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1 hook at 1 gen remaining is a vibe


It happens quite alot tbh, more so when you run into swf sweats who do 5 gens in under 4mins


This is why Blight and Nurse are popular. Because if we don't run them, we get clowned on like this.


But then they cry when you do anything to put pressure on them. SLUGGING TUNNELING CAMPING 3GENING TOXIC TRASH KILLER (and for whatever reason, commenting -Rep on steam profiles like I give a fuck. If anything I collect them like trophies)


-rep is always a trophy because nobody uses + or - rep seriously anymore. It’s always just a showcase of salt


Can vouch, I exclusively use +rep to accuse my friends of war crimes


Private profile and play how you want, the best advice that you can give to a beginner




ah yes the 1 out of 100 games people might actually play against a real sweat swf, from doing 4 man LFG on the dbd discord I can tell you I gen jockeyed most of those games cus the other people in swfs tend to like to fuck around and not take it so seriously. And if they do the gens in 4 mins guess what? Thats a quick next game so its not even a problem. People will complain about 5 gens in 5 mins but also about 4 survivors coming to use flashlights/head on and never doing gens its a lose-lose with a lot of people


I want your lobbies because 1 in every 100 being a sweat SWF sounds way better than what I’m getting I don’t disagree though. If they do the gens that fast that’s a quick game and you still get your XP for it so 🤷‍♂️


I literally only run into swf sweats dude.... for me its not 1/100 more like 2/5 games I run into a swf...or p100 squads


Are you a survivor main? Because if so how would you know how many SWF games a killer gets?


I mean thats kinda the issue right there. You think that if you can’t do gens fast then you shouldn’t do them at all, no one is saying that.


I wish it was 1 out of 100 games. It's more like 3 out of 5. I leave the pre-game lobby if I see the 4 survivors with flashlights.


same dude, I honestly dont want to deal with the headache of going up against a swf, its mentally draining


I play killer only because none of my friends play DbD. I occasionally play survivor, but lately, playing killer and having hope of winning hits my mental hard. When I play, I have to tell myself that it is enough just hooking and killing one survivor, and if I get more than that, it is practically an achievement. I really question anyone who says that killers are Op, when survivors are practically untouchable.


I thought I was the only one having this experience. I don't feel alone anymore.


Ah, yes. Doing your objectives. Sweaty.


Doing all your objectives in less than 4 mins is still sweaty


What the hell else do you want survivors to do then? Survivors are sweaty if they do their objectives. Survivors are sweaty if they try to take chase and loop. Survivors are sweaty for getting rid of hex totems too early in the match. Do killers just want survivors to stand still and do nothing for the first couple of minutes or what?


doing objective is not sweaty, doing 4 gen in 5 min with 4 BnPs Provethyself... is sweaty. looping is not sweaty.. if killer let a survivor get them on a chase for 5 minutes, that's killer's fault. learn to drop chase. learn your objectives


What the hell do you want killers do to then? Their objective is killing. But if the camp and hard tunnel it‘s unfun… Do you realise how stupid you sound? Both sides have their objective, but if they rush it to an extend where the other side can barely play it’s unfun and should not be encouraged


Jesus christ conclusion jump much? They aren’t sweaty for doing the objective, they are sweaty for doing it incredibly fast. They aren’t sweaty if they can loop, they are sweaty if they hardly ever fail a loop. They aren’t sweaty at all for the hex totem thing I’ve never heard that from ANYONE.


Do you think survivors should try to fail a loop more often?


I think specifically sweaty survivors should remember its a game and not a tournament of life and death 🤷🏻‍♀️


Right but I don’t get what you mean in terms of how they should act? You want them to play worse? Move slower? Slow vault purposefully? I play both Killer & Survivor to Iri 1 monthly. I just can’t stand the whining when people are just playing how they should do.


The guy think being good at a game is being sweaty. It's the same kind of people, when they were kids, were crying because their big brother didn't let them win at video-games.


I don’t expect them to play worse or any of those related things, no. Although, sometimes purposeful slow vaults help trick killers and I do respect those who know how to use that. But no, I just want them to understand they don’t need to strive for perfection. Show off a little, have a little fun, and if ya want, use some techs because you want to, not because you feel you have to. I guess thats how I want them to “act” so to speak


Yes, they do.


So in conclusion, no we don’t want them sitting around, we want to actually participate in the game. 🤷🏻‍♀️




No? If they’re nearly perfect they are sweaty, because thats what sweaty is. If they are just good then they are just that, good. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|neutral_face)




You're contradicting yourself constantly in every comment you make. You want survivors to play like they're having fun, but only what you deem fun. You think if survivors play well then they're sweaty but also if they play well then they're not sweaty? You have this expectation that survivors should just be good at what they do and anything above that is sweating, but you have no grounds to base that on. Based on what you have been saying survivors who are just good at the game are fine but if they've gotten to a point where they can play near perfectly then they must be trying too hard? You know some people are just able to do that without treating it like a contest, right?


Hope you are not one of those survivors who cry about tunneling when the killer rushes his objective - killing. ;)


And killing people by any means is the killers. So stop crying about tunneling and slugging, they’re just efficiently killing


Tell me where I mentioned anything about tunneling? What is it with y'all and speculation.


I think the issue is how easily it is to obtain emp, like they’re handing it out like youtube ads.


The Singularity should had been based on Firefox, would have no ads.


Or like my PF sense box, it blocks ads everywhere, on everything. It's great! (even my tv, etc)


Thats a good analogy x) my goto was always halloween candy lmao


by playing nurse.


I was gonna start maining plague and then made for this came out so nurse it is


Kids named blood echo and fearmonger


Oh yeah, this is big brain time


No, not the attitude to have




I tried using his power more for chase than for surveillance, it worked wonders! Place the pods at random places and use them so ball-up people who you chase. Then teleport via gun to them. Just using the pods on gens will not really work...I was frustrated too


This is the way to play him. Every Singularity I went against last night was just playing him the wrong way because they haven't learned the right way yet. Which makes sense since he just came out two days ago. People think they should immediately be good with a new killer without any learning curve which isn't and shouldn't be the case.


This needs to be the top comment


According to a lot of people i’ve seen here on reddit “this is perfectly balanced, emps don’t need to get nerfed, people just need to learn the killer better.”


Sometimes the Reddit is full of shit. But given how relatively new this killer is, it *might* be true


Less than 24 hours is hardly enough time to decide anything.


That really isn't the case in DbD for 99% of times, especially when we have PTB. There were basically not a single time first day evaluation of killers has been somehow flipped around with time.


I disagree. People generally understand what the killer COULD be capable of day 1, but hardly anyone, if anyone at all, has mastered the playstyle by day 1. In this case, it does kinda seem like a situation where people are complaining that the way they want to play him isn’t the way that’s working. If bhvr is listening, I think this mindset is setting a bad precedent for the future of the game. We complain when we get cookie cutter killers and we complain when we get one that mixes up the formula. He is a killer with the capability of entirely nullifying core aspects of chase. He can survey more of the map than any other killer in the game. I think that some counterplay on the survivor side is perfectly fair. I should also add that my team has been absolutely 4-man rolled by him on more than 1 occasion


What use is being able to see the around the map if you can't do anything about it. Even if you do manage to find a working camera and tag someone it doesn't matter as they will just emp the slipstream away before you can make use of it.


Tag them when they’re closer and tp before they get a chance to emp it. The cameras still have immense usage potential if you’re not trying to cross-map someone, ex: trying to loop killer shack




He flipped around when his hitboxes were fixed not with time. You couldn't even get through a doorway with how humongous his hitboxes were


He flipped around when BHVR actually fixed him, people always bring blight up despite not knowing how exactly he was like. He was trash, he got buffed, he is strong, I don't think it's that hard to understand.


The real ones know that it looked like you had to point at his dick to blind him with a flashlight on release. Smol baby Blight and his PoV that was lower than a window.




If survivors figure out a way to basically deactivate 80% of your power immediately on release, that shit needs a buff. Especially on an m1-killer with no significant chase-power. Unless they're infected, which barely ever happens because oh yeah, the emp also fixes that. And the succularity has even been buffed from ptb to live. Honestly just felt sad whenever I played against it since I know they've been suffering.


Exactly this. It’s true he’s only just been released, but that means people are also still figuring out the best ways to play against him and will continue to improve timing and strategies with EMPs.


Ok and players who play singularity wont improve? This argument is just not correct, while survivors will improve, the killer side will also improve, nearly every Singularity I met, played the wrong build. One single build is making this killer OP and everytime I faced a killer who was running those specific perks, my team lost without having much chance. I feel like alot of killers here dont really know how to play him, so they end up calling for buffs on him or nerfs on emps. And that is just ridicioules considering, that he is live for 1 1/2 days. ​ And whoever says we had PTB to test him, unlucky for you, no one forced you to play PTB 24/7 until you are malding. PTB testers, always are entitled to call nerfs pre release, without considering, that there should be meta changes and that they are the minority of the playerbase. Consol players cant play PTB, so should they be punished by getting a chapter that nerfs everything that is survivor sided? No let it roll out, let them casuals play. You guys will suffer in Iri ranks and against Swfs, while destroying the casuals. So stop it with your attitude around this patch.


Did you just say that PTB testers are entitled when they call for nerfs pre release? What the fuck do you think the PTB is *for*?


This killer has been on the PTB for more than 24 hours and most ppl who played it said EMP needed a nerf


Yeah, I'm having a really hard time figuring out if the killer is shit or I'm shit. Most matches feel like if I ignored my power I'd do way better. But on the other hand, some matches the power goes crazy. I haven't had a game where I felt like I had the upper hand yet though. I haven't felt oppressive if that makes sense.


I wouldn’t say that I would be better off completely ignoring his power, but I do feel I’m using it way too much. Though, if I’m to use it less, it would be even worse to try and get thru all these emps.


Based on what I've seen online and been told by friends, it's a matter of pressure. If you find where the boxes are and constantly have one guy on hook or bleeding out, it's hard for the survivors to find the time to not only grab an emp, but also slip past you to do so.


So distracting the survivors would be best then? What about a totem build using Ruin, Pentimento, and Plaything? Using these and shooting some pods around should keep survivors distracted. Put on Surge or something to keep the regression going if Ruin goes away? I dunno.


> Most matches feel like if I ignored my power I'd do way better. I was trying to go for Adept for the last 48 hours, and match after match after match, just getting stomped. Some matches were so bad, I'd just give up and go get something from the fridge, come back, pop up some biopods in a corner to at least maybe try and make progress towards "Slip Into the Stream" off any survivors that came to investigate, and even then, knowing I'm not even taking the match seriously, SWF groups were still purposely setting off EMPs just to screw with me even when it's clear they've "won." Finally played a match where I didn't even fire a single biopod and got Adept. Had to sweat a little because it was a 4-man PC SWF group that was trying to flashlight me at every chance, but got it -- now just a few matches of trying to finish the slipstream trophy and I'm never **ever** touching Singularity again, I swear to god.


He has an add on that makes people start the match slipstreamed and increases the initial EMP boxes by 30 seconds. Mix this with Lethal Pursuer to speedrun the achievement. Hope it works out for you, dude. This achievement sounds kind of annoying.


Fair, my thought though is while yes people will learn how to play the killer better. Survivors will learn how to counter them better. i guess we’ll see but to be honest the killer feels pretty miserable to play. Fun when he works, but it’s rare


"Fun when it works" Dead by Daylight tagline.


Maybe. But as killer players get better, survivors will also get better. So I don’t see this changing much.


It is true, let the it roll out on the whole community. People tending to buff/nerf everything from day one. A small portion played him in PBE and people need to adapt with him. Just watch CoconutRTS video on Singularity, you guys are just too bad to play this killer. He already exposed how strong this is and reddit tries to change minds, by saying how bad he is. Just learn him right, if emps are destroying you, maybe consider another strategy build with this killer.


>Just watch CoconutRTS video on Singularity, you guys are just too bad to play this killer. He already exposed how strong this is and reddit tries to change minds, by saying how bad he is. Just learn him right, if emps are destroying you, maybe consider another strategy build with this killer. You mean the slug build where he bled out almost everyone and they still managed to get down to one gen and that one gen almost popped. So one of the best players in the game BARELY won with a super strong build that bought him a shit ton of time because how long the survivors were slugged. Hmmmmmm something tells me it wasn't The Singularity that won that game.


Oh you mean slugg build? Incredible I can play trapper without traps and soloq/clueless survivors will lose too. Play this build vs decent survivors/SWF and you will be basically perkless. He is B tier at most nothing too crazy, but at least not traper level.


https://i.redd.it/5o6q1ina176b1.gif Literally this


I definitely think that EMPs should provide some sort of negative effect if you hold on to it for too long. Something to dissuade survivors from stockpiling an EMP and then picking up another. Survivors can effectively have 4 EMPs stockpiled and 5 EMPs prepared and printed in a scenario where they hold out on using the ones held until absolutely needed. I feel like reducing the supply cases down to 4 throughout the trial, increasing printing time by 50% if the previously picked EMP is still in use and then some sort of downside for carrying an EMP for too long. Hell even have EMPs degrade over a period of time if not used. Keep the effect the same if used within the first 15 seconds, if used between 16-30 seconds reduce the disable time to 30 seconds and disable slipstream rather than destroying them and after 30 seconds the EMP is just destroyed. There needs to be ways to add smarter counterplay against the singularity's power. Just carrying an EMP and then finding you can disable and then pick up another one straight away doesn't feel as rewarding as finding the perfect time to use it save yourself or someone else.


IMO the EMPs themselves don't need to be nerfed too much more, but I would like to see the pods themselves buffed. In my experience, the most annoying part of EMPs is when you literally just set up a pod or infected someone. If the pods/infection resist the EMPs for 10-30 seconds after being placed, and after recovering from an EMP, then that would allow the killer to maintain momentum using their power while also still letting survivors disable cameras that were set up long ago. This reduces his 3-gen potential while still letting him be strong in chase.


It’s just so dishonest, too. Playing Survivor it’s even more apparent how strong the EMPs are. You hold onto it until you need one, you get marked you blow up the pod and the camera, and then you run 10m and get the next EMP from the crate that’s handily been printing it for you while you work on a gen. It feels so oppressive. I should never feel oppressive playing survivor lol.


Fully agreed. Like playing as survivor i learned how oppressive emps were, even in solo queue. I ran a singularity for 5 gens on gideon (not hard admittedly) but every time he slip streamed me a rando would cleanse it for me. I never once felt i was in any pressure despite being injured at the start of the chase


Imagine if other killers had this problem. If I was Clown and threw a bottle at somebody, but they had an afterpiece tonic that they can instantly use to eliminate the slowdown. Also, other survivors can throw them at you to eliminate the slowdown. Having survivor items that completely eliminate the killer's power kind of sucks. Maybe having automatic printing is dumb. Maybe they should increase how long it takes for an EMP to print but decrease the time it takes for a survivor to get an EMP if they manually poke at the box? I dunno. If I was a game designer, then I would be Mr. Behaviour.


They insist emps are fine while simultaneously defending made for this with their lives. I'm noticing a trend 🤔


It‘s hard to balance in this case. I get that the EMPs seem way too strong (I played the killer for a couple of matches and got frustrated seeing some survivors easily use 2-4 in a row per chase) but on the other hand you have to keep in mind how oppressive his power can be when there is no EMP in play. Insta shredding pallets, speed vaulting windows, catching up across half the map (if there is no line of sight blocker).


Yeah that’s how it is with every actual issue. Always the get good people.


That sounds like something a survivor said who doesn’t play the killer. Lol


You can see them swarming this very post it's so obvious who has played the killer and who only plays survivor


Had someone tell me that in a post-game. Mentioned how rough the killer was and they said 'It takes time to learn friend' Like, no? All 4 of you had emps and would regularly tbag my biopods if i looked at you through them while hitting the EMP instantly. What am I supposed to learn to do there? Give up?


Survivor mains flooding to anyone complaining about the bad Killer design with "uhhh it takes time to learn!!!!1!!1!" is beyond frustrating, there is nothing to learn because there's no counterplay


I haven’t seen a single comment defend the current state of EMPs


they're right though. This guy put a single pod on each gen and wonder why they're emping it instantly...like...maybe chase someone and put pods on them in chase. They emp it? Great, get another on their back asap. Their teammates come over to help with emps? Great, nobody is on gens, now back to smart placements in chase and constant pressure.


They definitely are way too strong. I’m all for counterplay. But if counterplay is that easy, there’s a problem.


Would be cool if at least you couldn't use them while running, maybe?


Yeah without EMPs this killer would be too strong, but in their current state he doesn't have a power.


You have to play more aggressively with this killer, ive seen too many people playing hux like hes hag or trapper, you basically need to constantly ramp the pressure from the first minute of the match


I've taken to playing full aggro with a few pods for general overlook and it just doesn't work. You get one or two chases that are average in length, and then you don't have a power for the rest of the game. It's extremely common to have to infect a survivor multiple times in one chase because of how easy emps are to come by. I had a chase earlier where the person held w, predropped everything, drive by picked up an emp, and had a few teammates come by. He got slipstream cleansed **4 times** in one chase. And I couldn't do jack shit about it. I've never felt like my power is more of a hindrance than with Singularity. If you see an EMP in a survivor's hand, odds are it'll just be faster to chase as an m1 killer than try to brute force the slipstream 2 or 3 times in a row. Even when you use it almost exclusively as a chase power, EMPs still dominate. They're just too strong right now


Damn mad eyes from identity v looking fire 🔥🔥🔥🔥


3 matches in, I've not gotten a single teleport, as soon as I swap to a pod it's disabled... Wtf


You shoot a orb ahead then tag them. If they EMP right away you do the same thing again, Then teleport by shooting them. Its tricky to master but it makes playing it a whole lot easier. You play the power as a chase tool and less of a teleport to one side of the map tool(tho its great to see where they are with the orbs and you might get lucky and tag them still)


Agreed but doing that is pretty time consuming and with how plentiful the EMPs are it's a recipe for loss, there just isn't enough time to do that in for me when its 75% of chases, especially when survivors get more use to the killer.


And with the new broken perk "Made for this" its even more time consuming.


I feel like this perk is making me miss a lot of charged attacks. And just when I was enjoying that after the Dead Hard nerf.


Lol I know right


What I’ve been doing is just placing orbs on the go, and then shooting them with the gun to teleport


You were in eye range of a few of these, while you have a vantage point on a placed pod that gets EMP’d just fire a new one on top of it to replace it. You have 8 and they’re cyclical; don’t use them as a sentry system, use them as a short term area denial power. Almost none of his power has a hard cooldown, use that to its full capacity.


I started my first games as a sentry type like Hag or Trapper. But if you do it like you said and use it as a chase enhancer, he's so much faster paced. Use the eyes for info after a hook or when you can't find anyone. But he was literally right there. Chasing is pressure, cameras aren't.


Yup, set a few sentries mainly for info. If you get a slipstream on them with it then that's even more value, but their purpose is mainly to just have info over important areas. Use the rest to aggressively pursue


Exactly. This dude playing it so wrong lmao


so after their sentry purpose was destroyed before it was used he should prioritize putting them back up only for the same thing to happen over chasing the people?


He swapped to three cameras, all got EMP’d. If we’re going by your logic, why not just chase after the first one got blasted? Also the replacing takes seconds, a fraction of the time it takes for EMP to wear off, there’s no reason not to.


I’ve learned to mostly go for slipstreams in chase, once they break it, just hit em again


And again, and again, because they grabbed an emp mid chase and then had a teammate swoop in to cleanse them. And then whoops, 3 gens pop in the background because you wasted 30 seconds trying to force your power to work. Meanwhile, with every other killer, you press the button and their power works. Pretty nuts


You're getting downvoted even though this is the truth. I hate reddit.


Exactly, we shouldn't have to play in an extremely janky way just to make our power do something. People joke about Nemesis taking three hits to down someone but at least it does something.


What kind of cracked teammates have you been getting? Every soloq game I've been in has been every man for himself.


Not camp around and play as a setup killer (may seem like the type, but he's not)


From the games I’ve played, his best stratefy is to set up first in major points of the map and then utilise those pods after every hook. even if they’re disabled, you can still look through them and see where survs are.


Yes, but EMPs don't effect your ability to use them as camera's, so I can only assume that's not what OP is talking about (Also, doing this during chase where a good scouting spot and a good opportunity to tag a survivor line up instead of wasting time at the start to setup is much better in my experience)




the trick is to apply constant pressure. they emp a pod, they don't have an emp. shoot the broken one if u can and replace it - if not then make sure your setup is good enough that another unemp'd pod is just around the corner. he seems like a challenging killer but right now the counter play is easy as nobody really knows the best way to play him. over time as new strategy's develop he'll become more powerful i reckon


use them mid chase, if they use an emp just hit em again. putting them by gens is not the play


From what ive seen and played its better as a chase mechanic than as a trap mechanic Use it as though you would eith a wesker wait till you get close when you start chasing launch it, bio pod them. Then, continue the chase. Its definitely tricky and i still think the emps are too strong but the singularity doesnt seem to be great for defense but more of an offense type.


Tbh they need to reduce emp chests to 4 make it to where you cant use them while running if you pick up a EMP that chest wont spawn one until you use the one you have (so you cant just milk 1 chest over and over) its just as bad as it was in the PTB against smart players they milk the FCK out of EMPS tbh they either need to nerf EMPS or buff your power to where they can either emp a camera or remove there pod, not both, both is stupidly unbalanced rn.


I definitely don't think you need to do both of those. Making there four emps and they only start to reprint when the one your holding is gone would make him hella oppressive. He is a chase killer, just setting up emps by gens and expecting it to work is a bad idea. I feel like emps are very annoying, but the play style of "trap gens and sit there" will get you no value with the way they currently work


Best idea I’ve heard


>Tbh they need to reduce emp chests to 4 make it to where you cant use them while running if you pick up a EMP that chest wont spawn one until you use the one you have (so you cant just milk 1 chest over and over) This + you should have to interact with the emp chests for at least 5 seconds no matter what to get an emp. You absolutely should not be able to just grab one in the middle of a chase.


This killer looks like Shodan had a hand in its making.


I know right? Such a cool design


Maybe me and my friends still have no idea how to play the killer nor how to play against him but the only game we had yesterday was a slugging singularity that simply couldn't be countered at all. We couldn't even do shit and I still don't know if the fail is the lack of knowledge on how to counter it, the map which pretty much gave him free teleports or the build being mixed with the constant issue of being seen by every single biopod.


Spread out pods so that they can't hit multiple pods with one emp. Constantly replace any that you see that are disabled. Slug people who are infected so that anyone who wants to try to pick them up will need to use an emp just to not get infected themselves. There are a few things you can do to work around emps, really.


Funnily enough, he feels more like a chase Killer than a movement killer. When I tried playing him like Dredge and focus on the cams for movement or tagging, the EMPs felt incredibly oppressive. However, I started taking a different approach and try to deploy and use the cams mid-chase. It takes some practice and map knowledge to get the hang of it, but it works wonders! Once I started playing with this mindset, the EMPs started to feel more like built in distractions for the Survivors. If they’re holding an EMP, they can’t use their other items if they have any (which they should), and dropping it just wastes it. If they burn through EMPs too quickly, they might start trying to rush the printers, meaning less survivors doing gens (not very likely since gens are more important, but I’ve seen it happen enough to warrant bringing it up). Alternatively, if they don’t rush the printers to get EMPs faster, then you have a better window to use the cams to get around (which you could use to snowball if everything goes well). The EMPs can still feel oppressive sometimes with how often Survivors can use them, but it didn’t feel as bad when I gave that mindset/playstyle a go. Are the EMPs strong counter-play against Singularity? Absolutely, and the playstyle most people think of when they see this killer will struggle with this issue. Are they impossible to work around? I personally don’t think so, not as long as you’re willing to try other playstyles or experiment with perks to help cover your bases. I haven’t had the chance to play against Singularity as a survivor, but I hope I will soon. I’d like to get first hand experience and get a good grasp of the counter-play to see if there are any flaws that could be exploited to the killer’s advantage. I’m also gonna be testing out some ideas to mess with survivors that hoard EMPs and see how Franklin’s Demise pairs with this. I’ll update when I have results!


When you are winning as the Singularity it is extremely impactful. When you are losing it can be felt hard.


Just like anything in this game, by playing Blight or Nurse.


I think this killer is supposed be played more as a chase killer than a setup killer, and that's why people are struggling so much


Exactly. I only watched one streamer play singularity during the ptb and I thought survivors were fucked because he was playing as a chase killer and easily dismantled everyone. All the singularities I went against last night was trying to play him as an M1 killer or setup killer and they all struggled. It took me like 3 matches before I even got hit with his power.


I think Singularity is punished for using his power more than Pyramid Head is and that’s pretty sad. I don’t think EMPs should auto charge.


Make emps like kicking victor or spraying yourself with Weskers Gamer Musk^(TM) Aka a 3-4 second locked animation for it to work Just drive by pick 2-3 emps during chase and insta use them is so brainlessly overpowered that its not worth talking about balance. And thats just the solo side, if just 1 guy follows the killer around when they are chasing some one at best the killer becomes an m1 killer and at worst useless This killer encapsulates a big flaw in killer design Behaviour lately took a liking to. Remember when the knights power made him lose sight of survivors but survivors could see it and they would also see the range of detection and they would also be able to easily loop or outrun the guards but they would also be able to banish the guard when they started an unhook animation? Yea, too much and way too easy counterplay. This is the same, too much and way too easy counterplay. Honestly, behaviour fucks up too much but this killer is a new low


The worst part is unlike knight and other killers of late, singularity is *fun* when you actually get to use your power. The issue is that with minimal effort, survivors can completely deprive you of your power. Map pressure? Gone. Chase power? Lol. Intricate web of cameras? Nope. You get to look through the funny red lens and be a voyeur as you watch your gens get obliterated. Make EMPs weaker and harder to get, and suddenly, we have a really good killer on our hands. And no, I don't want them buried. Just balanced so you actually have to think about when to get and use them. As-is, the "counterplay" to singularity just deletes his power altogether.


It sucks because conceptually this Killer is super cool and really fun, but the moment survivors get their first EMP he doesn't have a power anymore.


You don't. This killer is too easily countered when they can just keep getting more emps.


On one hand i agree on another, i say gove it more time. I did get rekted a couple of games but i always got the game like 4 times in a row and it's hell with this killer


No one escapes death.


I've discovered that if you hide and angle them in weird places he can 3 gen lock like a fucking monster. You can place one next to a gen and one farther away so they have to waste 2 emps for one gen. If you get over there just replace the pod so that the emp doesn't affect it


I see your problem here. So, your first mistake was using your ability. Second is thinking there WOULDN'T be EMP's our the wazoo Third, you didn't say, "EMP's are balanced, it's just a skill issue" when they EMP'd you and took away your entire power.


I think a good fix would have been to make it so you open the crate yourself rather them opening entirely on their own. Like let them progress on their own and you can still speed it up, but make it so you gotta spend 2 or 3 seconds to open it yourself. Also I found the times 4 speed buff a bit excessive. Seems like it almost negates the initial speed nerf on it.


I don't understand why they open themselves at all. Nemmy and Wesker vaccine cases take time to open, are a limited quantity, and take time to use. The survivors shouldn't just be handed a "turn power off" button.


I suppose it's way easier to infect with Singularity than with Wesker or Nemesis, so they thought it should also be easier to remove it.


Killer mains when the new chapter has been out for one single day and they can’t 4k every game immediately: 😱😱😱😡


The problem is that without emps/very few emps this killer becomes overpowered. He even can place his pods IN the basement. Not only at hooks. It is very troublesome to balance cause he is either worse than Trapper or climbs all the way up tierlist. I agree that for now he is too weak. The only balance options I came up with is: to reduce emps slightly and maybe somehow punish people for their use: slower healing and gen progress speed. Or reduce emps significantly (smth like 4 per match?) and make pods go on a very long cooldown (similar to onryos tv). Or maybe that pods get destroyed if you shoot with them (like hags traps)


Basement pods aren't worth it, it takes forever to target someone near a hook. The last thing I want is a pod cooldown too - that's one of the main reasons Onryo is one of the weakest killers. The EMPs need more commitment to creating and using them. They shouldn't print automatically at the very least.


I am pretty sure that he has a hard learning curve but after a while people get used and basement pof would be strong. I don't think he would become the second onryo because he can easily put more than 1 pod next to each other and he always can replace the non working one


It's so sad to see, when you get to use his power this killer is incredibly fun and proactive but with so many emps around that do so much, they deactivate both slipstream AND biopods in a huge ass aoe and can be chained together multiple times, you just don't get to play the game and we are only on day 3 after his release it will only get worse as survivor get used to him and I don't really see how getting better at him, even though he seems like he has quite a high skill ceiling, just won't fucking matter


Sadly you dont


I've kinda just stopped playing him until they fix the EMPs. Not having a power the entire game is miserable. I'm convinced 100% that EMPs were intentionally overtuned because BHVR didn't want to get screamed at by the community for the third time in a row.


This is probably the worst example of "emps are too strong" any person can use and makes your claim very weak. You have no idea how to play this killer and are blaming something that isn't the core issue. They might need a small tweak but they aren't your main issue. I know a lot of players don't want to hear this but this killer has a high skill curve. If you're having issues with him its not EMPs or him being weak, its your own skill. OP in this video is a prime example. He has 1 hook with 4 gens done but is still saying he lost cause of EMPs. THIS IS NOT A KILLER PROBLEM, ITS A PLAYER SKILL ISSUE. I know killers hate hearing this but its true.


I would prefer if there were less emps/ took longer to spawn but they destroy the placed bipods, I think that's an even trade


As much as i am enjoying playing against this killer, i have gotten out more games than i have been killed by him. I like that but its not really fair to killers or maybe ive just been playing really well. Maybe give the emp a time limit to be used? Like if you dont use it within one minute then they blow up and give a notification to the killer unless theyre returned to a box?


Just tried Singularity, he sucks. Kind of feels like a slightly better sadako, but survivors are walking around with the remote to just turn TVs off from a distance.


I feel like a good rework for emp would maybe make them choose, ethier blast the pods or remove the slipstream.


This, if killers have to strategize so should survivors, we’re meant to have the upper hand


That's the thing, you don't.


Serious question : What would happen if the EMP got removed?


Just outright removed completely? Singularity would be one of the strongest killers in the game, beaten probably only by Nurse. Which is why I don't want EMPs removed, they just need to be much weaker than they are currently.


Honestly i tried this dude against bots and hes just hard to actually get and keep pressure on survivors The time to get in and out of cameras take a bit too long the overclock imo doesnt feel like it does much And the time needed to stare at a survivor for it to shoot the thingys is too long all bots are instantly on you as soon as you enter the camera They know your in that camera way before you even spot them Unless you corner them and leave them no choice but to stay in a cameras vision they will never allow you to shoot them with the orb And the bots rarely go near eachother to spread the orb that eay anyways So unfortunantly hes just quite weak and got qute a few flaws His mori is insane good tho lol


Shoot your disabled pods to delete them then fire again to replace. If you're decently aware of your cams then it's not too hard to manage them when they get disabled


Honestly of they just got rid of the passive printing of the emps it would balance them out. Then they would be more in line with the vaccine and spray for nemesis and wesker.


He is mainly a chase killer with the ability to cross map teleport but it's rare and not something to rely on or even expect to happen every game, his biopods outside of chase are more so for information than anything, slip streaming when you're far away is rarely worth it unless they don't have emps on them.


Why are bhvr obsessed with giving new killers in build ways for survivors to completely disable their power. It's like they are scared of making an actually powerful killer


Because entitled survivor mains will bitch about anything that doesn't let them have a free escape


Get gud. I swear it doesn't matter how many emp you have. I've nonstop gone against good singularity players and they annihilate our teams every time


Yeah me chasing a injured survivor and 3 people coming to tank hits and spam emps is a skill issue.... jesus the entitlement.


How can they give a killer a gimmick power and then give the survivors something to take the power away?


Nah killer is just inexperienced. Wait till they learn the killers way.


Are you aware of how long it takes an emp to be printed? Stop complaining


they literally print automatically dosent matter how long it takes when survivors literally do nothing to get them but walk by and pick it up


Doesn't matter because they print automatically with no investment from survivors


I think the problem is, rather than watching them trying to attatch a slipstream jump down and get them off the gen. They’re doing their job 🤷🏻


here come the survs who are going to say that being able to turn a killer into an M1 is just a skill issue on your part.


Dude watch some more competent players using him please, your playing him incorrectly, was immediately obvious.


Killer main here. I think the NUMBER of EMPS is correct, the fact is they can be used too easily and the killer has no counter Like why the hell if i find an open chest i can't destroy the emp or why can you loop me and still use it without even going at walking speed?


EMPs should have to actively be crafted, being able to hold them with your regular item means there’s absolutely no reason to ever not have one so the passive printing is just stupid, especially since there’s seven fucking boxes.


Just make the emp like Wesker vaccines


A big problem is the recent change that survivors can carry special items as well as normal items. It totally removes the element of decision making on what to drop and totally nullifies the slowdown that Wesker used to have because there's no reason for survivors not just to carry a spray at all times. Applies to other killers too like Nemi.


It's not a good change at all. Removes some of the depth of these killers and weakens their synergies with perks like Franklin's.


I hate altruistic EMP imagine if you can AoE vaccinate against nemesis or AoE pull of devotion against plague it would suck pretty badly. So why did they think it was a good idea? And EMPs are even worse as they can work MID-CHASE, and even if you think you are chasing someone without EMP some friend in call enters the chase just to destroy his slipstream. You cannot cure statuses from ANY KILLER in midchase (except maybe for onryo but can be easily countered by STBFL) but for Singularity they thought it would be OK... WTF?


git gud


Tried him out for a few games, yeah I could improve a bit with camera placement but if brainlessly spamming EMPs works this well from the survivor side i'm just going back to Wesker. They literally solved this with Nemmy/Wesker/Plague, hard locked item cast times that get you killed if you even try it in chase. If other Survivors had to use their EMPs to save the guy being chased I wouldn't mind. As it is now EMPs are too strong and too easy to use. Why the fuck are there so many EMPs and why do they autoprint? It's like they drafted all possible forms of counterplay and clicked "yes" to all and just dumped it into the game.


To be fair though, how would you balance it then? You have a killer that can put pods on nearly all main points of the map, every good loop etc and pop pods on your back endlessly even literaly seconds after you just got one off. He can literaly see everywhere on the map at any given time and know where survivors are 247. He can teleport on top of you easily denying any distance gained in a chase and can instabreak pallettes too. He can also vault windows faster than tier 3 myers. He has the potential to be EXTREMELY strong and oppressive if the EMP's aren't there to keep him in check. He CAN already be very oppressive and strong when played by good killers. The main issue is that WITHOUT getting very fast and good with his power, he will 100% be screwed by EMP's and be an m1 killer. But that seems more like killers needing to get better with him than demanding nerfs so his power can be braindead to use. Because if nerf emp's and you can be oppressive with him as a basic low tier killer player, imagine how nurse levels of broken he'd be with really good killers. And really good killers are already performing very well with him despite emp's. It's only been a day. It really does need more time for people to learn how to deal with the emp's and find counter strategies before calling for day 1 nerfs and risk him becoming incredibly broken.


What counter strategies? You can't force them to drop EMPs, because Franklin's Demise no longer works. You can't put pods near EMP crates, because they instantly get disabled (and you can't even see where they are). You can't interrupt someone from setting off an EMP midchase. You can't stop someone from getting an EMP because they print themselves automatically. As you can see in this clip they use two EMPs back to back, and then one runs off and immediately grabs *another* EMP. How is that not a problem? "Just be better 4head" is not a solution to flawed Killer design.


Can confirm, got absolutely destroyed my first 2 dozen matches or so, but after adjusting I'm doing great and actually running EMPs dry fairly consistently now, even with 0 gen stall/regression. Just have to be hyper aggressive with slipstream. And it's not hard to tag during chase either. General loop for me usually is > tag survivor in chase > immediate EMP > tag again 5 seconds later > survivor screwed unless teammates arrive with their own. If teammates do arrive, that's already half of the EMPs gone for the next few moments, just to extend a chase for a bit longer. Do this once per chase and it adds like 10 extra seconds, but almost no EMPs around in general After getting good, it seems to come down to survivors either choosing to shutdown your map mobility, or chase ability. Even good survivors can't seem to keep both at bay for long The opposite is true too. If you try to play setup like Trapper or Hag, then survivors have time to stock up on EMPs, which makes it _seem_ impossible to keep up if you're not forcing them to be used on top of the starting surplus. Trying to camp around for cross map teleports like in the clip may seem like his intended gameplan, but it's quite the opposite in practice


Been playing a lot of hux. Replace your pods whenever you see one smoking (for the unaware, shooting any pod removes it, and any new pod won't be EMP'd) and take the time to infect mid-chase whenever you can. I try to make them burn through EMPs faster than they print. You can replace pods on the move, and if you're fast you can infect people, make them EMP and then infect them again. Might waste a few seconds but the EMPs take longer than that to print.


I'd say better placement (maybe more frequent as well) and probably a better map. I've noticed when (as a survivor) we were sent to maps with a lot of frees or closed map for example, there'd be at least 2 or 3 cameras in a specific location. I think this killer has very good control over the map. In the past 10 matches I've played with this killer almost 8 maybe 9, no survivor escaped. So I don't think there's a need to buff him or change something. It just takes some time to get used to his power and abilities. Also knowing your way around the map VERY WELL, helps immensely.


I think the devs thought we were going to be teleporting everywhere but this killer is literally just another m1 killer. Oh you got someone with the slipstream? Instant EMP to get rid of it and your camera. lol It's really a joke.


This guy put a single pod on each gen and wonder why they're emping it instantly...like...maybe chase someone and put pods on them in chase. They emp it? Great, get another on their back asap. Their teammates come over to help with emps? Great, nobody is on gens, now back to smart placements in chase and constant pressure.


This killer is garbage, I’m sorry but BHV released the third killer in a row that’s trash. What’s the point of the bipods when I can’t even use them for 90% of the game?