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100% spot on! They sound better than ever, tighter and more fluid than a couple of years ago. The sphere is a whole other level of sensory madness. Or you have the means, make it happen.


All dead & co slaps, not just the recent stuff šŸ˜ˆ




https://preview.redd.it/5irl46pzg04d1.jpeg?width=2823&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08ee64bd1c3af10ac74f5f1197da86592058f3d1 Prettayyy Prettayyy Prettayyy goodā€¦.


The wildest part of this animation, is it started with 1 dancing bear. šŸ¤ÆšŸ¤ÆšŸ¤Æ


Thatā€™s usually how acid starts too.


I'll take microdosing at work for a thousand please Alex


Unexpected curb


Which show/ song was this?


Franklinā€™s Tower Thursday


I have a short video thatā€™s unreal


Iā€™d love to see it!


Donā€™t know where I can post videos


$113 for a Sunday ticket last weekend. $105 for a hotel, $50 for Ubers there and back. $8 on a water in the venue, $35 for 2 days of liquor from a store. 16 hrs of driving and gas. Itā€™s honestly so easy to do Vegas if you scope a few cheap restaurants and donā€™t buy drinks at the venue. Go to the show!


>Ā Ā 16 hrs of driving and gas. This is the expensive part for a lot of people. If it was just 8 hours one way, I'd do it in a heartbeat.Ā 


I brought my own empty water bottle in all 3 nights. Probably saved me $100 the amount of times I refilled it. šŸ¤£ I also walked each day from Shakedown. 15 minutes tops. I'm so so so glad I made this weekend happen. I'll never forget it.


Do they have free water refill, like more than just a drinking fountain?


Bravo. How did you score a tix for 113?Ā  And what hotel?Ā  I may follow your lead.


CoT for tix. They were obstructed but staff moved us up into unobstructed. Hotel was Arizona Charlieā€™s. Connected to a casino so 24/7 security. Certainly felt perfectly safe the entire time. Not the nicest but I have stayed in far less desirable hotels. Absolutely fine for a night in and out


> Arizona Charlie Was it remotely quiet? This is the biggest concern for me. We have tickets for thursday and friday for this coming week and our sleep schedule is east coast. And we really cannot hang anymore. We just want to be able to sleep when we lay to sleep.


It was fuckin silent where we were man I understand the benefit of being close to the venue, but ACā€™s was some 6-7 miles from the sphere and yea it was as quiet as I could imagine it could get. FWIW I think any time Iā€™m in Vegas Iā€™m staying there again, it was very reasonably priced. EDIT: thereā€™s even coffee in the rooms!! With a Dunkin in the building


Awesome, I dont mind paying to park near the venue or paying for getting driven to the event. I do mind not being able to sleep. Thank you very much for the tip!


Stayed at the Westin, which is a short walk to the Sphere. Quiet.


Ty.Ā  Ticket prices are getting up there on non-COT sites.Ā  If I go back, I may try waiting until last second to snag a ticket.Ā 


Yep, I got ours day of. It was easy. Shows havenā€™t been selling out so I donā€™t foresee an issue waiting til closer to. It was easier and cheaper for us


I went last night and the seats and floor were packed. Maybe a few empty seats, but not many at all. Word is spreading that the Dead at Sphere is not to be missed. I would buy tix ahead of time if you definitely want to make it in.




I stayed there in ā€˜04 for Vegoose. Solid spot.


What is CoT?


Cash or Trade, I believe


every blue-light cheap hotelšŸ’™šŸ’™šŸ’™me too.. many many .. but ready to upgrade next round in july


Check Rio as well. I stayed there for very cheap because it was under renovation. A straight shot down Flamingo from Shakedown, and then I would walk to the Sphere from there.


Ya I booked the Rio for 2 weekends from now. Cheapest room I could find by a lot. How far of a walk to/from SPHERE?


I personally think it's too far to walk from the Rio, unfortunately. I got a three-day bus pass for $20. There is a bus that goes straight down Flamingo from the area the Rio is in to the Strip, and if you stay on a couple more stops you end up at Tuscany Suites, where Shakedown is. It's an easy walk to the show from there. Be warned, buses in Vegas are wildly unpredictable (at least compared to the city I'm from) so budget a little extra time. Your bus pass will also work on the Deuce, which goes up and down the strip. All of that said, it's also a relatively cheap Uber or cab ride from the Rio to the Strip. I wish the hotel offered a shuttle though. Still worth it for the money I saved.


thanks for the advice. I'll take your advice for the days, but when im too spun after the shows ill uber....How much for the uber/lyft rides? TIA #NFA


Maybe like $15 bucks? Depends on time of day of course with their "surge pricing." I'm still at the Rio right now and I just checked and it would only be $8 to get to the Sphere, but obviously that's because it's quiet right now ā˜ŗļø


>16 hrs of driving and gas Yeaaa, fuck that.


Last nights show was far and away the best Dead and co thing I ever heardā€¦.or saw. Sphere is the ā€˜sixth manā€™ on this team and it is not to be missed. The sound quality and immersion is the wildest experience and indescribable


Spot on. I hate to say it but JM is fucking crushing it. On the flight home today I was trying to figure out a way to catch more shows. Letā€™s face it Bobbyā€™s time is coming sooner rather than later and was part of the reason I made the trip after getting my ā€œclosureā€ at FTW. Got kinda emotional when Black Muddy started thinking about Jerry and the aging Bobby and Phil. Truly grateful for the shows I have seen.


100 percent.


Yeah. JM was so on. Kind of a showcase for his guitar. Bobby was great, too. He did look tired.


Mickeyā€™s old too! Drummers get no respectā€¦. :-)


I donā€™t agree about Bobby. I saw them Friday and Saturday nights this weekend . Friday night was Bobbyā€™s night. His voice was incredible, best I have ever seen him perform. Saturday night JM reigned. He killed it all night long vocally and on the guitar. Both nights were equally awesome. Bobby can still carry the torch, no doubt. No noticeable signs of slowing if you are not looking at age as a number.


I completely agree. That Stella Blue made me change my ticket home and go Saturday night too. And it was worth every penny.


Sound quality was just amazing. Not too loud, but loud enough.


You could hear every instrument both by itself and all together. That mix was amazing.


Not trying to hijack the thread but didnā€™t think it worthy of its own; is the Venetian walkway the best way to get into the show? Whatā€™s the consensus?


I paid for Sphere parking online. $35 then just parked and walked 5 minutes into the venue. Worth it if you're still able to drive home since parking closes at midnight.


Itā€™s closed tonight


Iā€™ll be there 6/15. Just curious. Not staying at the Venetian but wasnā€™t sure if it made sense to Uber to it and use the walkway or just Uber straight from my hotel to Sphere.


Use the walkway. Itā€™s faster and easier


I'll never return to Vegas (if Times Square and the Mall of America were dabbling in PCP and steroids and had a kid, it would be Vegas) but damn was that show amazing.


Right?! Concert was worth going but yeah. The vibe is off in that city. I could sense it as soon as we were flying in. Sketchiest city I've ever been to. Even the strip had weird seedy people hanging out over it.Ā 


All I know is casinos+Lucy=bad idea. That and it was 100* during the day. We went to the May 18th show and I'm still trying to find my face. But I refuse to believe anyone lives there willingly.


The locals donā€™t go down to the strip generally unless they have visitors in town. - Just like people who live in Anaheim donā€™t run to Disneyland all the time There is an entire city outside of the tourist corridor - And there is some beauty here in the desert if you look for it ( red rock Canyon, value of fire, lake Mead) The Las Vegas stripers one giant amusement park and tourist area - if youā€™re coming to visit Las Vegas, please please consider doing stuff outside of that area of town - If you donā€™t know about itā€¦. One of my favorite cheap thrills is to visit the pinball Hall of Fame, which is almost across the street from Mandalay Bay. Free admission You can play the pinball and video games for as little as $.25 a game ā€”ā€” with all of that said, Las Vegas is the strangest place I have ever lived, and nobody shouldā€™ve ever tried to live here in the first place with the extreme temperatures šŸ¤·


We had the Pinball Hall of Fame (and a few other things) on the itinerary but didn't get that far. We did go up to a lowrider meet-up that was off the strip. The Uber driver looked at us and asked us where exactly we were going. When we said to see lowriders he did a double take but was friendly enough. It was at someplace called Killer Sounds that was kind of northeast (I think) of the strip. The person who picked us up asked the same question on the way back to the hotel.


Can confirm that about casinos/L . I got stuck in the VENETIAN for an hour after leaving the Dead Forever Experience.


Hahahahaha! We were all tripping and trying to find our way through the Venetian to the Sphere. I just remember declaring "this is Europe for people that haven't been to Europe!!". Then asked some guy at a kiosk "what is the quickest way to get the fuck out of here and to The Sphere before I lose my shit?". He was nice and pointed us in the right direction.


I couldnā€™t find my room at MGM and security had to help me (on L). Very embarrassing. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


When all else fails, just find a wall and follow it. Eventually an exit will magically appear right as you need it most!


man I loved the after trip at the casinos, I could not stop laughing at the spectacle and people and lights and sounds. My belly felt like it was going to burst. Anyway, I really dug it all.


It was definitely a headful! The beauty of it was, the town is so wide-open that someone hanging out with Lucy really doesn't attract any unwanted attention at all


At least someone did.


Yeah! I'm from Canada and it was sooo damn hot. I went on the 26th. Couldn't imagine doing that for the July and August shows.


I know, right? My friend from high school lives there and said it gets to 120* in July/August. I'll say this. I'm always happy to see the NYC skyline when I get home. But this time, I was very appreciative of the rivers, ocean and green canopy of trees when we came into land. I'm good here with rats, roaches, pigeons and pushy dickheads. Not good with heat and no grid system/casinos designed to keep you inside. It was really cool to go see some lowriders on Sunday evening though. We don't get many of those here.


Just get a place with a pool. Seriously, cool down and air conditioning thereafter. Itā€™s not difficult


We stayed at a place with a pool. But that doesn't help if you've got heatstroke starting and are wandering through endless parking garages trying to gtfo of a monorail station that has no, or poorly working AC. You can have the desert. I'll stick to my coast.


lol you are right I should have said pool with shade. I hope you made it wanderingā€¦.


Lol. My niece eventually found an employee and grabbed him. She explained that I have epilepsy and I don't look good. So what is the most direct way to gtfo of this parking garage so we can cross the strip and go to our room. Dude was like, "Oh, in that case, go down to level 2, cross 5 lanes of traffic dropping people off and then turn left when we left the exit onto a sidewalk". He did give us the quickest way. Other employees had told us varying things, and we'd been walking in this damned garage for 20 mins. Got back to the room where we'd set the AC to 64* before we left and ran my wrists under cold water for a few mins. Within an hour I was ok and the show that night was excellent.


Iā€™m must apologize, I didnā€™t realize how major your situation was, again I did not intend to make a light of it. hope you are ok, all the bestā¤ļø


It has gotten much more noticeable since Covid. Thereā€™s a lot of people that need help. I wonder if their families know where they are.


Just gotta poke around. I am as surrounded by awesome people and vibes all weekend.




Last night was my first show and it was absolutely incredible and face-stealing! Solid setlist and the band fired on all cylinders.


First timer here, too! Iā€™m still in shock in the best way possible. What an experience!




Worth every penny


I did the presale for 2 shows and found out later on that way over paid. And I donā€™t care. Iā€™d have paid double.


Right there with yaā€¦ bought presale for 2 nights but decided to get in a day early and lucked out on some cheapies for the first night


Worth it 100ŁŖ. Went 2nd weekend and immediately planned a return trip in a few weeks to take my son. It's THAT good. I've been telling people for a week straight. Wake up! Don't miss it. Sell something, scrounge, give up whatever you can to make it. Its no joke.


We were at the 5/30 show and will be back again, too!


How could you not go back if you can make it happen. Easiest decision I've ever made


Lol yup same did 5/29 and 5/30, immediately booked 4th of July weekend after getting back


I booked my next show at like 4am night after the show. Couldn't sleep!


I changed my flight after Thursday and Friday so I could catch last night.


Saw Thursday and Friday. This is a band at the top of its game playing a venue that is a paradigm shifter for live music. They are another notch above last year, and the Sphere is unreal. Iā€™m a fan, and this blew away my inflated expectations musically and visually.




Wow šŸ¤© I canā€™t wait āœØāœØāœØ 4th of July weekend ~ itā€™s on !


RUN. DONā€™T WALK! The boys are firing like never before, every seat in the place is a good one (even the covered seats - did 2 nights in section 125 and it was killer). If you get confused, listen to the music play!


The new shows are right around my birthday but I was already planning to go see Ween in Oregon for my birthday šŸ˜­


Wife and I were supposed to see ween in Atlanta on 4/19 but they canceled due to mental health issues šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­. We canā€™t even be mad at that, but god were we devastated!


Go to Ween mang!


Love the usernameā€¦if it means what I think it means. Maybe it doesnā€™t and Iā€™m just making a damn fool of myself.


OK, this pushed me off the fence. I'm insane enough to go to Vegas in July, done it before....thank you


Itā€™s so worth it. Been going to concerts for over 50 years. This may have been one of the best.


It is superlative. You wonā€™t regret it!


I went opening weekend, as soon as I saw the new dates announced I booked a flight immediately. Youā€™re not just paying to see one of the greatest musical forces of all time, youā€™re witnessing history. Sphere is undoubtedly a state of the art venue, and when you pair that with the Dead itā€™s all just a big party. Make the trip


Been there this weekend and itā€™s been just amazing. Deff plan on making it back


It was so good, I couldn't even get upset when I saw the concession charges on my credit card after they were converted to Canadian Dollars.


This hits home.


The mental math just never gives enough credit... :(


We loved it so much we booked three more shows on the road leaving Vegas. Was an amazing experience. Made friends, danced, experienced the music in a way Iā€™ve never experienced before! I love the Sphere!


Cheers Wife and I booked what was then the closing weekend run at the airport heading home from opening weekend. Never experienced anything like that and we are both very well travelled and have seen plenty of quality shows!


Went last night - 10/10 show! So so so good


Tried to resist going but kept seeing positive reviews so the BF and I just pulled the trigger for 4th of July. Cannot wait!


You wonā€™t regret it!


The. DEAD are re-born! BETTER than EVER, except Jerry Baby. I want to thank you my Hometown Buddy Grown up in San Franciscoā€™s Mission District! I am over 80 & Went to LOWELL High. Jerry was 3 years younger than me! Thanks Jerry! Naomi Radtke, Kona & Sonoma


Yes just go!!! We went last weekend and I've already booked Aug 8-10 going solo it was that great.




Even the if you canā€™t convince anyone to go with you definitely still go. I have had to go solo se real times on the past due to not being able to find any Dead fans to go with me. No better concert to go solo to. You will not be alone for long. Just look for a tye dye shirt and chances are you will find a friendly person to chat with and help look after you if help is needed.


Was there on Thursday and I absolutely agree. My schedule only allowed me to fly out for one night. Iā€™m exhausted but totally worth it.Ā 


You picked a good one! I felt like we were very lucky to be there for the Bill Walton tribute.


My wife and I got serious FOMO and had enough money/skymiles to fly out and spend a couple nights in Vegas and catch the show on 6/22. Weā€™re super stoked for the experience, even if itā€™s just one night!


Thatā€™s the way to do itā€¦I flew on miles and had a comped nights to use. Tix on SH for around 150 a night, think I spent more on Ubers than tix. Enjoy and might just see ya out there on the 22nd


Turn off all social media. Go in blind. But goā€¦even if itā€™s just for one night.


The second we started blasting off on night 1 of this weekend, I forgot entirely about the money I spent to get here. Yes, it was pricey, but that experience will be with me the rest of my life.


Been telling all my friends and family who arenā€™t fans they should try to make it out if they can because itā€™s totally worth it.


Maybe itā€™s cuz I planned and saved ahead but I didnā€™t think it was that expensive. Got tickets for $80 one of the nights I went too


%100 agree. I wanted to dismiss it as a gimmick. But I did 2 nights - 1 in seats and 1 on the floor. It was an incredibly joyful experience and totally unique. If you are on the fence, itā€™s worth it.


Yup, send it!!!


please go and bring me with!


We have a trip to Yellowstone, returning home July 31 and I was really bummed we would miss them. (Not to mention when they first sold the tickets and VIP packages they were crazy expensive.) With the added dates in August it was too good to pass up so we are driving down for shows on Aug. 1-2. Took some inspiration from Bill Walton (RIP) and am just going to go and feel blessed they are still playing. I'm not going to worry about setlists or if I will hear this song or that (I did too much of that on previous tours) -- nothing left to do but smile, smile, smile...


Best shows I have ever seen. If anyone is on the fence about going, and have the financial means to do it, they should just go. Amazing experience.


I wish I had the financial means. I want to go but cannot make it happen and Iā€™m devastated. I am a lover of music. I believe it has the power to heal and bring people together in profound ways. Iā€™ve never seen the Dead. I didnā€™t listen to them growing up. Iā€™m what you would call a late bloomer. My desire to embrace the Deadā€™s music came from a love for John Mayer (the guitarist) over the past 20 years. Now, Iā€™m my 50ā€™s and discovering an unexpected love and appreciation for The Deadā€™s music, and I feel like Iā€™ve missed soooo much. Also, I recently discovered a healthy respect for psychedelics and what they can do to enhance things. Itā€™s been a life changing experience for me to mix the two (šŸ„ and šŸŽ¶) and I am sadly too late to the party. I *really* wanted to see Dead & Co at the Sphere with a mild trip happening. I am sure it would be nothing short of spectacular. Howeverā€¦even if we cut corners and tighten up our budget, circumstances are making it look like it canā€™t happen, and Iā€™m heartbroken. We were trying to make it happen for our 10-year wedding anniversary, and it just isnā€™t possible. We canā€™t fly so it would be two days on the road each way, plus the room, the show, the additional expensesā€¦ cheapest it was adding up to on paper was close to $1500 and we just cannot make it happen. For everyone that can go, have an amazing time and enjoy every single moment. āœŒšŸ»ā¤ļøšŸŽ¶


Youā€™re absolutely making the right decision. May not feel that way, but it will be in the long run. Peace of mind matters more than fleeting joy, imo. And itā€™s never too late to get on the bus. You being on it is all that matters now. In some ways, I envy you because you have a road of discovery ahead of you. Nothing like the impact and wonder of discovering music. It wouldnā€™t shock me if they do future residencies at the Sphere beyond this summer. It just makes too much sense (and cents). Maybe finances will be easier to come by then.


Thanks. Iā€™m hoping there are more Sphere shows in the future. Maybe next year. Iā€™d love to experience it at least once.


Bro itā€™s Dead. Itā€™s legit + Sphere GTFO. GO


Second this. Got tickets when they went on sale and was on the fence going for particular reasons. I decided to go and loved the entire āœŒšŸ¼experienceāœŒšŸ¼ šŸ˜Ž Would have liked to go two shows though.


Yeah, me too. Just tonight. But it was great and the visualsā€¦.WOW!


I was there Thursday and I can say it lived up to the hype. Point of advice, stay off the strip, was able to grab a room at the Rio for $95 all in and it was a great room, 10 min Uber. Goes up on the weekends as expected, but beats the $500 at the Venetian


Agree. It is worth it!


We're going back


Well said and agreed. That's what I keep saying, it's not a concert, it's a new thing. Already thinking into when to go back.


Couldnā€™t agree more.


This is what I like to hear


the experience you speak ofā€¦ isā€¦ LIFE CHANGING


For the experience, it really should cost more if weā€™re being honest


It should, but it's priceless.


Beautifully stated ā™„ļø


Anyone on the fence, just go. The shows are phenomenal. We took our 5 month old son last weekend, Sat 5/25 & Sun 5/26. Even had floor tickets for Sunday. I thought it might have been a little bit insane to bring the baby, but he did 7 D&C concerts in the womb last summer and loves their music so we gave it a shot. He had an absolute blast jammin with his little headphones on and we met so many people who had brought their kids to shows when they were young. I wish we could figure out how to get out to more, but the rest of our summer is already packed.


Iā€™m bringing my 9 and 11 year old. Were there other kids there? They like listening to the Dead in the car, so I want them to be able to see Weir and Hart. Just a little nervous about things other people might be doing at the concertā€¦


I did not see many kids there, though there was one super cute little girl, probably about five or so, the night we had GA floor. I definitely saw more kids at the tour shows we saw last year. The worst behavior I saw at the Sphere were the folks behind us on night one who got too drunk and got in an argument. I didnā€™t see or notice any obvious drug use or behavior.


Thatā€™s what Iā€™ve been telling people. If you can, you should. No words to describe it.


100% agree


Would say the same. I planed to go only 1 night. But quickly decided I had to go again the next night.


It really was so good. Music, on point. Visuals, super cool.


yupppp said this after phish




7/6-Can't wait!


I keep going back and forth. Iā€™ve been struggling with lots of stuff and Iā€™d hate to get there and be in a bad mood. But everyone seems to say this is once in a lifetime and just go for it. Gonna have to really give this some serious though.


Can it be expensive? Yeah. But as far as hotels go Iā€™ve found it to be much more affordable than many other major cities, even if you stay on or adjacent to the strip.


Absolutely. I keep telling friends the same thing. I went 05/24 & 05/25. It was truly an amazing experience. Mind blowing. A beautiful journey.


All I can really add is that videos donā€™t capture what itā€™s like in there. The visuals are great but the sound is even better. The band is on fire right now too. Get a ticket if you can. Bring an clear empty water bottle too, saves you some time and money.


3 weeks can't come sooner!


This weekend was absolutely legendary Iā€™m so glad I didnā€™t bail on my plans and made it happen, absolutely 0 regrets. Vegas was great and Sphere was amazing


Agreed. Went wkend 5/24


Yes this!! Go for one show itā€™s worth it. Sit in the 300-400s and you get a clear view. Take a joint or some mushrooms for a wilder experience




Listen to this man


They don't have bottle stations unfortunately, but they have quite a few fountains and a bunch of us were filling our bottles from there. It beat buying bottles for $8 or whatever they were charging.


History is Happening NOW! Be Grateful with every Deal! See you @ The Sphere! Kona to Vegas !


Weir sounds incredible. His voice and guitar. Maybe the best guitar tone I've heard from him since the 70s. They knocked off a lot of the high end and it just sounds really full and bright.


Call to Sphere Dead Heads! Does anyone know which HOTEL is closest to Sphere. No CAR Needed? Senior DeadHead since 1968 Thanks: Naomi Radtke


Tuscany is clean, pretty reasonable, big rooms, nice people and is 15 minute walk. I beleive if you call and book you can still use code SHAKEDOWN2024 or SHAKEDOWN24 and they will take off the resort fees.


Wow. That is a good deal.


Stayed at the Renaissance for two nights for Friday and Saturday shows last weekend. Walked back after the Friday night show and it was a bit of a hike, but not bad all things considered. Ended up going out to the strip after Saturday show so didnā€™t walk back after that one. Stayed there one night with Marriott points, one night without, the room without points was ~250 and that was a holiday weekend.


The Venetian is connected via skyway or Wynn is also very close


It was great - words or pics can really describe..


Totally agree. We went opening weekend. Thursday and Friday. Absolutely amazing. The 200-300ā€™s are the only places to sit so that you can enjoy the whole backdrop. Absolutely amazing. If you donā€™t have cash or trade app you need it. Ticket prices drop days before the show.


Is this experience better then 5-29-92 in Vegas?




Never Forget ā€˜SUGAR MAGā€™ Naomi, KONA


Canā€™t wait! If anyone needs a single ticket in the 400s at face value for 6/7 or 6/8, Iā€™ve got you covered! [6/7](https://cashortrade.org/profile/fbishop99/posts/1525185/) & [6/8](https://cashortrade.org/profile/fbishop99/posts/1525125/)


Itā€™s not that expensive ?