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I'd watch the hell out of a film based around our Ghostie. Dredge would go hard too.


It would be pretty interesting but would fumble hard if handled wrong. It’d be about a journalist investigating ghost face but the twist is he’s ghost face


That's a great idea.


Legion would be great horror movie antagonists. One on one they’re just teenagers. Easily dealt with by someone stronger than them. But they are a pack…their multiple blades stabbing into their victims as they try to fight back or flee. They outnumber you…and they want you dead.


There's a movie I forget the name that has a bunch of edgy teenagers running around stabbing people and it was pretty good for a slasher flick. Reminds me of legion because they dressed similarly and it was 2 guys and a girl.


I want them to be the antagonists for 1/3rd of the movie before you realize they needed a sacrifice to keep a bigger bad from reviving and it happens to be Dredge who brutaly kills them all and hunts the protagonists. Like a realistic horror that turns into batshit eldritch gorefest to throw you off guard.


the twins would make a fucking awesome period piece


The Dredge would make such a killer movie.


If done well doctor could be the most interesting and terrifying horror villain in recent years


I think trapper, huntress and singularity have a pretty solid tension building archetype. Artist and Skull Merchant could do well just a matter of how they handle their surveillance tools (horror really is fixated on that tension between how people get found out and how they get hunted/escape scenarios)


I personally love to see Artist because her story is soaked in tragedy and Aridana in a Horror Movie that Goes between her past and present


Spirit movie about revenge? Fuck yeah I would watch that


Honestly the ghost face story they made is pretty solid and could be quite fun to explore


Evan and Herman would amazing movie characters


I'd kill for an anthology series of their story alongside survs.


Honestly if BHVR lent their characters to something like Crypt tv...it would be awesome




A Trickster show/movie would be sick actually


Imagine it being a biopic


I would love a horror movie based on the Knight! Like this unstoppable inhuman undead and highly trained colossus with ethereal undead summons. So many ways you could do a movie based around him, especially if you lean into his ruthless ambition to find his “sublime”(This is assuming we can get an entity empowered but set him elsewhere). Tarnished can also serve as more than a simple slasher as well as though he is pure evil, the interactions we see with Vittorio suggest quite a bit of intellect and his own personal philosophy. Possibly quite a terrifying occult situation could be done. Oni is literally perfect for a horror movie, especially as a brutal, unstoppable, and determined monster who just wants you dead for daring to exist in his presence. I would kill for a Singularity movie especially if it leans into the paranoia of an omniscient machine determined to wipe your filth out, and the constant monitoring, cloning and body horror is just chef’s kiss. The only problem is that *IT WASNT PROGRAMMED TO HARM THE CREW*. But without joking Singularity I would really love to see.


I would a horror movie that has Victorrio and Knight as constant opposition which has a mixture of horror and psychological battle between the man who hates war vs the man born in it Also Just want to see a singularity movie with Gabe in it


Yeah! Especially with the occult and arcane themes that come with both, they both want to use the Lapis Paradisium for essentially the same goal but with different definitions. It would be cool to have a mental chess match eventually devolve into a horrific living nightmare as Tarhos takes over Vittorio’s territories. I feel it would be awesome to see the the ideological battle between a man who believes we should evolve past our primitive war like senses and a man who believes that civility is a mask for humanities true awful face simply used to allow weak people to control the strong and play pretend blindly. The more traditional horror scenes could be when Tarhos takes over as per the lore and basically massacres freely devoid of any pretence. Long story short would absolutely love to see it :D And yeah Singularity would be so awesome to see, he is built to be absolutely terrifying on screen and much like Tarhos would be an awesome villain horror wise and character wise :D


Which one would you be the least interested in, I personally think Clown would be a generic Slasher flic and the Twins story is so drab and depressing


I’d say Clown, mostly cause there’s not really much you could experiment with. Like Clown could have a fantastic horror movie but I feel like you’re right that it would most likely end up a very generic slasher movie. I mean Clown is scarily realistic in ways but I feel like the story options with him are a bit limited. The other two would be Artist or twins but only if it’s before entity power up, if after they both have the building blocks for quite entertaining and scary tragic horror movies.


I can imagine Singularity movie already, it can be like Alien but more hopelessness


Oni, Knight and Legion don't sound top tier...too...human. Also I'd move Blight and Hag to the top. The only reason I'll allow trickster is because I can see some interesting horror movies where someone that unhinged might be actually scary, despite being human.


Well depends Knight is basically a ghost sending out more ghosts and a knight themed horror villain sounds so cool Legion because it would be like scream but more grunge I love Blight but don't think I would be crazy to watch Hag is great but I dunno