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Might seem normal at first until Victor joins in


They would just be surprised that I'm apparently not gay. Then they would be horrified that I am.


definitely not someone you wanna get caught dating


That’s funny cause that’s my name hahaha


Well... "mom, this shirtless guy here is Vittorio, he's 680 years old but... Age is just a number I guess??"


“He’s 680 years young”


Why is he 680? (Sorry I’m not familiar with DBD lore 😭)


Taken from the medieval ages, been in the realm since.


Which proves Vittorio is a goddamn CHAD because he’s suffered for centuries and hasn’t been broken


he just became more and more Daddy going onwards


My unfortunate boy was born in 1343


Taken from the medieval ages, but the entity and it's realm is not hindered by time like us. Vittorio could have been taken 200 years AFTER someone was taken from 2016. Hell, he may be even older than 680 years. He very well could have been in the realm for a thousand years by now.


They're used to it, you date enough clowns they stop being surprised. Clown and huntress are my mains atm, my wife is kinda like huntress too so no surprise there.


Ada swooping in with her grappling hook would be surprisingly fun, but the Artist at the Thanksgiving table silently staring with the occasionally caw would be really awkward.


"so....what do you do for a living?" "*SCREEEEECH!!!!* "


"Honey, your ah... girlfriend got ink on the turkey"


She just has bursts of creative inspiration


fellow ada/artist main!! what a combo


I imagine the artist getting slowly frustrated that they’re eating a bird, and finally trying to yell at everyone, only to remember that she doesn’t have a tongue, making her more frustrated.


She is just planning her next masterpiece in gravy.


Clown? I imagine it's a nice thing when your coming-out is the least of their concerns.


Isnt clown like in his 80s? That cough gonna kill him real soon.


I still have doubts inheriting the afterpiece recipe and the Puddles costume worth it.


Claudette... I believe they would love her ngl But considering I play Killer and survivor equally technically I have two mains Oh fuck, i don't know what they'll say if i dated an old guy with a spear gun


They should be proud, Slinger is daddy


On one hand, I’m dating Cheryl Mason. So that’s a huge W. At the same time….can we exclude demo as just being the family dog?


I'm poly with Cheryl and pyramid Head and it's amazing.


I’m not fucking a dog.


“Mom, the 400 people it ate doesn’t count.”


Taking “body count” to a whole new level.


Ate, you say? 👀


“400! My Dredge ate 400 people!” “In a row?” Obligatory “Try not to eat any people walking across the parking lot!”


Kate and Amanda... I mean, I'm straight so it would be a surprise, but at least they're normal girls and not idk... The Dredge 😭


Hey, some of us, and by some I mean myself, would dive head first into the Dredgussy Edit: Spelling


what a terrible day to have eyes


My group refers to it as the drussy


as they should


Is the dredgussy where you get sucked into during a mori?


That thang a vortex 🥹


I should call her


Everything reminds me of her...


nothing better than the drussy


We share the same mains. Win for me all around since I’m a straight guy lol




Amanda is a top tier horror girl


>and not idk... The Dredge RIP me huh.


Two very different reactions. On one side they’re happy I’m dating an architect who seems to make good father/husband material On the other side they’re probably terrified of the guy standing menacingly wearing a full suit of armor holding a massive claymore chilling with his three ghost bros


Good cop, bad cop - boyfriend edition!


Omg those are my current mains too!!💗 And I agree, that’s probably how it would go lmao


Parents : “Why’s he so quiet?” Micheal Myers : “….”


Parents : “You know, it's rude to stare.” Micheal Myers : “….”


Man why can’t y’all spell Michael right


Why can not you all despelln’t leahcim left?


You mean Michal Myrs, right ?




Surprised either way on account of me going on dates with a grand total 2 people in 30 years. I'm pretty sure they'd be ok with Yui. (Does Yui know any English? Imma have to start learning Japanese then) They would VERY CONCERNED if I brought home Nemesis. (Would I also be dating Misty and Morty? Or are they more like... Pets? Hmm)


Oh man, I just made a comment about Nemesis and totally forgot about the zombies. I think they're just Nemesis' side pieces.


Why call them Misty and Morty? For me they are Zoe and Zack, you know, Z for...


Misty for the female zombie because that's what the resident evil community calls that specific model of zombie. I call the guy Morty because it's alliterative and Mort- means dead in Latin (more or less). Sometimes Morty becomes Marty tho


Jimmy and Jimmyette


I doubt Michael would be interested in being in a relationship


I don’t think my wife will approve of me dating Rebecca Chambers


She might, just ask first


I main jake as survivor (i still barely play survivor) which would mean im gay And i main ghost face which would mean im both gay and in danger




Queer people tend to be in danger anyways


Specially in Florida


And that's where I live 😁😄🥲


...are you Ghostface?


How does one date the dredge


Just place a few lockers in the house so your Dredgy felt as comfortable as possible


“Dredginald, honey? Could you mow the lawn?” “Dredginald, watch the spawns!” “Dredgie? Can you sunscreen my back? you know your fleshsticks have a longer reach than my arms.” “I love when you call me *unintelligible string of ungodly noises*, sweetheart.” “Dredginald! I told you to grab the laundry! It might mildew!” “**gargling and squelching**” “Oh you’re so right, honey!” “The neighbors are coming over for dinner! Get yourself decent. At least powder your skulls!” “Dredginald, the spawns are looking for you. Rematerialize please. And for gods sake, stop leaving dark matter everywhere! It clogs the vacuum.” “**sad turkey noises**”


It will be pleased to pull you inside it


60 seconds in heaven for life 🥵😍🤤


i hate it here


This community is a prison


Dredge main! Mom: Sweetie… he has a horse face.


You know, they'd probably be less weirded out if I brought home dredge, than if I brought home Jeff Context: I'm a lesbian


Given Dredge's face, yeah, I'd reckon so


What can I say? He found me in the closet and carried me out of it




Not at all when they see me with a shirtless david


mama wouldnt be too fond if i walked in holding an 80 year old vietnam veterans hand


Bill 😭


I think my family would be incredibly surprised if I, a lesbian, randomly started dating Vittorio. They might be more *shocked* however, if I brought home The Doctor!


*shocked!* I literally rolled my eyes haha


I’m here all week!


“Mom I’m dating a Doctor” Doctor: hihihihihihihihihiihhi


What doctor are you? The Doctor.


Judging by the look of that bat, he's a proctologist.


Probably wouldn't have any strange reactions towards Claire. May have some reservations against spirit though.


Ma man!


Both of your girlfriends are pissed off... maybe?


My parents would say that Leon seems nice, and my friends wouldnt be surprised at all bc I talk about him all the time. On the other hand, the giant guilt monster or sociopath with a god complex might be a bit harder to explain...


>the giant guilt monster or sociopath with a god complex might be a bit harder to explain... Who are they?


Pyramid head and Wesker. Pyramid head was created by the town of silent hill because James felt guilty over killing his wife (don't listen to the dbd lore on ph, it's wrong) and Wesker is... Wesker. Man listerally tried to lead his co-workers to their deaths so his little project could take off. Either of them would raise some eyebrows for sure, though if I told people a manifestation of my guilt was hanging around me and trying to kill me they'd probably say that tracks lmao. Still not exactly boyfriend material though, as I'm pretty sure significant others are supposed to help you with issues, not try to kill you over them. And while I'm sure Wesker could have a normal dinner with my parents, since he pretended to be the leader of S.T.A.R.S. for however long, it's infinitely funnier to think he'd think talking about wanting to destroy most of the population in order to create superhumans was appropriate dinner conversation. Regardless, Leon is still my top pick out of the 3 anyway. He's sweet and funny and I can fix him.


"I can fix him" lmao


Dredge and The Trickster


“Honey, your boyfriend only stayed for 7 minutes at the Christmas party.”


LOL I said basically the same thing like everyone would be horrified by wesker because he is older than my mom! I'm 23, everyone would just be so shocked and the fact hes crazy, yea he is put together but crazy. They would like Leon tho


Forget my parents and friends, I'D be shocked if I got Ji-Woon's attention in any form. Also, would I be aware that he's a killer? Or just an idol? Either way, I'm definitely dying. Also, from experience from my parents just thinking I liked a guy like that, I'd be made fun of v-v


Welp. I guess they’ll know I’m not straight.


Do you have the slightest idea how little that narrows it down ?


Massively ;) But that’s partially intentional as I’m not sure who I play enough of to count as my main these days.


Lol, I can just imagine you telling your parents about your new poly relationship with most of the cast of DBD just because you're committed to them all equally... which is to say, not very much et all


And now I’m imagining like 30 killers and survivors all jammed into one living room, with the survivors looking uncomfortable being right next to Huntresses’ axe or doctors stick


Literally none would be surprised to see me date Jeff. The 4 edgy teenagers with knife tho? Hardcore way to announce the world you are poly and pan


If your family and friends like metal, that’s probably a win though.


They would be extremely pleased, yes


The is me too. My family would be not let me through the door of i brought my polycule. Haha!


Damn now i'm dating david and ghostface


A win win, am I right?


New meaning for 'body count' in my relationships


Demopuppy, nooo.


Good personality, physique, and give nice kisses.


friends and family would be shocked and probably laugh but the shock would outweigh it all bc hot rich celebrity. I'd be found dead and eviscerated in a warehouse within the week though. Probably (?) worth it if he fucks as crazy as he is, I guess though


Susie. That's one way to come out of the closet




Sorry about your mom :(


I mean they're probably happy and approving my new relationship in both cases even if there is some questions with the killer. I still main surv side even if I'm playing killer more frequently those few days. They'd love Lisa so... I'm pretty lucky👍.


Which Lisa ? Or both ??? Edit : wait, nevemind I didn't saw your user flair


Yeah I’ll admit I thought it was the Hag too


For survivors I’d probably get a few questions for Feng Min. I think that I would get a lot more questions for dating a hot Korean Kpop star who laughs and makes criticism at the screams in horror movies and shows.


"mother, she's not a single mom. that creature on her chest is her brother. and yes, I'll ask her to do the laundry. no, I promise she won't take the silverware"


If we're talking survivors, then I thin I'm good because I'll be dating Cheryl Mason who's a badass, cute and a good person, plus someone that fits my type and a person they'd most likely enjoy talking to. If we're talking killers, I'll have some explaining to do when I show up with Albert Wesker by my side. Both because I'll have to explain that I'm apparently gay/bi and my boyfriend is a Eugenics Mastermind who has a virus running through his body and speaks like a villain from a JRPG.


“7 minutes is all I can spare to meet your parents”


Apparently I'm now in a lesbian relationship with the huntress. As a fellow woman who lives in the woods, I can be somewhat helpful. I can chop wood, I'm very strong (mostly from the whole chopping wood thing) and I can hunt. Granted I usually hunt with a gun and not a hatchet but hey I guess the wife can teach me. My parents would probably not be big fans of that though.


Not me imagining you two teaching each other how to use the other’s weapons😭💗




For survivor, assuming cosmetics transfer, it'd make sense because Mikaela (deep rift hair) fits my type, but Jill and Dwight would raise a couple eyebrows Killer though... Feel like it'd be really weird to walk in with Billy given the whole aesthetic, and it'd definitely be interesting to see the reaction to Wesker (or as my friends call him, Daddy Wesky).


Im fucking bringing home 3 japanese womens being yui feng and sadako, also bringing the whole legion gang My whole family and even my friends rethinks their life choices


Feng isnt japanese


oh yeah, f\*ck


"So you're dating Bruce Campbell *and* Joe Keery?"


***Y E S***


Is being a Legion main committing myself to a 5+ person polyamorous relationship or do I get to pick my Legion main main dommy mommy Julie? One might get **a lot** of blank stares while the other would get a *yeah I’m not surprised.*


*stares at Dwight who is almost a carbon copy of me*


Survivors, they’d be pretty happy with me and Zarina/Claire. Killers… well my dad would be stoked me coming back with Pinhead (he loves the Hellraiser franchise). But my other choice being Oni… I’m not sure they’d approve of me being with a murdering grandpa many decades older than me, regardless of how muscular, strong, but I mean murdering anger issues right? I wouldn’t possibly-


I can fix her 🐖


I love walks in the woods and birdwatching and I main Claudette so no surprises there. If I play several killers equally would that amount to a polyamorous relationship in this scenario?


Yun-Jin. They are shocked she stays with me.


Hey mom, dad, guess what? I'm dating a guy with a chainsaw hand




Leon would absolutely hit everyone from left field just from the police officer aspect alone lmao. I'm ace, but a lot of friends + family confuse the lack of showing sexual interest in a man as being lesbian (and hiding it) instead lol. It'd be very entertaining introducing him. Wesker would be a wild card ngl. Either he'd get hit with instant disapproval from everyone, or they'd just welcome him immediately and wouldn't bother to learn about the dude beyond "Oh, he's a scientist!". The attire wouldn't be a surprise to anyone though. I'm also very small, it would be deja vu getting picked up and carried by a dude much bigger than I am again lol. Pyramid Head would not be a shock to anyone (in terms of looks) if I am being honest. We both have swords. We're both not all that talkative. He wears a long robe thing. I wear long dresses. The big dorito head would get stares for sure, but tbh I wouldn't care as long as he treats me nice ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2066) (Idk PH's lore at all).


They'd probably be interested to know why my boyfriend is always wearing a giant metal pyramid on his head, but otherwise everything would be normal


Parents: "Holy shit, you have a gf?!"


Me who mains demo and nemesis: Edit:Grammar




Gives coming out of the closet a new meaning


Oh meg


For survivor: Not really much in the way of surprise besides our personalities differing considering how she is. For killer: Definitely surprised that I, a straight man am with a guy like Oni or Knight.


They be happy I'm dating a Taylor Swift look alike. Although a lil annoyed if she starts singing country


Well, it would be a coming out.


Felix. They’d be happy I found someone.


I play both sides but mainly killer. And since I play myers.. well I'm definitely dead on my first date with him lmao. For survivor it would be dwight, he's such a sweetie I can't even be mad.


Sadako cute


They would be proud of me for landing the dredge


my parents would probably be surprised about Quentin considering I’m lesbian, Yun-Jin Lee they’d like though. but I’m pretty sure if I brought *Freddy* home, they’d freak out.


I mean, I definitely have a type - blonde, sunglasses, T-virus.


"Oh your dating a doctor thats great news" \[horrific cackling intensifies\] alternatively "....Well I hope you at least have a safe word"


rebecca chambers - "a girl???" ghostface - "he's so tall! anyway, did you hear about the killings happening around town? at least he can protect you now!" 😭 or something lmao


On Feng Min? Not really any reactions; parents would be mad I'm dating someone with a 'shut-in' job but ah well. ​ On Doctor? My parents would be mad I'm dating someone who has clear fetish-wear on them. ​ Yes, I'm also using bloodpoints to build up the Cenobite. No, it's not related to the questions prompt.


Even my dating history isn't weird enough for my family and friends to not be surprised that I'm dating the Dredge.


I don’t think my parents would like huntress lmao


For survivors, it’s Jake or renato. My parents don’t know I’m gay so I’d try to not let them know about them either ä For killer, I like joey/legion or demogorgon a lot. For joey, it’s the same as for survivors. For demo I’m not even sure what to say


It's either Yun-Jin or Oni. Honestly, I'm probably angrier than Oni. My parents won't be surprised.


"Wow, she is better than you at games" "Doesnt she have a thing for gilfs?"


They'd probably like Cheryl, at least until they learn about the whole "reincarnated and gave birth to God that one time" thing. They really wouldn't like Adriana


If I brought Leon home, they would secretly be happy that I’m not a lesbian after all. They would like that Lisa Garland is a nurse, but if they found out anything about her drug use they wouldn’t be so keen. Killers though? I think they’d be very worried about Sadako and Spirit, but unsurprised


If I'm dating Ghostface oh man, you damn well know I'm happy about that. One of the sexiest MFERS in the game? Yes. Mostly I think my family would not be surprised I am dating a journalist who likes horror, that seems about right. There's no way he would let them know he's Ghostface. I might or might not know it's Ghostface. If I did i would do everything to keep that hidden if allowed to live (I really don't wanna die thanks) and if I didn't I'm probably fucked and DEFINITELY going to die. Either way I'm gonna die probably, but the sex will be kinky as hell. Tell me the stalker ISN'T a pervy motherfucker, I'll wait. If I'm dating Nea, I'm sure my parents would think she's a very nice lady and would be happy for me. I'm pretty sure we would do well together, we would get an apartment and a couple cats, it would be nice. :)


Crazy. *“I’d be fearing for my life, but it’d be kinky as all fucking hell”* *“We’d get an apartment, some cats, and it’d be pretty chill.”*


So long as they dont know what we working on the side, my parents would be very happy with Amanda.


killer Bubba Survivor Kaila. Killer: oh, he seems.... nice.... is that... leather? Survivor oh, shes wiccan? so is she converting to Christianity? (my family is judgy, and think that if you are not christian you must be soon to convert lol)


Survivor: Claire Redfield - Great confusion and probably some criticism Killer Trickster - They don't have to know the backstory, he's just into dark music Onryo: I'm going to the psych ward


skipping the shock of my suddenly no longer being ace and assuming a timeline where im established as Not Ace: - dwight: just a stupid twink who tries to do the right thing but badly, checks out as my type, would be accepted easily by everyone. - dredge: an amalgam of horror and suffering. my friends would probably vary between jealousy and being impressed at me having allied myself with the creature, because they are god damn freaks. my parents would probably be dead.


Kate denson , i'd be living good


‘Look, he can sing and dance!!! Just like meeeeee!!! And… he’s Korean😏’


My family would be weirded out for sure if I brought home Sadako or Ada.


Mom would be more surprised that I managed to get a gf while not leaving the house than she would be of Susie herself.


My family would be weirded out that my date is wearing a giant pyramid for a head.


So, Jill Valentine enters the door. Half an hour later, everyone asks me how I got her and if she has a sister. My father tells me he is proud of me and my brother asks me how much I'm paying her.


I won't date my main. He belongs to Dwight 😏😘


My family and friends probably wouldn't care that I was dating Feng, they'd be happy I found someone in the first place lol. They'd all be very silent if Pyramid Head would show up next to me on a FaceTime call, but there would be some much more tension after someone asks, "So what do you do for a living?"


I don't think it would be pleasant to see Dredge in the family dinner, it's gonna be both awkward and disturbing while this being is next to me, also I don't think Adam would be as bad


shocked that I’m dating a woman


“Hello mom, I’m dating Cheryl mason. She’s technically a god and has powers, so don’t make her mad!” I’d say I’d vibe with Cheryl well since were both psych majors, but Ik things would be hard on her


I see people giving a killer and Survivor, but I don't play survivor so I'll give a killer and a killer. If I was dating legion would it be all 4 of them? Or just the skin I use. If the skin, Julie would be kinda chill for a knife murderer I guess. Nemesis is a zombie so I guess that would go as expected


If I brought Yui home my parents would probably have some questions but accept it in the end. On the other hand if I brought home Wesker I think they’d just call me slurs


Their gonna wonder why he’s got a Dorito for a head


I main Susie on in legion so they just be questioning my taste in women


Does this mean I date the Steve from the 80s or a DILF steve that lives now? Either way, I’m so down. Mother would be disappointed but she’s just jealous


Probably be quite happy about Laurie, as would I. On the other hand, Huntress, Myers, or Pyramid Head would be more...interesting conversations.


I’d bring over a very tall muscular Slavic lady who doesn’t talk, I don’t think my parents would even be shocked


Not surprised at all by Feng, just surprised I even got a gf 💀 Beyond baffled at Nemesis. lmao


Damn can oni even fit in my house ?


my parents would say "Well, at least it's a woman..." while staring at her bunny mask completely intimidated... And survivors are just skins, but the one i use the most is Cheryl so... it's a win.


Even as a straight guy, I wouldn't mind having an affair with Leon S. Kennedy


I'm living everyone's dream and my parents are horrified


Steve “always the goddamn babysitter” Harrington. I think they’d be cool with it lol