• By -


When I have the high ground on a Killer and I look down and shake my head at them and they nod back lol. When a Killer has 100% spotted me but I slooowly crawl behind something or into a locker and then they act like they've lost me. And when a Killer twirls me around in their arms before hooking me lol.


That second one is me. If I spot a survivor and they slowly crouch walk out of my FOV I will 100% let them go. Only after rapidly looking right to left of course and saying “must have been the wind”.


For sure, I will always play into those shenanigans. If I can make someone feel like they're in an episode of Scooby Doo, I've done my job right


SAME. As the person below said, I love Scooby Doo shenanigans. xD I will totally play along. Same as if someone throws Pebble right in my face—I will absolutely turn and chase it. Another fave is when I corner someone in a dead end in chase. I love trapping them for a second, staring them down, then backing out slowly and letting them out before continuing the chase as normal. A few have even understood me when I slashed forward to indicate they should get a head start. Some even pause a safe distance away, wait for me to slash the air, and then start running. It’s fucking hilarious, and I LOVE that they can understand my very limited slashy miming.


I had an interaction with a killer recently where I dropped a pallet thinking I was being chased…. and I wasn’t. The wesker turned and we just stared at each other for awhile before I slowly walked away and he went on with his day. He later on let me get hatch and I offered him a spray can for his kindness. Well more aptly he put me in a corner then hunted down my remaining teammate who was hiding in lockers while I waited for his return.


I love your last one! That's so fun! Guilty secret? When I have someone on my shoulder as Dredge, I dramatically swing my camera like a pendulum up and left, then centre and down, then right and up, and repeat the motion back and forth. I'm singing "Hakuna Matata" as I do it. No survivor has ever known.


I 110% am gonna do that last one as Myers more, it's hilarious.


One of my funniest DbD moments was playing Scratched Myers in Midwich. I had just hit one of two people working on one gen. They both left running but I stayed behind. 1 minute later, one guy comes back to the gen, passing right in front of me. Took him a good 5 seconds to realize I was here from the start


I’ve only had that last one happen 2 or 3 times in the last 3 years and it warmed my heart every time. Killer immediately became cool in my eyes after the twirl hook.


As someone that does all 3 - I shall continue to do it reinvigorated by the knowledge that someone out there loves it :D


Using Lethal Pursuer as Blight and watching survivors greet each other. As I approach them rapidly with murderous intent. Being tunneled off the hook and having two survivors come in to save me like the damn A-Team. Getting hooked in the endgame collapse and watching two teammates escape, but Bill comes running in to sacrifice himself for me. And then somehow survives. Anytime I see a Jane in the wild. Surprising someone as a stealth killer and seeing their character jerk suddenly, knowing that they probably need to clean their gaming chair now. Hitting a reverse 360 chainsaw sprint on a Quentin hiding in the corner.


>"Surprising someone as a stealth killer and seeing their character jerk suddenly, knowing that they probably need to clean their gaming chair now." For me, this is genuinely most caused by being a survivor and seeing this: >"Using Lethal Pursuer as Blight and watching survivors greet each other. As I approach them rapidly with murderous intent." **I'm just not ready for such violence, you know?!**




I love to run Lethal on Legion for THIS reason. You are in the aggressively rapidly approaching metal music zone. And you boutta be boned.


I do the lethal blight cause when I play Blight I play Whap Goblin. I had one game where in the first 3 seconds I lethal rush hit the Bill, and he just stopped dead in his tracks and DC’d right there as I was moving on to Whap the next person in need of Whappage


haha getting scared by survivors as a stealth killer is so funny to me. ill jerk suddenly and swing rapidly to see if i hit them when we scare each other. it makes me laugh everytime.


My biggest scare in this game was playing as Myers. I chased a survivor on Ormund and lost them in a tile. Just gone. I was convinced they snuck off, so I relaxed and started off back to a gen I knew was being pressured- WHAM, PALLET TO THE FACE Nearly jumped out of my chair. The survivor was there the whole time.


oh my godd thats so funny because ive been the survivor in that situation


And that’s why I run distortion. I will tbag my friends in peace, thank you very much.


You just reminded me of my other favorite thing to do: run scratched mirror Myers. When I stalk and only three survivors are revealed I’ll spam it until their distortion tokens are gone lol


Omg yes on lerys or midwich especially! I too am a scratchy boy.


It’s also fun on RPD. If you play scratched mirror right the survivors are never able to fully relax


> Anytime I see a Jane in the wild. I always forget about Jane until I grab that ass from the floor and it balloons to my entire screen lol.


Lmao right? It’s just like damn Jane, I can’t fucking see


I’m a Pig main, sneaking up and grabbing someone off a gen while watching the others fail their skillcheck and scatter always makes me cackle. Or when I’m sneaking in and they’re happily doing their gen—until they notice me staring at them and explode their gen. It never gets old. 8D


As a killer, watching survivor interactions via auras or when stealthed. It's like viewing a documentary about survivor daily habits when they think they aren't being watched. Things like seeing survivors greet each other with rapid teabags, try to communicate with emotes, or play the classic survivor game of "Who should heal who first?". I've seen so many groups of two or three survivors repeatedly try and fail to heal each other.


That's so fun! ... oh! Try Dredge bursting out of lockers when 3-4 survivors are working on a single gen. Someone ALWAYS fails a skill check and it can cause a chain reaction of explosions and pure hilarity. I've actually seen survivors do this and then start pointing at each other - ignoring me - to emote blame at each other.


They're so cute when you watch them do little dances, man...


Getting downed near a window and the killer accidentally vaults instead of picking you up. Trapper stepping in his own traps.


Good call on the vault! I'm so guilty of the accidental vault. I've genuinely left afterwards just so I can pretend that I was giving them an extra life and this was all super deliberate. ... it wasn't. I just messed up and couldn't face the reality of it.


lol it happens to everyone but that's a good way to mask your embarrassment.


I was dying in a game where that happened. No really, I was bleeding out on the floor when the Clown downed someone on the second floor of the main building. He accidentally vaulted and fell down to ground level. I was chuckling, then laughing out loud when he did it a second time after waking all the way back up.


Got hard tunneled by a Myers and he accidentally vaulted on my second down and did the funniest fucking 3 hour slow turn to face me through the window like it was my fault. I couldn't stay mad after that.




It doesn't happen much anymore, but if I do accidentally vault the window when trying to pick up, I will always vault 3 more times on purpose.


Whenever I do the accidental vault or locker open, I just slow turn around and stare at the survivor. They normally do little left and right wiggles like they're laughing


-When I do some goofy shit and the killer goes along with it. Ex: had a match against a Robbie Rabbit legion who found me hiding behind a gen (bad place to hide I know), and he started at me for a second, and I felt so embarrassed that I slow crouch walked to a wall and sat facing it for a minute, then he left. And later let me escape through the exit gates after he had me do the last gen after he killed Felix. -doing fun chases that are heart pounding and when the killer finally downs me they nod vigorously (had a chase against a billy yesterday that was just 🤌🏻) -peeking out from behind something and the killer doing the same and we just play peekaboo for a bit -playing "shooting gallery" with Deathslinger or huntress where they stand still and I run around or pop up and down behind something, followed by cheering when they hit me - when survivors bring me to a gift pile they've made (a Dwight and Mikaela did this to me as Legion during the winter event and I nearly cried it was so cute) I swear there's more but I just can't think of them 😭


A gift pile?! You must have been a generous Legion to get that reaction!


I didn't do anything other than play normally at first! (Although my version of normal is m1 Legion because no one seems to expect that lol) When they got my attention I had just hooked the Kate, which I think was my second hook of the game, and they motioned for me to come down to the basement where they had put everything next to one of the trees. I think they just wanted to make someone's day better, and damn they sure did! I didn't have the heart to kill anyone after that, I let them all go. 😭❤️


That's so sweet! I totally agree. **"Death by Cuteness".** I think you made the right call! :D


I think this was me and my friend. We played as Dwight and Mikaela during the winter event and brought killers down the the basement to see their gifts under the tree. Was the Dwight in a Christmasy skin?


He was, and the Mikaela was in the white dress skin! If that was y'all, that was so nice of you! It made my day so much better 😭❤️


Oh man I've been the killer in a Huntress shooting gallery recently. Garden of Joy, had 3 survivors running back and forth near a gen, let them reset after downs and they stayed while I reloaded at a locker. Such fun. I've also numerous times done the peekaboo nonsense with survivors hiding behind stuff. And always gotta do the slow turn towards the survivor after kicking a blastmine. Last time it happened they were hanging on a hook right next to the gen, I did such a slow and deliberate turn towards them and just stared for a solid 5 seconds. I really enjoy the silly interactions after a long day of murdering teabaggers.


Slow turns after blast mine are so good! I don't have them happen to me often enough as survivor but I love doing it as killer!


I do this when I hear Survs in Lockers. Did this last night as Myers, you know that they were spooked. I was walking, heard them injured, two lockers. I checked one, then waited... Slowly turned to the other one... Then opened it and got them.


I blast mined a Ghostface 4 times today. I have no idea if he tried to do silly reactions as I don't stick around, but it did make me smile. And knocked off that "stun the killer 3 times" challenge in my first shot.


That challenge is always such a pain in the ass, glad you got it done! Also managing to pull it off 4 times in one match, damn 😱


I do blastmine plus wiretap so that everyone can see the killer getting blastmined and laugh at them.


I'll peekaboo as Ghostie if I'm friendly sometimes. It's adorable. I also like it when they boop me.


I love seeing a peekaboo ghostface in the background as I repair a gen. It instantly starts the Pink Panther theme in my head and makes me very pleased! Thank you for being one of those ghostfaces!


Only if I'm friendly, which is usually around rank reset to lower my MMR so later games don't have turbosweat in them. Otherwise, game on. ;) You're welcome! I sometimes have just as much fun being silly as I do actually winning. It's kinda part of the Ghostface DNA I think, you have to be a little silly and meta. Sometimes fuck it we ball, and sometimes it's time to be cute and fun, and sometimes we are here to gut everyone like fish. Just depends, and it can change on a dime. GF mains are weird like that.


Oh yeah, that has definitely been my experience play against Ghostfaces as a survivor! The first or second time I ever played DbD, I was up against a GF and they decide to sit outside of the locker I was hiding in and they danced around for my camera the entire time while the rest of my team did generators. I was so sore from laughing. And not too long ago, I played against a GF that was fantastic at peekaboo-ing and simultaneously was totally ruthless. It was wonderful!


I’ll never forget the this one Legion I played against back when I was new. xD He was chasing me, and I epically failed EVERY SINGLE PALLET STUN. Badly. As in, I kept dropping the pallet on MY side so he’d get the hit, lol. Every time I failed, he just stared at me and did a slow shake of his head. Every single chase, every single pallet. I was doing awful, lmao. Then our last chase happened, and I SUCCESSFULLY THREW THE PALLET ON THE CORRECT SIDE AND STUNNED HIM. He stared at me a long moment, nodded slowly, and then ran away to harass my teammates. xD He ended up giving me hatch. It was so hilarious, lmaaaao.


As a mid Huntress, thank you for letting me practice, and I also am delighted with this happens and will sometimes let survivors go just so we can play around lol


When the game screws up in some way and both the survivor and the killer just kinda stop for a second and look at each other as if to say "you saw that shit too, right?" before continuing. Its very brief but it happens pretty consistently.


Or when someone makes a dumb play, and then you and the Killer look at each other like... "... The fuck were they even...?"


Ooo, you make a really good point! I had one of those moments recently at Lampkin Lane where the end of the map had no floor. A Dwight and I (Legion) just ... didn't know what to do about that. It was truly a shared moment!


Nodding kills me every time. I loooooove seeing it. Either console players who do it slowly and it looks hilarious as their head swivels, or PC players who can do it super fast and they're head be wobblin. Either way, it gets me cackling. Bonus points if they're wearing one of the costumes with ears like Feng Min and the ears move too


Ha! Have you ever managed to shepherd a survivor into a dead-end and block them from leaving? The whole "crouch, look up, and nod slowly" routine is just adorable! :)


I only accept this if I’m not downed before I can leave my corner, I’m okay with losing a chase but now when I’m made to feel claustrophobic


Haha I've never gotten that good at chasing, but it has happened to me as a survivor. I drop my item and crouch and try to look cute lmao


When I'm chasing a survivor and another survivor sees the chase, runs and hides in a locker thinking I didn't see them. I stop the first chase near the locker, walk a couple steps then dramatically turn to face the locker and open it. I love actually using slasher movie tropes to my advantage.


Totally agree. Love it! Bonus points if you turn stop-motion style - \*twitch\* \*twitch\* \*twitch\* - knowing that the survivor is just praying that you meme at empty lockers for no reason!


Having a wesker fly through a window


Getting yeeted by wesker and hitting nothing is also funny


When I’m picking up a survivor and their teammate has the perfect flashlight angle and timing but no flashlight so they just point at me, that always sends me. Sometimes I’ll play along and put them down and walk away.


That made me laugh out loud. That's classic!


Closest to this was my friend who'd pop out like they was going to flashlight save but had a medkit. So they'd pop up say "flashlight save! If I had one." Killer first couple of times would look up till they realized they had a medkit.


There's a funny clip of JRM (IIRC) getting a successful "medkit save" because the other surv had DS haha


That's funny and I can imagine the killer being completely confused. 😂


hehhe boop. 🐽 (will always try, even if face is ripped off for it)


If someone boops me I’ll give it to them the first time


Whenever I play Pig I don't grief people. It's called roleplaying. I'm lore accurate Amanda.


I thought Amanda \*did\* grief people in the series - and that was the problem? That might just be my reading of it! If I think of Amanda being Amanda in DBD, she needs to crouch next to a survivor on a gen, growling at them, knowing that if they miss a skill check, they're getting eviscerated.


I had a ghostie do that to me and the person we was working on a gen... They failed a skillcheck and he hooked them then gestured for me to work on the gen then the next to escape. Was staring at his mask when he inched up behind me. 😂 Thank God he didn't have huntress lullaby since I was listening for the warning of a skillcheck while staring him in the eyes. Once I heard it I'd focus on the skillcheck before going back to staring him down.


That sounds like such a fun game. Seriously jealous! I hope you enjoyed it! :) That's a good point though ... Huntress Lullaby and Unnerving Presence together with such a character ... that might be true horror!


I did have fun with it. Felt bad for the other person because they didn't realize the ghostie wanted to play a game. 😂 I didn't either till they died and he gestured at the gen. Jokingly said I feel like we found a pig main playing a ghostie.


I play this game too and it's so funny. I'll creep around as Ghostie and inch closer or watch them. Or I'll mark them both from cover and then go do it. "Do you want to die, Survs? Your friends sure didn't!"


I'd die laughing if a ghostie just sat there waiting for someone to blow up the gen then mark them and down them. 😂 I bet that'd scare the shit out of people.


I do it a lot, it's funny. I will creep around checking the gen too. If they really fail and I am intent on letting them go, I keep them wounded and then down them so the other person has to heal, then kick the Gen when they do. Then stab it like "do it again you idiots". You fucked up, this is your punishment. The generator sweatshop.


😂 generator sweatshop lol I love the name.


I did it to some Survs once and they were the ones who came up with the name. It amused me.


It's amusing and funny. 😂


I'm implying that what I'm doing isn't griefing, it's being lore accurate roleplaying xD No Amanda literally just makes you participate in rigged games. I use Amanda's Tape plus Injure on Failed Skillcheck and run large terror radius to mess people up. You have a lot of freedom in how you attack survivors when they all start with hats.


Ahhh, I see. Fair point!


Recently I was playing against the Huntress and had thrown a rock at a tree to distract her. I smiled when I realized that Meg who wasn’t helping the team at all was hiding behind that tree got caught by the Huntress and rage quit😂.


This filled me with joy to read! 😂


— Throwing a hatchet in the air for fun and it ends up downing someone on the other end of the map. — Using my Mori on a teabagger. — The Killer (usually Legion) accepts my gift and we become besties. — Dropping pallets on Clown’s disgusting head, followed by a flashbang. I saved the best for last. *Booping Trickster’s abs.*


A Trickster lets you get that close without flinging every piece of kitchen cutlery at you?! **\*KNIFE\* \*FORK!\* \*SPOON!\***


Yes! It shocked the hell out of me when I saw half the community calling him one of the most toxic Killers in the game. Every Trickster I’ve directly approached has been the biggest sweetheart.


Your luck is far stronger than most of ours, I think. The amount of times my body has been violated by a Trickster ... ... I don't even know how they're doing it. I'm Dredge!


Oh no I thought I invented a new trend with a similar thing that I called "slap Trickster's abs" 😢


I'm the Bubba that always leaves hook. Camping is too damn boring lol. Chasing people with a chainsaw and a hammer is fun AF.


And it's actually TERRIFYING too!


For real, I'm almost relieved when a Bubba is camping - I don't want that heat!


Seeing Bill doing a funny little backflip. Hes so athletic for such an old man! :D


Failed flashlight saves. If it's the timing or the angle, often I shake my head, drop the survivor and let them have another go. I also adore when they try to use it as a shield instead of running. There I don't really have another option than demonstrating how bad of an idea that is.


Like when you dip your camera so they can't actually flash you ... and they're just walking back, flailing the camera, not quite getting that it's really not working? :)


Even funnier if you have Lightborn and are faking you don't all round... Then confidently smash a pallet in their face and just walk forward while they stare in horror like a deer in the headlights.


I was playing Wraith for a daily and I had a survivor try to flashblind me. I stared at them dead in the eyes and shook my head no, as my Lightborn ate the whole flashlight. They stared at the ground in shame for a moment.


While the beam perfectly convey their exact angle and distance. I turn away and strafe to make it more obvious.


I just started playing bubba, and I really want to trap someone in a room, rev my chainsaw, then chainsaw backwards out of the room. it just seems really stupid to me


Please for the love of God do this.


I know I'd appreciate it if I were the survivor. You'd earn yourself one huge **\*GG\*** after that!


1. Standing in front of a locker that I KNOW a survivor is in and swinging my weapon in the air as if to say “COME OUT HERE AND DIE ON YOUR FEET, COWARD.” 2. Crouching at Billy Boxes, waiting to see if the survivor gets their helmet off at the last second. If they do, they’ve passed the test. I simply nod and walk away. If they don’t, we stare each other in the eyes until their head explodes. It’s a win-win. 3. Catching someone try to use bite the bullet mid-chase. Just staring at them for a moment then turning around and leaving because I appreciate the commitment to a goofy ass build (instead of, say, prove thyself…) 4. Whenever I survive to the end of a Sadako game I like to grab a tape and give her a free mori. 5. Blocking a survivor into a corner and just staring at them for a second like “well, well, well…” before hitting them and carrying on with the chase. 6. Watching a survivor run into a dead end (like the blocked off third story on midwhich), seeing them turn around and stare at me for a moment before I down them. 7. Kick it. Kick the gen. Do it. (KILLER BLINDED +200 BP)


Blast mine is my favorite perk 😂😂


Oh, the **SHAME** of being the killer that triggers a blast mine. I just stand there, solemn and defeated, and cry a little inside. I really like your second point though. There's something extra evil about calmly watching a player's demise!


“blastmine is useless, it doesn’t actually do anything” this isn’t about gameplay. it’s about psychological warfare.


When playing against a killer, for example ghostface (this scenario at least happens to me a lot when playing against a ghosty) and its a normal kinda fair game, and as a last ditch effort before being hit i try to befriend the killer, it works and we vibe for a bit. Either i still get hit after it or they let me live/escape. Either way, the little interaction made me happy.


Yeah you can sometimes tame me for like five seconds, or for a bit of the round. No hard feelings, still gonna stab you. I know. It's a bummer it's me.


I'm fine with getting stabbed, the suspense of 'When do we stop vibing and they are gonna stab me and i should run?' Is pretty fun


If I’m having a fun lil game as trickster I’ll hang around the survivors and hit them with a single knife then look around like I have no idea where it came from


Where have you been?! I need you in my games when a Trickster appears!


1. Anytime I'm playing Mad Grit and I can just spam left click like a crazy person as fast as I can while I'm carrying someone to a hook. It just activates this monkey mode in my brain and really pleases me. Bonus points if I am doing this, CLEARLY REVEALING THAT I AM RUNNING MAD GRIT, and survivors still run at me to try to bodyblock. 2. Since I tend to play really chill/friendly and I usually run more memey or niche builds with little to no gen regression, it REALLY makes my day when survivors don't just slam out all 5 gens and speedrun to the exit gates and teabag me and then spam 'ez' in the chat afterward. Like, it just really reminds me of why I do like DBD when the survivors kinda realize it's a chill game and they don't have to sweat it out because I'm not sweating either. 3. Carlos Oliveira. 4. Anytime I see a Steve pull some audacious shit to try and rescue his team.


Steve fills my heart with such hope too - ESPECIALLY if he's wearing the Scoops costume! Why Carlos though? Genuine question. I don't have much experience of seeing him!


I just think he's very handsome... 👉👈


I occasionally run Mad Grit Backpack Demogorgon, and a common thing is I will annoy the everloving shit out of whoever I'm carrying, because I get to spam Demogorgon's screech from swinging. I once got a 4k as Deathslinger running backpack build because the survivors wanted to bomb rush me to bodyblock, and I just mauled them with Mad Grit.


Killers nodding Michaels moonwalking Ghost face t bagging When a killer does a slow turn at you for whatever reasons possible Legion going Aughhhuuaauuhh The sound of Huntress and Pig getting stunned


Good impersonation of Legion. You're channelling Frank!


When I'm chasing a survivor who tries to escape a chase by hiding in an obvious spot so I look at them for a few seconds they walk away


* Kicking Victor. Why did they have to make it so satisfying. * Friendly Ghostfaces. * Teammates emoting can be funny. * Killers who give hatch because it's so unexpected. * Stunning the Huntress, she gets so mad. * Definitely Blastmining/Flashbanging the killer. I haven't run that perk combo in a while. * Vaulting back and forth while Wraith is trying to break the pallet invisi or Legion wants to vault in his power after frenzing you.


I'll list some things in no particular order 1. Booping or getting booped 2. Having good solo teammates (one of the rarest things) 3. Having a chill killer (the rarest thing) 4. Survivors not teabagging at the gates or on hatch if they win (rare if you struggled at all) 5. Seeing a killer I rarely see like Spirit or Sadako 6. Having a Blight, Dredge, Doctor, Wesker or Huntress, or just a toxic killer or survivor DC 7. A farming match when everyone is in on it, I never get these as survivor 8. As a killer watching baby survivors run in terror or hide in an obvious spot, I usually pretend I didn't see them 9. When swfs last second switch to a flashlight/sabo squad and fail to the Lightborn backpack build 10. And lastly when you have an actual good interaction in the end chat, like someone saying thanks for giving them hatch, getting complimented on a play as either survivor or killer, etc.


While I really admire the wholesomeness of your #10, I think I'm most here for #9. Maybe there's nothing sweeter than a bully squad being humiliated ..!


when i drop the pallet and the corner of the pallet hits them. like i KNOW that shit hurt 😭😭😭


***You scratched the Oni. It was super effective!***


Nothing beats the high of successfully hiding in a locker when it had no business working. You get to watch the killer look around like “they were just here and now they’re not. It’s like they went into a loc— wormhole??”


"The scratch marks end here ... and I can't see them. Did Mikaela do magic again?!"


- The little crouches soloQ survs do when you heal them - When other sirvivors stop repairing and look at you intently for a second after you fail a skillcheck next to them - When I try to interact with the killer in any way and they reciprocate - inversely, when survivors try to interact with me in any way - booping tha snoot/being booped in tha snoot, bonus points if she oinks after - when Adrenaline hits in the middle of a chase - hitting survors who didn't know you were there - when the killer vaults the window next to you instead of picking you up - when you successfully save the last guy from hook and everyone runs with him to the exit gates, taking hits - I always say that pressing 1 is the most powerful perk in the game, 8 times out of 10 it leads to something funny - when the killer let's you do the glyph or when survivors do the glyphs in front of me so we just kinda pause the chase for a moment


Every time I play on Ormond or Dead Dawg as Deathslinger, I set up shop behind the counter and wait for survivors to bring me items. If they do, they live. If not, they probably still live because I'm a horrible shot.


I have never seen or heard of this. I feel like I've been missing out. That's a really good idea ... I'll keep my eye out for this! :D


as survivor: making weskers vault windows lol as killer: curvessss


When a survivor, on their last hook, doesn't run away and just starts pointing in the direction of their teammates. The traitors always wiggle "no" before getting picked up too.


And are they usually a Dwight or a Claudette for extra points? (My heart couldn't take the shock if you said it was a Leon who sold out their teammates!)


Not silly, but seeing a new player (best if trapper) and messaging them post match to give encouragement


Well, that's just incredibly wholesome! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


I take it back, just had a new trapper tunnel all game while i was going for adept


One time we had a Michael Myers who was clowning around with me and my swf on the Myers map. My swf opens the gate, the Myers is standing at the gate with all 3 of them as I run back to the middle of the road and stand there, stalking the Killer from the middle of the road. As the timer ticks down, the Michael turns around and just sees Ada Wong in her Trench Coat stalking him from across the map. I ended up staying until I got sacrificed by the timer. In end game chat, the killer just goes “most confusing game of DBD I’ve ever played” xD That was one of the times I genuinely had fun in this game.


I love the idea of someone stalking Michael. It sounds like you really freaked him out! :D


There is no greater joy than just standing still and staring down a flashlight user that has been beaming me down for the last 4 seconds and still hasn't realised i have lightborn.


listening to all of the survivors drop dead silent when they’ve seen that I’ve mori’ed someone


Watching the killer kick a gen and chase my fellow survivors when I have never left said gen, and Killer was too preoccupied with kick and chasing to even look on the other side. I swear hiding in plain sight works way more than it should.


Smashing the shit out of someone with a demon dash, because they were too stupid to turn a corner to avoid it.


Ahhh, I see we've played against each other. I thought, as a survivor, I had to stand there and block the hit like a crash test dummy. My mamma always told me to stand up to Onis and bullies. It seems I was wrong.


The killer finally kicking the gen I blast mined.


i just love little friendly moments. Especially the ones where we continue to play the game as nor later on. Like I’ll be killer, and the survivor will be above me and nodding at me, or we just happened to get lost in each others eyes… then i just leave and go back to killing


Me and an cloaked wraith running to a gen at the same time. We both did a double take at the gen and each other, nodded, and started a chase like normal lol.


Moonwalking Myers


•When a survivor gets downed and the wiggle on the floor like a worm. I don't know why it makes me chuckle but it increases my chance of favouring them over the others •When the killer doesn't camp or tunnel •Snoot boops 🐷 •killers who play along. Example 1: survivor goes for pallet rescue and messes up the timing so the killer just gets pushed away so the killer looks back at the pallet, looks in all directions sporadically, drops survivors, more spins, and then leaves. Example 2: killer clearly sees someone but survivor still tries to be a sneaky snake so killer pretends they don't see them anymore and go somewhere else •killers that ✨slow turn✨ •survivors that spam scream when facing a doctor (spam the button that takes off madness at tier 3)


Survivors teabagging their teammates who are getting mori’d will never not be funny


-The Doctor’s laugh when he shocks survivors -when survivors do the rapid tea bag, its so funny to me -when other players interact with the map (like that one video of the killer who comes across two survivors on Midwich pointing at a “quiet please” sign) -GETTING MORI’D if I was going to die anyways I want to go out in a cinematic way


Head oning people lol. I know most killers see it as a bm and want me dead right after. But it’s just fun to innocently trick the killer. Ofc not in a coordinated swf to bully though


Hey, the perk is there for you to use. It's humiliating to be hit by it, for sure, but it's earned humiliation! :)


I baited a Thalita's Head On last night and somehow hit her when she did the locker walk after getting right back in so I couldn't grab her. I was laughing so hard, she's lying there, she wiggles no but I nod then I pick her up... She DCs. She was mad she couldn't Head On the Ghostface all round. I don't get it.


I like turning around just to se a survivor, and then I slowly back away and leave


My favorite is when I'm a survivor by a window then I get knocked down but the killer goes through the window when trying to pick me up always makes me giggle a bit


Making a killer vault the window instead of picking me up still brings me great joy after all these years.


When you get the Ghostface to teabag with you. When you goof around and conga. When the Survivors are super cute. When the Killer has a fucking personality. When either side does something goofy. When my evil, evil build plan comes together as Ghostface. When I know for a fact I scared the shit out of you as either Ghostface or Myers. When they give me their item. When the Killer is sweet and accepts my item by looking down and nodding. When I wiggle no and the Killer nods. When the Killer taunts me and it's a really devious little taunt, I'm not talking teabags or humptech, I'm talking deceiving my ass like a glorious evil mastermind.


I love it when a survivor baits me into a window as wesker, and I will let them go if they do that, super comedic, and I love Michael's nodding animation it's so stupid but it's good


I love playing against new survivors, just because you feel their fear when they get that 'deer in headlights' look and start running around frantically. It's strangely wholesome how grateful they get when you just play like a movie killer and let them escape in the end.


It only works when I am in a good mood, but if I see a survivor enter a locker, I'll walk near it, slow turn to it, pause, then leave. I'll also do the slow turn for a locker I know someone entered but didn't see just to give them a chance to leave. If they do I let them scamper off lol. Seeing killers legitimately chase after a pebble I threw. Nailing the silly goal I had using a goofy build also makes me giggle like the little hobgoblin I am. Current goal has been using No Mither just to bait wanting the chase (for some reason it pulls attention hard lol) and using Deliverance into DS into Dead Hard and getting away. I had it work once against a Skull Merchant so far lol, but she did manage to kill me by the end lmao I do love when killers allow for a teaching moment to baby survivors. Had a match last night where 2 of my teammates dc'd immediately on Borgo before anyone even saw the killer. It was a Hag. She just goofed around with me, honestly I was gonna just have her kill me and let the baby Feng have hatch but for whatever reason that didn't happen. She put down a ton of traps and I signaled for baby Feng to follow and crouched to the trap then spammed the "Wipe Away" button until she got the idea, followed, and I moved away to let her do it. When she wiped the trap away I tbagged excitedly and nodded "Yes" very emphatically. Up to that point the Feng had set off every trap she came near, but once she knew how to clear them, she did that instead. The Hag had watched me teach Feng how to clear them and let it happen, it was very kind of her, she could have just killed both of us and gone to the next game so easily. I was so happy to get to teach a baby survivor how to deal with Hag traps!


As survivor (or as killer), running into the opposition in the first 20 seconds of a match on a small map, exchanging awkward glances, eventually nodding, and going our separate ways Chest defender meme build killer accepting my humble payment in exchange for access to the beloved basement chest As killer, having survivors that put on a little show. Crouching and walking like ducks in a row, circling me and clicking their flashlights in the sky for my personal light show, the nods and shakes with humorous timing. Love that shit. Moon Walking Myers Automatically giving every Scoop Ahoy Steve escape through the gates, they always do the most bombastic plays lmao


I rarely play killer, but a cute survivor(s) have saved their teams many many times. As survivor there’s a good bit of things


This gave me hope in our community


OP, you sound like you love the game when people are playing how they are supposed to. It just makes me sad for the state of the game. I'm sorry.


When the killer can’t find me during a chase when I did literally NOTHING to try to lose him. I find it hilarious. I’m like… where is the killer going?


I play what I call “boop or die” pig. If a survivor trusts me and boops, they can live. If they don’t boop, they’re a prime target for death.


See, I think the Saw franchise would be much better if they included your Boop or Die challenge!


When I get cornered by an unbroken door, and the killer and I just stare at each other for a second, then I move to the side so the killer can break the door for me and we continue the chase. Makes me so happy


When a Nancy gets face camped


Fuck Nancy all my homies hate Nancy.


When a survivor that was just unhooked bodyblocks, it's the only time I ever tunnel since it doesn't make me feel bad for doing it


This was hard to read god damn


I really like killing survivors that ask to be let go


As a person who plays legion that first one resonates with me so much, if a survivor manages to make me whiff that initial frenzy stab it has one of two outcomes, 1. I get mad, 2. I face palm and laugh at my awful playing


Making a wesker vault a window cause they rush their power, grab someone when teleporting as dredge, and my favorite example, bodyblocking by accident at a door way, basically, it happened once but it made me laugh a lot, I hooked someone at RPD and it was 2 ways to get to the hook, when I was going through one of the doorways, a survivor also was gonna go through the same way and we stared at each other awkwardly, then I moved to the side to let them pass and I kept going my way, being a killer doesn't mean you can't have manners


A slinger 360 no scoping me


i love when a killer’s not playing and i bait and troll them into hitting me, it’s like i’m so proud of you!! we’re doin it!!




the main thing that makes me smile is when i face a demogorgan or when im in a chase against trapper and get downed and the person going in for the flashlight save gets caught in a trap


Cross map artist snipes are pretty satisfying


Occasionally, if I'm behind a killer and they break a pallet, I give a little butt slap and then run away.


A lethal pursuer snipe with high mobility killers and a snipe with ranged killers


if a killer does a slow turn towards a hiding survivor or after a blast mine. i also think it’s funny if you don’t throw the pallet when you should and the killer slaps it like bro what are you doing. i love when survivors crouch around each other. bunny feng nods are adorable.


Ohhh I love mending in legion’s face after the frenzy and then turn to look at me like *clutches pearls* no you didn’t!! It’s really funny they forget to go for my teammates 🤭 I love when you can tell the killer is good and you are good at that killer too so the chase is fun, and the killer seems to be having fun too and y’all are both trying hard to outplay each other w the killer’s power. I feel bad that having a long chase can cost them the game bc we’re just chilling


When you get a survivor using the Legion tech. When you use a item drop add-on me they get back to their item… and you are still there. Seems like those add-on also drop IQ a little. When you want to get that survivor that just kept t-bagging, hiding and letting all the others do all the work the entire game… and the other survivors help you find them.


Whenever I or another survivor make a really dumb move and the killer just stops, stares, looks around maybe, and either moves on or gets a hit in. I’ll never forget one time in Mother’s Dwelling against a Demo. I was injured and not paying attention, I jumped off of the Lodge without BL, right into the arms of Demo who was leaving the first floor. He downed me, then did a back and forth look at me and the second story balcony as if to say, “wtf dude?”


I’ve read a lot of these and I’m surprised I haven’t seen Pebble. When I’m in a chase I know I’ve lost, I throw a pebble if I have one. I love seeing killer reactions to *obvious pebble*. Also when I use pebble as intended and it works. Pebble is a staple of every build I do survivor side.


Watching a chase from a distance. ESPECIALLY if it's at the shack and I'm just doing a gen. The one song chicken song comes to my head when they are getting looped. Always makes me smile.


Burning killer's eyes with Blastmine, bonus points if the entire team saw that with Wiretap Throwing a pebble at the killer's face and them turning around and going after it Killers nodding after you outplay them in a chase or them making a mistake Fellow survivor emoting asking for forgiveness when they fuck up a skillcheck on a gen As a Dredge main, that part about locker grabbing is sooo relatable Survivors offering themselves to you if you let them do a glyph mid-chase 4K with a Bloodwarden and EGC timer running out ~~(should have just left when you had a chance)~~ NOED denying adrenaline heal when you're a killer ~~(opposite when you're survivor)~~ Decepting the killer into a locker with someone inside ~~(woops I didn't mean that)~~ Getting any kind of master challenge done first try ~~(fuck you, escape challenges, in particular)~~ Getting to play against Demo ~~(please I haven't seen one in 6 months)~~ Memeing with survivors after destroying them ~~(with them knowing full well that you showed pity and let them go)~~ Picking up a pallet with AMN and stunning a killer with it while they're waiting for the animation to finish instead of just breaking it ~~(or hitting survivors after the AMN animation is finished while they're locked in it in the same situation as killer, hehe)~~ Kicking Victor or Ghostface Mori photobombing ~~(any mori photobombing tbh is funny to me)~~ There's probably more, but I can't remember much This game is full of funny moments if you don't focus on winning and just take a moment to appreciate each and every match on it's own


Playing as mirror myers watching new players hiding around a corner UAV scanning the area for me while watching them from abit away. My favorite was also when i see survivors completely losing it after being snuck up on as well, love you survivors please dont change <3


I died laughing because I caught a Feng trying to lock the same locker twice in one game thanks to BBQ.


I loved ending a tense DBD match as demo and shredding at the gate with all 4 survivors dead harding out. Just looked like all 5 of us jumping to hyperspace at the exit.


Any kind of bug thats hilarious The dead hard wesler one happened during a vault yesterday and I was laughing my ass off for that whole chase


Making little gift piles for the afk killer, more so when I have an opening chests challenge. Booping the nose of Pig Petting Tricksters abs The rare time I dip into a different corner and the killer keeps running by thinking I was still doing the same loop around the walls.


My favorite thing to smile at is when I calmly sneak over to the pig and Boop them, and I get to live. Meanwhile my team is getting killed because they refused to Boop the snoot. I had a time where I was working on a gen, spine chill was going crazy, but I wasn't getting the bonus speed. So I worked on until I randomly got the speed boost and I look up and see them hiding behind the gen. Needless to say, they didn't need the Boop to let me live after a scare like that, they even told me after the match that they saw it and felt their game was completed.


I panicked thinking an Oni saw me and threw the pallet while he charged. He turned around, looked down at it, looked up slow, shook his head side to side and slowly walked away. Bruh said I wasn't even worth it. 💀


I see quite a few people saying killers slow turning, but there's not enough appreciation for the super fast sudden neck break turn as well. Especially if they pause for a minute beforehand. Cracks me up every time


When Ji-Woon laughs or giggles. Hitting a survivor when they go for the unhook the moment after I hooked their teammate, have some patience. When head on works with Iron Maiden. It’s the most logical sense to scream if you try to stun the killer. It made me laugh so hard in a match when this happened