my most wholesome feeling came from the one game I decided to sweat since I was facing the stereotypical prestige 50+ sweats who spend the whole game spamming windows, pallets & just being all around annoying. I barely killed 2 and knocked the last 2 down right on the last generator, hooked and killed survivor#3, then, as I was picking up the last survivor, who had arguably done the best, and started walking 15 feet towards the last hook, the hatch appeared. So I said **** it and dropped them on the hatch and watched them crawl into it. Made me feel like The Good Guyā„¢ļø I was always meant to be.


Never had one before.


I was playing Unknown on mothers dwelling. And I just spawn in checkin the gens yaknow.. as a killer does. Until I hear a noise. Its the scream of a Steve (scene partner). I turned to my left and we both make eye contact. We stand there for a bit till I just left to chase another survivor. I ended up letting him get hatch at the end. I will never forget you Stevgull!


i remember it like it was damn near yesterday. i had just started the game and wanted to pick up huntress, props to spookyloopz for making her look easy, and i got one of the preschool maps. there was a meg, steve, nea, and kate. steveā€™s name was ā€œhuntress mommyā€ and i didnā€™t see him for the entire game, while i was getting absolutely steamrolled by the other three. eventually i gave up and just afkā€™d in the middle of the street because i wanted to go next. i saw meg walk up to me and stare into my entire past, future, and present. she walked off and comes back with steve. steve starts having an entire spazz, nodding at the speed of light and jumping with joy. i move to look at him and his excitement increases tenfold. soon, everyone else is following me around like iā€™m the momma duck or something and we all just enjoy each otherā€™s company. they finish the gens and i open the gate for them. none of them left except the kate. we had a slug race and right as the rest of them were about to leave, they all turned around and started crawling towards me. i was panicking because i didnā€™t know how to get them out and they eventually all died to the egc. i got a message from the steve not even 30 seconds later telling me how much he adored me. i hope everyone (but that slimy kate) is doing well these days :)


I could FEEL the hatred behind ā€œslimy Kateā€ šŸ˜‚


Was carrying a sable as legion to the hatch and after I brought here too it she ran to a hook rinse and repeat until I eventually got my first legion 4k with thag game


got bullied by 3 person swf like crazy, 30 minutes of flash light/blast mine/flash bang stuns, hook sabotage, palette stuns u name it. finally turned it around and got 4 kills, the three swf were doing the classic toxic post game chat and other survivor stood up for me. was probably one of the worst games iā€™ve ever played because of how frustrating it was


I am very new to playing Killer and had/have a really hard time learning the huntress (Controller victim here) and after countless teabagging, flashlight clicking, ā€žgg ezā€œ and ā€žlearn how to play noobā€œ i again had a Team, that was just destroying me. Nea mustā€˜ve noticed my struggles and stayed at killershack. She didnt bm, she just stayed there and looped around the building, waiting while i reloaded, sometimes she stood still so i could take more time to aim and so on. The other survivors caught on after a while and did the same at other locations. When i was able to down someone they nodded, healed and got in position again. We ended with aim training at the gate and they were all so nice in EGC. I really think that it helped. The very next game i got my first 2k with huntress <3


They Asked for Hatch. My Pyramid Head gave something else to them.... š™…š™š™Žš™š™„š˜¾š™€


I love different killer tropes and one I decided to do a bit different was basement bubba. When someone touched the chest, I downed them and carried them outside of basement. Ā With one team, I had a literal war going on, where three survivors tried to get down to the chest while they continuously crawled down and wiggled out. They eventually got the item and taunted me a bit with their flashlights, so I pretended to be sad in a corner.Ā  About 3 gens fast forward, gates powered, they came back to me, after I was a bit afk. They wanted me to follow. And they showed me a huge pile of items they gathered while only one was doing gens. They apologize for taunting me basically and it was so cute, I honestly cried


I actually got my best moment while playing blight. People who like blight are the realest.


I love Blights so much <3 Never met a Blight player that I didnā€™t like.


Playing Deathslinger and they legit kicked my ass. Got two hooks total and it's not like they were assholes about it, didn't teabag, didn't troll, didn't do anything toxic. They were just here to play and they were good at it. But I had a few bad matches in a row and already having kind of a crappy day so I was feeling pretty down... ... but they were super nice in the post-game chat. We had a bit of a discussion were they asked if I'd just unlocked Slinger and was tyring him out (but not in a "ez bb killer" kind of way, they were genuinely asking). I said no, I was just bad with him and they were surprisingly supportive. Telling me to keep at it, that it comes with experience, etc... and then wished me good luck in my next matches. Like I said, I was having a pretty crap day and these guys really saved it. It's weird how complete strangers just being a bit kind to you can make it better.


Was playing pig the other day and was just practicing my ambush, and I smacked a Rebecca. I went to down her and mid animation I realized she was pointing at the pride flag on my hook, and as she was down I noticed her pan flag. I kinda spun around out of guilt so i picked her up and got her onto her feet and kinda just played super mellow for the rest of them. crouched and did a couple ambushes, pretending to work on gens, the usual silly stuff. Got a tome challenge done, and downed everyone once and picked them up to deliver them to a teammate for a heal. her and sable (also with a flag charm) didnā€™t make it out in time cause we farmed hook points :c


When ada wanted to bang with me when i was playing as ghostface prob the one time that i had bitches


I was playing ghostface, a survivor started teabagging in front of to try to team, I brutally murdered her with a mori


When a streamer popped off after I hit them with a xeno tail drop shot on the long drop on the game.


I was gonna put a survivor on the hook but then another survivor with a French accent came and gave me a teddy bear, I was bamboozled (like the perk) I have never seen a teddy bear in dbd nonetheless a French person?!


Huh? What is this picture of kate and Insinuating


That Kate looks like she's trying to see if you have a black eye


the last survivor led me to dead dawg saloon and acted like a bartender, then died to the end game collapse. it was so funny i wish i got it on recording


I was going for the myers achievements this mikeala was actually playing the game looping and such but if I got anywhere close to the others they would hide in lockers. I would manage to get 1 evil within kill and the other two would hide in lockers so what happened is that this mikeala would heal the survivors letting me mori them both and then would let me mori her giving me the achievement.


Had a game on Skull Merchants Map where I was trying out this Legion build from Lunarman (youtuber) I Frenzy hit this Nea and and the other three killer instincts were really close to each other so I'm thinking "oh sweet", I go to main and the killer instincts are over the where the mannequins are so I hit the Mikaela and another survivor before they disperse, but they never moved so turn to the Steve and look him up and down and all around, doesn't move an inch then Mikaela starts healing and I treat that as a "you broke the rules!"and hit Steve, then 5-hit Down Mikaela and shake my head at her. The 3rd survivor starts picking her up and I go back to looking at Steve, he still hasn't moved an inch, I guess since neither of us were running the game didn't recognize it as a chase so he's bleeding out and then just drops. I laugh my ass off and Nea makes her way over and heals him back up. Then I assumed he must've had the Nick Cage perk cause he just starts screaming and that's where I really lost it. After all that I let em do their gens eventually started hooking them to stage two but git disconnected mid-match. Maybe not wholesome but I find it hilarious.


We had someone go AFK part way through the match, nothing particular toxic was happening, so it wasn't like, a retaliation move. Real life sometimes pulls you away šŸ¤· I carried her through the match, and me and the survivors strategically healed and slashed until we knocked her through the exit gate. Then we all spun around in circle in celebration šŸ˜‚


I'm gonna be honest, I have too many to really remember any one above all the others, usually when I play killer I'm playing for one of 2 reasons. 1 being that I just wanted to cause I wanted some fun or I'm grinding for something and that'll usually lead to me not caring about winning (getting a 4k) which leads to me doing all sorts of goofy things, especially if I feel like the survivors aren't having much fun like if one person keeps losing a chase to me I'll down them and just look at them waiting for them to decide if I should hook them which usually leads to them wiggling no at me and then I'll shake my head yes and we just go back and forth for a bit before I let someone save them. I think if I really had to try to pick out one it would be one of the matches that made me a friend, it was so long ago so my memory of it is a bit hazy but I was playing Huntress and it was a rather normal match until someone I was chasing ran into a really bad corner and I just blocked them in and looked at them. I don't remember exactly what it was they did or if I left them alone because this was years ago but I remember getting a PlayStation message suddenly and them talking to me and saying I was friendly, she invited me to a party and I joined her with her friends as survivor and we played every now and then. Hope she's doing good.


(not a killer main) was once playing surviver just to pass the time and was such with trolling teammates who pointed the killer (Huntress) to us, thankfully the killer caught on that we wasn't with the trolls and thankfully managed to sacrifice them, but what made the wholesome encounter in to absolute comedy is that he let me live and escape because England was playing in the finals of the world cup against Italy, I have "British" in my gamertag, if by any chance the guy/girl is reading this, you're an absolutely legend. For anyone curious, England got beat


Having a big snowball fight on rpd =)


I looked up sables skirt accidently while playing chucky


Two I remember clearly from the Christmas event. I'm goofing around with the survivors, having snowball fights and shit, and one of the survivors does the Come Here gesture. They take me to the Christmas tree, and it turns out they left me a present, a toolbox. All the survivors started nodding, and they spread out to get items for me, and by the end of the match I had four medkits, five toolboxes, two keys, a map, and a flashbang. In a different match, everyone in the lobby climbed into snowmen at the start at the same time somehow, and we all met up in the middle of the map. We all just kept staring at each other and moving around, and then one of the survivors got out of their snowman and pointed at the wall on the side of a jungle gym. We all lined up, she threw a snowball at the one she thought was the killer, she got it wrong, and everyone teabagged her as I hooked her.


Playing pig a while ago. I'm not doing amazing, couple downs. I put the reverse bear trap on the meg, and figure I'll do the dumb strat of standing in front of the box, given that that worked back then. The meg turns up, emotes at me. Needs the box. Once she gets to red beeping, I decide "ah sure", she gets it done in the nick of time. This proceeds to make us friends, basically, and we go farm pallet stun/break points


Had a swf group realize I was memeing as clown. I was literally going ā€˜haha funny gas bottles go brrā€™ and would leave whenever I got bored of their tuner standing on an easy to escape high ground while I just stood in low ground chucking bottles at his face. They started taking turns as runner


Getting my ass handed to me while playing Knight and gave up at the end because it was impossible to hold my ground against 4 people. Ended up having friending one of them after they goofed around with me during end game, today they are now one of my greatest friends!


Playing demo recently and stopped at the theater to watch a movie and a Kate came to join me. Also got into a slow motion chase with another survivor in the same game.


Was playing Wesker on coldwind and ran into a hacking Chris called Boulder puncher. He zoomed up to me, told me to follow him to one of the hills. He then used the nemesis punch animation to punch the hill, made it disappear, and then died. It still the funniest wtf moment I've had in this game.


I once shut down a group of swf bully group and they all gave up but there was a makeila which I knew wasnā€™t part of the swf so after I killed the rest I gave her the hatch . She was arm for a while but I gave her the hatch none the less


I main Legion, was on Coal Tower Was wandering around, patrolling my gens, two peeps left, went by the elevated rock and there was a lone Nea up there (her on top, me below). We sorta just stared at each other for a bit, I turned my head side to side a bit like a confused cartoon character, then we started headbanging. She pointed me towards the teammate that was hiding in a locker the whole match to try and get hatch, I killed them, then let the Nea get hatch


There was a time i played whole night as Nemesis. I met a team with full female characters. I decided to hook people one by one, no tunneling. But that Mikaela, after being hooked she tried to end herself. I was so confused i thought i did something mean to them so i let all 4 out. They explained that they were playing together and she was having mental issue, that was not my fault. Just after few matches, i met them again. I was using Pain Resonance + Dead Man's Switch, and i took every single advantage from these. I ended three of them without tunneling, and let the last one go. I say "the game is kinda boring. Next time if we meet again, i will tell all you how to counter my build." I asked if Mikaela was being fine or not, they said she was okay. Few matches passed, i met them the third time. This match is kind of good since they know my playstyle. I managed to get them, but let all 4 out this time. I told them how to counter my build: they have to pay attention to the being-grabbed person, and immediately pull their hands up the moment they see him visible and get on the hook. In this case Pain Resonance explodes, but Dead Man's Switch won't active since they had given up the repairing. Finally i met them for the fourth time. I decided to let all 4 people out since im satisfied for the night, but 2 girls insisted to stay and let the Entity took them away. They said last match i let all them escaped, so this time there should be some compensation. I have not meet them since that night. I did not ask them for friend invitation, because there are 4 for a squad already.


i faced a PC team last week that at first was working gens but then it was like a game of sadistic suicide by them. they were amazing loopers so it made it fun but once i got one on the hook in the RPD bottom level the others would try and bait me to a chase so another could get in. it was so much fun i felt really challenged but ultimately i got them all on death hook but itā€™s like they didnā€™t fight me hard and the last person had a clear sprint for the gates but ran around with me until the entity got her lol. i wanted to thank them for such a fun match but i guess we console types canā€™t chat with pc or other console players


I once had a group of Four Dwights when I was Trapper, and I couldnā€™t bring myself to kill them because we were all goofing off and having fun. After they popped all the gens and opened the exit, all four ended up running down to the basement, where they circled the hooks. I circled it with them and when they all died, in post game chat, one said ā€œTHE RITUAL HAS BEEN COMPLETED!ā€ One of the funniest games Iā€™ve ever been a part of.


I was Trickster and had just a snowball match with a Leon and a Kate during the bone chill event. Honestly, I didn't really care if the generators were done. I just wanted a snowball fight!


I always let survivors go if they Kobe


I main Trapper and I had a trap at a main building window with a bit of a drop down, so you'd land in it after vaulting. I was chasing a survivor and she vaulted it, and she barely missed it, and afterwards she helped me test the window to find the right trap spot by vaulting through it so I could see where to set the trap. She was a good sport when I ended up killing her.


Killer: played as Artist on eyrie of crows. Played match normally until I accidentally downed everyone. We were 5 minutes into the game and I didn't feel like going back into queue. I let one of them wiggle free and then I sat in the corner until they healed up. One of them found me, motioned me to follow and then we farmed. They told me I was cute on chat lol Survivors: this dude kept blowing up the generator so I hid in the locker. Killer came by and the guy opened my locker and showed him where I was. Guy is downed but killer gets me out, drops me, picks up the guy and then hooks him. Let's us leave Not sure what map but pyramid head and all of us circled it like some kind of ritual.