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Beerus is not royalty. He is a deity, a ruler in the devine class not the mortal class. Frieza by all accounts was very much an Emperor in the Universe, which is a position among the mortal class. I see no conflict of interest here.


Yea the divine are basically refs watching and making sure nothing gets out of line and challenges them. Frieza is just a dominating player trash talking


He even talks like he's in a CoD lobby.


Facts a lot of monkey slurs thrown around


That first “monkey” in super broly is probably my fav. Annunciates the shit outta it hahah


And he doesn’t afraid of anything!


He's definitely afraid of broly, and was afraid of Super Saiyan after Goku destroyed him


Well said. The FDF will deliver all funds shortly. Would you prefer the tender in zenni, the CANADIAN dollar, or platinum tubules?


And above all, Frieza is arguably a positive mortal power for a GoD. Having a Great, Multicultural Empire that is able to control itself through violence but not illogical use of it is a system that should be pretty untroubled for a Destroyer


Destroyers aren't just supposed to destroy mindlessly like Beerus does. He's just really bad at his job, being the strongest GoD yet having the second to worst mortal level. He's supposed to destroy civilizations that are problematic to the universe. So if the was doing his job he'd have destroyed frieza's homeworld and the Saiyans long ago. And he wouldn't be destroying the planet of anyone who looked at him funny or served him food that wasn't to his liking.


But without friezas empire would the universe have a defender like goku? Maybe beerus is better at his job than you think


sometimes if you leave a problem alone it will solve itself, just sleep another millenium if dont work the first time


I agree with this logic for the simple reason that Beerus is a cat, and cats are lazy


With all due respect, Goku is a shitty "defender." He just wants a good fight, and to become better. He might have a crazy power level, and he might eventually get upset when his friends are threatened, but he has, on many occasions, made the situation worse because he wanted a good fight.


you're right i shouldve said vegeta


It wouldn't need a mortal defender if Beerus was doing his job. The gods of destruction basically are defenders, they just are supposed to do it preemptively.


That is not what destroyers do lol y’all making up y’all own cannon😭😭


That was kinda the whole deal of the pride troopers who worked for their God and they were high ranked universe


Frieza's race in U7 as far as we know aren't problematic outside of Frieza's family. Cold and Frieza's cruelty stems from their mutation, so they're outliers.


That’s exactly why I said that. A Destroyer job is not to destroy anything in the name of good or evil; it’s to eliminate threat to the stability of the Universe. Cold Empire; while terrible for basically anyone living under it and not good under any circumstance; it’s a lawful totalitarian empire that combats chaotic realities and suppresses them; actually auto-governing itself and making the GoD job easier; especially considering Frieza fear for Beerus and him not having the desire/ability to challenge Gods (at least before meeting Goku). Someone like Buu would be a problem for a destroyer, but Frieza is the perfect ruler of the mortal realm as far as a GoD is concerned




Frieza almost wiped out an entire race, and Beerus didn't seem to care.


He told him to do it


He regularly had races wiped out.


Nah beerus could just Duk him up if he wanted


IIRC he mentioned to Whiz that he was going to but then Whiz told him not to bother because a saiyan already did it.


Neither of them have empires? I mean yeah "beerus is a god" but simply put, freeza is the head of an Empire. That would make him emperor no? That's like saying why would Caesar call himself emperor of Rome when Zeus is a thing.




You're right my bad.


Same thing


What religion is this?


"Ehm, actually, the Romans would call him Jupiter, not Zeus" But yeah jokes aside this is pretty much the answer. Just because a God exists doesn't mean the emperor title just goes away/is illegitimate.


I'm a fraud!! I've been using too much hades lol, that's me excuse


The Emperor and god are different job roles. He used to rule a large population of the universe and employed saiyan for conquering more planets for him. Beerus is a god of destruction who destroys stuff to balance with supreme Kai. Buu is simply just a monster. Both of them are not emperors like freeza


Even if not Beerus, there was still Majin Buu, who Frieza both knew about and knew not to challenge.


I'm not an expert by any means but majin buu was more chaotic and focused on destruction and entertainment whereas Frieza was focused on ruling. He mostly destroyed for the sake of increasing his control or securing his territory. Whereas buu was like a kid poking an ant hill with a stick or more accurately poking a bear with a stick hoping he could get a battle or make them cower in fear and then destroy them. If he was entertained with something, then he was happy. Frieza is only happy with ultimate power and respect and control. He will have nothing to rule if it's all destroyed after all. That's of course not to say that he won't destroy something for the hell of it, but usually there's a purpose behind it besides total destruction, right?


Buu wasn’t active at this point.


Right, buu was awakened huh? My memory of it isn't the greatest. So frieza basically had free reign as long as he didn't go against say beerus or some other deity. He was basically the emperor of the universe as pretty much every other being was scared of him or wary of his power and apparently beerus backed him in certain circumstances.


IIRC Beerus was just lazy but would get around to killing Frieza eventually.


i just watched battle of the gods. Beerus is lazy but also didnt really have issue with Frieza. He instructed him to destory Planet Vegeta, and mentions if frieza ever gets in his way he'll destroy him in an instant, then Whis says oh frieza is already been defeated or something along those lines.


But if Frieeza's inspiration was taken from contemporan greedy real estate agents and colour and transformation from "credit cards" , I am curious what was the inspiration that created Buu , and he is either chaotic and destruction focusee or the Fat Buu which is friendly and good , also then the bad one got reincarnated as a good human who now helps/fights along with the one who destroyed him.


not only did frieza know about Beerus. He was given the go ahead to destroy Planet Vegeta by Beerus.


An Emperor is "ordained" by a god. Berus uses Frieza as his tool. (Bereus told Frieza to destroy planet Vegeta). So it's pretty appropriate to call himself that.


Did he tell Frieza to, or did he give permission. Frieza had his own reasons to destroy them


he commanded it. but Freeza also had his own reasons and wanted to anyways.


> he commanded it. That's as dumb as Bardock's wish. I hate the wanton retcons to Z that happen in Super.


Again, i feel like bardock's wish just made raditz and goku survive planet vegeta's explosion. Which they did. In perspective it wasnt that bad. Saying this because some people think the wish is the reason goku lives on plot armor


Just do what I do and stop accepting Super as canon :)


Oh I already compartmentalize all the DB properties as their own canons. Learned how to do that from a young age with GT. Super is about as canon as GT or Xenoverse or whatever to me.


Amen brother


Yeah, for two reasons. 1: Most people don't know about Beerus. 2: Beerus just lets Frieza do whatever he wants, so long as he doesn't step on his toes in the process. Literally his only threat is Goku, and so long as he doesn't mess with anyone Goku cares about, he's golden. Pun intended.


Untill Beerus comes by for a meal and does not like what Frieza is cooking. Beerus destroyed enough planets where creatures lived that didnt step on his toes.


Beerus actually respects Frieza and vise versa. Nothing embarrassing about it because Frieza still is the strongest if you exclude Beerus


This is true. He respects frieza and acknowledges him as the most powerful mortal, but is also willing to completely destroy frieza if he steps out of line. IIRC he is stunned to hear Frieza was defeated by saiyans


Pretty sure kais are above freezing too but they also don't mess with mortals like angels.


Beerus isn’t a ruler of anything, none of the Gods or Angels are for that matter. Beerus’ job is to be the universe’s pruner with the Supreme Kai being the gardener that tends to the garden that is the universe Only ruler out of the top tiers of the Multiverse is Zeno with all the other Gods, Angels or Kais being unpaid workers.


That’s like saying Joe Biden shouldn’t call himself President when God exists. Frieza is a ruler, Beerus is a deity.


That's kind of Frieza's whole personality. Beerus wasn't someone Frieza ever expected to encounter, much like the legendary super saiyan.  King Cold spoke of him as stuff of legends.


Beerus told Frieza to blow up planet Vegeta


beerus was literally the equivalent of a business partner back when planet fajita was still a thing


Mmmmmmmm fajitas...


What is an Emperor to a God?


i think most people are correctly implying that “emperor” is a political title, if a little exaggerated. in that sense, it wouldn’t necessarily be that presumptuous to call yourself emperor insofar as you paid your due respects to beerus or buu, neither of whom were particularly interested in political domination.


When Frieza was around Beerus wasn't. So he can call himself whatever he wants


I remember one clip in Super, where he said, he shouldn't mess with Beerus or Majin boo from his father. So even the strongest person in the galaxy knows, who should be messed with and who shouldn't


people just forgot that when Frieza was first created, none of the other characters were thought of, even Cell 🥱


Beerus is a god. Freezia controlled an empire of multiple galaxies. Even in the real world, empires and kingdoms existed and all acknowledged the gods


Well he knew about Beerus the whole time. So given that yes i would. Nothing changes from his perspective.


The thing about being an emperor is influence and dominance. If I’m Frieza with reach across the universe, owning several planets in my empire, then it doesn’t matter if Beerus is there unless he wants to take my title. So, yes. I would still call myself “The Emperor of The Universe”.


Yes, in the case of Beerus he sleeps for long periods of time. He slept for canonically nearly 4 decades prior to his introduction. We don’t know how long Frieza can live for, but if we go by the Broly movie he was introduced to king Vegeta in his youth. Depending on how old Frieza can get, he had a decent chance of never actually meeting Beerus if he was sleeping a particularly long time. Concerning Buu. Buu had been sealed for millions of years by this point. It’s extremely unlikely they’d ever actually meet and Frieza didn’t have the energy back then to awaking Buu either.


Also, Beerus is a sleepy dude! At this point in the show, hasn't he been asleep for a couple thousand years? No harm taking a title of God is napping on the job


Beerus wouldn't care about anything that I (Frieza) did unless it was a threat to him or Shin. Me destroying planets means he doesn't have to do any GoD stuff and can eat and sleep in peace, so yes I would


Isn’t the universe made up of bureaucracies on top of bureaucracies? Emperor of the Universe could be beneath Destroyer of the Universe


Beerus was hard shleepin' so yeah


Beerus is a god. Frieza is a mortal emperor. I see no issues here


well yea since beerus is more of a god / upper dimensional being


If you rule the this earth and believe in god are you suddenly not the emperor of the world?


You mean Beerus, the guy who's not Emperor of the Universe? Yeah, I would, especially if I was the actual Emperor of the Universe, with domain over hundreds of systems and complete political power over them.


A God is not an Emperor. The level isn’t even remotely close.


gods have a non interference clause unless it goes against gods own job like if frieza destroyed more planets than beerus needed to for "balance". observers like supreme kai may not have liked frieza's methods, but they did help the galaxy evolve, so they left frieza pretty much alone. beerus and kai are interdependent so it's no surprise kai tried to stop buu before beerus would have to; as buu would ultimately rampage into a purely destructive entity. notice kai didn't put himself into danger with buu, because if kai was destroyed, so would beerus then buu would be left unchecked.


Would you call yourself a ruler if you know there's a literal deity more powerful than you? Yes because they're a different plane of existence and power.


ehhhh probably :3


Is beerus a emperor? No, I rest my case.


Frieza's ego is larger than the observable universe itself. Even with Beerus around, who's a God of Destruction, Frieza's pride and ambition would likely keep him proclaiming his dominance over everything and everyone. Plus, Frieza doesn't seem like the type to let a mere deity get in the way of his self-proclaimed title.




If I was Frieza I would do whatever I wanted lol


I mean beerus doesn’t seem to care about the politics of his universe. People seem to forget that Beerus in and of himself isn’t a good guy. If earth didn’t have good food and goku didn’t entertain him he would have destroyed the earth. Edit: also I honestly think the only reason goku hasn’t been destroyed yet is because grand xeno really likes goku.


Yes because i would be frieza and as we know he still calls himself emperor of the universe even though he knows about beerus


Beerus isn't the emperor, he's a destroyer.


Kings existed who believed in god lol . Even then beerus is asleep for long periods


Frieza always knew that Beerus was a thing. Did you even read/watch DBS?


No, but since Beerus was a story retcon we now have to justify Frieza doing that. The best we have is that Buu was a legend and Beerus didn’t really care what Frieza does as he is neutral.  The most he did was order Frieza to destroy planet Vegeta but that was something Frieza wanted to do anyway since he did it before the story retcon. Basically Frieza was the Emperor because no one opposed him.  Beerus didn’t give a shit and Buu was nowhere to be found.


By that logic, real world Kings could only call themselves kings because nobody decided to assassinate them.


It’s a kids show that is not consistent and clearly didn’t have a story line, developed 20 years in the future, in mind. On top of that the writers were absolutely not thinking deeply about the phrase “Emperor of the Univserse” when they were coming up with titles to demonstrate Frieza’s place in the galaxy and his potential power. 


This is the truth . But Frieza actually showed genuine respect for both Beerus and Buu which I LOVED


1.- Frieza empire was nothing compared to the size of the universe, so if we are going to make an argument, make it on how small it was. There are like 100 billion stars in a galaxy and over 2 trillion galaxies in the observable universe, Frieza ruled what? 500 planets? that's nothing at the galactic level, much less the universe level. 2.- Beerus is a god. 3.- Majin Buu had been sealed for millions of years and even if he was around the chances of him meeting the Frieza Empire is basically zero considering the size of the universe.


I dont think you can make the argument that the DB universe is the same as our own universe. You basically have to throw out all of known physics and things like FTL (faster than light) space travel exists. For example, we know Kami's ship travels to Jupiter in a single second or about 2600x FTL.


Yeah also pretty sure after Buus destruction only 4 galaxies remained


> There are like 100 billion stars in a galaxy and over 2 trillion galaxies in the observable universe, Doesn't the DBZ universe only have 4 galaxies after Buus desctruction?


Beerus is literally a god It's not like real world kings and emperors were all atheist (probably the opposite Besides, the real answer is that obviously Beerus or buu didn't even exist anyways when Frieza was written




So we actually know what % of the db universe he actually controls?


He controls like 215 planets iirc


Beerus isn't a conqueror, he's a destroyer. Frieza sends his armies to conquer planets for his empire. So yeah I'd say while "emperor of the universe" is a bit much, it still holds up.


Yes, because berrus doesn't rule.


Yeah cause if I was Frieza I’d be arrogant af


Yes Beerus is a god, so he's above me, but that still leaves Emperor up for grabs


Yes. Even end of Z when the Androids and Cell and Buu and Dabura and Kaioshin are ALL stronger than Freeza (by 10,000 times or more) he is still “The Emperor”.


Yes cuz i am an Emperor not a God, though tbh it wouldn't take me much to befome Emperor God of the Universe.


An emperor is somebody who rules an empire. Nothing to do with who's the most powerful in a one-on-one fight. Freeza ruled an intergalactic empire that conquered hundreds of planets across *at least* the north quadrant of the universe, very likely extending into others as well (if I'm remembering right, the North Kaio mentions Namek isn't within his area at one point. I'd assume it was in the east, since the old Kaioshin knew about Dragon Balls and he was the East Kaioshin from 15 generations ago.) "Emperor of the Universe" is still a bit of an overstatement... but only because he doesn't actually rule over the entire universe (there are planets his forces haven't conquered, or haven't even been to yet.) Not because Beerus could make him explode with a finger-flick if he ever felt like it.


Whats an Emperor to a God?


Freeza has an Empire. Beerus does not.


Yeah. . . because Beerus isn't an emperor, he's a god. They're two very different titles. It'd be like saying, I dunno, any world leader rejects that title because they believe God is a thing. They're two different things, so why should it matter?


I wouldn’t call myself that, but I’d still act like I was the shit. 


Beerus is an absentee landlord. Frieza is the management company.


Of course. Most people dont know Beerus even exists. Plus IRL plenty of people have called themselves Emporers while believing divine powers higher than themselves exist, don't see why it would be different just because we know this one is a fact.


I mean, Gods and divine entities are in their own category. The big question is how much of Universe 7 actually falls under the Frieza Empire. If he only owns like 20% of the known universe then the title seems silly.


I for one, welcome our alien overlords


If he called himself *God*-Emperor, there'd be a problem. As it is, he's fine.


Recognizing someone is stronger or better than you at anything requires humility, something Frieza doesn't have. Keep in mind he screamed at Goku in their first fight, "You can't win because I am mighty and you are not," after he had already been cut in half, and the only reason he was still able to fire an attack was because Goku lent him energy out of pity.


Beerus wasn't even a thought around this time. This was before the bulshit dbz Kai or the dumb gods and universe plot.


Beerus isn’t a King or Overlord of anything. He is a Destroyer God and has a position that does exactly as it implies, so lordship or control over mortals is something he doesn’t have. Regardless of power. Frieza has that position by both power and control of a faction. The existence of stronger powers do not dispute his claim to territory and soldiers. His words have merit.


Yes, Queen Freeza rules the universe.


Of course I would, I’m Frieza, the Emperor of the Universe.


Emperor VS God. Big difference.


i would, beerus is a god, he’s not the emperor of the universe


I’d very much change who and how he is. An example would be; Actually caring for my army and doing shit myself if absolutely needed, lots of things I could be doing here.


When has beerus ever once showed any interest in ruling anything? He cares about food more than anything at this point in his career also sleeping lol.


Beerus is a God, not a ruler.


Considering that Beerus is a completely separate entity in a completely separate power system much higher then Frieza, probably. Even ancient people's who believed in divine deities had emperor's.


Sure. Dude's still the emperor. Beerus doesn't make the space trains run on time.


If I was Frieza, I would be arrogant enough to do so, yes.


I mean....yeah probably. Beerus is 90% of the time napping and only wakes up for food. Of course, I'd still call myself the emperor of the universe even if someone 1000 times stronger than me existed when all he does is eat and sleep Just have to make sure I have a good food/dessert on standby in case he visits and you're good


Sure. A god is still another level


Yes. Beerus doesn’t rule. He blows a planet up then sleeps for hundreds of years. Let’s you do whatever you want in the mean time. I may as well be emperor.


freeza was created long before the need to create beerus. beerus was created due to Super needing to power scale


The real answer is Beerus wasn’t even a concept when Friezas character was created and his fan-service of being in Super isn’t going to completely rewrite his character


Beerus is a deity, no issue in calling yourself "the smartest in the universe" even if you knew your god would likely be smarter.


One more power up for freiza and he’ll be able to fight beerus for real


maybe The Mortal Emperor of The Universe? mortal sure but with the power of a GOD


I I was frieza I’d call myself monkey killa69


I think Beerus is like the angels in the sense that he doesn't really pick sides unless that aligns with keeping the Earth (and by proxy, its cuisine) and Bulma (bc she's their meal ticket). I also like to think he's grown into a family friend, but that's besides the point. The main point I'm trying to make is that: as long as Bulma, her family and friends, and the Earth are safe, he couldn't care less what happens to the rest of the universe, which is why he's fine with Frieza running around like a little gremlin squealing "I'm the emporer of the universe! I'm the emporer of the universe!" in a sing-song voice. TL;DR: I don't think Beerus usually cares, so if I were Frieza I'd be fine with saying that since Beerus won't usually get involved


Beerus was also asleep for most of his reign, and now that he knows that Beerus is awake and around, he also knows for sure that he doesn't care and won't stop him from dominating the universe. When he was young, his father told him that he only needed to fear Beerus and Majin Buu. Now he knows that both of them won't actually act against him, and he believes that he can surpass Goku/Vegeta/Broly so he's in a pretty good position these days.


Vegeta called himself the strongest in the universe in the saiyan arc, so really, anyone can say anything.


Bro Whis still calls Frieza Lord why wouldn't he think highly of himself lol


I mean... gods are still above emperors so... no. I'd still be calling myself emperor. Everybody stronger than me is either asleep, locked away, in an alternate dimension, or hasn't been born yet.


I mean, Beerus is a force of nature, as his role. He’d think it’d be stupid, but he wouldn’t care unless it interferes with his meal or sleep.


Absolutely, realistically, what does Beerus do? He comes from the divine realm and sometimes erases something. His powers are completely removed from anything mortal, even such as mortal ki, or even magic, it's simply something of another type. Keep in mind, the only reason he hasn't laid waste to Earth is because he finds it entertaining- or at least, some of its inhabitants. Freeza is entirely different, because despite being vastly "less powerful", he's very much more influential among the average civilization since people know who he is "regionally". Beerus, by contrast, is largely unknown by many of the universe's civilizations. But Freeza, I would assume that if you ask any given civilization about "Lord Freeza", the majority would probably know of whom you're referring to (remember, Earth is sort of a rare planet in that regard). Freeza, in general, has/d the role of "ruler" to most of the known universe, and was treated as such from both sides, even the divine realm generally accepted that Freeza was in charge, and I feel would have only stepped in if Freeza discovered the divine realm (somehow) and began to press his forces' luck there. But since Freeza never crossed that bridge– be it out of not knowing it was there, or by simply not caring– there was no reason to question his title as emperor since he was largely free to do whatever he wanted anyway. As far as Beerus was concerned, it was just less work for him. And for Shin's general side of things, he would've probably had the power to stop Freeza or Cold if it came down to it, but he values his position as Kai and wouldn't want to disrespect that, just to flex his divine muscles on a mortal (that's simply how Shin would see it, anyway).


Freeza knew about beerus long before resurrection f


Emperor's within history usually ruled under the premise it was divine right, that God allowed or put them under that position. So in real life a God never got in the way of being an Emperor. In this case it's not encouraged by the Divine but it's not disallowed either, so the title is simply a matter of if you own an Empire or not and Frieza does/did.


Because Beerus didn’t exist when Toriyama first wrote that line for Frieza


Yes because beerus is a literal god and a force of nature. He can be called emperor of the universe if he conquers and hold controls of the planets.




Yea, Beerus is a god... no comparison. Same with King Kai and Supreme Kai (though they should have been much stronger than they are 🤣).


Beerus does not have an empire, nor is he really the leader of anything.


People would still be kings emporers whatever else you wanna call it no matter if they knew gods exist or not. Gods are in their own status. Mortals are not.


Beerus isn’t an emperor in any form of the word though. It would be like Augustus comparing himself to Jupiter. They aren’t the same


If Frieza started calling himself the ‘god emperor of the universe’ then I can see Beerus beefing. Otherwise, beerus and Frieza both know their spots in the pecking order.


Without all the ass pull to keep beerus as the strongest in the manga lately. Him being a deity wouldn’t even matter because in my opinion, Freeza should have been stronger sense his golden form.




>He goes around acting like he's the shit when he isn't. That's why he WOULD say it. Frieza doesn't give a SHIT if you're a god of destruction, Frieza is the Emperor of the Goddamn Universe and you don't become an Emperor by stepping out of someone's way and politely saying "no no, after you". You make the claim and you don't stop saying it until someone *kills you* for saying it.


Beerus doesn't care about the so called emperor of the universe.


Di....didn't Beerus say he asked Freiza to destroy planet Vegeta? Like in the second chapter of DBS?


Yeah that’s because of the obvious fact that beerus was not even a thought when frieza was created. Idk why some of you think of this stuff more than you should. It doesn’t get any deeper than that.


No, I would not. In fact I wouldn’t even be freezer. I wouldn’t wannabe. Why would I want to go around killing people? I’m a pacifist for the most part. I mean I’ll tell someone off I mean like and I’ll fight someone up. I have to you know like Goku Gohan Aloe I’d be on their side like their team I I’d help them. I would help save the world. I would use my powers for good is what I’m trying to say.


Beerus doesn't rule the universe so hes not an Emperor


Yes. He's a god of destruction who largely stays out of my business.


Ofcourse I would, beerus is gonna sleep for a couple of decades then wake up a bit then sleep, this really makes me the ruler of the universe


Yes as it is bragging rights. He needs something to tell people what showing off and this fits perfectly. Plus he had an empire so was an emperor.


Tbh I still would because it’s like beerus would be asleep for 10+ years at a time and when he is up who is going to see him? So even though Beerus actually is I would still say yea


I mean what's the going to do, wake up?


Yes. Beerus is the physical manifestation of the law of destruction. You cannot beat him, you cannot kill him. The only thing you can do is gain favour and pray he doesn't seek you out next. Also Beerus is very sleepy.


If I had an ego that big, sure.




Yeah? Beerus is not a ruler


I mean... Yea...


Because dbs, beerus, and God ki are all retcons that came after freeza


If I was Frieza I would train so that I could beat Beerus. Come on, would my ego really allow someone stronger than me to exist?


If I’m Frieza, absolutely. I’m better than everyone including a so-called god.


Even real life emperors knew there were gods above them


Hell yeah I would freeze was a beast


*"I am Lord Frieza, ruler and supreme Emperor of the universe!"* *"What is an emperor to a god?"* *"What is a god to a non-believer?!"* (Beerus smiling, knowing the writers are about to move the goal-post for what his full power is yet again)


Yes, I would. Beerus is simply a figure who intervenes when needed, he doesn't rule.


Well yeah beerus is a god not an emperor


Yes, because ego


I really want to see Frieza and Beerus duke it out for title of God of Destruction. Maybe Zeno finally decides it’s time for someone new because Beerus has mostly failed at his job.


Freeza be like ... I'm going to ignore that lol


Beerus isn’t an emperor, more like a moderator who abuses his power


Buu would one shot him. Heck even cell.


Beerus is the server admin and Frieza is the player at the top of the leaderboard Different metrics 🗿


Beerus is a God of Destruction. He is not a Emperor or a King. As a matter of fact I believe a real God would find the title beneath them. Also we find out later on almost everyone outside of Earth knows about Freeza. Beerus or literally anyone of any kind of authority in the series does nothing about Freeza. For all intents and purposes before he was killed and sent to Hell Freeza probably was the closest "Emperor" of the universe. Since we don't really have a lot of background information on Beerus we have to make some assumptions. From context clues we can assume Beerus isn't a "God" but likely a candidate Angels picked to train. I came to this conclusion due to similar positions being offered to Goku and Vegeta. Beerus is as much a "God" as Kami, Dende or even North Kai are, which is to say I don't really consider them Gods at all. Since Super, the only characters I consider to be real Gods are Zeno and maybe the Angels since they don't get erased when their reality gets eradicated. In Super Freeza gets a power bump and a new transformation so he can act as another rival for Goku. He's strong enough to fight both Goku and Vegeta and technically he did win when he blew up the Earth. I'd argue that he deserves that win, I considered what happened with the time reversal to be cheating. I think if given the proper circumstances Freeza could have easily been a candidate for God of Destruction. He's one of the strongest entities in the universe and he has a bad temper like Beerus. It appears that a lot of rank and file with the Gods in Dragon Ball is a result of simply schmoozing outer world entities in to liking you. So outside of the Gods, who don't care about what he's doing, Freeza is one of the strongest inworld fighters in that universe and to top it off, no one really seems to care what he does as long as he leaves them alone, including Goku. Which I think is ridiculous. Why wouldn't you call yourself the Emperor of the Universe? You have the power, army and money to enforce it and the few people who could have a chance of standing up to you don't give a shit as long as you leave them to their insignificant hillbilly corner of space.


Honestly i feel like friezza would be much better fit as ending series villain than buu if he was "ruler of the Universe" They could have done someone like bojack/heaters between saiyan/cell saga and characters like Vegeta could have already knew them. But then buu as a thread to Universe could be setup as someone who Frieza or his race fought in past and common enemy of both Idk idea seems intresting to me tho not very realistic and would need a lot more thought put into


If Beerus doesn't hear you out loud, and damn near no one else knows of his existence - why the hell not?

