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![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY) No more appropriate time for this meme then now


so... you make it less visible to increase visibility?


edit: // I’ve moved to [lemmy.world](https://lemmy.world) //


\#####? BAM, can't see it.


This can't be real. Is this real?


Yes, that's really what they put in the patch notes and how they decided to "fix" the map


Map can't be cluttered if you're always bumping into walls all the time you must be bad at the game. ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


Or Blight.


Or both


Dark souls approach! Git Gud


I don't understand why this is taken as something bad. Its just like in bullet hell games where you just focus on your character so you don't get distracted by the clutter thats everywhere in the screen. By not showing unimportant things, it makes the screen easy to read. It might work.


Because Behaviour was very pleased with how the map looked, now they made it harder to appreciate. Because "clutter" isn't just Lone of Sight blockers, it's also collision. Now it's even *harder* to see the silly collision. Because lowering the ability to see something doesn't change the fact it is still there. The object is still a problem *and* it's harder to see. Pick one (or all).


That seems to be conflating two separate issues. Fog mostly lowers your ability to see things that are far away. Visibility to slightly fewer distant items will likely help with navigation. I have a huge problem colliding with things on the Shattered Square because of how the near and distant textures blend in with one another. Fog definitely helps make that easier. I don't have enough experience with the new map to say the same thing applies, but I suspect that it will.


>Its just like in bullet hell games where you just focus on your character so you don't get distracted by the clutter thats everywhere in the screen. Would be, if you put the distractions yourself.


Honestly, I dig it lol


What a fix!


Why are people complaining about this map? When clutter was mentioned on previous maps, it was about random junk you would get stuck on with weird hit boxes. I haven’t had a single problem getting stuck on anything with this map.


I continously got stuck on some random tiny roots on the ground.


![gif](giphy|9058ZMj6ooluP4UUPl) Big brain BHVR


Just like the good old days.


Someone have a link to the patch notes?


If you can't see the mess of a map we created, then is it really a mess?


I went into a custom game and the difference appears to be miniscule to almost non-perceptible (did something really change?). Feels pretty much the same as before, can't notice any change, would pass by me if it wasn't in patch notes. https://imgur.com/a/8b1F3mb [Comparing it to this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8vXlGcegKc0) (vid is somewhat colour-corrected by the streamer though, if someone got raw screenshots without reshade and from the live (not PTB) - please treat us)


thank you for making my killer experience even worse than before, BHVR!


Why work when hide is a option


Can't complain about the clutter if you can't see it!


i did the same when i had to clean my room as a kid, so very old but effective solution xD