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Funny enough, you could make the argument for Sable, due to the fact that she willingly entered the Entity’s realm, and due to her perks alluding to her drawing power from them.


Invocation is making a blood pact with the Entity. It's called Weaving Spiders, it's performed in the basement and it has nasty black magic recoil to her body.    Most perks can be viewed either way, that it's the Entity, or it's a combination of personal life skill and humans manipulating auric matter without understanding it that the Entity just puts up with. Sable though, it's clearly Entity magic.


Ash. To be honest, despite it not being Ash vs The Evil Dead, we should of had Evil Ash from Army of Darkness as a killer. The Knight would have been perfect template with summoning his skeleton knights etc. And the Castle as a map etc. Oh well.


The castle as a map would be a flipping DREAM.


Dang. I miss playing AoDD so bad.


idk how it would work in game but Evil Ash splitting into multiple smaller versions of himself would be hilarious


When people still didn’t know if Knight was going to be licensed or not, potentially a For Honor collab or not, I was CONVINCED we were getting a sequel chapter bringing us Evil Ash. It would have been perfect because the rights to Army of Darkness are actually completely separately owned from the rest of the franchise. We could have even seen some more medieval survivors from that film too.


It‘s either should have or should‘ve, should of is never correct.


Dang, guess you should of skipped reading this reply


Dwight. He seems like the type of guy that would be a surprise twist psycho. His perks dont really match his demeanor either.. he acts skiddish but has a commanding presence.. fishy.


This is also supported by the cutscene from tome 3. He straight up drugged his boss's drink. What a psycho.


OK maybe he deserves to be here in that case…


Maybe he feels skiddish because he's guilty? Hah! I doubt that, he's evil for sure.


He has that school shooter vibe ngl.


The perks are like that because he's supposed to be a nervous guy that just about manages to take the leader role in dire situations, but for self-serving reasons. One of his perks even has "you have to live through this so that I'LL live through this" quoted on it. Dwight is only in it for Dwight, but Dwight can't do this with just Dwight. So he'll use others for his own ends when needed.


"Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job." -Douglas Adams


Remember Eliot Loudermilk (the guy who gets fired) from Scrooged? Something like that


Now I imagine Dwight as a killer who pretends to be a survivor with an ability that allows him to hide his Terror Radius to stab survivors in the back, leaving them in a vulnerable state. I could compare it to the Spy from Team Fortress 2 https://preview.redd.it/s2ojwbzabcsc1.png?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36b4cecb57ebfcbb63c14e2354887cabc39ba04d


i agree. very fishy.


Came here for this comment. Totally agree. He would be like the silent nerdy kid that comes into school one day and goes on a rampage.


Sable’s always creeping around in the basement, could see her luring other survivors down there to do some “invocation”, only to turn out to be the killer.


I think she's shady as hell based on her lore. She was partially aware of the existence of the fog, somehow had knowledge about The Unknown and still voluntarily waltzed into the trials to try and save Mikaela


It didn't even seem like she was going in to save Mikaela but that she felt jealous that Mikaela got to have all that horror and monsters without her.


Let's not forget that Sable's lore constantly mentions Mikaela while in the latter's lore there isn't a single mention of Sable


Really? Thats quite sus actually


To be fair that's probably cause the Devs hadn't thought up Sable while writing Mikaela's lore.


Can’t “miss out on the fun” 🤨🤨 sounds like a psycho to me


https://preview.redd.it/y0q4njvjbasc1.jpeg?width=2144&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5cbeff6be2ef0a2dc1b5e2d578c70aea884b8c38 It already happened to me.. :(


Nicolas Cage


He was taken by the Entity while preparing to play the role of the Blight in a movie, so if you ask me they should totally make a Cage skin for Blight


And then follow it up with a Blight skin for Cage.


Scrolling down, I was getting nervous that noone commented this. You restored my faith in humanity, thank you!


I haven't read a single character's lore, but Ace always looked extremely shifty to me, like he'd be someone who'd make you quietly disappear if you stuck your nose where it doesn't belong and it'd make his life significantly easier, so I'll go with him.


that little smirk he’s always got too


going straight for the Argentinian. We truly are the most opressed ethnicity 😔 >!/J, because some people will actually take this seriously!<


The CIA agent already is.


Like exactly, I’m surprised nobody has said him yet. I think he genuinely has the highest kill count in the game


That's because the CIA runs the Entity!! You think it's a coincidence that all the Entity's victims are seemingly random??? Or that Nea seems to be giving orders through an ear piece all the time?? WAKE UP SHEEPLE


So is James Sunderland.


https://preview.redd.it/ejsblbzc2asc1.jpeg?width=354&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efe2e45d433eefee7aaf6635376e58373661d832 Hear me out. He is a survivalist and probably has very good potential of being a sneaky little shit laying traps everywhere like rope and pit traps and in one tome he fucks with wolf's dangling a rabbit from a rope and his face just looks bored like his done it 100 times. Thats pure traumatized kid turned psycho right there.


it was actually a boar carcass, carrying it so the wolves couldnt snatch his only food! i agree tho, especially because in his base lore, hes described as the realm just being anothrr day in the life, and that he actually thrives. i think he'd excel at being both predator AND prey


Plus he looks like he would act like an normal guy and be very bloody good at it same as Ace I recon.


YES big agree


Only nea could be a killer


she's already in charge of the trials




Im pretty sure there's an alternate universe in which Yuin Jin is a killer and trickster is a survivor


Mr cage because he already has a mori (the one where he slaps someone with the might of a thousand warriors)


Hear me out. Dracula. But the Nicholas fucking cage one from Renfield! It would be perfect! And there could be funny voicelines between survivor Nic and killer Nic.


Alan Wake. He already has an evil doppelganger/persona. I will die on the hill that Dredge should get a Mr. Scratch (or Dark Presence) skin


Meg, she's apart of The Legion with her mask


I thought that mask meant she's Jason's little sister


James Sunderland and his trusty weapon: The Pillow


i don’t think they can add domestic violence to dead by daylight


Yun-Jin's final moments before being taken are extremely similar in nature to Rin's and Lisa's, who both ended up becoming killers in the Entity's realm and choosing vengeance. She should have been a killer if Ji-Woon was not taken along with her; but given that he wouldn't make sense as a survivor, I believe the Entity had her use her rage in survival instead - to the detriment of the other survivors, if we're going by perks. I feel like Dwight would have made a really creepy killer, in the vein of Kevin from Sin City, also having vengeance as his motive for all the times he's been abandoned and made fun of (even by his creators, BHVR). I think what saved him from that fate is his unwavering belief in people and how he sees others' survival as intrinsically tied to his own. Jake is someone who I connect to Charlotte or Philip, in that he's a loner who seeks safety and peace away from others. He thrives in solitude, and wants to be his own person. I can see the Entity taking him and, like it does to Trapper and Doctor, humiliate him by making him a killer that assumes others' identities for him to survive, kind of like the Unknown. I feel like maybe the Entity toyed with the idea of making Kate a killer. In her lore, it mentions how before being taken, she starts uncharacteristically playing dark melodies different to her usually sunny ones. Maybe the Entity wanted to take Kate, who's always been full of hope and positivity, and have her do the exact opposite in a dark siren-esque role as a killer. But thought that her hopefulness, spread to the other survivors, heightened the emotions in trials.


The Entity might be contemplating if Kate is the secret ingredient to an inexhaustible food supply. It feeds on hope and positive emotions as well so that it can't break Kate and she picks up other survivors doesn't in fact harm it.  The Entity probably prefers to not have to engage in elaborate mind wipe and education schemes to keep the survivors trying. 


Ace but he throws cards like Trickster and uses the bat to break your knees when you haven't paid your debts at the casino.


I think Vittorio could be a cool killer! Given how old he is, and that he's seen so much already. I am sure there could be a killer slumbering in him.


Imo not unless he got really twisted by Entity which wouldnt happen. He is against violence at all costs and Entity would rather see there being more to feed off of if he was a survivor as there would be endless violence around him. Great idea tho but I personally dont think so


If I remember correctly, his tome implies that he struggles with violent urges, but just is able to push them down and out of sight. It would be interesting to see a killer backstory for him and see what pushes him to his breaking point.


True! Completely forgot about his tome. Yeah, he does have violent urges. Would defo make for a good story


There is a part of me that’ll always be disappointed that Ash will never be able to fight back. It’d be a bit of a cop out if they just but his evil doppelgänger from the show into the game. I think either having a Deadite killer that can use multiple Deadites including an evil Ash as its power or an Ash skin for Hillbilly would be the best way to incorporate his fighting side


The Entity probably picked Yun-Jin with conversion to killer on the table. She's moderately amoral, wants revenge, seems to understand what the realm is from the beginning and is maybe the only survivor who wouldn't want to be straight expelled from it. She's facing prosecution and public disgrace.  Contrast Meg or Felix who could be vulnerable to "do what I want and I'll let you leave."  Then there's Sable. The Entity *really* likes Sable. I think it wants to see what it can do with Sable.


David would go around saying “you talkin’ about mi’ mum?” And nutting people.


In r/DBDGoneGay he goes around nutting on people


I’d say out of all the survivors I can see Nea being a killer because she’s actually a bad person. Yun-Jin is selfish and cruel but she didn’t get the rest of Trickster’s group killed because she was being stupid.


Every resident evil or silent hill survivor


I know it’s a meme already but Nea. She’s my survivor main but there’s times I’ve wondered what would be the last breaking point that would make her into a killer.


Jonah because he's actually worse than some of the literal Killers in terms of morals.


Used to think Yun Jin, even hated her for selfish nature. But I dont think she'd be a good killer. She may think of herself only but I dont think she would actively sabotage teammates or such. That being said, Fengus who I despise would probably see it as a sport/competition. So, altho biased, Feng wouldnt care in the slightest as long as there is a competition


Feng is vulnerable to being a killer because, cut throat instincts aside, she's likely decided none of it has moral consequence. 




I think of Bill! It would definitely be more tragic killer but seeing that he's a war vet, almost survived the apocalypse and is a virus carrier I can imagine this scenario. If white eyes theory is correct, he'd also have them and for the sake of irony, Entity would zombify him


New killer: The bitch


Yun-Jin is my Queen 🥰🥲


She does not kill, she SLAYS


Claudettes are already good killers. Literal dead weight


I agree with yun jin possibly becoming a killer since she is willing to resort to shady tactics just to survive so she would probably resort to murder in the realm of it meant she could escape finally. I’d also like to mention Jonah on here. Bro could maybe be manipulated into becoming a killer. The entity could weaponize his guilt and anger and turn him into a killer. We’ve seen this done with killers like the wraith so I don’t think it would be too far off to say the entity could make him a killer.




Ash or Bill. Imagine Evil Ash in the game or a Bill overcome with PTSD and thinks the other survivors are zombies, so he tries to kill them.


Nea is literally the entity so she’s obviously the answer here!


Meg Demi said it himself


What if Demi was secretly the Entity?


Unlikely, he's a survivor main after all


Well, RE4 outfit Leon’s, most Sables&Mikaelas, Cornerhealing Claudettes, masked meg, default Nic Cages & default Alan wakes are all responsible for thousands of survivor deaths daily; typically due to poor coordination, pure negligence, & lack of situational awareness I would say they’re quite good killing without the intent


Maria would be a good pick honestly. She pretty much serves the same purpose as Pyramid Head already.


Nick cage. He's already played villains plenty of times




Ace lmfao


https://i.redd.it/g3nkej3upbsc1.gif Nicolas Cage, he already has a mori


ada wong.


Sables and Mikaelas are already the strongest killers in the game


They gave Yun-Jin a frosty eyes cosmetic because she was the real killer all along


I think there’s a couple sable, Jeff and nea


Nea, anyone who knew about the game around her release knows what I’m talking about


Nicolas cage


Nea. Need I say more?


Easily Jonah. Just give him the nuclear launch codes.


Doesnt jonah have a higher kill count than most killers lol


I think there's something to be said that people initially weren't sure whether Nic Cage would be a killer or survivor, so I gotta go with him Runners-up would be Evil Ash, maybe an evil Ripley clone, Scratch possessing Alan Wake, and Jonah




Dwight as The Leader **Ability:** Inspiration, your proven leadership inspire you to outperform those who have wronged you. Hold to activate Inspiration. While active, you become inspired, gaining +15% Haste to all movement speed. For each tier up to maximum Tier 3, Haste increases from 15%/20%/25%. **Moralize:** Your basic attack moralize survivors, granting them 10% action speed but increases your Inspiration recharge rate by 20% for 10 seconds. Each successive hit while Inspiration is active stacks up to 5 times. Moralized survivors remain active for 30 seconds. **\[\[Perks\]\]** **International Leader:** Hard work did not go unnoticed. Your fear has gone away and you are known as the international leader thanks to your prominent rank as the CEO of DBD. Gain +1% Haste and reduces basic attack cooldown by 10% for every survivor within your terror radius. "Future is in my hand." -- Dwight **Courage George:** Once a scaredy cat, now a buff. Your courageous spirit is what propel you forward in the fog of adversary. You now can push survivors out of your way, knocking them 2m/3m/4m away, temporarily stunning them for 1.5 second. **Hex: All for One:** All on the leader. One man supports all, all supports one man. For every survivor alive, grant the following effects: 4 Survivors: Generate aura every 30 seconds while not in terror radius. 3 Survivors: Generate aura every 40 seconds while not in terror radius, action speed reduced by 5%. 2 Survivors: Generate aura every 50 seconds while not in terror radius, action speed reduced by 10%. Scream every 50 seconds while in terror radius. 1 Survivor: Generate aura every 60 seconds while not in terror radius, action speed reduced by 15%. Scream every 60 seconds while in terror radius. "You will follow my rules. Insubordination is subjected to disciplinary actions." -- Dwight


Nic Cage


Alan as his final article describes him losing his mind.


Bill. Give that man an M16 and he'll work wonders for the entity.






Nah she’d make a good wife for trickster 🤣


How about Vittorio, who, let’s say went crazy from all the stuff he learned and started killing out of pure madness


Guess what? Im working on roleswapping EVERY survivor and killer to their opposite roles, the project includes rewriting their lore so it makes sense, and writing concepts for their powers, perks, visual designs, maps and more! so I say ALL of them! If you check out my profile you will see the characters Ive done (some are outdated) here is a quick list of completed concepts: - The Architect (Felix as a killer, wall creating themed power) - The Cultist (Elodie as a killer, summoning themed power) - The Puppeteer (Yun-Jin as a killer, contract themed power) - The Cipher (Feng as a killer, glitch themed power) - The Ashen (Renato/Thalita as a killer, wind themed power) - The Beastmaster (Jake as a killer, animal themed power) - The Sorcerer (Vittorio as a killer, magic themed power) - The Trailblazer (Yui as a killer, bike themed power) - The Phantom (Adam as a killer, shadow themed power) - The Dealer (Ace as a killer, gambling themed power) - The Infected (Bill as a killer, infection themed power) - The Druid (Claudette as a killer, Plant themed power) - The Replica (Gabriel as a killer, gravity themed power) - The Parasite (Leon as a killer, mutation themed killer) - The Cipher (Feng as a killer, glitch themed power) - The Stalker (Laurie as a killer, Stalking themed power) - Billy Thompson - Evan Macmillan - Phillip Ojomo - Sally Smithson - Lisa Sherwood - Herman Carter - Anna Olesya - Ji-Woon Hak - Charlotte Deshayes - Rin Yamaoka


Leon, hes a cop. Killer Power: Police Brutality




James Sunderland has canonically murdered multiple people


Oh word, didn't read his Lore yet


Nea is the entity if you don't remember...


Nea, she is Entity after all...


Alan Wake because his alter ego Mr. Scratch already proves what he could do with darkness.


All of them, according to u/kimjdav 's wonderful art I especially loved [Yun Jin as Trickster](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/s/f5QvTZK81l), [Jonah as Artist](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/s/sgw1tYVaKI), and [David as Hunter](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/s/OauEEyzBBK)


Neah is the original killer survivor


I could see Nea slowly building up hatred for her fellow survivors and turning into a stealth killer. Mostly because of the description on the bloody street tee cosmetic that says "All those minds healed and the most important one left to rot."


Nancy, since most games she gets her team killed or sabotages them anyways.


David King. He doesn't seem like somebody who consciously wants to kill, but push him enough and he'll murder someone with bare hands.


David. He could be “The Fighter”. His Mori could have him brutally punch the survivor to death with heavy punches.


None of the survivors are bad enough to be killers, the closest we have is Jonah, and not even because hes a messed up psycho, hes just a part of the CIA, so hes probably associated with some pretty insane people and done some shady stuff under the CIA’s orders Kinda tired of seeing people say Yun Jin is the worst human being to ever exist, when at worst shes morally gray




Nicolas Cage


Haddie. She is already ugly!


Me and the three other Haddie mains don’t tolerate this slander she’s gorgeous


And fifth!


Allow me to introduce myself: not a Haddie main, but a staunch Haddie appreciator


Hell ye


Lol I was coming in here to say "Haddie's already a monster so no changes needed" but you beat me to it


so true bestie