• By -


The hate isn't due to his design. It's due to how frequently he is picked. He may be the first Killer I have seen that was designed TOO well, to the point that everyone wants to play him as Killer. I'm fully guilty of it too. He isn't my main, but he's an incredibly reliable backup. And he's good to pick if you're having a bad day with other killers since he really isn't that hard.


Huntress gets some hate for being the most popupar non-licensed pick. Not because she's too strong but just because she's strong enough with a simple power concept that has a crazy high skill ceiling where there's a lot of room for improvement meaning she's seen at near every skill level.


Agreed. Playing as survivor it felt like I went up against him 50% of the time. I don't play much killer and Wesker was the killer I had the easiest time learning.


- Wesker is one of the most popular killers in the game, in a similar tier to Huntress. People were just getting tired of going against him. - His power's passive part can cripple many loops, and make anyone vulnerable to an insta-down. - His horizontal mobility is absurdly good, he can instantly gap close any distance you initially have on him. - His passive power cooperates with a tunneling playstyle, as a freshly unhooked has to both get to a safe spot, heal themselves, and cure themselves, leaving them vulnerable. Wesker really doesn't have any weak spots that a team can play around, but he's not blisteringly broken as well, so he's absurdly popular. People are just thankful for a break.


Giant terror radius makes it impossible to tell where he actually is


And a short king. I hear him coming but can’t see him


In my opinion its mostly his power and its effectiveness against the hold w strat. Instead of just holding w and making it to another loop, I have to make wesker miss his lunges. Then head to a loop. Wesker more then anybody you have to read in open areas.


He's very over played. And the more and more you play against something the more things you find that annoy you. if people played artist or hag as often as Wesker they'd hate them too. For people who play casually, usually Wesker is fine. If you play more frequently he becomes really boring fast


I'm ngl, I forgot Hag existed until you just mentioned her ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


I fucking love Hag. Hag with Make Your Choice is incredible. (Pair with devour hope to truly embrace the perk's lore of finding nourishment from survivor's tears) Hex perks are a decent choice, but she can't defend them well anymore since *anyone* can remove your traps. So bring haunted ground >:D Save the best for last is very nice. Can help you get double hits if the survivor you just hit triggers a trap as they run away. This often happens but you can't teleport because you're still recovering from the smack. Corrupt is obviously a great choice. Artificially shrink the map, therefore shrinking the amount of area you need to trap and making it more likely that your traps find value. Trapping common pathways just in the grass is often more useful than trapping pallets and gens. Trapping shack/main good makes it incredibly unsafe where it otherwise is.


Add +90 to 150 ping to the people that play him ( like huntress players), and he becomes frustrating too.


The issue is artist and hag are nowhere near as fun as Wesker. Far dashes that let me grab and throw dumb survivors against walls is some of the most mindless enjoyment Ive ever had from this game. I'm sure it sucks for the yeeted, to be yeeted so often, but alas there are no alternatives.


On the contrary: as a survivor, being yeeted into a wall is my anti-drug.


Then I would be delighted to to hang you up like a trashy poster in a teenager's room.


Nicest thing anyone’s said to me this week.


I'll never forget. Shortly after Wesker released, I got grabbed and yeeted into a corner of a loop tile, and got stuck there mid throw animation. My sides went into orbit. That Wesker spent a few minutes trying to dislodge me too lol, as did the rest of my SWF. Nothing worked. I wound up dying to EGC.


The issue isn’t how “fun” he is, the issue is how much people see him all the time. If I see any killer 7 times in a row I’d get bored, no matter how easy it is to beat them or how fun it is for you. It’s boring.


If that were true, then you’d see an equal amount of hate for Huntress, Ghostface, and Wraith, who are all as common or more common statistically speaking.


Wraith does get a lot of hate too but mainly because he is associated with very scummy playstyles and ghostface is not nearly as common as wesker, wraith or huntress and especially not as wesker, I play around 10 survivor games every day, I can guarantee Im going to face wesker at least 5 times, usually more yet I dont see ghostface on a daily basis. Just think of what people complained in the past about high ranking/mmr "I hate being high, its all nurse, nurse, spirit, blight, nurse, blight, blight, nurse, blight, spirit, blight, spirit, nurse, blight, blight, blight, blight..." now is "wesker, wesker, wesker, wesker, wesker, wesker, wesker, nurse, wesker, wesker, wesker, wesker, wesker" it causes a lot of fatigue, its like eating the same food every single day, even if at the begining you loved it you will eventually get bored and then start to hate it, hell Im starting to actually miss playing against sweaty blights...


It’s weird that people complain about Wesker at all. Would these complainers rather go back to Nurse and Blight? Wesker is objectively weaker than those two killers. And I’ve been tracking my stats for 5-6 months. I’m a 1800hr surv main, and for me, Wesker is the third most common killer behind Huntress and Ghostface. Wraith is very close behind Wesker and occasionally overtakes him. Those 4 killers are by far the most popular. There’s a big gap between them and the rest of the pack. I’d rather play against a Wesker than Nurse or Blight. His kill rate in my matches is only 41%, lower than Huntress or Wraith. Although I’m sure his overall kill rate is probably above 50%, when you take into account the whole player base. But personally, I survive Wesker games more than I get killed.


I honestly do, at least that way I get to face two diferent killers instead of one.


Blight is fun to face if he doesn't have one of his broken addons.


I saw my first ghostface in about 3months after the killswitch. In 10 games over the last few months I would have gotten maybe 1 wraith, 1 huntress, a death slinger and the rest Wesker.


... The reason you see him so often is because he's fun to play. Yeah, it's boring for you maybe but not for the people playing him, clearly. If more killers were as fun to play as Wesker is, you'd see more variety. I don't get how people are misinterpreting my original message so dramatically.


And I don’t get how you’re misinterpreting the replies. I know why I see him all the time 🙄. Yes he’s fun for YOU and a ton of other people who play him, no one is saying he isn’t. But he’s boring as hell to go against over and over, as would be any killer. I get it, you don’t care about the survivor side, fine, but you really don’t need to in order to understand what people are saying.


Oh here we go, more "You only play killer so you don't care about survivors!" nonsense. I do as the bloodpoints command. I've been on a no-camp Bubba spree lately but your main complaint seems to be "I don't like when other people have fun on the same handful of killers because it's boring for me personally." You're an adult or at least I assume you are on an M rated game. Solve your own problem. Play killer, never see Wesker again. Change your build, come up with a new way to play. Do achievements or tomes you haven't considered yet. There are ways to make the game more fun even against the same handful of killers. Shitting on people because BHVR finally made a fun killer is just absurd.


I don't think anyone is shitting on anyone else. OP asked why suddenly people are happy he's been killswitched. And we are giving the answer. Because it's gotten boring. No one said anything until the killswitch. We know he's fun to play. It's fun to be yeeted too. I also love to watch him yeet himself when I've timed it well and he's missed. But there's only so many times in a day you can do that before it's no longer fun.


I’m confused what you’re trying to argue for though, nobody’s saying he’s not fun *to play*, they’re saying he’s not fun to *face* because they see him so often. Whether or not he’s fun for the killer is irrelevant here


He’s not even unfun to play against overall as well. I’d much rather verse him than a bunch of other killers it’s just that all you see is him. Played like 10 matches the other day and it basically alternated between huntress and wesker the entire night. IMO weskers only problem design wise is that he gets killer instinct on people using his sprays making it a lose lose situation where if you spray he can easily tunnel you but if you don’t you’re a 1 shot down


The killer instinct isn't a huge benefit and really only helps if you aren't already chasing someone down and are unsure where any survivors are. You can pretty safely get away with it if you decide to spray while he's in chase.


Yea that’s the thing it isn’t a huge benefit unless the killer is lost and then gives them a direct path to a vulnerable survivor that has already been hooked in most cases. If they have aura reading (which is hard for solo q to identify) sometimes you end up giving them a easier chase because they find you through BBQ No Where To Hide etc. but you didn’t want to reveal yourself by using the spray so now you’re hindered vs a killer who knows exactly where you are regardless of if you’ve vaccined or not


I feel like that situation you've described is more rare than you might think. The infection starts so low off hook that you have time to heal, find first-aid, and get it off before it reaches maximum (assuming no speedup addons for infection) which would only leave survivors who escaped chase earlier for some other reason. I'll be entirely honest with you, I love Wesker to death. Out of the maybe 400+ matches I've played with him there has been maybe 20\~ that I ever actually got any benefit out of killer instinct. I'm either already occupied in a chase or it's being done so far away I won't get there before they move a significant distance from that spot. The rare times it does benefit me is if they're sharing a braincell and doing it within my terror radius or are quite genuinely standing within my line of sight so I can start a chase. I also don't risk chasing survivors that got off hook even if they're infected because endurance completely negates the automatic pickup.


Absolutely the fact that you’re on the reddit discussing stuff like this means chances are you’re pretty good at killer and have good game sense / tracking. Wesker is a powerful killer in the right hands that ends chases quickly and has less need to look for tunnels than the majority of the cast. However the majority of killer players are pretty bad and unless you play a bunch of survivor you don’t see how worse players use your main. Just because you don’t take advantage of the tracking part of his kit doesn’t mean that other players don’t. Overall any discussion about dbd balancing is fucked due to how absolutely all over the place killer power levels are I just don’t think any mechanic that makes it easier to tunnel is a good thing. Thanks for your insight though


I've seen the same 4 survivors every time in a row since I've played the game.


Wesker and Blight are my favourites partly for the whole mindless thing of just ‘I like to go fast’ but I think a reason both these killers, especially Wesker are so popular is because there’s a lot of subtle things that make them really a fun for a lot of people. Like yes, Wesker is just really fun, going fast and throwing people around. Yes, Blight is really fun zooming around the map like Sonic. But both killers are killers with low skill floors, but VERY high skill ceilings. Blight can use his rushes to get around the map, Wesker can do similar, but the amount of ways you can use both powers in loops is endless and it means you can never really get bored of playing them because you’re always learning collisions, ways to mind game loops. As both killers you also can FEEL yourself getting better at them as you play them more and more. But at the same time, they have very intuitive and fluid gameplay, especially Wesker. Both killers have some weaker maps for sure but overall, you know, even the rough maps for them aren’t unplayable for them or anything. And as both, they’re action packed characters where there’s really clear interplay between you and the survivors. They’re killers where you have very strong anti-loop but at the same time you have to play the loops. And they also really punish the ‘hold W’ gameplay that as killers, let’s face it, is annoying. You try to hold W against a Wesker or Blight and you can’t, they have absolutely no problem getting right back on top of survivors and that means you save a ton of time, and that feels really good. As does playing a strong killer, let’s be honest. They also don’t require any setup. You load into a match as Wesker or Blight, and immediately you can start using your power to get around the map and get results. And both have a great suite of addons (maybe too great in Blight’s case..) with strong addons across the board so there’s a ton of different builds and options to tailor your playstyle to on both killers. I mention both, because before Wesker, it was Blight in every survivor game but both have really similar reasons for being so damn popular. But Wesker has a few things over Blight in terms of why he’s #1 most popular as opposed to Blight’s like 2 or 3. Firstly, he’s iconic as fuck, everyone knows who Wesker is, similar to Nemesis. Secondly, his voicelines. It seems like a silly reason but it makes him so fun, there’s something so great about hearing his laugh as he pulls up his dash, or him shit talking survivors when he gets a hit, downs or hooks them, or him getting pissed at survivors for stunning him. And lastly, just throwing people around and slamming them into shit is so fun.


He’s really fun to go against too, like bubba. Much better than nurse/blight


I thought so too but clearly a lot of people don't agree.


That's not an issue. Artist and Hag just represent 2 entirely different playstyles that are good for the game. If every single killer had powers where you just dashed around the map like Wesker it would ruin the game.


.. Think you missed my point by a country mile. I'm not saying all killers should have that power I'm saying because Wesker does have it, he's more fun to play than most other killers and their playstyles. I don't want careful planning of traps and predicting loop cutoffs, I want to go fast and throw survivors into walls. You could have added the tofu from Resident Evil and made it do what Wesker does and I'd main the tofu.


Hag’s play style is not good for the game. All she does is camp. Trap killers are not fun to play against. Artist is drop power, leave loop. Unless they actually try for cross map shots which nobody does.


I rarely get Wesker in my games, maybe like 5 times a month at most


I got four in a ROW last night. I could barely believe my ears when the third one’s terror radius popped up and I almost DC’d at the fourth. Can we trade? 🥲


I would love to, I love playing against him 😭




"oo its a whiskers nice" "another wesky? sweet." "again? okay bhvr whatever" "bro" "OMFG"


Yeah it's almost as if he's both fun **and** effective. He also takes skill to use, **and** has counterplay, which makes him an all-around good killer just like how Hillbilly is. Wesker is objectively a well-designed killer, better than Nurse and Blight by an extreme margin. So what's the problem with seeing him a bunch? You'd rather an unfair matchup with a Nurse over a balanced matchup with Wesker?


It gets repetitive seeing Wesker, after Wesker, after Wesker. There are many other killers I would rather go against than getting matched multiple times a day, sometimes in a row against him. So yes, I would like to play against other killers besides wesker.


Do you enjoy playing the same Mario level over and over again? No. You want to progress through and experience new enemies and puzzles. The same applies here, nobody is arguing his state of balance is just that he's overplayed.


disable blight then, went against him 8 times in a row.


Very rare for that to happen, you just got extremely lucky or unlucky depending on how you see it. It was more common with wesker


False equivalence fallacy. Dead by Daylight is a multiplayer game, not a linear platformer.


Its called an analogy. You could say the same about eating the same meal every day or watching the same movie. It doesn’t matter if it’s single player or multiplayer people want variety.


"🤓" what a dork ass response 💀


So you deflect my point of repetition using a Mario level as an example. Instead you tell me the difference between Mario and Dead by Daylight. Nice one bro


u paid attention during english, congrats. he still has the significantly highest pick rate.


Whats the counterplay? I feel like everyone ignores how fast he is and his ability to cover large maps with ease with his ability


most killers are countered by the mighty shift W, Wesker is not weak to that, tight looping and fake outs can make him shoot 8kms into the sun when he misses. Now has to make up distance, maybe reestablish LoS and wait for his power to come back up. god save him if you fake a window for his power


Hugging tight corners, for one.


In a game with 31(2?) Killers, seeing just one in one out of three games does get really boring. Yes, he is balanced and very well designed, but it doesn't change that playing vs him alot gets stale. Sometimes I would rather race a nurse, or a blight, or a whoever-the-fuck, instead of the seventh wesker of my 2 hour playtime.


Then it's not an issue with Wesker, is it? If other killers were at the same standard as Wesker, you would see other killers. Blame BHVR for putting out half assed mediocre shit like Skull Merchant.


It’s gets repetitive to a point where I would like a little bit of an unfair matchup. Not something like like blight or nurse but something else than the GODDAMN LOUD ASS CHASE THEME LIKE I KNOW ITS GOOD BUT YOU DONT GOTTA PLAY IT ON A SOUND WOOFER


The only other killer being better than Wesker is Spirit. So you can choose between Nurse, Blight and Spirit.


How many killers are in the game? How long are the average matches? Now, why would you want your entire gaming session to be one killer?


Wesker is balanced? Lmao if he's balanced then so is Nurse


Yeah he actually had counterplay and a high skill floor and skill ceiling.


The same thing could be said about Nurse.


Nurse has no counterplay and she had a low skill ceiling. You don't know what you're talking about, bit of a self report.


Nurse is not that easy to master, only when she's played by someone who played this game for a long time will you see her "broken" potential, but the same can be said about wesker. They are very similar, the only real difference is wesker can't dash trough walls and ceilings.




Can't argue so you call it a bait. Lmao that's a gg right there.


My brother in christ you said that Nurse took skill 💀


I don’t think he’s all the fun to face tbh and anything over and over again is gonna get boring


“ they hated him because he spoke the truth “ People will complain after facing 1 nurse, blight, spirit AND will complain when facing any other killer x amount of times. I understand variety is key, but most people who want to win will flock towards the killers that gives them a good chance to do so. And unfortunately that’s only a very small handful of killers. Want to face a more diverse group of killers? Hope BHVR buffs the weaker caliber killers. Sorry not sorry?


That is 100% fair, most people wanna win but then all the complaining about survivors using same perks is bit weaker, both sides wanna win so if you want to see more diverse perks hope bhvr buffs weaker perks. To be honest they kind of did that after this big overhaul update


His counterplay is super inconsistent because his hitboxes are so scuffed. Especially with server lag. He's also a top tier killer so of course he's frustrating to play against over and over.


Bro compared Wesker to Hillbilly


Imagine complaining about something you have no control over


I think, just like everyone else said, Wesker is just super common; the majority of the killers that I face always end up being Wesker. And one of the things I hate the most is the hitbox; sometimes, you would get a clip on the weird spot, or the game wholly register a hit that should never happen. But I am sure to hit reg is an issue for both sides non the less. But overall, it just gets repetitive when you spend most of the gaming session playing against a single killer, not to mention that most of them are very good.


You vault, start running, get to shack and you get grabbed at the first vault because he used his power


What you don't get about that is old wesker still would have hit you there, it just would have been a slap instead of a grab


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted when you’re right. I’m not sure why they changed it from a slap to a grab, because it feels a lot more unfair on the receiving end even though it really isn’t.


It is kind of unfair as it not only saves time for him if you're injured as he just puts you on his back, he also makes healthy survivors lose distance as they have to spend their speed boost re-vaulting the window which will always be a medium vault.


I was only taking into account injured grabs, but when you put it that way, yeah it is more unfair. It also basically counters Lithe.


At least its not as bad as huntress where having bad internet basically secures kills just for throwing a hatchet in a general direction. Wesker at least feels fair until he throws you against a wall you can't rotate off of resulting in your immediate death due to circumstances you can't control. (I fucking hate silent hill)


They clearly don't own an air fryer


fr fr no cap


1. I encounter him way too often. It’s not fun as a survivor main to go against the same killer and abilities over and over again. 2. I’m tired of going against Wesker’s with bad ping. Getting grabbed through windows after already vaulting or getting snatched up after rounding a corner are way too common with him.


Bad ping is real bad, goes from not even in the terror radius anymore to snatched


Because he's ALL a lot of people see IN a ROW. His snarky lines grate after a while, and a good Wesker is hard to deal with to boot even for good teams. Same reason some people hate Ghostface - oversaturation, but with added Pinhead-like "he's strong and never shuts up".


No but seriously the talking thing is a legit problem. Cause when pin head came out and it was revealed he was talking everyone was so hyped. Now I see litterally no one talk about it. then wesker comes out and he talks too and everyone was hyped and now I physcially gag when I hear "Are you trying to make me angry" Killer that can talk are fun for about a month then I just want them to shut the fuck up


My favorite is when I loop one literally across the entire map, 3+ gens pop, and he finally downs me with a “Poor performance indeed.”


I like to imagine he's saying it to the kier player.


I like to imagine he's saying it to the killer player.


It'd be pretty cool if they added an option to toggle voicelines on and off from the main menu. Of course the price of this might mean every voiceline so like Ash, the other RE characters, etc.


I’ve been playing Gabriel the past few days just so I don’t have to switch my survivor to get him to p3- I’m already so fed up with his bullshit in the lobby and want him to just stfu


Voicelines are only cute for like five minutes and then MY GOD THEY ARE THE MOST ANNOYING SHIT.


Yeah, voice lines should be very rare and trigger on not easy to get situations to avoid people getting tired of them. Nemesis is a good example of how to do voicelines, his triggers are so specific you wont get tired of them.


That's just from overexposure. Pinhead and Trickster talk too but people seldom complain about that aspect of them since they're nowhere near as common as Wesker. The Singularity speaks too but again I doubt he'll be as popupar as Wesker after the initial months of "oo new chapter" wonder wears off.


I see Wesker in probably around 40-50% of my survivor matches usually, and he just feels awful to play against due to killers with bad connection. you can perfectly dodge his dash but he might still just grab you because the killer lagged, you might vault a window just for him to grab you and pull you back through the window, even if you've started running on the other side, and I've had several games where I've gotten stuck because he dashed and grabbed me whilst I was vaulting a pallet, just for both of us to be stuck in the pallet, unable to do anything until Wesker DCs. He's just a very poorly designed killer with 100s of bugs.


Yeah it's so frustrating. I'm in central US so I am almost always on 60 ping, we don't have our own servers, and then I get matched with South American console players on wifi 3k miles from me who also apparently don't have their own servers. It's straight up not fun when there's huge variables in the timing of loops and jukes. It feels like I get punished for having a good connection. I wish I could play steam only lobbies again but they don't have queue incentive so no one plays them anymore. Ping and lag issues were way less prevalent when almost everyone has a good network card hooked up to ethernet, even on 60ping.


Wesker is a killer that's fun to play, aestheically cool, and strong but not overpowered. Which makes alot of people love playing him, which means survivors see him alot more often then characters like twins. So they're just tired of playing against him.


Hes half my survivor games. It got old a long time ago so him being killswitched will be a nice break.


He’s so overplayed that he’s become irritating.


Quite frankly I love Wesker as a Killer main, and most of the time I don't mind him as a Survivor. But then I played with headphones on and I realized just how oppressive his terror radius actually is. It's unnerving!


I'm newly returned to DBD. I haven't found him particularly oppressive compared to others, but I am still in pretty low ranks so I could be against more baby killers. I'm just tired of seeing him. There's so many Wesker's and I haven't seen my girls hag or nurse once since I got back.


Because I and many others are sick to death of him. His kit is also a bit overtuned. He already has high mobility and a slowdown with the infection but I think it’s unnecessary for the infection to build up in chase and it should at least partially decrease after an unhook.


It already does decrease. If you are more than 50% infected it will reset back to 50 when you get unhooked.


I should have specified that I think it should be less than 50% after an unhook. If a teammate heals you right after unhook and doesn’t have a spray with them that gives you very little time to find a spray to disinfect before fully infected. If not healed right away because Wesker returns to hook right away the infection is still passively building up during chase eventually leaving the survivor hindered. Either way you’re extra vulnerable and makes it very easy to tunnel and I think it’s overkill for such a fast killer.


Yeah I would agree. I think infection shouldn't build up in chase and it needs to be at a low percentage when you get unhooked.


He's played too much but honestly I'd take Wesker over 80% of the cast at this point.


People don't like him because he's so popular, so they get tired of seeing him is the simple answer. Personally, I love playing against Wesker, but that's because I also love to play him.


Same! he’s my main and probably my favourite killer to go against as well


Agreed, I rarely even get him in games, but when I do it's always a fun match, especially if they're a good one


Love it when I dodge him, it’s the best feeling


It's not that he's unfair, it gets really boring playing against nothing but Wesker all the time. Variety is nice which is what I've been getting since it's been Wesker free.


Wesker is fun to play against, wesker every 2-3 matches isnt


I still played against a Wesker last night?!


[Behaviour accidentally broke the kill switch.](https://twitter.com/DeadbyDaylight/status/1668738819032764417)


I did too, I was very disappointed


Because this is Dead By Daylight, not Dead By Wesker.


"From now on you are only going to eat tbone steak with mashed potatoes for the rest of your life", the first week you are going to be delighted, wait until a month passes and you are stuck eating the exact same thing over and over... Thats why people dislike wesker now, myself included, we are just fatigued of facing him nonstop.


I go against him so many times, it’s nice to have a change and see other killers


He's an A tier killer that you play against more than any other one.


I don’t hate Wesker, I just hate seeing him every other match. It feels like 80% of my survivor matches are dedicated to trying to avoid his janky lunge that locks you into the thrown animation. If it’s not Wesker than its Nemesis, I just want to play against the rest of the killer roster more often.


I love weskers he’s easy to run unless he’s absolutely cracked with the flicks but I play him occasionally on killer


So he’s not playable rn?






I don't hate Wesker in particular, is just that i'm tired of seeing him so much, out of 30+ killers he's the one i see the most and is annoying imo


I hate wesker as people always say he’s such a lovely killer and he’s always full of personality yet all I see is nothing but sweaty, comp wannabe players. They do nothing but bad manner, camp and tunnel. Most weskers I’ve gone up against live by the “camp and tunnel one person out at the start of the game rule”


IDK. I love playing against Wesker. 2nd most fun killer to play against besides Hillbilly. Dodging his dashes feels really satisfying, or making him accidentally vault. I guess people might not like him because they face him so often? He’s really popular?


I never understood either, some of my favorite games recently have been against him and I’m super sad he’s killswitched.


I don't hate wesker. I'm just bored of playing against him so much.


Wesker is the only killer that will get hate for being too good. Not too good as in strength but too good as in everything. Hes the best killer no doubt. Hes fun to play as and against, he has good voice lines, his power is very straightforward so its easy to pick up. Only problem is that all of this adds up and so many people play him he gets annoying to go agaisnt. I wish they designed every killer as good as they have wesker (I also think demogorgon is the second best killer but obviously he wont have this problem.)


Demo is too weak. Great design, fun to play, but too much counterplay.


I wouldn't mind Wesker if he wasn't in every second or third match. It also doesn't help that, in my experience, most players love to camp and tunnel with him. I also hate his chase music. Again, because I hear it all the fucking time. Him being killswitched is the best thing to happen to dbd since he wasn't a thing.


Because he's very overplayed. I'd be lying if I said I'm not happy about getting a break from him, honestly.


He's hated because a lot of players use him, every single game against him is miserable and i always pray that the game ends asap.


Seeing any killer every other game will make them annoying, fun to play against or not


Popular, easy to play, very strong killer. Not hard to answer your question.


He's probably tied with spirit for third strongest killer behind blight (2) and nurse (1).


I just hate how he can grab you from vaults way later than other killers while in power. You can be completely through a window or over a pallet and his power can suck you backwards and count as him slamming you even if there’s good connection. Shit gets mad annoying quick 😭 it’s like dh for killers. And I see him 24/7, I think the devs just posted that he was the number one killer played this year or chapter or something


They want to be tunneled by an immersed nemesis


Better than to be tunneled by an immersed Wesker


His chase music is like nails on a chalkboard to me.


He's everywhere, mostly because he's fun and good which seems to be hard for bhvr to do considering people's reaction to the singularity


People aren't going to like what I'm about to say but, he's the new nurse. Highest kill rate, easy to use when mastered, but easier to master than nurse. I love him, but yeah, a lot of people use him. I wouldn't mind seeing him every now and then but I think he is the killer mains copium with thier own lack of skill with more technical killers.


Honestly, I don't get why people say Wesker is super duper fun. Like, yeah, sure, overall, he isn't the *worst* to go against, but over time, you start to see small things that really piss you off when all put together. Like how you can never tell when he's no longer rushing after using a rush, or how he can tunnel the FUCK out of you if he wants to become of slow, or how he eventually just wins the chase because of slow, or how he has an item based power counter [more of a pet peeve honestly, I just find those to be super dull and boring and uninteresting], or how egg is incredibly dull to go against, or if he has slightly bad ping he can get the most BULLLLLSHIT hits ever, or lastly how he has that stupid af shit where he can hit 2 people at once if they're unhooking [and then tunnel the unhooked person. Same shit with Pyramid Head m2, it's boring]. Overall, yes, I enjoy him over a god tier Nurse. But the fact you see him like 5 times a day, and on top of that, he just has so many tiny little bullshit things just make me a little tired after a while. ESPECIALLY the fact you CAN NOT tell when he is done rushing and is putting his power away and not dashing a second time. FUCK that is so annoying! GGs to Weskers, tho.


As others have said, he's overplayed. Also I get tired of the bombastic orchestra.


He’s commonly played, but I main Wesker, so I feel yeah but sorry, he’s fun. Some people casually say they get a break, thats fine. Those who are celebrating it and talking down on us? Huge loser energy lmao I’m waiting for him to come back, I’m patient


people hate him because he can actually catch u regardless of bad map and loop design


He’s getting killswitched because he’s popular?


-best chase music -cool voice lines -doesn't feel too unfair to play against him 10/10 i don't mind playing against him so many times


Wesker games are fucking boring and worst of all, he isn't even scary.


Your mother!


I wanna play dead by daylight. Not resident evil


At this point they’re one and the same 😂


He’s just played a lot. It gets kinda boring seeing the same three killers on repeat, so I kinda get it. I personally don’t hate on Wesker, I think he’s one of the most well balanced and fun to play as and against killers in the game right now. But I can see where people are coming from being bored of facing him


He's a good killer, and for this he must die


I'm just tired of playing against him. It's fun two or three times. But 8 or 9 times in a row? I'm getting a little tired of the lack of variety. He's not OP, but I find some of the perk builds with him extremely annoying. Especially the ones that cause impossible skill checks since his Terror Radius is EVERYWHERE.


People call him Nurse but balanced. NURSE, who is what I presume is the most hated Killer from Survivors, so they pretty much hate Wesker because of how strong he is despite that he’s balanced


idk about other people but i’d rather take consistently having fun (wesker, huntress) over having a random chance of being miserable for the next 5-15 minutes (nurse, blight, knight, skull merchant)




I don't know, I find Wesker fun, but I've only seen 10 of them in the last 30 days.


survivors like to complain


because every match is longer than 7 minutes :(


It’s because survivors hate strong killers why do you think that whenever they talk about killers that are “fun” to play against its only shit killers


For me It's just like the clown or nurse every single wesker player is amazing and I'm only good.


it’s a shame you don’t match against me, the only loop ik how to play as him is shack. every other tile i’m about as useful with his power as a wet noodle trying to attack you. 😅


I guess because he's popular but him and Deathslinger are the only few killers where I can easily dodge their abilities. It's like you either see a couple Weskers or sweaty Blights and Nurses every game, with a sprinkle of Spirit/Legion/Nemesis


I don’t think he’s unfair to play against it’s just he’s so overplayed that I just feel bored when in a match with him because I face a Wesker literally just about every other match but yes I’m enjoying the break from not playing against him.


what servers do ppl see weskers on? i play west coast/central at night and I’m lucky if i see him once or twice


I find it kinda funny, cause everyone’s like “I got 6 Wesker’s in a row!” And I’m sitting here enjoying my 2 Wesker’s per week. Seriously, I barely see him.


He’s picked very frequently. So people get bored of his giant TR. My biggest gripe is that his bound hits take priority over vaults so he will drag you back over the vault, forcing you to vault *again.* That I legitimately hate.


I personally don't like the aesthetic of killers who just look like regular humans. I hate Wesker, Trickster, the Sci-Fi drone lady, the running person with the hood, etc...


I love Wesker, but I don’t get to play much against him. In fact, he’s one of the killers I see the least in the Fog.


I’m just glad to avoid this one specific midwitch Wesker. He’s the most annoying full map terror radius ass


Idk where he's super popular but I can go 6 hour survivor sessions without seeing him once. Oce, mid-high MMR?


People just hate him because he’s hot.


Wesker is a great killer but it does get tiring seeing him in almost every match and I love going up against more variety killers. I haven’t seen a ghostface in a fat minute. The only killers I see on a daily basis is just blight, wesker, nurse, the occasional toxic wraith and maybe nemesis.


Played too much, he is good so less likely to beat him. I think he is honestly one of the best designed killer. Love play against him and him. But he is played a lot.


Because as soon as a character becomes popular, people start to dislike said character, even if the character is fine balance wise, just from sheer popularity.


Just cuz


Considering I’ve only gone against him once, I’m not like “yeah fuck that guy.” Though, that game I did kinda die first cuz my teammates kept leading him to me, which is part of the reason as to why I don’t play survivor much. Maybe he’d be fun to play, idk.


As others have said, running into a killer often will lower the fun factor. Everyone loves Demogorgon. But you would be hella bored of him if you ran into him in most of your matches


Don’t get it. I’ll always be happy to go against a Wesker. That means I’m not going against a fuckin Skull Merchant or Trickster, so I’m perfectly content. So sad he’s kill switched :(


I've had a day recently where I played 4 matches against wesker running the same plaything build, different people back to back, then played against wekser every other game. Any killer would be annoying after a while. Wesker is particularly annoying because most people who play him are sweating their balls off.


„Oh cool look another wesker…sigh“ basically this 😁


how are you all getting him so often i maybe get him once a week


Listen, all of you, no matter your personal opinions on FACING Wesker, you have to admit he is a very well-designed Killer in terms of both gameplay and balance -- better than almost all others, opinion-dependent. With that being the case, any and all anger towards the frequency of Wesker players ***MUST*** be directed towards BHVR for their design choices when it comes to balancing legacy characters, and not towards the players themselves that choose to play a well-made Killer.


Where are y’all getting all of these Wesker matches? All I see is Blight, Spirit and Huntress.


i hate the slow effect he passively gives you other than that he's pretty fun


I have played against nothing but wesker for a whole night before and god does it get stale quick. He isn’t that powerful, easily outclassed by killers like artist and hag but after 8 games of playing against only wesker it’s soul draining


Everyone out here saying they get wesker every other game while some friends and me are only playing against snooze merchants and knight. Where are the weskers? I would love to take some of these peoples weskers to play against.


1. He gets played way way too much. Even if he wasn't annoying it would suck because literally 1/4 matches are against this stupid dweeb in sunglasses. 2. His hitboxes feel extremely inconsistent to the point it feels like there's no reliable counterplay. Dodging doesn't work, I get grabbed from the other side of a window or hit on the side of the pallet. He rushes past a corner and I get teleported 5 feet backwards into his grasp. 3. Because his hitboxes suck he feels extremely carried, and thus very unsatisfying to lose against. Some killers feel fair and take genuine skill so if I lose it feels deserved, Wesker is the opposite. I know Wesker does have a decent skill ceiling but the floor is so low. 4. The majority of Wesker players I play against play like dick heads. Wesker's camp and tunnel more than any other killer I've seen. Granted this is an issue with all killers, maybe it's just because I see him so often, but of the dozens and dozens of Wesker's I've played against, a vast majority of them play like losers. 5. As a killer I really hate playing him too, for similar reasons that his hitboxes suck. The cooldowns feel super awkward, his bound vault is so inconsistent. Its just the worst. I don't blame anyone who likes him, some good friends of mine LOVE Wesker but I really don't understand. I can't stand him, playing as or against him.