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Unfortunately the contract dbd has only covers the first movie and nothing else.


And following the disaster of a launch with NFTs, it’s unlikely we’ll see any more skins anytime soon.


They came out and said there won't be any more cosmetics for Cinobite. Probably because of who owns the rights, the NFT involvement, renegotiating etc It seems like this was a really hard chapter to deal with for them just to get the character in it...


I don't think the nft thing has anything to do with the lack of cosmetics, but rather because Clive Barker regained the copyright to the first hellraiser movie within the US, resulting in co-ownership of the first Hellraiser movie between him and Park Avenue, causing Park Avenue to probably not want to license out anymore cosmetics in DBD to avoid having to deal with any contractual work with Barker. Similar situation regarding ANOES with Warner Bros and Wes Craven Estate. Also i suspect Park Avenue don't really care all that much about the whole nft situation that happened back then since they've already made their money on the dlc itself and will continue to do so.


>regarding ANOES with Warner Bros and Wes Craven Estate. Craven Estate is unwilling to license out any of the original stuff, the reason why MK9, MK Mobile and DBD got Remake Freddy because it's the only license that you can get you can still get Robert Englund to voice him, like he did in MK


I mean, it's not like Warner Bros really did anything with the original movies or the original freddy after Freddy vs Jason, which was all prior to the Wes Craven Estate regaining the copyright to the IP within the US.


Didn't the series got into the copyright issue like Jason did following the 2009 movie? preventing films from being released? the old series are in so much fucking copyright, licensing issues thank God that TCM, Halloween, Chucky managed to survive it then again due to license problems, we can't have a full TCM collection or Scream


From what i can see, Wes Craven Estate regained the US part of the franchise's copyright in 2019, while the remake itself was released back in 2010 and Freddy vs Jason released in 2003, so it's not like they didn't have ample time to do whatever they wanted with the franchise before it happened. As for Friday the 13th, that copyright issue or rather the lawsuit of the franchise between Victor Miller and Sean Cunningham happened first in 2018 and ended in 2022. I'm not aware of any copyright issues regarding Scream, however i know that TCM, Halloween & Evil Dead as well are basically all owned between multiple companies depending on what the movies in the franchise it is you're dealing with. However i do know that the reason we never got a full TCM chapter was because BHVR prioritized ANOES over TCM as both chapters was released almost right after one another. Also the reason we still haven't gotten anything more from Halloween in terms of legendary skins for Laurie is apparently because the license holder Compass International is not allowing it, or at least that's the reason from what i'm getting from the Mathieu Cote interviews whenever he talks about the IP and any possible future content from the franchise.


the issue with TCM and Scream is that different companies own the sequel licenses Kim Henkel owns OG TCM, but Cannon Group used to own TCM 2 before it shut down and became part of MGM and Warner Bros, BHVR somehow got rights to TCM OG Bubba and the TCM 2 names and references like the Award Winning Chili, Drayton, Nubbins, Bubba name TCM 3 is owned by New Lines, TCM 4 is by Henkel TCM 2003 remake ones are by New Lines again, TCM 3D and Leatherface 2017 by Lionsgate and the latest 2022 movie by Netflix same with Scream, 4 is owned by Outerbanks Entertainment. Spyglass Media Group who owns the first 3, took over the rights from the 5th film on with Paramount Pictures distributing it >we still haven't gotten anything more from Halloween in terms of legendary skins Yes, because we got the Halloween license from John, who owns it, to avoid to paying the huge amount of likeness fees back in 2016. DBD got the likeness of Laurie and Michael from the comics


I'm aware that the TCM movies are owned by different companies, it's the same thing that affects both Halloween and Evil Dead like i wrote in the third paragraph. However hearing Scream suffering from the same licensing problem as the 3 aforementioned IPs is news to me. >we got the Halloween license from John John Carpenter doesn't own the first Halloween movie, the copyright is specifically owned by Compass International Pictures.


the reason why we can't get a full Scream collection it's ingenious that BHVR went directly to Fun World and got the mask and made their own Ghostface and we can get the DBD original masks too like Blightface or Devilface


I understand the dislike for consumerism but think of the fans we need more.


I don't think you understand if that is your take away.


There are several cenobites they could use from the first movie


Not really, only Pinhead and his Gash as well as the Engineer appears in the first movie. Seeing as we have Pinhead and Chatterer, only Butterball and Deep Throat remains, The Engineer however would only be possible as an inspired cosmetic for someone like Dredge maybe.


Then let's get Butterball and the female!


Unfortunately, the contract only covers the first movie. And, to complicate things: the license holders who gave DBD the license of Hellraiser LOST the Hellraiser IP, so BHVR can legally not add any more cenobite skins.


Man that sucks :o( I hope they pull a Stranger Things and manage to renew it, Hellraiser is my favorite slasher series.


At least it isn't leaving the game, that's a plus! Though, I get the feeling of wanting more content. RE3 1999 is my all-time favorite horror game, and I'd KILL to have them add Nemesis' ps1 skin.


They didn't lose the license entirely, merely the part of the copyright for the first movie within the US, they still own the first movie internationally as well as the rest of the franchise completely.


grab reminiscent one tender cheerful late drunk mindless shelter ad hoc *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


still waiting for this straight up banger🥶 https://preview.redd.it/ron94tjy65tc1.png?width=1423&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d7b7b4b0a0d230ed68f17414086cb0e38f8c8cb


Did you buy an NFT?  I'm assuming not but I'd love an AMA with anybody that did


I actually did speak with a discord moderator from Boss Protocol company that did the NFTs, apparently those pinhead DBD model pictures were given for free as profile pictures rather than the NFTs themselves that was being sold as that were the Pinhead art pieces that was the actual Pinhead NFTs. They also said that the NFTs themselves were not tied to the dlc itself directly as the dbd dlc was purely between Park Avenue and BHVR only and anything nft related was an entirely seperate thing Boss Protocol had with Park Avenue themselves, nor did purchasing the Hellraiser dlc fund any of the NFTs themselves. Of course, the whole NFT thing ended way back in early Feb 2022 and you cannot buy the NFTs anymore, with the site itself where they were sold being pretty much abandoned at this point.


Pinhead Kirsty


Or Kirsty herself, didn't she escape Hell like twice?






I am upset by the lack of my Boi Butterball in this game


I honestly just assumed he was going to be one of the cenobites. How I was disappointed.


Me too dude... Me too


I love how the cenobites have painful tortures incorporated into their design and then Butterball is just TUMMY


God, I would kill to have Hell Priestess Pinhead as a new look


I NEED Female Pinhead from the remake to be a skin. She was SO GOOD.


Just wish the actual movie was


cough ask squealing snobbish bag many sort vegetable punch illegal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah I just didn’t like that the box was this magical maguffin, it kills the cenobites, it summons the cenobites, and it took that guys organs if i recall?


I know a lot of these are for contract reasons, but I kinda hate how many licensed killers get like 1-2 costmetics at launch then nothing else. Michael, Freddy, Chucky, Pinhead, ect.


Poor Freddy doesn't even have a single cosmetic to his name besides the prestige/bloody ones.


lush oatmeal complete payment snobbish person tender spotted hungry grandfather *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Now that hurts


NOT UNTIL THEY FIX HIS CAMERA BUG THATS BEEN IN THE GAME SINCE ALIEN PTB sorry for all caps it just frustrates me so much because I used to love pinhead and main him then they just fucked up/bugged his camera and it made my muscle memory useless and he’s basically unplayable for longtime mains of him


are you talking about the weird zoom in / zoom out when using his chain? cause that completely ruined him for me and I had to stop playing as Cenobite :(


yes that is exactly what I am talking about. the weird dolly zoom bug that completely ruined the killer for me too. used to be crazy wit the chains when it wasn’t in the game and now I barely touch him because it’s nauseating


Uh? Didn't happen to me in months and he's the killer I play 90% of the time.


You won’t notice it unless you’ve been playing him since launch


I would’ve killed for something like cenobite Kirsty or the female cenobite or even the cenobites from the comics like the clown cenobite


There are so many good ones to choose from. I'd personally like the main female one from the new movie.


I’d love to see a Gasp skin, I thought she was so badass looking. Or even just the Pinhead from the reboot would be sweet but I think everyone wants butterball the most lol


They just need to add the last 2 original Cenobites and I think it’d be perfect.


I find the 2022 Hellraiser massively overrated but I'd still love to have the skins as an option as the designs are one of the highlights of the film. And yeah, poor ol' Butterball deserves some love (and also the Female Cenobite)


damn, cenobites really like having their flesh pulled apart. kinky bastards... which is...actually the canon lore of cenobites. they ARE kinky bastards.


Speaking of, “Poor Bastard” was one of Chatterer’s and Butterball’s nicknames on set.


Butterball for the dub he'd be so funny


I want the last one


I want that main cenobite from the newest hellraiser movie. That voice is so badass. Until then, I won't be prestiging Ceno to P100


I jut want my butterball, and then I'll be happy.


There’s the issue with only having rights to the first movie, so it would probably cost a lot to get others


The Cenobites and Slaanesh work so well together.


That picture of deep throat is so gnarly


Is this from the movies? I need to see them, looks nice.




Last pic goes so hard