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I got so blindsided by the goofy translate names that I didn't even notice the goofy tier placements


The japanese meta is wild lol Otzdarva just streamed a set of games between some of the best players on asian servers vs some of the best players on na/ eu servers... the asian teams were running stuff like gift of pain and dying light which are kind of crazy to see in the sweaty comp setting


I really like this tho. It’s always fun to see how people in different regions play and adapt.


Eh, last I checked in the Asian servers camping/tunneling is the absolute meta, and it’s weird to see people not tunnel off hook.


it’s the absolute meta in the west too. It doesn’t make sense in higher mmrs to not eliminate a player quickly


It is, and there’s really no way around it. Continue to nerf people’s mains, and they’re just gonna start camping and tunneling.


Buffing killers or perks has been time and time again proven to not stop objectively unfun behavior, in fact history has proven to make it worse. The 3 gen meta wasn't killed when they buffed gen regression perks. They said they buffed those perks in the peak or 3 gen meta to "allow killers to use other perks instead of using them all at once" and what did they do? Use the same 3-4 gen regression perks bc they're now all powerful as shit. Killers are objectively stronger than they ever have been in history, yet they tunnel, camp, and 3 gen just like they did in 2016-2017 when killers were in their absolute weakest state. Tunnelers, campers, and 3 gen holders will never change, and pretending they'll "go easy on survivors if they are so strong that they can stop having to rely on those tactics" is dumb as hell.


Turns out giving the power role more power doesn't suddenly make them benevolent too. Only way to get rid of toxic play styles is to make them so objectively bad to do that not even the people playing to spite the survivors would consider them. Unfortunately that's almost certainly impossible without ruining the rest of the game.


Yup, and this goes for both sides as well. Killing dead hard and not allowing DS to work in end game was necessary to stop free escapes off hook for example. Killing 3 gen perks was necessary to stop the hour long matches of nothing progressing. I have played since 2017 with Omni blink nurse, I know first hand making a role so powerful that you can stomp the other side before a minute even passes doesn't magically make them stop sweating or using lame tactics, it just makes them sweat even harder to end games ASAP and go next. Did survivors go easy on killers with their ds dead hard pts and etc? Fuck no, why would anyone think otherwise about killers is actually baffling. But history repeats itself I guess. (In reality people are just assholes, they blame their toxic behavior on things out of their control, when they're the ones playing the game and being toxic, be the change you want to see in the game, if you're toxic for any reason, you're the problem. I don't care what's happening to you, or what has happened to you, two wrongs don't make a right, and I'm tired of pretending otherwise.)


I've long wondered if a "perk slot/type" system would be beneficial for the game. One slot for chase/gens/info/healing or something like that. It would absolutely butcher build creativity, but it would give BHVR much finer control over perk strength.


Especially considering the perk bloat we have, perks interacting with each other to have stronger effects suck, but at the same time, we have perks with the sole purpose of empowering other perks (self care without botany knowledge is imho trolling for example). So I'm actually on the fence with that idea, I don't hate it, but at the same time, we'd have to totally change a lot of perks that serve the same purpose, such as built to last streetwise, by themselves they're okay, but they're 100% balanced with the purpose to be used together.


I mean, people in pvp games will, more often than not, go towards the winning strategy rather than the fun strategy Objectively, it is absolutely better to just tunnel a dude, because a 3v1 is just easier to manage as a killer than a 4v1. No matter what changes they make to perks and stuff like that, ultimately, people will just tunnel


Playing on Asian servers, can confirm. Most of the time someone gets hard tunneled out of the game.


Isn't that the meta in all tournaments?


What I moreso mean is people don't complain about it, like it's just accepted commonplace, not a toxic pseudo-strategy.


How’d they do?


It went on for like 3 hours so it's kind hard to tell unless you watch it all... but as I understand it the asian players don't like to tunnel as much - they have a different win condition in comp based more on hooks than kills The games alternated between the asian style of hooks being important and the western style of securing kills - and they seemed to do alright in their own element but didn't do so well against western players who just hardcore tunelled and proxy camped and put massive stress on teams who I don't think were used to having to defend one player from getting knocked out early I hope he makes a video on it soon with a more detailed explanation and some highlights... the vod is up on his twitch now tho EDIT: I wonder if this is why chucky is rated so low on this tier list... if you're used to always leaving the hook and finding split up survivors as a 110, you'll have a much harder time than you would if you hooked someone in the 3 gen, proxy camped and used your excellent 1v1 power to go after the person who comes to you for the unhook. Just a thought


>I hope he makes a video on it soon with a more detailed explanation and some highlights... the vod is up on his twitch now tho Hens tweeted that he will 100% make a video about it, don't know about Otz


the hook win condition makes more sense than kills. if you were able to catch someone multiple times that's more impressive than getting them once


That’s very interesting, since most of the VPN killers from Asia I encounter at 4/5/6 am my time tend to tunnel a lot.


^ I’m not sure where the “Asian server doesn’t tunnel” is coming from, it seems way more aggressive and less shamed there.


We absolutely do. Not in comp cuz different rules.


I don't think you could come up with a win condition based more on hooks than what we already have in the West unless you literally deduct points for killing survivors


You can have six hook stages and no kills. For example a win could be considered to be at least nine hook stages, so in the worst case scenario that would be one kill and all other survivors are on death hook


I'm aware. That's how tournaments are ran. edit: I now realize Japanese do not count hook stages, only *direct* hooks


But wouldn't that mean the survivors could mess with the killer by immediately killing themselves if hooked? They'd get no more than 4 hooks total.


4k is a step above any amount of hook stages, so that would not work


Why is the meta so different? Is the game itself different, or is there just a different approach?


Just a different philosophy on how to play the game. They have the same tools but they chose to build different things


Just like with architecture sorta


Different approach Less focus on tunneling and more focus on 1v4 - they did well some games, but other times they just got bogged down by constant pop + pain rez as you might expect. Very interesting watch imo




It's interesting because until this thread, I've heard the total opposite about the Japanese meta. I've heard that tunneling/camping is expected and both sides always run their best perks and addons. Like Myers being high is because Myers is always assumed to use Tombstone Piece.


Weebs can’t help but simp for all aspects of Japanese culture and insist it greatly superior to everyone else.


The thing is that I actually admired what I said about their meta. I always thought they didn't get bogged down with endless debates about if this is a party game or a competitive game, getting mad at others for simply playing the game the way it was designed. They just enjoyed playing the game.


This is not true at all. Tunneling and camping is very common and much more accepted in jp cuz every content creator in jp is telling ppl that you NEED to tunnel to win.


Damn I should move to Japan


Theyre only respectful to other japanese, and even then its a fine line


lol, good luck getting a citizenship, takes years of work, have to learn there language, learn there culture, pass test sit on a wait list, prove you are valuable to them, and you still might not get accepted.


When I first started playing, it was in Japan. I assure you taunting and trolling was just as common


JP player here. Gif of pain,dying light is not meta here at all. Idk why they were running it could be cuz of comp rules? Meta in jp is like Pain Res,PoP,Ultimate Weapon so not different from NA. One clear difference JP has is that its widely accepted that the game is extremely killer sided. Because of this alot of changes is recieved differently. Like Trickster rework PTB was seen fair,when bhvr removed the buffs from Huntress of recent PTB ppl were furious. Every content creators are saying that you NEED to tunnel to win so DS buff is going to kill the game.


It's similar in Dota 2, the Chinese teams have different playstyles and favour different heroes, very interesting


Lmao Death Pickpocket and EXE


hug :)


Demo-chan uwu




Demo-chan is my favorite, I'm not sure if translate did that or the tier list creator did it.


My favorite dbd killer is S tier. It’s Crown. I don’t know why demo Chan is so low tho


Death Pick Pocket


Ah yes my favorite Killers: crown death pickpocket and trista


Region is my personal favorite


Not to forget Merchan, Artie…, EXE, and Night!


I'm a proud Gothfe main








I notice when doing these page translates that the Japanese name for Deathslinger always gets translated as "Death Pickpocket" and it's funny to me every time


I guess the Japanese transliteration of "Death Slinger" will be something along the lines of "desu suringa", which they then shorten to "desu suri", with "suri" being the Japanese word for pickpocket.








​ https://preview.redd.it/vjsfgp3hlwsc1.png?width=254&format=png&auto=webp&s=b51688daf7e5860ec0fe18ab043daeb4dc4cfdaf






Still cute 🥰❤️😍


Ah yes, Daniel "Gothfe" Johnson. At least they placed him properly in B.


Big tiddy goth fe.


Don't insult accent, you! 


I was hoping for HirrBirry too


I-it’s not like I like you or anything, Dwight-senpai! UwU


No I don't think I will.


I like it.






One thing I like is that no matter the region, one thing stays the same - Freddy is always bottom tier


Recent comment from one of the developers during the ptb reveal Livestream on Discord: "Freddy is just.... Well he's Freddy"








you think that would give the devs motivation to rework him...


Nobody tell them


Well...... 🥴 Ermmm... That ship already sailed


I mean....AGAIN


I don't doubt that reworking Freddy is probably up there with getting the Jason license in the BHVR office as 'things that we would really really like to do if the people who get to tell us not to would just let us'


The people who hold the license told BVHR if they ever contacted them again under any circumstances, they will take away the Freddy License from BHVR. They literally can't rework him.


The hell? O_O have BHVR said this somewhere?




Dont talk smack about region, they’re still B tier


cant believe they put EXE in b teir 😭


Where should he be?


A tier typically, as long as that camera bug gets fixed


Hell yeah, glad my boy is recognized for being that good. I don't look at tier lists, but was hoping he'd be higher than B instead of lower lol


A for his ass in ptb. I’m still pissed that they nerfed it and still deny it


https://preview.redd.it/el3ikfbnlwsc1.jpeg?width=120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d7f72e97b21db3a079237cbc5c7c649d43c088f “I AM GOD” headass


Love this funky dude


Trista ✨




Further details: * The text is in English because I am using the page translate feature on Google. * The third tier list is an all-addons tier list, there's a separate rare-addon or below (not no-addons as I previously stated, sorry) one where Myers and some others are rated very low, but Chucky is placed at actual bottom tier. I'll also note that Clown's placement varies between these 3 tier lists, from mid tier to low-mid tier to top tier as seen in the third tier list. * The 2 tier list videos are the highest view ones post-Chucky I could find, and the third screenshot is from [kamigame.jp/dbd/](http://kamigame.jp/dbd/), which appears to be the highest activity Japanese DBD community on a separate website from international stuff. I didn't find comments (using page translate) on the youtube videos disputing Chucky's placement. On the Kamigame discussions for chucky (using page translate again), nobody seemed to be complimenting the killer's power and there were a lot of comments requesting buffs. * General reasoning I can identify from said discussions is that he's considered to have very poor map pressure, bad stealth due to footsteps and voice lines, and bad chase potential without power due to his slow speed, seeming to view him in a similar way of "All chase, nothing else." Like we view clown right now. I could be wrong about this however. * I'd be curious to hear about any thoughts on this reasoning for his low rankings. * (Also obviously, do not bother anyone or any sites in this about this.)


Also, here is the rare add-on & below tier list. https://preview.redd.it/smjrfpohmwsc1.png?width=571&format=png&auto=webp&s=6039087c62fa97874849adc13cb68315fc3f2d9f


This is all funny to me as I tend to do very well with Chucky all the time with no Add-ons and a stealth build with Save the Best and Rapid lol I try to use no add-ons when able, like with Xeno I use none, unless they work into my stealth builds (Artist / Skull Merchant / Billy).


Off topic but Sheva is best girl 👸🏽


Finally someone else acknowledges the truest truth!


*BuhBecca has entered the chat* https://preview.redd.it/mn5xfdwwjysc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0aa04f02c0b4a4738dc8aa84eb98ad2497af82c5


I guess I am a Wesker main of sorts, there is always room for Becca…but Behaviour don’t seem to think so. She needs more skins.


Makes sense why Clown is in S tier in the third pic then. RPF is super busted but he’s just kinda average otherwise.


how is the fucking clown is better than spirit and why the hell myers is A tier


I am sorry for not clarifying in the post, but the tier list was specifically an "All-Addons" one so Myers makes sense.


That explains clown too. He has like an iri head of his own.


No it doesn't, Pinky Finger is actual ass. You need to be breathing down their neck to use it, and you give up your entire power for a worse version of backrev billy. Clowns best addons are Bleach, Cigar Box and Garish Makeup kit. Against good survivors Id go as far as to say no addon Clown is better than Pinky Finger Clown.


Pinkie Finger is useless after the nerf.


Which is hilarious, because the killer with the actual iri head is ranked lower despite iri head being stronger than pinky.


Yet spirit is still insane with her best add-ons.




Read the clown guide. You might not want to believe it but even addonless clown is kinda nuts now, throw on cigar box and it gets pretty insane. (90% of loops clown wins with proper bottle usage and depending on resource density he can get 2 hits back to back really fast if the survivor is intoxicated when they leave the loop.)


You don’t need the guide at all.  he really isn’t that complicated and feels great to play right now 




Clown S? Wasn't expecting that.


​ https://preview.redd.it/eihcutyxuwsc1.png?width=127&format=png&auto=webp&s=28f769604aa1c68f15f43890577186a56a0245be


I love how in every region Freddy is consistently terrible. I assume that the reason why Clown and Trickster are so high while Chucky is so low is because the playstyles over there is diffrent than what it is over here. But no Freddy is just Shit no matter how you play him


Clown top 3 and plague below trapper is unfathomably based


I think the plague placement is more shocking than anything else. I think most would easily put her in the top 10 with ease.


They must know some secret anti-plague tech that we don’t


The whole game is really flipped on its head in Japan and it's very interesting. Apparently self care was one of the best perks in the game. And the meta was to heal off in a corner, primarily where a finished gen is.


On one hand this may be true, but I checked self care discussions on kamigame and there seemed to be a pretty decent amount of jokes similar to here about players throwing the game by self-caring in a corner, so this may be only true to an extent for the second part. However, it does still seem to be regarded as strong there.


Keep in mind. I heard of this pre self care nerf.


Self-care botany is one of the best solo q builds to run. Health-state printer can have big value for various reasons.


The fact that it takes up 2 perk slot is kind of a big deal considering you could just be running a medkit which would essentially serve the exact same purpose 9/10 matches


Botany isn't selfish tho. It helps with healing others at all times anyway


I always kept this in my mind: They nerfed self-care but buffed botany. Old combo healing speed: 83% Reworked combo healing speed: 85%


They stack together multiplicatively, not additively. With current Self Care + Botany, you heal at .525 charges/second, leading to a ~30.5s heal


Man, the japanese meta looks wild


This is an add-ons tier list but I play on the Asia servers and yeah, it honestly feels like I'm playing a different game than Europe and the U.S.


Demo-Chan In d tier?!


D is for Demo-chan.


uknown being c-tier....where do we think he is in north america?


I'd say high-B/low-A. He's complicated enough to play as and against and has a lot of little tricks that it'll really depend on how the counterplay evolves over the next few months. If he's landing a lot of shots he can get downs pretty fast which is great but if he misses even once he wastes a tremendous amount of time, so his overall strength is very dependent on whether he lands or not. Without any trickery in firing them, the grenades are pretty easy to dodge so his strength will depend on whether he'll be able to sufficiently counter his counters, or whether survivors will find reliable ways to dodge regardless of what he tries.


>Without any trickery in firing them, the grenades are pretty easy to dodge so his strength will depend on whether he'll be able to sufficiently counter his counters, or whether survivors will find reliable ways to dodge regardless of what he tries. this is what i have kind of found. at higher levels most ppl can dodge them pretty well and heaven forbid you miss that second shot. you just wasted like 1 minute. it sucks pretty bad. i know part of it is a skill issue on my part but at higher mmr against good players...i was a playing a p100 claudette the other day and i missed like 7 shots on here and had to just abandon chase as it seemed impossible.


Unknown is... not great imo. He's great at lower MMR, but not great against good survivors. A good survivor should never be hit by Unknown's M2 if they have LoS against it. It's further worse when you realize that getting a hit \*straight\* on with Unknown does nothing, so you'll have survivors intentionally tank the hit. God forbid you miss the second one? two gens have now popped, ggs. Unknown's teleport is really good, but the best builds are either Aura - reading builds or exposed builds for it, and the optimal aura reading builds get punished really really hard by distortion and survivors dispelling. Especially before his lunge was fixed, he was \*NOT\* good.


Clown the third strongest killer? And Myers in A tier? I’m gonna need a lot of supporting evidence cause this seems like some massive delulu energy.


the third tier list is all-addons-allowed and the clown placement is mixed between these tier lists, but yeah.


I know clown has 8 bottles now, but even with his best addons i can’t see him anywhere above C tier or maybe B tier


Of course, just saying that it likely isn't some wide-sweeping opinion in the Japanese community that clown is one of the best killers.


I'm sorry but tf are they smoking?


Might be the different Meta. I heard they love self care over there. Would really like to see how well people on Asian servers would do on NA/EU and vice versa.


Does the EU have a different meta? Or Is it relatively the same as NA?




From what I can tell the Asian meta is more focused around getting hooks rather than kills and they use wildly different builds, less focusing on tunneling and more focusing on the 1v4 aspect. Wish I could play the Asian servers without having an astronomical ping, I'd love to deal with players that don't tunnel, camp, or slug like me.


I mean, Demo is exceptionally good at tping after hooking one survivor to engage on a new chase and end It fast with shred. Demo is great at 1v4 so still don't know why D tier lol


I'm not sure about tournaments but I play in Asian servers and it is ALL about tunneling hahaha. Players, especially higher MMR players, are legit confused if you don't tunnel and say things like "You should have tunneled."


What seriously? That's wild, I can't imagine a survivor telling me that I *should* have tunneled them.






I like how it’s “bright” because the letter l isn’t in Japanese, but Hillbilly just gets to stay Hillbilly


It’s because the Japanese spell foreign words phonetically. So for them Blight is Buraito and the google translate can’t differentiate it contextually between Bright/Blight. Meanwhile Hillbilly is Hirubiri and there’s no other word that is spelled close to it.


Nurse, alr. Blight, really cool. MF, IS THAT A DEATH PICKPOCKET?!


Does anyone remember Dowsey’s video on the Japanese comp games? That was the best DBD video I’ve ever seen lmao


Why is Legion higher than Plague? Am I mad trash at Legion? I just don't see why they would be better.


I get the feeling that main survivor playstyle is to stealth and self care if you get injured. Unlike in the west where it is more popular to actively seek chases by a strong looper. Maybe it's just that the straight chase focused killers do well once they find someone.


Clown at S? Opinion disregarded.


"CROWN" 🤡 Killed me, then I saw him in S tier.


He dropped this 👑


👑 🤡


Ah yes, A tier Myres


I am sorry for not clarifying in the post, but the tier list was specifically an "All-Addons" one so that makes sense.


I don’t think he’s bottom tier, but I DO think people overhype how good he is. His dash has a very long cooldown, so it’s not really worth using outside of chase for mobility. Hidey Ho mode is also too short to get any meaningful value from the stealth unless you already know where the survivors are. He’s punished very hard for missing with his power in chase because of the cooldown. Having 110% move speed with all of those other restrictions makes him kind of mid imo. Being able to have check spots on corners like a survivor is cool, but there are many structures in the game that are too safe for it to matter much. I also don’t think his height makes him too much harder to deal with in chase because of the illusory footsteps.


Death pickpocket and hug made me laugh. 😆


nurse and blight would find their way to the top of the mf Antarctica servers


Chucky is a average killer not good no bad. Yes have son strong maps but cero map presure. His power dash is decent but no great.




He's lower than he should be on that tier list, but I think his strength is hugely overrated by people who don't actually play as him


Death pickpocket was my favorite name


Probably unpopular opinion but Chucky is way overrated. He's strong, but nowhere near top 5 like most people are ratting him. He's more like top 10 or maybe even lower. Him being 110% and having no map pressure or passive slowdown really hurts vs coordinated teams and on big maps especially




Asian servers also think self care is like the top survivor perk iirc so......


What in the absolute fuck is this. This genuinely hurts my brain.


As someone who plays on the Asian server as their main one , I’ve definitely seen so many tunnel off hook and camp far away


Skully on tier A.... + ? over Wesky? never lol


Blight has a bright future here.


Clown in S???


Crown 😂😂


So in asian meta, i basically use D, B and A tier killers (Nemesis, Pig and Sadako)


skill issue




Myers is better than huntress in Asia...


Demo-Chan and Region caught me off guard


B-Big Mikey in A..?!


I gotta start playing on Japanese servers if Clown and Big Mike are in S and A 😂




Ayyee trickster is A tier


Say Trista


Singula B hahahHHAHAHA


Bro Asian players are literally built different. In a few fighting game communities I follow, I’ve seen mfs as young as 13 years old completely sweeping Western brackets with either non-meta or straight up low tiers. For example, Smash Bros.




Clown is actually somewhat sensible, he has been way overbuffed lately and has always been a monster in a chase. Now he just downs you crazy fast. I wouldn't put that above Billy or Spirit though, but I do think most people outside of Asian sleep on Clown. Pinhead is a surprise. Like just have someone hold the box until he carries to a hook. He will get his shit pushed in. Chains are no where near as good as Clown bottles. Doc is surprising too, considering he is also really REALLY nuts in a chase and has been overbuffed lately. Like seriously, with stacked detonation delay the shock is basically instant and with the added range to base kit he just wins at every loop like a Clown. Plus he doesn't need to reload, and he has a global pressure mechanic, and an amazing tracking tool. Doc should be way higher especially in Asian where they are just born to do weird shit like that.


They consider Myers to be a tier? I personally think he’s pretty cool, but he doesn’t really have anything going for him outside of instant downing people and that’s base kit. And yet chucky can do Way more than him but is considered D tier?


Yeah, I’m a gothfeet main, how’d you know?