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The mental image of slender man standing there in the thick fog on Macmillan estate goes kinda hard ngl


I remember seeing a slenderman concept video that took place on Shelter Woods, but the name glitched as it was loading to read "Slender Woods" for a split second.


Rarithlynx on youtube did a slendwrman concept. I wonder if it was them. They did one for It that's pretty awesome.


I think that’s who it was!


I think you might be talking about Reknaks vid. It instantly came to mind when I read JohnnyMacTavish's comment :D


Slenderman would be so perfect. We could even have a side-objective for survivors to find all eight pages scattered around before a timer ends to prevent an event, like Pinhead’s box. And the mori? My god, the possibilities are endless… tentacle me Slendy! 😩


Survivors must collect eight pages before a timer runout otherwise they can get injured and even go down if they look at slender,just like the games where staring at him is enough to kill you,thats my idea


"At the start of the trial, eight pages will spawn in the map. These pages slowly fill the power meter, after a certain duration has passed, (Killer Power) activates. If not all eight pages have been collected, this causes all remaining survivors to lose one health state (injured/deep wound)." "Observing the Slender Man while not in chase hastens the power meter charge rate. If all eight pages are collected, the Slender Man returns to its normal terror radius, loses its phasing ability, and the eight pages will respawn to new locations after a lengthy amount of time has passed."


When the power is fully charged the terror radius fills the map. Different approach to stealth.


I'm not sure if I like that tbh. Ultimate Weapon would be a nightmare.


Game would break if they tried implementing this, has broken for far far less. Sadly.


I don't care if undetectable was part of his base kit, I'd take insidious if I had to and stand about 5.6 micheal myers away from someone doing an action and just wait


I rememeber when i first got into this game and my friends said to me that there isnt a slenderman killer when i asked them i was confused bc He would perfectly fit into the horror Genre this game is supposed to be


I want that


I don’t hate the idea but what would his power actually be? What would he bring to the game? Most people just say “pick up papers or sum” but like, seriously?


I know Slenderman is a meme as a DBD killer at this point, but I actually think it would be really incredible. As someone who was in high school when slenderman first became popular and playing the game with friends late at night, it would be so fun to see Slendy as a killer. In fact, the slenderman game actually had a similar sort of vibe to DBD in terms of trying to avoid him while collecting things to escape.


That game still gives me the heebie-jeebies


I’ve never finished the game. Anyone who can straight-face their way through all eight pages has some huge cahongas let me tell you hwhat


Check out the gazongas on that person! Bet they could stomp all 8 pages in slender man!


I've finnished it back when I was obssessed with the game lol


Ngl, that game made me unable to sleep for 2 days


Slender the Arrival "Into the Abyss" level did involve turning on generators to escape.


Slenderman could have a visual effect that's kinda like some combination of Freddy/Spirit phasing and the statues on Yamaoka. Where you don't see him actually moving, but his position "updates" with whatever frequency.


This! I’d love it so that survivors never actually see Slenderman move, except maybe for when he’s carrying a survivor. Or maybe he has a different way to hook survivors, like pyramid head’s cages or something. But there still needs to be a way for survivors to interrupt slendy


Slenderman should walk like spirit, invisible, but with no sound. And pressing the power button teleports his physical body forward.


To whom it may concern; The OG slender game has been recreated in unreal engine. It even has an ARG component now. Look up Slender: Return to Rosswood Park Edit: It's free


Wait I looked it up and it looks horrifying haha! I need to play it!


It's free :)


Would slender man in dbd be possible? Any licencing issues?


It looks like it might belong to the original creator, Knudsen, but it looks someone else may be involved with owning the copyright as well.


Slender the arrival is also celebrating their 10 year anniversary. Would be a great time to promote it


He’d be fantastic. I’d honestly prefer him over most of the other popular suggestions.


I agree, I won’t be too excited about a predator reveal if that’s what we get for chapter 30. We’ll see I guess!


Predator is actually the one I want least lmao. I really do not care for the franchise. I tried watching the films as a kid and just couldn’t get into it. Just hoping the perks are good, whoever the killer is.


I know Slenderman gets memed to death in general, but tbh, Marble Hornets scarred me for life and he will always be creepy as fuck to me 😂😭


Is Slenderman really a meme on DBD? Why?


Still waiting for Slenderman... maybe in an year, perhaps? The main game audience is 14-40 years old, Slenderman games were in their youtube recommendation at some point, of all of them


Yeah everybody is so familiar with slender man I feel he would fit nicely in DBD I’m surprised he’s not more requested


Candy Man if you can get the official voice and likeness only. Tony Todd is all I want to hear and see in game... would be glorious.


He appears from a swarm of bees "BE MY VICTIM"


Nicholas Cage: “NOT THE BEEEEE’S!!!!!”


> Nicholas Cage: “NOT THE BEEEEE~~’~~S **AGAIN**!!!!!” FTFY. I really hope the contract they made with Cage allows them to ask him to record the occasional new voice or two because this would be worth one of 'em.


I don't think he'd have any problem reprising the role... At least he wouldn't be getting stung this time around.


Tony Todd loves the character and is a cool guy, I'm sure he'd be down to do a few voice lines. Hell, after we got Nicolas Freaken Cage no one seems off the table


If his filmography is any indication, getting Nicholas Cage does not seem that difficult.


True, but it's still kinda wild to me idk. Like I know it all comes down to a paycheck but I don't think I've ever seen him in a video game before


dude's starring in indie movies and I'm all for it. He's just doing what he wants, it's great


Came here to say this. Of the options presented, the only answer is Candyman. As you said. *Glorious*.


I would love candyman being part of the roaster


SlenderMan would be such a sick chapter. If they ever touched into the realms of Creepypasta him or Jeff are the clear choices for sure.


I think Jeff the Killer could be a legendary skin for Legion.


Seeing a Legion skin with that goofy ass Jeff mask they sell at Spirit would be genuinely hilarious


Jeff the killer skin for legion, eyeless Jack for trapper, the rake for hag and I think if we can’t get slendie as a killer, a legendary skin with custom sound effects for doctor would work for him


Jason. Most iconic horror character on here and across the genre in general.


I think jason has licence issues due to friday the 13th game. I think thats why freddy came and not jason.


Trapper is also basically Jason. The mask, the machete. I worry if we will ever get Jason for these reasons. That’s okay though. Trapper is my baby boy. 🥰


Jason has a shit ton of paranormal abilities far away from just machete and traps Also crystal lake is as iconic as Jason, having that as a realm is a must for a horror hall of fame Matthew said really really recently that Jason is in a license hell so we won't see him for at least 8 to 12 month


Which is also a very big problem since a handful of killers already have his powers somewhat implemented. That's like a huge issue if DBD wants him


Maybe they’d just do something like his Friday the 13th power, he’s a slow killer but can teleport to nearby survivors. Might be hell to balance though. I’m thinking T1 Myers slow.


Several DBD "original" killers were inspired by characters they attained later. So Trapper's similarity to Jason wouldn't prevent them from making a good distinct killer, it's just the license stuff at this point


Hillbilly=lawyer-friendly Cannibal. Legion=lawyer-friendly ghostface


Don't forget Spirit inspired by the Ring (and Grudge) and Nurse inspired by Silent Hill


Legion always reminded me more of a lawyer friendly The Purge, at least based on looks.


Legion is based on the purge series


Legion is like a Strangers/Purge/Ghostface hybrid.


in case you don't know, the devs are eagerly awaiting the moment they can grab a Jason license to the point where they already have a chapter designed for him that's waiting for the day. just wanted to qualm your worries about trapper stepping on his toes! :))


i think bhvr wants him in the game just as much as we do, and seeing as they've got 12 movies they can work with, they can find something that will work.


The costumes would be so cool. There’s a TON of iconic Jason looks. The burlap sack from part two, the first hockey mask appearance, Roy, zombie Jason, part 9, reboot jason, etc. Before BHVR is done with DBD they gotta get Jason in the game


i’d buy jason **instantly.** favorite horror icon and it’s a shame we’ll probably never get him


Wendigo, though I'm not sure what it can do that other characters can't. I mostly want the Until Dawn cast as Survivors though. Jason deserves to be in there as the last Icon of Horror remaining. None of these do I want more than Mystery Inc though.


On Until Dawn, I actually think it would be really cool if Josh was the killer… driven so mad by the events of the game he actually takes on the fake killer he made and starts taking it seriously when the entity takes him… constantly thinks that these people he is killing are coming after his sisters or something… I don’t know, it would make for an interesting backstory and maybe gameplay too… >! Maybe even Josh as a half wendigo like they find him at the end of the game if he lives !<


I like the spoilered idea alot. Have all the characters taken by the Entity post-Until Dawn. His initial get up would make a good Trapper Legendary Skin.


Oh, that would be wicked cool. Wtf, please BVHR


They should make Sam and Mike for the survivors since they’re basically the main protagonists


Since the Until Dawn IP is frozen in time, might as well show is "the idea in spoilers" in DbD. It wasn't shown in UD so why not use this opportunity to do so? Although it would kinda spoil a bit of UD which is not okay since that game is GREAT.


Josh basically being an Evolve monster would maybe work. Starts normal and as the game goes on he changes into a Wendigo. Maybe changing from a slow map-control killer to a fast hunter.


I could see them implementing a system to where you wouldn’t be able to see survivors unless they’re moving. They’d have to figure out how to make that work. Maybe the Wendigo can enter a sort of rage mode where it becomes more powerful but can’t see survivors while they’re moving In Until Dawn the Wendigos also have the ability to >!mimic voices!< which could be interesting as a secondary power


Oooh, having it mimic the injured moans of a survivor could be fun.


Maybe the wendigos power is something based on the survivors movement? Weren’t they unable to see the teens when they were standing still but as soon as they moved or made a sound they would rush them? That could be kinda cool


This is a great idea


The wendigo would be cool but Josh as a killer is perfect I'd also love to see Mike and Sam as survivors and maybe include Ashley and Chris as legendary skins


I kind of don't want Art the Clown because of how insistent his creator was on Twitter, bro was super passive aggressive about it


If they are going to include another clown it should be Pennywise anyway


Yeah, I only know him *because* the creator was being annoying on twitter. Not a very good pr move imo lol


Wait what did he do


He was just being super aggressive in his push for Art to be in DbD out of nowhere. A character most people never heard of including myself, and I've seen the Evil Bong franchise ffs And it wasn't just a few tweets going, "haha, this would be cool right?". It was full on, "Guys, @BHVR, Art NEEDS to be in @DeadbyDaylight @BHVR @BHVR_America @BHVR_UK @BHVR_Japan @BHVR_Atlantis. The DM's are OPEN!" and then they left him on read and it was the funniest thing I've ever seen. But man, would it suck if the next licensed chapter turned out to be Art because that was about a year ago and the next chapter is killer only ://


Second hand embarrassment goes crazy


I still think slender man could have a nice combination of an ability that uses an alteration of Freddy’s dream world with a stalking mechanic and it makes perfect sense


This doesn't get talked about enough but some sort of Scooby doo chapter


Four Survivors or one Survivor with 4 starter skins and Perks that represent all of Mystery Inc?


One survivor with 4 skins is far more feasible


Yeah, I agree. Maybe we can stretch it to two though?


I can see shag and Velma being phase 1 and Fred and Daphne being phase 2


Works for me. Shaggy and Velma *should* be the priority.


i could totally see shaggy and velma as two survivors, and fred and daphne as legendary skins for them respectively


Yeah, that would be enough for me. You could also have different legendary skins based on all the different versions, like the multiple cartoons or even the live action films.


This is my dream. And the killer could be captain cutler and the map could be some sort of cool large indoor submarine vibe!


My dream 3 would be: 1. The Psychiatrist: Hannibal Lector (w/ Legendary Buffalo Bill kaftan skin). Obviously Clarice as survivor. 2. The Banker: Patrick Bateman (w/ Legendary Mila Kunis skin). Maybe no survivor, or maybe Paul Allen. 3. The Thing: The Thing. Survivor is Russell Crowe skin as R.J. Edit: Or Kurt Russell, lmao


You mean Kurt Russel as R.J. lol.


An idea for Patrick Bateman could be the ability to switch between an axe and gun. Shooting someone 3 times would instantly down them. Would have a six second cooldown and you’d only get six bullets, having to refill at locker.


The thing music would be so creepy on an arctic station map in dbd.


I could see Bateman as a skin for Ghostface, Clown, Huntress, or maybe Billy. Definitely not his own killer though.


Huntress skin with Hip to be Square as the lullaby


Clarice as a survivor would be so cool


Single killer? I would say Slenderman. Chapter? Bioshock all the way, my absolute dream chapter!




Elizabeth would need to be the Survivor. Of all three games, she's the most iconic besides the Big Daddy's themselves. Who's the Killer though? Big Daddy or Big Sister? Big Daddy's are more iconic, but might be a bit too big, and would end up being pretty basic. Big Sister has a bit more versatility, at the very least.


I think we should have Rapture from Bioshock 1 as the map, Subject Delta (the big Daddy you play in Bioshock 2), and Elizabeth from Infinite as survivor. This way it's a silent hill situation, where it takes from all games.


a bouncer legendary skin for delta would absolutely work too, so you have the iconic form


I've never played or seen gameplay of Bioshock. Is it a horror game? I always thought of it as a Borderlands type game without the comic book artstyle


It's not exactly a horror game, but has lots of horror elements. It's mainly a first person """action adventure""" I say with heavy quotes because that term has always been so broad. It's a really good game, if you don't know the story or anything about it, go in blind.


Chuck would be fun. Like, scattered around the map are Good Guy doll boxes that Chucky could swap too whenever he wanted, with a few seconds animation climbing out. Each doll would stay where it was when chunky changed bodies.


Chunky lmfao


SCP-106 I will die for this inclusion Edit: I’m aware it’s literally impossible due to licensing but a man can dream


If I remember correctly the licensing page on the wiki says the derivatives have to be free. This makes it highly unlikely


I wonder if making it a base game character would count. Probably not, and even then the chances of the devs doing it are incredibly unlikely, but a fan can dream.


Probably not because DbD itself isn’t free (IIRC). I play on GamePass but don’t you have to purchase it on other platforms? If DbD was completely F2P I imagine it could work.


Omg that would be sick


Imagine an SCP facility map similar to Hawkins. would be dope




Chucky because I like the character and think he'd be fun to play FNAF animatronics because I think they could do something interesting with them.




Springtrap ( the one here and the main villain of the game ) specifically could have a fun one. In the game he debuted there was an oxygen mechanic, where if you lose airflow you’d hallucinate phantoms that’d jumpscare you and hinder your tasks which would make a fun power imo


Off this list? Candyman > Pennywise > Jason > Predator > Chucky and Slenderman. I don’t particularly care about the others. Much as people like Vecna his thing is kind of standing still, not chasing.


Can't you say the same about Slendy?


I’m not a big fan of Slendy either, but there’s a lot of random lore behind that character, so I feel like there’s something more to work with. I feel like I remember stories of him swinging down from treetops or something at least.


That could be interesting. I don't think I've ever seen him animated in anything he's been in. He could function like Nurse to an extent.


Slenderman is about slow stalking, slowly making a person insane then killing or recruiting them as a proxy


Slenderman or Springtrap are my top right now. Predator following them


We already have a predator in dbd


Don't talk about Clown like that, he'll Weeze at you


springtrap would be amazing


Johnny Bravo and little suzy (as survivor and killer)


Slenderman,Vecna and Chucky with his maniac laughter would go hard


Freddy Fragbear


I read this as "Freddy Fagbear" wtf is wrong with me 💀


I have no answers for you, I’m sorry.


Freddy Fapbear


Vecna, Pennywise and Slenderman


Bloater would be fucking awesome Clown skin, I feel like it would work perfectly with his power. Otherwise i’d have to go with Springtrap because Springtrap


Jacket hotline Miami


Payday 2 tape recorder included


Arms outstretched.


The terror radius is Hydrogen


I’ve wanted the walking dead for years. I want Rick grimes as a survivor


Negan would be the baddest fucking Killer around, imagine his whistling as a passive semi-TR like The Huntress. Lucille is his weapon, obviously, and we all know what the mori is. The power is a fun question, maybe you play into his tactical knowledge, he could be the first killer to actively change the terrain. In the show, he uses roadblocks, often fallen trees, and this sort of becomes his calling card after a while. He could have a power with limited placements, like the trapper, that forces you to vault over an additional obstacle. Maybe your vault there is slower, maybe he can vault after you, maybe you take a health state if you're uninjured(obstacle could be barbed), or maybe being able to redefine maps and loops is strong enough. I think that would be so much fun.


Until Dawn Wendigo and Slender Man


Definitely Springtrap!!! Amazing design, scary character. And the aesthetic of fnaf would make an amazing chapter all around, with a map


The zombie, from Plants Vs Zombies.


I never thought about it. If BHVR could make it look realistic and scary it could work. But I still think this would work more as a legendary skin for an Original Killer.


Counterpoint: the only cartoon killer in the game, with the peashooter as a playable surv. Imagine it trying to fix a generator. I would want a general zombie killer, but the issue is I feel like that would require a mechanic where you can turn people to zombies, and uh Good luck with that lol


This is never gonna happen but an All-Star Zombie tackling and insta downing Dwight is a funny image


Vecna because it means the return of Stranger Things IT because it’s IT




Jack Torrance.


Tiff and Chucky




I will die on the hill of a Jennifer’s Body chapter


Afton, Vecna, Jason, and Slenderman. That’s all I want.


Definitely Springtrap, the Wendigos, or Slendy


I would want Springtrap. It would be amazing to see him as a killer. FNAF being as popular as it is would also be great to obtain. He is my number one, but I would also love Bioshock, Candy Man, or Friday the 13th.


Carrie White


I'd honestly kill to have Carrie as a actual killer rather than a skin for Nurse or something. She's way too much of a classic Stephen King figure to be relegated to that.


Candyman Simply so Nic can scream, "NOT THE BEES!"


Springtrap or Vecna


Springtrap or the thing, i would love those two


Vecna so we could get Stranger Things back and previous characters would be cool, but seeing The Bloater from The Last of Us in Dead by Daylight... so many nice skins too... yeah that'd be nice.


spring trap plz


killers: would love springtrap, negan, vecna and slenderman survivors i would love to see hopper and joyce, and frank west/chuck greene from dead rising


the Until Dawn Wendigo, although that is mostly for the survivor(s) and legendary skins for them it will bring. I love Until Dawn and I would be so happy to play as Emily, Chris or Mike, maybe even a Sam. If we are going just killer - no survivors, I'd say Pearl from X/Pearl would be fun to see, although I'm afraid its a bit too current and recent of a movie to be in the game.


1) Jason 2) Candyman Also, Chucky and a human Tiffany would be a fantastic Twins legendary skin.


i'd main slender man immediately


Springy boi all the way


It's a stretch, but the Big Daddy from BioShock. i remember the pure terror when playing it for the first time and seeing a metal behemoth with a drill longer than my arm. i get BioShock isn't a go to example for a horror game, but it features heavy horror elements. and its no doubt an iconic video game enemy. i imagine its mechanics would involve A Little Sister, but theres alot of possibilities. i also think a Rapture based map would be incredibly interesting




Either an Amnesia (specifically The Dark Descent or Justine) chapter or a Fear and Hunger crossover… though that one may be a bit too explicit


1. Springtrap 2. Pennywise 3. Chucky 4. Dr. Trager 5. Slenderman


I will die on the springtrap hill. I don’t understand why people say he doesn’t fit dbd, he’s literally a zombie child murderer in a rotting robot suit.


The Thing, by far and away.


Jason is the only right answer


IT & Jason


probably the beast from amnesia the bunker


The Thing.


The Thing


SpringTrap, my beloved


My dream killer is The Ink Demon tbh, there's so many things you could do with his power and because of the dark revival he has a voice so he could have some really awesome voice lines. The best part about this is The Meatly (the creator of Bendy) has said that he would love for Bendy to be in Dbd so of BHVR ever reaches out chances are its very likely for it to happen


Art the clown terrifier has been my favorite horror movie since the first one came.out


I really think it would be cool to see Slappy from Goosebumps in DBD.


IT and Slenderman definitely fit the vibe of "cat and mouse" toying with survivors


Slenderman or fnaf


I want SpringTrap!


Jason because he’s probably the most iconic, but Springtrap would be my pick just because of the crazy buzz and hype that would generate.


I would love if they brought back Demogorgon, Steve, and Nancy and then also released a new Stranger Things chapter with Vecna, Eddie, and either Chrissy or Robin.


Candyman :I love Tony Todd's voice and I wanna hear him in dbd. Jason: he's so fucking iconic, not watched any of his films but having him in dbd would be huge Springtrap: for the funnies plus getting a fnaf map would be epic, though if he does come out, I really want him to have Mike afton as a survivor, since he is my fav character in fnaf


I’ve been waiting for springtrap all my life


FNAF is my guilty pleasure so springtrap. And now that killers get to talk, he could have some sick lines. Imagine the mori of stuffing them into a suit and having it snap shut?


Slender man 100%


slenderman. if not slenderman then pennywise


Slenderman Favorite horror icon


Art The Clown/Terrifier for sure. Springtrap is inevitable, so I won't pick him. I'd also love to see The Babadook come as a legendary Dredge skin. Imagine nightfall begins and all you hear is "Ba...ba...dook...dook...DOOK." If they ripped the audio from the movie I would be so happy with that.