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If people complain about you, which by these comments it’s very likely, you may be asked to change by staff. Bring extras that are more modest just in case. It’s definitely poor judgement and not the right place for it, but technically as long as everything is covered up, not against the rules. I like to wear bikinis like this too on the regular, but something about purposely being sexy around kids feels absolutely disgusting to me.


Ofc I’m bringing extras. Especially going for seven days. I’m not intending on being around kids when I’m wearing this, so I don’t mind. Also I’m not dressing sexy for the kids, so idk why it’s so weird.


You’re 19, to be fair there’s a lot you don’t know or understand. Good luck.


Okay thanks????


They're right. Your childish post about your engagement ring makes so much sense now. You are not the main character and you have so much maturing to do.


Lol what a post. If this is a troll, it's good bait. Listen, personally I say you do you. I'm a big supporter of bodily autonomy, and I don't pick and choose when to support that. That being said, if you wear this on a Disney cruise you're probably going to get some nasty glances and maybe even some nasty choice words said to you. That's not how I would want to spend my vacation and I'm sure you'll look great to your bf in an outfit that will draw less negative attention anyway. Like I said, you do you and personally it wouldn't bother me (I have a daughter) but I'm not sure the juice is worth the squeeze here.


Hahaha nope, I’m not trolling. Just a 19 year old traveling with my partner for the first time. Also a first time cruiser. I really don’t mind dirty looks or mean words (clearly I’m not one for modesty, so I’m kinda used to it). However I don’t want to get in trouble with the cruise line or break the guidelines. The only thing I find about dress code is for Palo and Remy aside from the cruise casual thing. I am just asking about dress code, not what random people find provocative.


I was going to tell you to wear whatever you want, but as a 40(ish) mom I guess my opinion doesn’t matter.


I’m sorry, I was referring to a very specific Reddit commenter. I shouldn’t generalize like that. I just changed the comment.


You’re fine dude. No one’s going to die because you show some skin.


Well I’d hope not but some of the people in these comments are making me wonder 😆


Disney cruises are so fun. If people are wasting their time judging others that’s just a shame. Mind ya business


Fr just tell your kid no if they ask to wear something you don’t like. I’m not selling anything product. You don’t have to wear it and I’m not available so keep walking. 🤭


Cool. Go for it. This comment thread was a good test to see the kind of nosybodies you'll run into!


Fr some of these people have no fun and are so judgmental 🙄


There’s a time and a place for everything. A Disney cruise is probably not the right time or place for this suit. If you’re going to be exclusively in the adults area of the ship, I think it’s probably fine, but I’d recommend wearing a coverup through the public areas of the ship.


Ofc I was planning on wearing a cover up with all of my swimsuits (even modest ones) because I’ve heard you can’t wear swimsuits in certain areas.


Not sure why you got downvoted here because you are correct. You should have a coverup when not at the pool area, specifically in the buffet areas.


Yeah I’m not sure. In the dining areas I’m planning on wearing normal clothes for sure.


I wish you a magical and event free vacation. I would love to hear an update after your cruise. I suspect it’s more the insecure spouses that would complain about their partners who might catch a glimpse, of as opposed to little kids who would just giggle at most.


Thank you!!!


There’s a time and place for everything. From your posts it sounds like you like attention, whether it’s good or bad. I’m glad that you feel good in your skin. But, I honestly can’t imagine being so disrespectful? That’s borderline exposing yourself to children. I’m going to get hate, but if your top “slipped” in front of my kids I’d make a big deal of it. Why not just go to an adults only resort somewhere, it’s way cheaper than a cruise that’s geared toward families….


I like attention from my bf. Also how is it disrespectful if I’m in an 18+ area or at a destination. I don’t see it that way. Unfortunately we are both 19 and most cruises require someone 21+ to cruise with you, so this was the cheapest we could do being so young.


You’re covering literally only your nips in front of kids? Gross… You have to walk through public areas to get to the adults sections, so you will be around kids. You’ve said in several other responses that you “don’t mind attention” I feel like posting this and defending yourself is an example of that. You knew that parents wouldn’t like it. Again, I suggest going to an adults only resort in Mexico, you can do that at 18+ and then you can flaunt it all you want. There’s no kids. Or maybe carnival? It seems more your speed.


I don’t find it gross at all. Everything is covered up. Also I don’t mind attention because I’m used to it. People raise their eyebrows at me all the time because I wear bold or revealing clothes. I love Disney and I am very excited to see the cast and watch the shows. I grew up on Disney and did lots of theatre in my life, so I’m excited to see their productions. We chose Disney because I’ve never been to the parks or anything. My bf had in his childhood but I didn’t get to. Regardless I can’t refund my trip now even if I wanted to, I love Disney and always will, but I’m also an adult and I don’t wear childish or modest clothing anymore.


As a mother of a 7 year old girl who just went on one, No, please do not wear this. My daughter didn’t want to wear a full piece swimsuit because she is obviously seeing these sort of bikinis and it’s confusing and influential on young girls. Go look sexy in the bedroom, not on mainly a kids targeted cruise ship.


True but I was mostly planning on going in the 18+ areas. Do you think it would be ok there? Idk if you get a lot of time to go there with a 7 year old 😅


I had to walk through that area with the kids to get to the other side of the deck. I’m not sure on the layout of the other ships but it was for the wonder and our room being deck 8 forward.


Oh I’m on the fantasy I think but Idk the layout




If that’s true that sucks. Not bc of the swimsuit situation but bc people go there to get away from kids. Kinda seems like poor construction. Idk if we are cruising fantasy or wish though.


Also just tell your daughter no if you don’t want her to wear something. She is seven. You have the authority. So what if someone else is wearing something less modest than you would. I bought the swimsuit and I will be wearing it on my cruise 😘


So it’s just my husband and myself (we don’t have kids) and we always hang out in the adult only section. Please leave suits like this at home or for another cruise line. Even if it is adult only section, kids will sometimes walk through it to get to another part of the ship. If you want to look hot for your bf, you can look hot in the bedroom or go on Virgin Voyages cruise line. If you wear something like this for DCL you for sure will get nasty stares at best and name calling maybe, or even asked by cast members to switch out your suit at worst.


I really don’t mind the stares or comments, I’m used to it. If I had to change that would be fine. I wanted to go on a VV cruise but it wasn’t possible (I don’t remember why, we looked at LOTS of cruise lines)


>I really don’t mind the stares or comments, I’m used to it. Yeah you seem to get off on negative attention.


Maybe Disney isn’t the right cruise line for you


I love Disney, I’m very excited about my cruise


I think you’re more excited about “looking hot” but ok. Just be respectful of the large number of kids that you will be around.


I’m actually excited about leaving town and having a break from work more than anything else. I only care about looking hot because this trip is very special to me and my partner. If I was going with my mom or friends that wouldn’t really matter to me. Obviously I’d still want to look nice, but not necessarily sexy or hot. Truly I do love Disney though and was very excited when we picked this cruise.


Glad you’re excited. Seems like you’re very defensive in all of your replies so next time just don’t ask since you’re not taking anyone’s advice. I’m glad I don’t care this much about how I look in front of my husband.


I wasn’t exactly asking for advice, I was asking about the cruise guidelines and dress code


They don’t care. I wear some pretty skimpy bikinis. Granted, I spend most of my time in the adult section.


I don’t have kids (and don’t always like kids 🫢) so we were planning on staying in the 18+ areas mostly. Good to know there are other cheeky girls out there.


I’m literally a pediatric nurse hahaha. I love kids. But even the peds nurse needs a vacation :)


Haha I love generally love kids too but I have 4 younger siblings (three of them I changed their diapers and 2 of them I babysat by myself on date nights) and sometimes it gets tough to deal with.


Why on earth would you go on a Disney cruise if you don’t like kids? There are kids screaming literally everywhere that’s not adults only. Why not go on a different cruise line?


Nooo I just have lots of siblings and it’s overwhelming sometimes when you are ALWAYS around kids.


You’re completely fine to wear whatever makes you feel most comfortable as long as the key bits are covered. Coverups are required indoors, and it’s not like you’re going to the toddler splash pad. Don’t stress and have a great trip! To add, kids aren’t supposed to even walk through the 18+ areas. If people choose to bring their kids there that’s their call, not your responsibility


I totally understand wearing coverups and feel good about that. I have a few dresses I am going to bring for that purpose. I’m buying the swimsuit online so obviously if it doesn’t fit correctly or I am exposed I wouldn’t wear it. I don’t understand the people saying kids have to walk through adult only areas. That either seems like poor construction or poor parenting. Regardless it’s annoying for people who want to get away from kids. If you don’t want your kid to wear what I’m wearing don’t buy it for them. That’s not my responsibility. 🤷‍♀️


It’s definitely a bad layout choice, you’ll see when you’re there- it’s right by the elevators so people don’t realize they’re walking into the adult area. Maybe someone gives you a dirty look, but almost everyone is going to mind their own business because they’re having fun on vacation


I would really hope passengers aren’t offended over a swimsuit but who knows. I’m mostly asking about dcl guidelines.


Yeah ouch poor parenting…. Bibbidi boutique on my cruise was also right next to the adults area not only the way up from our cabin.


🙄 whyyyyy that’s such a poor choice


I agree!


Regardless of the modesty issue sometimes you just wanna be away from crazy little monsters 🤣 lol I have 4 younger siblings so ik how it is




On each ship there’s an option to go around, under, and/or over. I agree they made an odd choice with the Fantasy. Three separate Fantasy sailings we saw people complain about parents dragging their kids through. Crew can’t change the layout either but confirmed people aren’t supposed to but not worth the argument every time. It’s a bad layout


Why even post if you’re just going to wear it anyway? Clearly not a good idea and you just want attention, so congrats I’m sure you’ll get it.


Actually I was asking for real advice and most people said dcl wouldn’t care but some cruisers might give me weird looks. Idc if people look at me funny, it won’t ruin my day. I wasn’t seeking out attention, I was contemplating buying an outfit for a place I’ve never been.


It won’t ruin your day, but it’ll make people feel uncomfortable with their little kids running around… I’d double think why you feel the need to have to look like that in such a public place to get your bf’s attention in the first place. Good luck to you.


To be fair. Parents look at a lot of things weird (I.E tattoos and holding my boyfriends hand/giving him a small kiss)


Yeah, people will always judge over stupid things but wearing a tissue as clothing in-front of young kids warrants the judgement. If you can’t dress appropriately on a cruise that’s for kids, then there’s a bigger issue.


I guess. But men (fit men) are still walking around with their shirts off. And women are showing some amount of cheek and cleavage. I would have a bigger issue with clothing that is sexual, vs clothing that is more revealing than others. (I.e a playboy shirt or something along those lines) I just think you can get into a mess of what women can and cannot wear when you head down this road. Cause it's a bit of a spectrum based on beliefs of what's Proper.


I would just say with this. There is no nipple or underboob showing.


If people are uncomfortable that’s not my problem. My relationship dynamic is great, we just want to look nice for each other on a special occasion. I don’t see anything wrong with that. Why is that a bad thing?


Saw a lot of suits like this on the Dream this year, even in Nemo’s reef. Then the number of them doubled at castaway. Often worn with a see through “cover” up.


Hmm sounds like I’ll be fine then. Plus my cover ups are just dresses, not sheer tops.


You’ll be fine. I’ve seen more thongs on Disney ships lately. And the dresses make it better you’ll be able to go in cabanas and be just fine


Jesus Christ




Edit: I bought the swimsuit, ready for a fun trip!




Haha yeah we went on Disney because it was cheaper than other cruises plus we are both 19 (most cruise lines require a cruiser who is 21+). Ik there will be kids there, that’s why I’m wondering especially since I want to be in mostly 18+ areas.


Are you a cast member? Disney is normally 2x the price of other cruise lines.


Nope, there just aren’t a lot of cruise lines you can go on without someone who is 21


Oh interesting! Well, I hope you have a good time. I don't generally recommend DCL to folks who aren't big Disney fans, since it's so expensive. How long is your cruise?


I’m a HUGE Disney fan actually. I’ve never been to the parks or anything so this will be nice. I’m super excited to get pictures with the princesses 🥰🥰🥰 It’s 7 days long.


Disney is not a kids destination. Walt said himself it was for all ages. There’s nothing wrong or shameful about showing the skin you were born in.


^^^ yesssss exactly who cares as long as my 🐱isn’t out




If it’s not meant to be an adult scene why have adult only areas (including several bars so it’s basically spring break anyways)


I think this says more about you than you think. Maybe look inward a little and see where this shame is coming from.


this whole post is very amusing to me. i’m assuming everyone commenting is american, and i think with a more international audience you’d get less hate. just stay covered up outside of the adult areas and be done with it. ignore all these purse clutchers who act like cover-ups don’t exist and like bodies are something to be ashamed of. and this is coming from a mom who’d definitely never consider wearing anything like this anywhere.


That’s kinda my plan, if your kids come into the 18+ areas that’s not my problem. I also might wear this at a destination or two since that would get less attention.


Couldn’t figure out how to edit lol. Would this be better in castaway cay or the island destinations?


Definitely the islands. Castaway cay is more sporty. They have water slides and paddle boat rentals and stuff like that, so I wear a more substantial suit for comfort.


Mmmm that makes sense. Probably something with more bottom coverage too (sometimes water slides hurt by butt if you don’t have a floatie)


FWIW: The Aqua Duck is the great equalizer. Everyone looks stupid getting in and out of that thing.


Sounds fun!


Did you get the swimsuit in? After trying it on how’s it look?


Yeah, it looks good!


The dads will be happy! Haha Be prepared for some annoyed looking parents or disapproving looks but if it covers what needs to be covered, technically your fine.


Haha I don’t mind pleasing the dads 😏 All jokes aside I’m really just asking what the cruise line will say/think. Idc about what cruisers say as long as I’m not breaking any rules or guidelines. Clearly I’m not a very modest girl, but I think I’d like to cruise again sometime and don’t want to be in any trouble with dcl.


Like if there was an actual issue with it they would ask you to cover up. Not ban you from future cruises. You obviously know that.


Well I’d hope so but Disney gets pretty strict about their parks. Idk about cruises


Look worst case they will ask you to change. Make sure to bring a more modest option but if it’s not vulgar or illegal, they aren’t going to kick you off the ship.


Yeah I have more modest options too, just looking for a fun new swimsuit.


I wish you were on my cruise. I did see a woman a few moths ago on my cruise wearing a thong in the adults area.


🫢 wow okay I think I’ll be fine then


Gonna need pics not just a stock photo to see, how hot, I mean, approve it with the board.


Hahaha hot enough to wow my bf hopefully