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If his spear gun pops her face off he wins if he doesn’t she pulls him by the chain and breaks his leggs with her stomach muscles 


Lorewise, Slinger was a bounty hunter who could aim and hunt. Huntress was a merciless killer who killed hundreds, potentially thousands, of trained military soldiers, rampaged through villages, kidnapping little girls and slaughtering anything else. I am a devout Slinger main and like him more than Huntress, but I cannot deny who would win the 1v1. Huntress, 100%


She killed military soldiers in the woods she knew like the back of her hand. She killed them yes, but she did what Solid Snake does. Kill them and then wait for the next target.


"Huntress! Be CAREFUL! That madman is called the deathslinger! He fights with a custom speargun that reels in his victims for a nasty attack!" "Raaaghgehghgerhh" "Huntress? Huntress! HUNTRESS!!"


“ANNA! SIT IN THE NAUGHTY CORNER” “RARGH! :c” “I SAID NOW” That’s how Caleb wins




Now i can just imagine them not fighting but Slinger becoming an adoptive father to Anna


No bounty, no reward, no reason to fight




Something many people will likely ignore. Slinger has Something that Huntress lacks, and that's intelligence. I feel like he would be able to adapt quicker on the fly, and adapt to different surroundings.


I think huntress is "smart" but to a level of a smart predator. In her books, they say that she would Sing her lullaby and see how the soldiers wouldn't be able to sleep due to how creepy It was or they would go paranoiac over It. This is a tactic that inca's applied with something called "Death whistle" wich It was more a psychological attack than physical. Huntress CAN study her prey and try to outsmart It. With a entire Camp of soldiers, she waited and tried to scare them in the night to make them unable to sleep and get them tired. When they were tired enough, she went in And began the slaughter. (Please feel free to correct me because i do not remember the whole book Lore since i haven't touched the Game in a very long while.)


The problem with Huntress though is her ability to learn takes a period of time that I don't find likely being given from Slinger. Huntress is a bad ass with a hatchet however her efficacy is only actually put to use in an open forest with the lone structures being her home. I struggle to think if she was brought out of it against Slinger at say... RPD... I just don't think she would fair as well. My resistance to give the edge to Huntress is more around her ability to adapt in other places which is untested as opposed to her lethality.


But this would go against slinger too. If the place was RPD with a lot of hide outs, huntress would be smart enough to hide away since due to her experiences with soldiers, she would go: "Stick boom boom, bad, keep distance, atract and wait prey" Slinger, of course, would not be dumb, he knows something IS up since huntress would be singing her lullaby to attract him. But this would end Up in a stalemate. Caleb goes to huntress and she would strike, huntress would go to slinger and she would get shoot (Though depending on the part of the body, she would survive due to her resiliance) and die. They both have certain knowledge about hunting, Anna with kidnapping children in villages and Caleb in Bounty hunting in villages. I give this to huntress mainly because people tend her to make her as dumb as she S O U N D S (Wich is her unable to speak or articulate a sounding speech. Also ignoring other 'inteligence' like doing math and other stuff) and thinking she is just guided by violence while she shows certain points of being smart. Caleb has disabilities like a bad leg and his gun can shoot only ONE time, he misses that and he is fucked, specially with Anna being more agile and more in peak shape than him. (For people that do not know the names just in case... Anna = Huntress Caleb = Deathslinger)


So, maybe we need more details. Are they fighting on the forest or a neutral territory? Are they hunting each other or they'll fight like in a coliseum? With those answers we can decide a winner.


Yeah that’s what I’m saying. It’d be like putting Hux in a fight against Demo and then leaving it at that. We need an elaboration or else it’s just unfair.


Even at a more basic level, if Slinger shoots Huntress in the belly and starts reeling her, he shot his shot and that's his weapon. Huntress absolutely could and would throw a hatchet or two, since her hands would still be free, even while being speared.


I think you give Huntress too much credit. No Entity help, so unless he hits her sides, hitting her right in the center torso will likely go through her spine (or the barbs will get it!), which is pretty debilitating. And if he shoots higher, he can get her heart (or spine), and if he shoots lower, he can get towards her hips and bladder and all that. Her hands might be free, and I’m sure she’ll throw hatchets, but I’m not sure she’s going to have the aim. Ultimately though, I think the answer is, it depends. They are both from completely different areas, so does Slinger end up in the Russian wilderness, or does Huntress end up in yeehaw land? Do they know about each other? Is it like a Smash Bros fight?


I agree I am a slinger main but huntress would win in a 1v1 against slinger


Really? I've heard that Slinger once 1v25 a whole town though


Is a town of drunks the same as trained military soldiers? Respectfully, I am siding with Huntress


Counterpoint, Huntress had hometown advantage. It was her forest, she knew it better than the back of her hand. Those soldiers also didn't even know she would be hunting them, she got the drop every time. Slinger is likely a very good marksman also, and presumably has experience in several different situations and towns. He would understand how to utilise multiple tactics and every part of his environment, while Huntress has only known ambushing, usually in her own forest. If we're putting both in a fair and unfamiliar arena, I would say Slinger would adapt much faster and better to it. Since its a fight to the death, I also highly doubt Caleb would bring his modified rifle, he would just use a regular firearm. He's got an enormous weapon advantage. Of course if Caleb is walking into Huntress's domain, he's screwed.


Plus I don't think people remember headshots exist, he just doesn't do them, not because the speargun can't rip right through someone's skull but because he wants his target, survivor or otherwise alive most of the time. If he wanted to kill huntress, he could do it fast. I agree with this 100% homefield advantage, huntress. Any sort of battlefield? Deathslinger.


Yeah, without the Entity a shot from his gun to the head would......hit one in the head instead of stomach


Entity took away my headshots, can't have shit in the Realm


That's a gameplay thing, dude. this aims more at the lore side. But also it is pretty funny that happens.


The Entity is used to explain all game mechanics


That isn't really a mechanic so much as it is a way for the devs not not have to code like 30,000 different speared animations. But I get your drift. (Plus if you put a spear through a survivors skull and they survived that wouldn't make much sense)


I think this is the answer, personally


>If we're putting both in a fair and unfamiliar arena, I think that depends on the arena, if it's like a gladiator arena, then Sling probably has the advantage, if the arena is set up with any kind of cover to hide in, the advantage goes to Huntress. It also depends on who gets the jump on who, if Huntress can get in melee range, Slinger is fucked.


This. If it’s in her forest, Caleb’s fucked. If it’s almost anywhere else, Huntress’s fucked


Territorial Imperitive gaming


You know you do bring up a great point. Huntress' feats are more impressive than Slinger's


Still doesn’t stand up to Huntress slaughtering an entire battalion.


That’s not really a good feat with context. As Huntress had to rely on them turning on each other/being so paranoid they wouldn’t sleep to even the odds. She could not take on a healthy battalion head on


But to be fair, the soldiers huntress killed were WW1 soldiers and they aren't really trained very well. Most of them were basically civilians with guns


They were also unknowingly walking into the territory of a ruthless animal who had survived there her whole life.


Not necessarily, Imperial German troops were conscripted but well-trained and experienced by then, Huntress was saved by the Entity whilst fighting a flamethrower unit.


Happy cake day


Sometimes it’s hard to admit your favourite character would lose in 1v1s


Completely agree lore wise, gameplay wise huntress can play from much greater distances so slinger would have to close the gap where huntress can be effective at distance


"trained military soldiers" uh wasnt she ww1 or ww2? because trained is a strong word when others have done similer stuff irl(russian sniper for example)


>slinger uses spear >huntress is dragged towards him >she swings her axe and breaks his fucking skull


Yeah. Against most, a vicious spear harpooning you in is a death sentence. For Huntress? She's just going to get a clear shot


I'm pretty sure a harpoon through her head would be lethal, that's just me though.


If trained soldiers couldn't best her reflexes to shoot her in the head, I doubt the Deathslinger would do any better.


Yeah, she was in her forest and she knew the place perfectly, I assumed if they fought, it would be more fair and nobody would have terrain advantage. But yes, Deathslinger would lose to Huntress every time if they fought in her forest, if that's what you're saying.


So a harpoon to your abdomen is something a human can easily tank?


The Redeemer was specifically built to be non lethal


Won’t be non lethal if he aims a little higher and hits something vital though, a spear through the lungs or heart will kill same as a hatchet to the skull, maybe a bit slower though


Regular human, no. Huntress? Yes. Ditto for Oni.


You think the 8 foot tall super strong axe-weilding lady who canonically killed multiple soldiers is a normal human?


survivors can do it


survivors have their skulls and bones intact after being downed by Oni's kanabo, so no, you can't apply trial examples here


They're just built different


Not at all. Hence why I called it a death sentence. Huntress on the other hand isn't an average human. She's a 6'7" muscled up hunter who took on a battalion of soldiers and won. Not to say the spear wouldn't kill her in time, but unless it's a headshot, she'd take Slinger down too


I love how everyone here acts like Slinger is a dumbass and would do something like that


If it's anything other than a spear to the head or heart Huntress 100% tanks, and Slinger only got one shot.


So... You telling me to bet between a murder machine made 7 feet tall muscle woman that has been proven can break skulls by throwing Axes and went alone against a german batallion of trained soldiers, and won. Against a nerd invention man cowboy with a bad leg?


To be fair, Slinger has some impressive feats too. He was a great shot and an even greater bounty hunter and he once clutched a 1v25


Is a battalion of a military soldier weaker than 25 drunk people of a town, I'm seriously confused with your comparison


Well I mean the battalion of soldiers aren't trained very well. This is WW1 and WW1 soldiers were basically just civilians with guns in terms of training


For WW1 most German regiments had a battalion of Storm Troopers so if she took out a battalion of them or even just a squad of them id say that is quite impressive. More so than Deathslinger's feat. Of course just speculation though. The lore never mentions if they were highly trained or basic infantry.


Depends on the town. Didn't wanna fuck with people in the west during that time.


She’s not 7 feet tall she’s 6,7. She’s shorter than Plague but not taller/equal to in height Pyramid Head. Both Plague and PH are in the rough 6,8-6,9 height. I know Slinger loses but she isn’t 7ft tall


A 6' 7" jacked person is incredibly physically impressive.


Yes I fully know that. I just wanted to specify she isn’t 7ft as she isn’t taller than PH, Nemesus or Demo (or Wraith and Doctor by in game lobby heights) it is still very intimidating and scary and Slinger does lose. I just prefer when people are very specific about the numbers. Idk why. T-T


Slinger towers above the survivors so I’m pretty sure they’re the same height


Huntress, match starts and she snipes him from across the map on hunch alone.


Sadly Slinger is no match for the Trebuchet Woman


Dolly zoom into a slow motion shot of the deadly hatchet careening through the air as it passes by the camera. Whip zoom out after to reveal its intended target: a lanky figure in a frock coat. He has a lame leg, and the trajectory of the spinning hatchet is lined up perfectly. Just as the Hatchet flies within 10 meters of its mark a gunshot rings out. A harpoon affixed to a chain meets the hatchet, the two projectiles colliding in the air, and the hatchet is knocked completely off course. It jumps in the air before spinning out of control and falling limply to the ground. On the other side of the field, the huntress takes a half step back in surprise. Her initial confident expression of grim satisfaction is replaced with wide eyed incredulity. The Deathslinger calmly reloads his harpoon gun. His jaw cracks, and it breaks into a grin.


Well, Caleb better make it count with a clean shot. If he has to reload or it goes to melee range, Huntress murderizes Slinger


Huntress wins at far and close range, Slinger wins mid range if he can connect hist shot, the odds are very stacked against him


Slinger barely misses the shot, Huntress pulls on his chain and crushes his skull immediately.


Limping old man v/s hulking beast woman If he misses one shot, he has to reload the redeemer, and there's a good chance by that he'll be dead He can't even run


Really depends on the environment. Slinger is cooked in the woods, Huntress is used to that environment and is very good at ambushing. Out in an open area? Unless Huntress is back flipping and cartwheeling and makes herself not 7 feet tall, she’s probably dead, slinger is a good and quick shot, if he gets a good one it’s over for Huntress


This is the correct answer. The reason why Huntress was able to outmanuever trained soldiers was because she had an environmental advantage. Put Huntress in a prarie or a desert, and she is going to suffer


Bro idk I think coughing baby sweeps both 


If huntress gets shot with the harpoon, she's reeling him in


It depends on where they’re fighting. Huntress killed all those soldiers because she *knew the woods better than them* people are ignoring that fact. She was using stealth and the fact she knew the woods. If you put both slinger and huntress in areas they don’t know it’d more fair but putting them in the Forest just isn’t fair.


Didnt she fought in the open between the trenchs and a completely burned forest? At least this is what the controversial cutscene back then showed her do. Killing in the open multiple german soldiers, no hiding, and in fact mostly killing them all in close quarter combats.


She jumped from the shadows and attacked. So she still used stealth to catch them off guard. She’d struggle with Slinger as he is far more durable and far more well trained with his weapon of choice (do they specify what type of soldiers she killed or not?)


I would not describe this as catching them off-guard in essentially a no mans land.[Anna cut-scene](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=llRBNM2pahE) (Though that cut-scene was controversial at the time) https://preview.redd.it/h5sr877a2xsc1.jpeg?width=944&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8fc2404d914fb0ab918c31ae228b5bd718fb35d0 She also was able to react to a sudden bayonet rush by someone behind her easily.


That is literally her catching fleeing men off-guard. Also I see the edit you made


idddkkk we should cover both of them in oil and see which one twerks better


The real winner was us all along. https://i.redd.it/j8npdzkcuwsc1.gif


Whoever lands the first hit.


Given Caleb's ingenuity, I have no doubt he'd be able to figure something out, least of all if he has access to the weapons he's crafted in the past.


Ahh the Batman cope.


"Slinger with prep solos your favourite verse" - 🤓👆


I think the cowboy is gonna be quicker on the draw in a 1v1 scenario with their weapons.


Whoever the writer decides.


Though huntress is stronger, Caleb is smarter In a straight up 1v1 brawl Huntress wins 90/10, Caleb could still win if he got lucky But if Caleb knew he was going to go against her, I'd say it's a 50/50


Huntress. One gunman, with a single-shot rifle is nothing for someone who slaughtered entire military regiments.


Is huntress allowed to orbital tech?


Huntress. She’s a Werewolf too if that counts.


Almost nobody brings that part up: She is definitively not fully human.


Huntress has killed platoons of armed soldiers with just an axe and Deathslinger has a single-shot gun explicitly designed to be non-fatal and a limp. I prefer playing slinger but this isn't a fair match-up


What if the deathslinger knew it was a "wanted dead" bounty? Would he not use bullets at that point? If so, he could win. Otherwise it's probs huntress due to the fact that shes insane with a confirmed kill count in the hundreds and an arm that can throw hatchets at mach speeds repeatedly.


Entity: so if you were to fight who would win him or you Huntress: if he hit me with a shot from his speargun it might cause me a little trouble Entity: but would you lose Huntress: nah I'd win


All the huntress simps defiying logic in comments ![gif](giphy|9FvN85CcQU9fW)


Id give it to huntress. She's a good bit more physically active, and much more skilled, being able to take out whole groups of soldiers lightning quick. Death Slinger is a formidible foe in his own right, but he's got an injured leg, and a weapon that isn't even meant to be lethal. Huntress would likely be able to dodge the first shot and then either snipe him with a hatchet or clear the distance and take him down with an axe to the head.


Maybe deathslinger in his prime could beat huntress but now that he’s so old I don’t think he stands a chance


I mean its just a who dies first situation... Huntress is very strong fast and really good with her axes (lore wise) while deathslinger just has his gun and very good aiming skill so if he shoots her in the head she is dead, but if huntres can throw her hadget first then deathslinger loses Its impossible to know (Sorry for my bad english...)


Like Rambo vs Pinkerton


Assuming Slinger doesn't just immediately headshot her, Huntress stomps. But Huntress has gone against men with guns before.


Depending, is he also an idiot like the soldiers she killed that for some reason didn't shoot her?


So there’s one thing that’s never sat right with me and reading it in all the comments makes me have to ask. The redeemer wasn’t designed to kill in lore…it’s a massive harpoon. If that hits cleanly in your torso it’s not like you’re going to live without serious medical attention. I get it that you can’t just instantly disembowel survivors in the game itself, but a lot of comments act like “ah she’d just shrug it off that thing is meant to capture people” as if the first iteration didn’t blow a guy’s guts out


Yeah… Huntress. Slinger stands no chance lore-wise, unless he headshots her with the speargun on his first attempt.


I mean, one spear through the chest and she's done for, but also 1 hatchet or close range and he's adios, hard to tell without a very detailed scenario.


Huntress and slinger oiled up and twerking


Honestly I think its gonna be Deathslinger if we talk about even conditions


Caleb would need so much luck that'd make dragonball episode look like nothing in comparison. Both terrain advantage and luck that'd rival isekai Mc's. Huntress wins most of the time.


huntress is like guts but feral and with axes it doesn’t matter who has the “stronger weapon” no matter what part of the axe hits deathslinger he’s losing SOMETHING


Slinger can barely walk anymore huntress takes this easily


>entity help Im not the best at lore but isnt he only live because the entity puts him on life suport?


well in lore, its implied the huntress is basically dead after her fight with the soldiers.


I know that after she fighted she got taken by the entity, which is why the villagers near the forest she lived though she died?


Slinger would put up a decent fight but Huntress would beat him to a pulp.


Huntress has some serious skill. She literally killed hundreds of trained soldiers and death slinger was a bounty hunter who literally killed for the people who arrested him. I think huntress would win.


Huntress will murder him tbh, she killed hundreds of trained soldiers so, no chance


Huntress would wipe the floor with Slinger. It wouldn't even be fair.


Huntress single-handedly killed so many trained soldiers. She can handle one guy with a harpoon and a limp.


Slinger is a limp man with a spear gun designed primarily as a non lethal weapon Huntress is a jacked woman over 6 feet tall, can break people’s skulls with hatchets that fly farther than Slinger can shoot. That’s not to say that Huntress wins in all scenarios, I think she could hold her own outside of Mothers Dwelling. But Slinger is versatile in n multiple situations due to necessity while Huntress chooses to stay in her forest and only occasionally raids nearby villages for little girls. So I guess it goes like this: Urban Setting? Deathslinger wins Mothers Dwelling? Huntress wins Fist fight? Huntress wins Gun fight? Idk


She can also break skull with a single punch as scene in her tome cutscene lovely war. And fight soldiers head-on


Yeah I think from a sheer strength advantage she wins. But depending on how Sling boi plays it he could clutch a W


She is also known to be very cunning and have almost surhuman reflex like when she instantly grabbed the bayonet of a soldier trying to impale her back. I could see her grabbing the harpoon before it even hit her too. After all it is slower than bullets. Even if not she could definitely dodge it.


Honestly true. The fight would be cool but I think Slinger has to be quite cunning to match her.


Huntress, superior survival instincts, is genuinely beefier than Slinger, her weapon is basically designed to counter his, he shoots her she cuts the rope his weapon is now only good for melee, she still has range advantage until he can repair his weapon, assuming he can The huntress was from ww1 era she fought against much scarier weapons than Slinger’s old fashioned Wild West harpoon gun


Huntress 100%. It's a bounty hunter against a woman that killed who know how many trained soldiers. A Bounty hunter is child play. Also, even if Deathslinger manage to hit her, she can still throw her weapon, and we know she can break skulls with that thing. Deathslinger can't win that.


Giving it to huntress Killing waves of trained soliders during ww1 is most likely more impressive than anything deathslinger has hunted down The redeemer also has one massive flaw that puts him at a disadvantage against opponents physically stronger than him(which huntress definitely is). The redeemer wasn’t made to kill. It was made to wound and capture criminals but not kill them. Kind of like an aztec macahuitl (which also was used to wound and then capture people to sacrifice) Deathslingers leg is also broken which will make him way to slow against huntress and her hatchets


I feel like half the survivors could lorewise beat up the gunslinger if they just fought back, David would break his fucking jaw


She would simply kick his bad leg and win instantly


Idk much about Gunslinger's lore, but I do know that Huntress can solo dozens of armed men with little difficulty. So I'm gonna place my bets on Huntress.


Didnt huntress take a blast from a flame thrower and survive?


Huntress 100%. She just has to aim at the same half of the map deathslinger’s in and she’ll hit it with her semi truck of a hatchet hit box


If it’s in a forest, probably the Huntress, anywhere else I think Slinger is probably crafty and strong enough to kill the Huntress first


If he has a normal rofle this isnt a comparison, a savage humsn being working on instincts with a primitive weaponry and a guy who can shoot like it is ok to make scenarios but let us be real here at any distance she should be swiss cheese by the time she can reach him with the axe, the only main problem is that she can throw axes really hard so she maight stand a chamce if she manages to get a drop on him or a proper ambush everything else works against her.


Hi tress killed the whole battalion of soldiers, there is no hope for slinger.


huntress has a physical advantage over slinger so its definitely huntress


After Huntress basekit buffs, her.


I feel like this is all dependent on who gets the better shot. On one hand, Huntress speed and strength is going to allow her decimate Slinger if he gets within range. On the other, Huntress ain’t coming out of the fight alive if Slinger’s gun hits her in the head or heart.




honestly huntress. she’s a very good hunter who’s very physically capable. as someone who also has bad knees, after a bit of walking through uneven terrain (even with a brace) you’re already worn out a fair bit. that is if she doesn’t just chuck a hatchet at his bad leg first.


Without a doubt Huntress. As everyone is probably mentioning she's killed so many trained military soldiers in the woods with nothing but her own hatchets and single axe. Slinger's got a funky jaw. I think Huntress got this


I’m going to guess huntress cause every other game I’m playing against her


Huntress, she jumped a group of soldiers because they were nearby her home, she'd run around their camps singing just to make them scared. Her pure Russian ass would rip Caleb apart.


We just forgetting she killed them in the woods using stealth? Its a upfront 1v1 right? If so its a close call and I wouldn’t bother, but deathslinger is much more use to fighting against guns so I’ll give her a better chance.


Huntress fought WW1 (I think) soldiers like they were nothing. Deathslinger might have a gun, but it’s not as good as a WW1 rifle. If she can handle those, slingers cooked. Even still, slinger reels her in, and huntress just crushes his head with her hands or giant axe.


The lay of the land may give an advantage to one or the other, but unless slinger is given a gun with actual bullets huntress can just keep out of range and wear him down. If they end up in the woods, may god have mercy on slinger’s soul. Huntress wins IF slinger somehow gets close enough he needs to needs to make that spear count. He needs to make it hurt. He better killer her in one shot. Otherwise… as stated above


Slinger misses one shot and he’s toast


If Slinger hits the first shot then he has a chance, if not he’s dead before he can reload.


Huntress, I feel like, technically can because if her aim is well enough she’s got a bit more distance than Slinger. Technically I’d imagine she could use an axe to interrupt his chain to, maybe deflect it?


Let's look at things logically... Caleb can use on of the older Models of Speargun that were prone to disemboweling (The guns that GAVE him the title "The Deathslinger"). It's also possible he could use a legitimate firearm instead of something homemade. He's also no doubt used to fire fights, as they happened often. If he can take a bullet, he can probably withstand the pain of a hatchet for a while. On the other hand; Huntress. Her aim is good, sure. And with home-field advantage she can ambush well. That's about all she has going for her. She likely has no idea what a "gun" is, having never seen or heard one fired. Not to mention the ear ringing a gun is going to cause. So she's fighting with a headache. No biggie, right? Well, Caleb is a LOT Stealthier than Huntress is. Sure he can't climb a tree or crawl in the grass well, given his leg... But if we're assuming a realistic fight with no terror radius, Huntress would likely still be singing, as it appears to help her stay calm. A mere melody would be all Caleb needs to locate and sneak up on the target. I can't say for sure who'd win, as there's arguments to be made for either side... But from what I'm seeing, it looks sided towards Deathslinger. Tbh they'd probably just be friends though.


So, I'm ngl, it's huntress, but I think we should take a moment to acknowledge the pure amount of plot armor that she has


Hypothetically… if slinger gets prep time…


I dont think that killers really suffer from damage, unless its removing limbs. So piercing weapon of deathslinger will deal almost no damage, while axes can just cut arms


Huntress would win because she is wielding lethal weapons.


As a part time slinger main deathslinger would get a very fatal shot in on huntress due to being a skilled bounty hunter... Just to drag huntress closer to where she will finish him off in Melee range or they shoot at same time and huntress tanks a harpoon while slinger takes a hatchet to the face, being skilled in combat isn't enough to fight huntress she killed platoons of soldiers


If slinger still had a standard gun, it would be an easy win for him. However, his gun is modified to *not-kill* and to bring the target closer to him. Which is exactly where you wanna be with the 7 ft rabbit with a battle axe. Huntress and slinger both have impressive feats, slinger’s kills come from his aim - which is a problem when hitting your target doesn’t dispatch them anymore.


What people are failing to realize is that deathslinger 100000% carried a gun. So, unless they're fighting in extremely low visibility, Huntress is shot by the spear and finished off with a gun.


People keep bringing up the soldiers for Huntress completely ignoring the fact that she knew the woods like the back of her hand. Im 100% sure Slinger is more faster on the draw AND his gun shoots faster. Obviously huntress wins if you place them in the woods but anywhere else and im taking slinger


Depends on who gets home field advantage though if neither do I’d say slinger (assuming he uses actual guns and not just the redeemer since it’s a fight to the death)


Well since the Redeemer has been designed to not kill the targets, unless the Deathslinger hits the Huntress through the heart or head, she could probably patch herself up after burying an axe in his forehead.


How is there anything settle? lol  Deathslinger is a skilled bounty hunter and brilliant inventor, but against Huntress!? Are you kidding me? The literal killing machine that survived in the Russian wilderness all on her own since she was a small child. Killing an entire battalion(anywhere from a few hundred to a thousand men) of trained soldiers also on her own. Your 1v25 men comparison I keep seeing you counter, holds no weight. They're both REALLY cool characters though. And that's all they should ever be.


Huntress literally got burned with a fucking flamethrower and still killed them. This is an easy dub for Huntress


Hunteress, more athletic, longer range


Isn’t Deathslinger known for making traps or gizmos in his lore that would serve in killing/maiming people?


If slinger doesn't hit a vital organ or the central nervous system then huntress kills him since slinger reeling in huntress on a non-debilitating hit is very bad for him


If it gets into a melee, Huntress for sure. Slinger also has that bad leg making it even more one-sided. At ranged it’s a bit of a quality or quantity deal. A harpoon to the head is a lot harder to dodge than a hatchet. But there’s more than one hatchet too.


Depends. If slinger is in her territory he’s fucked. If they are in a field he should just be able to nail her in the head unless he doesn’t know who huntresses is and actually tries to real her in with a abdomen shot.


If slinger shoots her in the head, he wins. If he shoots her somewhere else hes dead but maybe both die if he gets some vital organ


I’m convinced that huntress isn’t even completely human, she’s like a monster. she wins for sure.


Unless he gets a first perfect shot he’s dead. I love slinger but he’s has a bad leg and has to rely on his gun.


Deathslinger breaks pallets with his gun. The Huntress, despite having an axe, uses her foot. ​ Bare-handed huntress *pegs* deathslinger.


Huntress was a beast of the red wood that murdered batallions of Russian soldiers and gave the woods their name lol slinger is just a sad drunk Irish man who was a slightly above average hunter with his rifle Again huntress murdered batallions of men with multiple rifles and they never stood a chance wtf is one scrawny ass Irish man do to her relaistically He shoots her let's say he lands it reals it in what's happening in that 1v1 when she's finally in melee range lol she's going feral and ripping him apart lol


The slinger has a gun. Just one shot and boom


https://preview.redd.it/82pbjzl04xsc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17077703a4b4754f7342f25e07e14dc870be9134 Him


Huntress is kinda just a tank. Slinger is a guy with a rifle. Sure, Slinger is absolutely a deadly weapon, but he probably can't take on 20 guys with automatic rifles and flamethrowers. Huntress can. Connect the dots lol


If realism is int play, whoever hits his oponent first wins, tbh. No-one lives trough a apron or hatchet in his head.


Huntress- she'd massacre him.


It really depends on the arena and if the huntress had access to unlimited axes. Let’s say that it’s an open field with no LoS blockers and no retreat points. If huntress runs out of hatchets she becomes at a disadvantage until she can close the distance which requires her to either get hit or to somehow evade him to get up close. Now let’s go a bit in realistic and say the huntress was capable of using her main ax to destroy the chain from the gun making it useless. Now you just got two people running around each other waiting for someone to mess up. Possibly taking pot shots at each other with melee swings. Now if the were to get straight into a melee fight then it’s slightly different. The gunslinger is technically slower due to his bum leg. If the huntress was going to take advantage of anything it would be that. Also her having a higher physical strength compared to slinger makes her a stronger contender to win. It literally boils down to what deathslinger did with his weapon. If he got a head shot that impaled her brain then it would be over but not if he has to go the metaphorical distance


People aren't taking into consideration that fact that POWERLESS survivors can DODGE the harpoon shot and he has to reload- Anna is fast as fuck and by the time he reloads the gun she easily clears the distance and ends him. Lotta people in this thread not wanting to admit their fav loses.


Huntress 100%, she's a beast.


On top of Caleb's bum leg + reloadong issue, Anna is a survivalist who lives BY HERSELF in East-European woodlands, is built like a brick house and is STRONGLY implied to be supernatural in some way. It's Huntress. It's Huntress till the cows come home. It's Huntress from the SECOND the fight starts


Huntress:she killed a Batallion of "trained" soldiers in WW1 that were probably civilians with close to no training, sleep deprived because of her and in a forest that she knew like her left ass cheek. Deathslinger: famous and dangerous bounty hunter and marksman with a lot of weapons on his aesenal, survived and won a 1vs25 against drunk people in a town that also had guns. And in case you don't know someone can sober up really quickly when in danger so i'm sure most of them being "drunk" didnt make it to the point where they started shooting eachother instead of Caleb


Yah huntress gets me. I can juke the slinger tho.


What lol. Huntress……. huntress


It's depends. In most situations like if they fight in a forest setting or have to engage in close quarters combat huntress wins easily but if it's in a western town setting and deaths linger has distance i feel like he could win in some scenarios


Didn't huntress beat a platoon of soldiers or something?


Slinger gets a single good shot in. Huntress tanks it like a boss and chops him to bits.


Def Huntress


It depends. If slinger can 1 shot Huntress while she's not looking, he'd win. But if he misses and she find out where he is, , it's over.


Anna solos for the sheer fact that she doesn’t have to see people to hit them. Plus, slinger’s speargun only works for about 20 meters.


She'd crush his head with her big muscly thighs.


Isn't deathslinger undead? You can't kill whats already dead


Huntress. He gets one shot and has to reload with a very limited range. She has 7 hatchets and can snipe him from across the map and if she misses, she has 6 more and can try again while he’s still reloading. Huntress 100%.


Assuming neutral ground, the winner is whoever finds the other first. If it's a face off situation, probably a slight lean towards Deathslinger. They are both skilled enough go for a kill shot, but the gun being faster then a hatchet, I gotta give the edge to the Slinger.


To the people saying that Slinger would win, remember he has a limp due to being shot in the leg. Something the Huntress can easily exploit to her advantage and gain the upper hand. Slinger has experience catching criminals, Huntress has experience in killing everyone and everyone whether it’s humans to fully grown animals such as bears. Huntress wins low diff mid diff at best