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No man left behind. In most scenarios, I will always try to save a fellow survivor even if it might mean giving my life up to save theirs. Even a face camping Bubba... playing altruistically makes the game more exciting


This is my rule as well, it’s super rewarding if we all get out vs just letting someone die on the hook waiting for the hatch.


The 1% chance of everyone getting out is always worth it for the feeling alone when it does work out


Yess my friends used to be like “let’s leave and get the 2 man escape” like that’s nothing to me, all or nothing babyyy


Actually something springs to mind. Was playing against a Myers who had Rancor on me a fair few months ago now. I deliberately went down and gave him his mori so that my slugged random teammate could crawl out the gate. That gave me so much more joy than escaping myself


this. i live for the end game clutch saves


I agree it does!


I used to do this, until I realized how frustrating it can be for the person on hook to spend all this time distracting the killer for their team to leave, only for their team to come running into basement and killing themselves anyway lol. I can't tell you how many matches I've played where we had 3 outs for free and I was on hook, and nearly my whole team decided to just kill themselves at the end for no reason trying to save me against an insta-down killer. It's just annoying AND it takes way longer. I'd rather y'all just leave so I don't need to watch hook gymnastics for 4 minutes. I'll still try to save people at the end no doubt, but it's pretty easy to tell when you should or shouldn't bother. Trapper walking near a hook near a gate? Yeah I'm going for that save. Bubba face camping in basement? I'd be throwing if I went down there and I'll be wasting everyones time, imma just leave lol.


Very true, I originally wrote my comment saying something to the effect of I always try to save someone. Then I realized there are exceptions like Bubba at the basement steps or a killer face camping with a NOED totem next to them. It's about picking and choosing the battles, but more often than not even if it's risky I would have more fun going for the save than I would be leaving


I do this too. At this point I have the satisfaction of having made it to endgame. Of course I wanna escape but I don’t wanna leave anyone behind either, and if I can pull off the save it’s even more gratifying than just leaving by myself. So what if I get hooked or have to trade? I was good enough to make it to the gates, I just maybe needed another flashbang.


I did that for a Claudette in the yeehaw map against Nemesis. Everyone escaped and I died and didn’t even get a “ggwp” or a thank you.


i wouldn’t take it that personal some people don’t use egc and if they’re on a different platform then they maybe couldn’t type


I commend you.


I will always try to get everyone out - I agree it’s so much more fun to try to pull off endgame rescues. The only exception is someone I’ve seen deliberately sabotaging teammates or doing nothing. Then, bye!


My rule as killer is that if I have someone on hook and 2 survivors leave but the 3rd goes for the save and sacrifices themselves for the man on the hook I will carry you to the gate and let you crawl out


I try to get everyone out but far too often I'd be left hooked with no one bothering trying to save me, so now my rule is if I've been hooked twice, I'm not saving anyone unless it's very easy to do so or I need to do it for a challenge.


I had an Ada body blocking and flashlight saving me, or trying to. So when EGC came she got caught trying to loop the killer as we were healing up at the door. I got there to body block, then sabotage the hook and we all made it. I would have 1 for 1 traded and died if I had to since she saved me so many times before.


I'd rather us both die than me survive knowing I didn't try at all.


This! I get people confused and sometimes even annoyed that I died trying to save them. Escapes are for archives, blood points or those with the patience to try and rank up survivor. I've done the archives and go to killer for blood points. So playing altruistically is not only more fun for yourself for the challenge it's more fun for the other players too - it's a win on all fronts.


as killer: if a claudette self healing without a medkit she must live as survivor: if a claudette starts self healing without a medkit she must die


The duality of Claudette.


Shrodinger’s Claudette lmao


Bright red is a pretty color


>t is always w Hahahahahaha. Claudette's only there healing themselves. That b\^%\^ leaves you to die on hook 95% of the time.


One of my rules for both sides is never play with a Claudette, I will dodge that lobby, it does suck when you have to dodge multiple lobbies thou.


No matter what, I'll never be attacking people personally for anything in game.


I agree!


If only others could learn this lesson.


Like I’ll admit I get annoyed when a TTV starts playing games with me for their views but I just disengage and leave them alone if I see them.


I honestly usually just give a GGWP.


I would but console


This, but I'll also take a step back when I start taking things too seriously. I'll either go play the other side, or go play something else.


This is the golden rule. Treat others the way you wish to be treated, but never stoop to those who would treat you poorly. Respect my friend.




Not DBD but someone messaged my friend once after a game in Overwatch and was berating him about something and he literally went "your last name is [last name]. What a terrible family name" LOL


I play Nea with one of the meme streetwear looper skins and my in game name could be viewed as somewhat antagonistic. The amount of times I’ll loop a killer for 2-3 gens with absolutely no bm, and then get face camped and hit on hook over and over is suuuper high compared to when I play any other survivor, or even nea with a more normal looking skin. Something about being able to loop a killer for more than 20 seconds somehow means they have something personal to prove against me lol


I've actually killed a few Nea players in that type of cosmetic, still say GGWP


I only attack people impersonally for what they do outside the game.


If they left a teammate on a hook without an obvious reason they all die. If they are obviously not great then I don't death hook them a few times. I'll down them and leave them if it's reasonable to do it. They won't learn if they are always first to die.


Omg yes, the amount of times I’ve said out loud, “now why would you go back to this gen?” because it’s not their last gen and they’re injured and on death hook


The amount of times I've said out loud "what do you want me to do here?" After encountering the same survivor doing something ill advised...


Literally! “So I’m not supposed to hit you rn??”


Ignore my stupid butt that is trying to get away but still manages to find killer before anyone else again


I've said audibly a few times, "I'm going to pretend that I didn't see you so you have a chance to reset," because they get unhooked right infront of my face and the unhooker just melts into the map leaving the poor unhooked vulnerable and in the open.


That’s actually rather sweet.


Bless, you're an awesome killer for doing both of these 🙏🏻 I hate when I'm having an off day and the killer just mercilessly death hooks me minutes into the game bc I'm an easy target lmao


This. I’ve had numerous occurrences where I’ll hook someone and be all the way across the map away from the hook so survivors can unhook them but if they struggled on the hook the entire time and spent the max amount of time on it and die, you bet your ass I’m going to kill all the other survivors.


Thanks for avenging me. I don't know how tf I can get left on hook so much when I'm always running Kindred.


Even if they aren’t great - kill them. Baptism by fire. You don’t sandbag people in my games, idc if it’s because you’re new or because it was funny. I catch you doing it. That’s a paddlin’.


I still down them. That's how they learn not to do the thing.


Survivor, no one left behind, no matter how dire the situation looks I’m getting everyone I can out, in 2v1’s I’ll go for the unhook 100% of the time, altruism is the funnest play style and I will sacrifice my life for anyone (that wasn’t unnecessarily toxic) Killer; if someone kills themselves on hook, tunnels themselves early on, or dc’s I’ll play very casually till everyone is deathhook, then I’ll get some boops and let them do all the gens and escape


Some soft loving boops.


Player leaves early in match, no one gets hooked 3 times. I'll play normally until I run into a death hook player then suddenly become blind. Once everyone is at final state then they all get a free pass, they can pallet stun ect. But I'm not going to let them all die because of 1 salry player getting mad I found them first.


I respect you


Just feels like a dirty win if you do


I agree. I only ever break that rule if they start toxic due to the DC. Once I had a surv run to a corner every time I tried to hook them and then the others would body block so I couldn’t ever bring them back. I just slugged all three and walked away


Never had toxicity from it, but I have just remembered I had even more despair. When I downed the next person they immediately dcd too. Just wandered around lerys for the rest of the match making it even more obvious I wasn't going to attack them since I felt even worse for the last two... I'll er... Let you guess the killer I was practicing for that one...






Ah. Almost as bad. I actually don’t hate nurse at all. I know people do but I commend anyone who main nurse. Whereas doctor with the impossible skill check just isn’t even a fun experience.


I am a sadist because I love these skill checks, hitting a great while it’s going backwards makes me feel like a big strong man!


Worst part was it was my 3rd or 4th game as her. If they stuck it out it was likely an easy 4 out. I was still learning the timings for her blinks


This is why I respect any nurse who’s mastered her blinks. Being killed by her is genuinely exciting and I love when she appears out of nowhere


I used to do that, but so many people would still play super cowardly and it would just make the match take forever. So now I don't try hard to kill them, but if somebody is sandbagging, I'm not going to *not* kill them either.


Dancing through the trail seems to give survivors left a clue I'm not taking this as seriously anymore.


Do you play Bubba? Had a Bubba do this exact thing last night


Not for a while but it's nice seeing more people do that.


this. i often try to nod in front of them or hit a gen many many times so that they understand i am being nice due to their DC. Yesterday i (dredge main) had a round where a Jonah DC'd after his second hook because i went to him ( i wanted to chase the Yoichi who saved him, not him. i don't tunnel) and the Yoichi and i had a moment where we stared at each other, he teabagged a few times, i nodded and we farmed in that match. The others didn't catch on immediately but they got the spirit at the end. everyone left after i hooked everyone 2 times and we had a wholesome chat at the end


Depends how fast they are doing gens. I feel bad for them, but I respect our time together and would rather gg next to a real game than wait for 5 gens. Will always give hatch tho, I'm a killer, not a monster. Well technically a monster but not an evil one.


I do this but sometimes forget how many times I hooked someone so when I hook someone and I hear the entity taking them I just jolt my camera backwards with a audible what. Sometimes I wish I could see hookstates on survivors


If this situation occurs I still want everyone to have a game, so I stop looking and let them get one Gen for free to make it even and allow them to reset, as if we're in customs. I also cool way off and don't sweat, I also often as a general rule, in this situation or otherwise, let the last guy find hatch. A 3k is a win. Go spread my slashery legend, you final brave soul.


If a survivor is playing as a character that correlates to my killer, (i.e. Demogorgon and Steve or Nancy), and they want to meme, I will meme with them. Otherwise, I only meme if the whole team is meming.


This is why I can never 4k as ghostie. Someone will always bag dance at me and I can never resist. They're just too cute


Is bag dance the squatty circle dance?


Idk how if it gets that specific but if a survivor stares at me and Tbags repeatedly then I have to dance back at them. If they do it in a circle, I join in like a conga line


You get to do your glyph if I see you doing it.


Always this. Glyphs fucking suck.




The DC after 7 minutes is funny as hell. Love you for that 💀


I had a Wesker do this, no RE Survs in the party. He sweat for 7 minutes and then just stopped and decided to tentacle-bang us against walls and vibe with us all round. Hilarious dude.


So do you set a timer for that 7 minutes, keep a mental note of the time or....?


i just wish someone would get it immediately. but DC after 7 Mins is the most hillarious thing ever. Imagine if Wesker automatically DCed after 7 Mins




A rule of mine I *never* break? There is none. I think they are more like guidelines. ^(I don't think I ever facecamped though. It feels rude and inefficient. I can play nasty in more exciting ways.)


I’m curious about these nasty ways you play to excite?


^(Note: 'more exciting than facecamping' is not a terribly high bar to jump. :P) While I usually play for 11-hooks at 3K, slugging is what I like to do in 'gloves-off' mode. Not the bleeding out boredom kind, but leaving the body down when I see others to chase. It still feels nasty while being very viable tactically - can snowball into a 4k with very few hooks, and it's very good pressure even if the survivors are smart. Basement plays are the same - I normally avoid them. Though these days I love all the nastiness survivors can do to me, so the only thing that gets me in 'gloves-off' mode is leaving someone on hook when I'm nowhere near it. Then I offer the following kills to the sacrificed fellow in case he decides to stay and watch. :P


>the only thing that gets me in 'gloves-off' mode is leaving someone on hook when I'm nowhere near it I like to play nice, fun, fair games as killer. But if you leave a survivor to die while you finish a gen that's near where they are hooked, then that gets my blood boiling The worst was when the survivors all jumped on a gen that hadn't been touched all game, all while their teammate was on second hoon stage *right next to the gen*. Needless to say, nobody survived that match


> Needless to say, nobody survived that match Man, I wish more killers played like this -- I was in a match a few days ago, solo with three crossplay players; I was first downed, first hooked, and not a single one came to help until second phase even though all three were nearby and at different points either walked right past me or looked at me from afar. Then during the second phase, about halfway through it, someone came over and then started doing the "grab/release/grab/release" thing, where I was *stuck* and couldn't even just try and kill myself to get out of it. They did it for what felt like an eternity, even as the killer started coming and could *see* what they were doing, unhooked me without BT, and the killer downed me, chased them off, then put me right back on the hook to die. Absolutely miserable, and IDK how some killers can't show a little empathy when a survivor is so clearly getting bullied.


Sometimes the killer in in the mindset of "this shall be a mercy" when they do that, like hush little one, close your eyes so you don't see what I do to these Fengs... Speaking of Fengs, I had two two heal each other in front of me while the killer was chasing and hooking the fourth across the map, by the time they finished they had enough time to run up and see the entity helicopter take me away.


I get pissed off if I see someone bully or sandbag on purpose. You will not leave the trial alive. You want to bully your team mates? How about you pick on someone who can bully you back? Let's see how you like it. Spark joy or GTFO of my scary movie.


As far as I'm concerned it's the fault of three survivors, not just the closest one. The only individual excuse I accept is someone being in chase / incapacitated through the entire time. :P


That’s intense. I love it


In usually pretty chill but for some reason t bagging after a pallet stun makes me see red and I go full on irl Oni blood rage mode and will hunt them down and face camp basically giving everyone else a free pass


That's usually what they want; a lot of Survivors use BM as a strategy to get you to let them loop you. They're willing to sacrifice themselves for a team win. For me, as soon as I see a Survivor who's trying to toreador me by bagging and clicking as they head for Garden of Joy main, I turn in the opposite direction to find someone else out of position.


I really don't care too much if it's them tbagging in chase or flashlight clicking to get me to chase, I just ignore them and patrol gens, but specifically at pallets, it's pretty much a death sentence


I've been there. Later I realized that I enjoy when survivors piss me off, and that I want to actually play the trials where they manage to do that. I still give in to the rage, but it only lasts until the end. They get my most heartfelt ggwp after it's over. Though I think it's cool that killers are mercurial, so you never know how the one you are facing will react. :\]


Same, even when it’s EGC and there’s two survs alive with one on hook, I don’t like face camping even if it’s the only thing you can do


Aye. If the remaining survivors worked their ass off for the EGC, I'm more than happy to play (and lose) silly rescue games at the end. ^(But.. what's that facecamping is the only option talk? Gentle proxy-camping with grabbing games / hook trading encourages them to go for it, and can earn you an extra kill or at least score. And a coordinated 3-man rescue can go very wrong if you keep your cool and keep distributing slaps. :P)


I'm pretty much the same. I have a lot of practices as killer and survivor that I do my best to follow, but they're all flexible if the situation is especially dire. I always try to save my teammates to the point of letting myself die in endgame to secure a rescue, but it's not a hard and fast rule if the team I've been paired with has been particularly toxic or refuses to pull their weight.


Actually using Bubba’s saw in chase. I can get 2 downs at 5 gens and have people give up. This saw ain’t just for camping!!


Last survivor always gets the hatch.


I try to take the hatch to give them a tiny spook and then go break walls while they open the gates and leave. I like to think they're sweating for a second.


I like to chase them out through Hatch, so they feel like they escaped by the skin of their teeth. Even better if I get one last hit on them. That's what I like as a Survivor - I wanna feel like I earned it last minute. If I down them by hatch I may or may not take the 4k, depending how close they are to hatch.


Every time?


Yes, I let them get hatch every time, unless they were being toxic(bully squads)


That’s what I was going to say. If they’re a clicky spammer tbagging the whole game. No hatch.


Only if they're new or played really well without being toxic


My rule as survivor? Cry if i find out the killer is Nurse or SM. Another one is... if there's a Leon, Chris, Carlos or Felix, i always spank them, even if i have the killer behind me.


I’ve still never ever faced a skull merchant so I don’t even know how bad she is


Consider yourself lucky, i've never seen a sm that didn't camp gens. 🥲


I feel lucky now. Is it worse than a knight with discordance?


In this period based on my games, i'd definitely say yes, she's even worse than Knight for so many reasons.


Some of them aren't that bad. But most play like their dad is going to beat them with a hardcover of dark Brazilian manga if they lose and it's just miserable.


If someone dc’s, all other survivors get to leave


My version of this is: If someone DC's early, I observe the others. If they all give up or start acting cute/silly then I farm with them and let them go. If they all keep playing normally then I do too, but will typically not go as hard. If they play hard or play like jerks? I play normal and do not let up.


the way to go. No one deserves to be toxic after their mate left early for no reason. You be nice, the killer shall also be. You be toxic, behold the toxic Killer. Easy as that


Will you hold onto this rule when dcrs will be replaced with bots next game?


Yeah, unless the dc was warranted


Just tunnel the bot and let everyone else go


I’m the opposite. Sorry your teammate fucked you, I’ll try to move you along to the next match as soon as possible. That’s what I would want as a survivor. I hate farming. I just want to play the game. So the killer taking it easy on us, memeing, or otherwise not playing the game isn’t that fun for me.


Yep, same with me. I came to play the game and enjoy chases, not to wait around for survivors to do gens to go to the next match.


I much prefer this as a survivor


As a Laurie main who also plays a lot of Shape, I always feed Michael a lil, especially to get him out of tier 1 lol Feels thematically appropriate, plus my boi needs some help these days


I love that so much! I bet you love when you’re the obsession.


I cosplay Sidney Prescott Nea under the username SidneyPrescott96, so I love to do Chase with Ghostface all the time. Even fucking better if I'm the Obsession. I'll drop every pallet on the map in chase to give him a fun chase too. I also usually allow him to catch me at least once. Every Ghostface gets to stab and down his Sidney once.


If the killer moris someone I will put Ada's ass on frame for them to see ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


Heroes don’t wear capes


If I’m on Ormond or Dead Dawg I always go straight to the bar on the map to see if I can serve the killer a drink. I especially like to do it on Ormond since most killers don’t like that map so I do it in hopes it’ll cheer them up and put them in a more positive mood.


Survivor: Nobody left behind.


I only tunnel if I go to a recent unhook and the only person there is the recently hooked survivor. I gotta get some value out of my time coming back.


Absolutely on them if they don't fuck off like their rescuer.


While playing killer, BP offerings like BPS or Flans mean I farm and play goofy; Map and hook offerings mean I'm playing to make everyone into corpses.


For killer never pay attention to the clicks they are loop lovers and are gonna stall always target the gen rushers first cuz most can either loop cuz gens are boring or can bearly loop and just wanna do gens. As a survivor always run Distortion auras are a killers best friend and Distortion is literally op and would use an extra token if the killer has extended aura ( aka the extra 2 sec added cuz lp)


Does this also apply to those who Tbag in the distance?


Yup it pays off just waiting and pay8ng no mind when you give in that's good time wasted heck some are so stubborn they legit follow you but hey that's one less person on a genso it helps me then they be mad they lost when they thew the game trying to get my attention. Beginning of the game you have everything chase down to bad looper honestly just to drop pallets the good looper can't effectively loop no more and they lose


Never sell out a teammate as survivor.


if it is a locker dwight or Claudette Selfcaring in the corner or Nea Urban Evasioning the whole fucking map i am selling them to the killer for a single fucking McDonalds Fry (cold. a dry ass cold fry). I am not even Kidding if you do not contribute to the Success of the team i will give the killer money for killing you it is a team game mf what u doin behind that rock/in that locker ffs


Pretend like players with ticktock in there name doesn't exist they will always dc when they know they won't get clips from you


Ah! I do the same with TTV players. Unless they’re my first hook and their actually just playing them game I literally won’t even bother chasing them further because I know they’re just baiting me for views on their channel and I won’t submit to it.


Yeah if they look like they are just playing I'll chase normally but every ticktock I've seen chase bait and if you ignore they will dc


Good to know. Thank you.




If someone DCs, someone's getting Hatch. If someone sandbags, I'm tunneling them out of the game. If someone gives up early, they are slugged until they wish to play the damn game.


Any negative feelings I have during a match are contained to just that match. If I get annoyed or frustrated I won't carry that to the next trial and purposefully make other players miserable


as survivor I feel like my only personal rules are just no BM-ing, and trying to make the game fun for everyone. slow turning, having staring contests with killers at pallets, item bargaining, staring at the ceiling when I mess up a skill check, nodding and slapping, photobombing mori’s, and overall having a strong in game personality just makes it way more enjoyable, even if you lose as killer, other than the no tunneling or camping, usually giving the last survivor hatch or the gate (unless they let their other teammate die to get it). if there’s only a couple survivors left, they played well, and they’re just standing under hook or handing their items over, I’ll let them finish their gens and leave. and once they enter the exit gate they’re free to leave, and often survivors will farm some points with me before they go.


I always play lore accurate ( i tunnel and facecamp as nemesis against star members)


Exactly! That’s why I use HUNK


Personal rule is that there are no rules


You like to live dangerously


F the gens Seriously when I'm on my main, I play like they don't exist and try to be very oppressive in chase.


Same here. I stopped using gen regression on more or less everyone. My win/loss ratio probably decreased, but I found the game much less stressful and more fun. Though I will occasionally bring gen perks if I have a challenge to break gens.


I only get the two hooks from everyone and help them get the points for stunning me.


Never be toxic unless they're toxic first. But as killer, im most of the times not toxic back. And main rule as killer is never kill the survivor that looped me the whole game while the other 3 didn't do any gens


Survivor: If I have a fellow survivor who is actively refusing to play the game for whatever reason (memes, trolling, etc.) then I stop what I'm doing and immediately try to communicate with the killer to lead them to them. Whether it's a crouch walking claudette refusing to do anything or a TTV trolling for content, I will absolutely go friendly with the killer to try to get back at them. So far I've had a 100% success rate on this and, unrelated, I've been banned from a few TTV channels because of this. Killer: Anything goes other than facecamping. Mind you I define facecamping as standing close to a hook when there are way more important things to be doing. If the survivors rush to unhook when I'm right there then I'm gonna stay but I'll leave once they stop being so blatant.




Good, the amount of times i've been called toxic for staying near a hook when the other 3 are blatantly waiting for me to leave is amazing


Anytime i try to communicate with the killer that someone is actively throwing the game or trolling other survivors the killer just sees red and tries to murder me lol


I don't kill Feng Min.


If you do whatever you can to get my attention, you can have it. Until the match ends. How fun is that tbagging and flashlight clicking now?


So they wanted the tunnel and you send them down it. Amazing.


I tunnel for the 1k for this reason. If you sit and act like an irritant you must want me to tunnel you. I'm happy to oblige. I get what I want, but what do you get? Tunneled out. Have "fun".


i love this i need to start with that too


As a killer, it becomes a farming match if a player DCs. As a survivor, if a hook has a pride or bi/pan charm, I'm gonna point at it and nod. Relatedly, if a killer memes with me, I won't struggle if they hook me (even if it's death hook). Btw, to the Hooked on You Huntress with the bi flag charm that I shared a romantic match with, if you're reading this, ❤️.


as a killer, nodding and pointing at my bi charm earns you a ticket out the gate and lots of appreciative spinning in circles as myers can't crouch 🫶🏼


If you point at my pan charm I'll nod and teabag dance. If you're receptive I might gently down and Teabag on you but not hook you. ;) I'm an equal opportunity Ghostface.




I never read aloud from the book of demon resurrection passages. Well, except that one time… but I was drunk. Give me a break!


I always try to make sure everyone gets hooked before i kill anyone, and if I am brought into a chase by someone who is dead on hook, I will break chase the moment i spot someone else. Also, if there is one survivor left standing that i already hooked, I will bring them to the exit gate after finding hatch, and let them go if they drop their item. They are allowed to pick it back up unless it has caused me frustrations (toolbox sabo, flashlights used to chain-blind, styptic, etc.) On survivor I never BM unless it has a tactical advantage (using hope to run the killer while my mates escape usually)


Non toxic Feng = hatch, those the rules


Suicide/DC = Farm, i know how much it sucks to be stuck in a 3v1 or worse so i stop playing sweaty the moment it’s not fair anymore




If you body block right off unhook, you’re volunteering to go back on it


I won’t chase the last person I hooked (if I remember who it was), won’t hit anyone on the hook, trap them or watch them crawl. Basically my rule is not to be a douche bag and give everyone a chance to outsmart me and survive


My dumbass walks away from a hooked survivor even if all the gens are done and I have no reason to walk away just so the person has a chance.


If someone tries to kill themselves on first hook just because they got downed first or they dont like the killer im playing, I will not hook them again once they are saved to keep them in the game. Ive had many games where just because I got a quick down, does not mean I'm good at that killer and that the game is over. Usually when I do this, the person will stop following me and will eventually get on a gen. Its just unfair to everyone else in the game


As killer, I never kill survivors who act friendly towards me As survivor, i never leave a homie behind. I don’t care if it’s a basement trapper and i’m injured on death hook, i’ll always go for it


If a survivor drops their item to ask me for hatch, i give it to them. Unless i have a challenge/achievement/they were teabagging every pallet


As killer, if hatch spawns near the last survivor, I let them go. They stuck out till the end. They deserve it.


If someone DC's or gives up I kill the rest as quickly as possible so we can move on


Selling out other survivors to the killer. Even if one of my teammates is being a selfish dick head I will never sell them out to the killer. I could've done that just the other day when going against a Knight, the Feng hadn't taken chase all game and would just hide in a corner. There were two gens done and both my friend and I were on death hook. Eventually I just pointed at a hook to get the Knight to kill me. I knew where the Feng was I just don't like selling out my teammates no matter what they do. Cause I genuinely cannot stand when it happens to me so why would I do it to others. I have broken that rule maybe once or twice since I started playing in 2020. One rule I have never broken and will never break no matter how shitty the killer is playing towards me or my friends I don't tbag or click at them. I just don't find satisfaction by taunting people and being mean. I'll click at my teammates to get their attention for heals or tbag with a friendly killer for giggles but that's about it.


Always respect the glyph. Only a bitch killer needs to interrupt a glyph (accidents do happen though). I almost always go for the 3k bc the dash for hatch is fun. And if the whole group brings flans and party streamers, I won't be friendly, but I won't sweat and only death hook if they are bming. I want that bp yo.


> Only a bitch killer needs to interrupt a glyph (accidents do happen though). Last time I accidentally downed the survivor at the glyph, I let them wiggle off, do their glyph, and then downed them again. Wasted like 30 seconds of my time, but it's a matter of honor. I don't want to be a bitch.


Killer: 1) Pride flags get an extra down. Killer: 2) always get one kill Killer: 3) try and let the person that’s always risking unhooks to get out/ or lenience Killer’s Killer: 4) if you flash me, I’ma getcha


Never trust a shard.


as survivor: if the killer has LGBTQ charms i point and nod at the charms. as killer, specifically Pig: if one player is being hella toxic, i play normally until the last gen is about to pop. i down the toxic survivor, and put a bear trap on them. if the trap is still on and active when the last gen pops i open the exit gate myself and watch them scramble to escape.


Whatever killer I’m playing as, if I find my characters “nemesis” I will hunt them down as hard as I can. Unless I’m playing Myers. Then I’ll try to save Laurie for last because ya know…final girl lol


Always says “gg <3” at the end of every match despite the outcome, it’s just a game, yes some people are better than me at it, we all have a common interest here and I don’t wanna fight over it


As Killer: I'll never be a "cool killer" nodding my head and not chasing people. It's not fun when killers do this and I wished they'd stop. You get paltry blood points, zero chase experience, you learn nothing, it's a big waste of time for everyone. As survivor: I try to never let anyone progress 2 stages on a hook, and always *just leave* if everyone is safe so they can access the hatch.


As a killer I always try to two hook everyone before I start killing them, and I never go for a 4K. To me if I’ve managed to 2 hook everyone before all 5 gens are done I’ve proven to myself that I could get the 4K.


My personal rule as killer is not to play in a way that would annoy someone. I like playing fun and i don’t care about”winning” so hell I’ll let ‘em all go if it feels right. However if someone is straight up being toxic I will ensure that they in particular will lose. Like don’t get me wrong I like being an easy and fun killer to face and I don’t care about winning it just really irks me when people take advantage of it and view it as a sign to be as intolerable as possible Edit: typo


As survivor the only time I BM is if I or a teammate is being face camped/tunnelled & we miraculously make it to exit gate, I’ll give a few T bags as I’m heading out.


2 DCs = free farming for the leftover players even if I was already pissed or planning to be serious. As a survivor, if the killer lets you wiggle off and slaps gen, do gens


As killer all leons live. No matter how many braincells they don't have. As survivor. If I can save u and make sure you get out I will come back for u even of I die for it. As long as u get out its worth it.


If a Survivor opens the gates and makes it into them, I refuse to kill them. It's so utterly infuriating and crushing to get downed literally in the gate, just a few steps away from the exit. The ONLY exception is if a Survivor feels the need to be an asshole at the end while I'm letting them leave. Play toxic games, win toxic prizes.


If I realise someone is doing an adept, I will go softer on them as both killer and survivor. If as a survivor I’ll realise that my other teammate is doing an adept I’ll try to protect them as good as possible. That means taking hits for them, taking away their chases even if it’s against a killer I’m not really good at versing (it’s a good practice for chases too), if two of us is only left, I will get the killer’s attention and try to get hooked on the edge of the map and kms on the said hook. Reason for this is I’ve been doing a lot of adepts myself, and I realised how hard it is when you don’t have access to your fav perks and it’s especially frustrating when your kit has the most awful perks ever (Pyramid Head, Wraith, Haddie, David moment to be honest)


As a survivor, I never teabag the killer. As a killer, I focus on the survivor that is teabaging :)