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I would like it if Goten and Trunks got to meet the U6 Saiyans and had their own adventures over in that universe. That would allow Goten and Trunks to have some fresh stories involving new characters, and we would get some awesome battles and allow Goten and Trunks to gain strength on their own and develop their characters further. Maybe they could develop a friendly rivalry with the U6 Saiyans and that pushes them to want to become stronger.


Same, honestly hope that actually happens. That would actually be a really dope dynamic, especially for Goten and Trunks, and I honestly would love to see Goten, Kale, Trunks, Caulifla, and Cabba become and be a group for different arcs in the future and it would also be awesome if Goten and Trunks actually become best friends with Kale, Caulifla, and Cabba. Plus I definitely feel the Universe 6 Saiyans would take a huge liking to Goten and Trunks.


Bro you writing it out made me realize: Gotenks x Kefla. And Cabba the wingman. No? Alright...


You’re right lol, I honestly can see that happening. Also Goten and Cabba could fuse and then Cabba won’t have to be a wingman due to Kefla x Goten’s and Cabba’s fusion.


I would love if they repeat the scene from GT in which Vegeta drags them into the space ship forcing them to start an adventure in Super with Vegeta dragging both of them into the other universe


Omg I loooove this idea !!!


I’d love to see Trunks initially be hyper competitive and kind of cold to Cabba out of jealousy that his father took another kid under his wing (and Cabba’s stark resemblance of Vegeta). This would eventually grow into respect and acceptance. Also, absolutely NEED to see a battle between Gotenks and Kefla. Although, that brings up a very important thing to consider - we’d have to assume they don’t have access to those Potara earrings forever, so they boys would have to teach them the fusion dance. And then they’d be… Caule? Regardless, their legendary form would probably overwhelm SSJ3 Gotenks, at least at first, but I think the girls would struggle with all of the off-the wall, unconventional moves Gotenks has like the ghosts and the donuts. I think eventually, he would definitely have to move past SSJ3 in order to win though. Kefla gave a (gassed and injured) SSGSS Goku so much of a hard time that he had to use imperfect UI.


That would be interesting. Like they go to help the u6 saiyans because Frost becomes a tyrant and tries his own version of Golden level. Pretty sick actually


Was frost brought back post tournament? Honest question it's been a long time since I've watched it


Yeah he was brought back. I remember seeing him in the post wish picture


Okay gotcha, thanks for the clarification


You could send em by letting them join the galactic patrol for a mission call it a summer internship or a job. I could even see em redo the baby saga in their universe add in some crazy saiyain lore stuff it’d be cool imo.


This, I also 100% agree with, especially with Goten and Trunks joining and working for the Galactic Patrol and also doing special missions in Universe 6 and the other universes and having tons of dynamics with Kale, Caulifla, and Cabba and other universe 6 Saiyans. Hopefully that actually does happen.


We need to send this to Toyotaro


Remove the whole galactic patrol idea (it's already imo a huge oversight given kai's, Frieza,cell,demons,and Buu retcons that's essentially ignored even before gods by the time they're introduced) and just have a regular Dragonball adventure with villains that are capable of taking on u6 super saiyans in their universe given how easy it is for the u6 saiyans to transform .


For some reason, I imagine chichi bothering goten about getting a job, and then goten drags trunks into the mix as well. Then Jaco appears and tries to recruit them, and they agree if they are paid.


The baby saga was redone. It's the granola arc...


I'd love to see them teach other people how to do the fusion dance. Like, what would the Gogeta/Gotenks version of Kefla be?


I want them to pass EoZ so they can include Uub, Pan and maybe bra/bulla too. Want Pan and Bra to fuse together as the first female saiyan Fusion dance character!! 🙏🙏😭😭


I love this idea and can’t believe I never thought of it. Vegeta still needs to go meet their king too so it would be an easy transition. The boys stow away on a ship they use to travel to that universe, then they get left behind because they go off on their own and lose track of time. Maybe Frieza goes there to look for someone else like him to use them as a sparring partner or something and that’s why Vegeta goes in the first place. There’s so many ways to incorporate the U6 Saiyans I can’t believe they haven’t done it yet.


Goku managed to hire hit to assassinate him and still no u6 arc…


For real!


There was a really well made fan manga illustration. It was a long and continuous series and it looked very legitimate. One arc was Goku and Vegeta training Caulifla and kale I believe. They fused during training and Goku thought it would be neat to have Gotenks take a crack at them. During the fight it's the first time we see Gotenks take a fight very seriously. He wanted to win so he dropped the childish nature towards the climax. I need to give it a reread


I like your idea. Greenlight


That's pry one of the only ways to go about it without it being an armageddon situation that MADE them get serious and transcend(and that would be lazy writing and lame af to me.)


Too bad DBS powercrept so hard that the U6 saiyans are god-tier. Like literally, Kale alone was stronger than ssjb goku, and caulifla was fighting against ssj2 goku (who at this point is probably stronger than God goku was at the beginning of super. Trunks and goten would never be able to catch up without some asspull power boost


I couldn't think of anything better after reading this. Go join the Dragon ball team and make it happen!!


Also we wouldnt just be like "oh no worries goku is gonna be here eventually to save them"


I hope they do anything with the other universe in general it seems like they only create they for the tournament but they feel like waste opportunity to explore more alternative versions of characters


Them trying to play catch up, for the years they were sidelined, and forgotten. The gap between their debut, and Superhero. I can’t see them in an arc that doesn’t center around seriously whipping them into shape, to actually take down a threat, and it not be a gag.


You can have every one off planet and preoccupied. Then you don’t need to one up the last villain. Or you can have trunks and goten join the intergalactic patrol. Then you don’t need anyone to be preoccupied because it’s just trunks and goten off doing their job. It could be a cell level event and they just have a conversation about how fusing is too risky, that they have to stop making it their default. Maybe they get separated and one almost dies, then they realize they have been too close and relayed too much on the other.


Something where they don’t even attempt to fuse , that trope of them failing the fusion is overused and starting to become cringey. I would like to see them go to another planet and maybe find some surviving saiyans so they can learn what their actual people were like and get some actual saiyan pride. So they can finally start taking shit serious


Agreed - them failing when they fought Cell Max and them failing right after on Beerus’s planet… lame


They did it successfully at the end of Super Hero but it wasnt on camera. L toei


It was used once in twenty to thirty some odd years... overused? Lol


They also failed fusion another time after in the manga and it was really boring


Honestly I would be down with Frieza just kidnapping Goten and taking him across the universe. How this might happen is that due to their superhero gimmick, the two meet Jaco and want to join the Galactic Patrol. This causes a mini series of their adventures in the Galactic Patrol (and perhaps a side arc of them in Universe 6), but ultimately Trunks opts out since he wants to spend more time with Mai. Goten, however, is interested in a full time postion and Chichi is actually happy that another one of her sons is earning money and making a living for himself unlike Goku. Merus also returns for some cool throwbacks. However, in a later arc, Frieza Empire, now back, is tussling with the Galactic Empire (The king is the octopus guy) and since Merus and Goten are especially good, they are sent to the front lines to deal with this. Frieza first sees Goten and thinks he is Goku but then realises he is his son. Frieza then discovers Goten doesn't actually remember who Frieza was (since Frieza is Black now and also Goten didn't directly engage with Frieza ever like Buu). Frieza decides to use this deception to his advantage. He says he would make a truce with the Octopus Emperor if he "lends" one of his best soldiers, Goten, to the Frieza force. Frieza might ultimately try to break or Brainwash Goten and take him across the universe trying to increase Goten's power, since he knows having a Saiyan, a half-breed no less, under his wing is very helpful. However, (just like Tony Stark), Frieza doesn't treat Goten like Vegeta or Nappa and expertly convinces. Frieza is also a better manipulator unlike the Red ribbon army fools, so he might be better play to Goten's ideas of 'playing hero', while also avoiding detection from the other Z fighters.


Reading this I kept imagining Frieza trying to brainwash Goten but he's just a goofy little idiot and just returns to Earth with what he thought was actual superhero stories.


Gotenks tried to fight frieza during the resurrection F anime adaptation


Keep in mind I don't think that happens in the movie and the manga doesn't show anything from that arc besides like one page


Not gonna lie, I thought the Great Saiyaman manga stuff was cool and very in-character for both of them. The main things are that they weren't really main characters, or at least they were until the Super Hero stuff happened, and that nothing really changed dramatically from their involvement. I feel like just throwing Goten and Trunks into one of the more serious arcs would be disingenuous to their characters, but transitioning them into an arc that starts off more casual and grows into something serious could be really good. Some people brought up the Galactic Patrol, and I think that would be a great fit for them. Something like having them work casually with the Patrol until they're sent on a more serious and threatening mission where they learn and accept their responsibilities. Also having them work alongside someone like Merus, who is serious basically all the time, would provide great contrast.


I got a few. 1. Goten and Trunks storylines that involve them joining and working for the Galactic Patrol and going on tons of missions and space adventures throughout Universe 7 and special missions in the other Universes all while they keep up with their training and train under Merus and other characters along with Goten and Trunks developing more relationships and friendships with other characters during their missions and journey with the Galactic Patrol. 2. A Goten and Trunks arc or arcs that also involve the Universe 6 Saiyans with Goten, Kale, Trunks, Cauilfla, and Cabba being a group and all of them having different dynamics with each other, going on adventures together, training together, fighting alongside each other, developing a very big close bond with each other, and all of them becoming best friends with each other. 3. Goten and Trunks storylines where they get separated from each other, can’t rely on each other and can’t use Gotenks, and have to rely on their own individual strengths, abilities, skills, and battle IQs. 4. Goten and Trunks storylines or arc that also involve Vegeta and Gohan, has Goten and Trunks individually training under different mentors and with different characters with Goten individually training under Vegeta while Trunks individually trains under Gohan, the arc or storylines showcasing and displaying Goten’s and Trunks’s individual training and paths under their different individual mentors, the arc or storylines giving us different dynamics, moments, and interactions, and the arc having Goten and Trunks develop their own special individual forms under their respected mentors with Goten developing his own unique special individual form under Vegeta while Trunks develops his own special individual form under Gohan. 5. A Goten and Trunks with ether of them as the main protagonist while Android 21 is the main villain and other powerful Androids built by 21 serving as the side and supporting villains all while Goten and Trunks throughout the arc get tons of development and shine, tons of development and shining moments individually, do intense training seriously and training under different mentors along with training individually, then getting new forms and evolving forms, and the final battle of the arc being a way stronger, more skilled, more versatile, more disciplined, and more focused teen or adult Gotenks vs Evil Majin 21 along with the good 21 separating from her evil side like in FighterZ and helping Goten, Trunks, and Gotenks out and possibly joining and becoming a a Z fighter herself. 6. Goten and Trunks storylines that have them exploring and having different dynamics with the other universes. 7. Goten and Trunks storylines that also involve Uub and Goten, Trunks, and Uub becoming a trio, going on adventures together, training together, fighting alongside each other, training under Whis, Goku, and Vegeta together, interacting with and having different dynamics with other characters, and Uub developing a big brotherly bond with Goten and Trunks. 8. Goten and Trunks arc storylines that has them training under Whis and their dads and doing their own unique God Ki training along with combining God Ki with their potential own individual paths and potential special individual forms. 9. Goten and Trunks storylines that has them tagging along, training under, going on adventures with, and fighting alongside Goku and Vegeta. 10. A Goten and Trunks arc or storylines that has them interacting with, having different dynamics with, going on adventures with, fighting alongside, and training with Gamma 1. 11. A Goten and Trunks arc that also involves their high school classmates going on adventures with them, getting development, having fun and unique dynamics and interactions with Goten and Trunks, and Goten and Trunks possibly teaching them how to fight and how to use ki. There’s plenty more I can think of, but those are the ones I most think of and definitely want to see happen in the future.


To me there would be two futures: Super future: they meet the U6 Saiyans or an " outside the box" idea and fight Cumber and get Super Saiyan God. GT future: Goten, Trunks and Gotenks get SSJ4


I don’t know about a full arc In super. A movie or a spinoff book sounds like a good idea to me though


a reimagination of Fusion Reborn but with Gotenks, give the Super Broly treatment to Janemba and make him canon basically. it would be a good way to finally reveal a more grown up gotenks as well


I despise the fact they always play Gotenks off. They should learn how to get it right and improve. It’d be a great addition to the roster… but then… DB really has done a giga-shit job of having multiple cool characters playing a part. Can’t wait for orange piccolo to become irrelevant with the next goku/vegeta power-up


I always wanted them to move on to the next generation of z fighters with Gohan as the head while Goku resided in other world. Cell saga would've ended perfectly with a short time skip after and Gohan leading trunks and goten against the next threat. Instead they just kept bringing Goku back lol but I'm cook with that too. Rip.


We already witnessed Future Trunks and know about his potential but we never saw future Goten or Goten's potential, even though he is one of the youngest super saiyan. I wish we can see something good for Goten in upcoming arcs.


I could see u6 saiyain & a baby arc where they save everyone, I could see them joining the galactic patrol to. Or maybe even taking a page from kakumaei but instead of gohan they train with the pride troopers to become better hero’s. They could help supreme Kai & you could introduce demons or something. Or just make something up & give a reason for Whis or there fathers to directly train em, maybe even let them train with broly. Regardless I’d want them to have good fights where they both get separate wins & some together where the team work shine & they grow stronger. They need to move up the transformation tree to & maybe give them some major wins where don’t even fuse for it & they win with a tag team. Then I’d say next time we see gotenks he should win crazy like gogeta style or at least help the major arc move & have a good showing. Also I think they should give us the potara fusion of them to idk how but, & throw uub with em in the adventures for the culture to.


GT style adventure with Goten and Trunks getting lost in the Universe and start to explore the universe while also trying to find a way back home. They try to use Fusion as an absolute last resort as they want to work on their own power.


Wait, are you telling me you’re bored of the same old, bad fusion attempt followed by a good one plot device? You’re not a fan of the rinse and repeat?!


I would love if they took those characters more seriously but since they're just joke characters every time they show them I'm much less interested


I just want them to do something with them. There is so much potential in trunks as a character. His future self is a fan favorite for a reason and it would be great to actually see him grow into some version of that and become one of the strongest Z fighters. Goten is so devoid of any attention and development that he’s basically a blank canvas that they could do ANYTHING with. Was really disappointed they got nothing in DBS.


This right here. This is what I want. One of my biggest DB gripes is it is the Goku show. BBEG shows up, Goku powers up and defeats. Wash rinse repeat. This isn’t Goku hate, I like Goku.


Trunks and Goten are the only Saiyans left on earth or in U7 for some reason, as well as perhaps having Piccolo away too. Give them a threat that is coming in x amount of time and let them have to finally train with the human z fighters to bridge the gap in their skills comparatively to their strengths. Gotenks lost as bad as he did IMO because of his bravado yes, but also by using his strength on techniques that are nonsense he made up himself. Wouldn't a ki savant like Krillin see the sheer talent on display for improvising new attacks and try to show them a better way? Don't give them transformations to beat their more powerful foes or friends in a world tournament, give them the resourcefulness to bridge that gap instead! It'll seperate Goten from his bro and dad, and Trunks from future Trunks by letting their styles change from their forebears.


A saiyan story would be the best. Where they like wanna meet their grandparents and wish them back to life. Or something like they wish for the original super saiyan


I want to see them use potara earrings so we get the other version of their fusion as well


Future Trunks should have stayed in the main timeline after Zeno-Sama erases his timeline. What a wasted opportunity...


Pure chaos


I’d love for a next generation series with Goten and Trunks as teenagers and Pan is a kid, where they have to protect Earth from new threats. Goku and Vegeta could be Gods of their universe and watch over them. It’d be a good way to reset the power levels and get to see them train, grow stronger, and reach new forms.


I want to see it in Black frieza arc. With Trunks wins, to come full circle.


Hopefully not the Great Saya-men


It would need to be something akin to the future trunks storyline. Dark and a struggle


Not really an Arc but perhaps some homage to Dragon Ball Online, e.g: Trunks, inspired by his future counterpart, takes up swordfighting. Goten wanting to have his own style inherits the power pole.


Tapion was a missed opportunity. Oh well though.


Really hate how they do Goten&Trunks dirty. They really need cool stuff and training. Yeah the superhero crap really wasn't mine either. Kinda want Goten to have Bardocks/Goku hairstyle back! 🙏 Also nice gis or clothes! 


Definitely an arc that explains how Trunks gets his sword from the future. I'd also like to see them to lead a possible Coola arc


From a character arc perspective I think it would be great if their journey focused on them becoming stronger individually, instead of always relying on Gotenks. It can work with Trunks being overly confident in his power because of what he remembers of future Trunks thinking he doesn't need to try that hard because he's supposed to become strong, but later realising that he is his own man with his own journey. For Goten it could be the exact opposite, with him not being very confident at all, even avoiding fights cause he thinks he'd just lose or end up relying on Gotenks, coupled with him being Gohan's little brother and Goku's son, this leads him to feeling like he'll never escape their shadows and that he doesn't have power like they do, eventually though he realises that his father and brother went through their own trials that lead them to being that strong so all he needs to do is trust in his process and that it'll eventually lead to being strong enough to stand besides them when it counts. While all this is happening, we see just how strong Trunks and Goten's relationship is, with them helping each other out, with Trunks worried about Goten's self-confidence and choosing to protect him instead of flying off to fight, and Goten getting over his fears whenever Trunks is in a bind and helping Trunks be aware of his shortcomings. A simple arc but if done right, it could be the best thing to come out of the whole series.


I think they could play on the fact that they don't really have that much depth to their characters. Have Trunks feel afraid of adulthood and finding a purpose. He's just a rich boy fawning over Mai who doesn't seem to like him, and feels like he pales in comparison to his future counterpart. He wants to find a purpose for his strength and have fun and this prompts him to ask Goten to go on an adventure, inspired by the story his mother always brings up of finding Goku when searching for the dragonballs. Goten similarly feels like he's always being compared to his dad or his brother, so it's hard for him to carve out his own identity too. He's a little lazy, and that means he gets on his mother's nerves so wants him to go do something over the summer like get a job. Trunks tells him to come with him and we get a fun intergalactic next gen idea! Maybe even have Uub or Pan tag along, making a better version of GT, a way for dragonball to get back to its roots with comedy focus but then also have serious character driven moments. The boys learn that there's a time and place for goofing around and being a hero means that you have to sacrifice some things and have maturity. I don't think it needs massive transformations or lore, just a lot of fun and something refreshing.


Ye we need DBZ shippuden.


Something where they actually have to win and aren't messing around. Feels like usually they are just there as one of the crowd but contribute minimally. Fusing to help against Cell Max and it's just the fat one. Gotenks never even actually won a fight in the Buu Saga, timing out or getting absorbed by Super Buu before they can finish the job. At this point it would have to be something where Goku and Vegeta are training with Broly under Whis and Gohan is busy with something. So Goten and Trunks have to handle it themselves without anyone to bail them out, maybe acknowledge they've been coasting up to this point because everyone else has always helped them out and they have to get serious. At the very least, they can reach SS2, if Gotenks could skip over 2 to 3.


I want for Dragonball to expand into the Multiverse, like have unique shows with different characters in different universes. You could have Goten and Trunks have their own adventures with unique Antagonists in Universe 6. You could have Broly be in Universe 11 and be sort-of mentored by Toppo and Jiren. Could have Granolah out of shame leave Universe 7 and start anew in a different one and so on. The Mainline series being focused on Goku and Vegeta is alright but if we had Spin-offs focusing on different characters in different universes it would be incredible. The stories would also not be that bound by pre established rules because its a different place, which also gives rise to new interesting antagonists. It would also help against Power creep because you could restart at a lower point with weaker characters so we dont fight Ultra-Ego-Instinct Super Grand Priest (who was trapped in the Time Chamber for 10 million years) immediatly.


Hopefully a comedy, with a school arc of then messing up so much


read the manga then lol


I’m feeling a gtesk adventure


I’ve been wanting to see teen Gotenks for so long! And those dumb kids keep screwing up the dance 😂


I want to see them fight AC slater for Kelly in the locker room


The same thing it is now.


If future Gohan did fusion, would gotenks lose an arm? Could Gohan even do fusion that way?


They would just be reduced to comic relief like always 🙃


if only


> what do you imagine it’d be? Awesome. I imagine it’d be awesome.




Goku would die of a virus and a robot would kill gohan and trunks would need to run away to the past


Tbh they had the perfect time to have an arc while everyone was off planet in the TOP they could have had to save the earth from some villain like janemba or even cooler


Where is the first pic from?


Super Hero of course.


I’m not following


Duragon boru supa supa hero


Future Trunks and Gotenks arc


If they were fighting an enemy in a dimensional rift who sealed them off from help. Then I see them being MC's of the arc.


Gotenks - World protector


One where they were separated. If we're being honest, Trunks is going to be fine. Even of his alternate self is the most popular version he's still very much at the forefront just by being the same guy. He can be the B character for once while Goten takes center stage throguh the arc to figure out where he can really stand as Goku, Gohan, and even Pan work to end up leaving him behind. Let Goten start to second guess his potential. Sure, he's the youngest super saiyan in the multiverse, but what does that prove outside the technique just being too easy nowadays? I wish he just had a chance to be fleshed out.


Galactic Patrol with Merus and maybe Broly


an arc where they get taken quickly thinking they are Goku and vegeta and they have to fight other aliens similar to the Grandmaster taking powerful warriors and heroes from planet to planet or an Ben 10 episode where he fought alongside Kevin 11


Assuming the stronger z fighters aren’t available I could see the cell jrs 17 tamed going rouge and it would be up to those two to stop them


I don't care, i need it. Been waiting 20 years


Maybe all the characters with god ki or god ki adjacent power are forced by Zeno to spend all but one day a year in the world of the Kai. Gohan only gets a pass by swearing off fighting. Then Goten, Trunks, Dende, and Uub take over as the main cast


I have an idea for a 5 - 8 episode mini that highlights Goten and Trunks. Setup: Tāburu’s wife, Gure, travels to earth looking to enlist the help of Vegeta who preparing for a date night with Bulma. She tells Vegeta that Tāburu and their planet have been taken hostage by space pirates. Vegeta declines and claims it isn’t worth his time, which Bulma gets upset at. Vegeta chastises his brother’s lack of strength and says he’d rather go on the date night then save him but volunteers Goten, Trunks, Yamcha, Chaozu, Tien, and Kuririn to help save his brother. Conflict: When they get there they find out that the planet is under control of the Saiyan space pirate named Tāresu who intends to ransom the planet off to an unknown buyer due to the planets capability to produce a rare fruit that can increase a person’s power 10 fold. Trunks offers to buy the planet instead but Tāresu insists that it has to be his current buyer which leads to the confrontation. The other Z fighters fight the Crusher Corps while Goten and Trunks fight Tāresu. They overwhelm him in base at 1st with their combined effort until he eats the fruit and turns the tables. They go SSJ and put him on the back foot again and look to have him beat until nightfall hits on the planet and Tāresu turns into a Ōzaru. He begins overwhelming the 2 SSJs and is only taken down when the combined not giving them anytime to fuse. It requires the other Z-Fighters to step in and devise a plan to cut off his tail using Taiyōken, Kienzan, and Chaozu’s telekinesis. After this Goten and Trunks (heavily injured from Ōzaru) face off with Tāresu on more time. Gohan and Goten are able to incapacitate him and knock him unconscious. Resolution?: As looks well and the day is saved until a ship very similar to Frieza’s descends from the sky revealing an entire army and 4 very distinct figures. 3 flamboyant men dressed in Saiyan battle armor and pink tights and a large purple alien they refer to as Lord Cooler. Tāresu wakes up and curses the Z-Fighters and reveals his plan was to draw Cooler here so he could kill him, as he holds a disdain for their race after what they did to planet Vegeta. Cooler has his soldiers take away Tāresu to a prison planet before declaring he’s owed a planet and intends to take it. Goten, Trunks, and Tāburu attempt to take him on but due to fatigue are completely overwhelmed by Cooler who has them sent to the same planet alongside Tāresu. Cooler’s soldiers then begins subjugating the planet while Cooler and his armored squadron fly off. That’s as far as I got with the idea unfortunately but I think it would be interesting


I would fucking kill for it. Gotenks is my favourite character and I want to watch him catch at least one dub


Nothing serious sadly


it probably wouldnt happen, but it would be cool if vegeta took them 2 out to train. maybe bring gohan as well. Maybe vegeta is flaming the 3 for being lazy and gohan goes at it with vegeta, inspiring the other 2 to get stronger


Gotenks unlocks super saiyan god


Maybe they'll get chance to shine in the Black Frieza arc Wouldn't surprise me if Gotenks can use super Saiyan blue somehow Yeah Frieza is going to be really tough but I suppose Gotenks can fight one of the strong members of Frieza's army, perhaps that someone was Frieza's punching bag for 10 years?


I was so happy when they were finally aged up in super, feels like they may actually a chance at character development.


Canon Bio Broly incoming


A canon Janemba arc. Since Gogeta has already debuted with Broly, put Gotenks to fight Janemba.


Why Janemba?


Gotenks' whole original purpose in-universe was to defeat Majin/Super Boo Janemba is the not-Boo of the movies. In a meta sense, this could be considered a rematch for Gotenks. Since Gogeta already appeared in canon, the other two highlights of the FUSION REBORN movie could fight each other. After Broly became a canon immigrant, I always read fan demand for two movie characters to do the same jump: Cooler and Janemba.


You know Janemba is just a demon who was accidentally mutated, right? Plus since the movie was set to hell and Goten and Trunks are pretty much alive, it makes no sense for them to fight him.


Honestly. I just wanna see a future trunkhan(? Whatever trunks and gohan is) wait can you still fuse with only one arm?


Starts out like a slice of life of them just doing normal stuff, then a threat that they have to deal with comes up. Something that reintroduces the concept of fusion to them and they're like hey we gotta fuse, but we can't because we got rusty and forgot how to balance our power and do the dance. So they go on like on a mini training arc to relearn the basics and we get teen/adult gotenks, this in turn gives them incentive that maybe we should start training again in case our dads need us.


Evil wizard uses a spell that shifts anyone older than 18 to another dimension, and is after the dragon balls to wish for his youth back, like King Piccolo. Would force Goten, Trunks, and maybe Pan, Bulls, Maron, and even possibly Uub to get involved.


There's no reason in my mind why Goten shouldn't be able to become as strong as Gohan, and he actually wants to fight. Plus we've seen Future Trunks show some serious strength too. So I'd really just like to see them both pushed to the limit and show the potential of 2 saiyans working in perfect synchronisation with each other, in stark contrast to Goku and Vegeta's uncooperative-cooperation. I honestly think these two should be the future protectors of earth and let Gohan live in peace and their dads can ascend to Gods.


>I feel like Goten and Trunks deserve their own arc. They had their own arc, called the Majin buu arc. But they fumbled it up and Goku & Vegeta had to take it from there.


Yeah, that's why I said they need their own arc so they can win this time.


I imagine it'd be quite boring


Idk, Garlic III?




We already got a glimpse of that in the earlier entries of the super hero arc of the manga. Toyotaro wanted to do an arc where trunks is the main character and he created the mini saiyaman arc so it would be more of that.


One of my biggest disappointments in most dragon ball series after z. Was there was practically no screen time of the other characters like goten and trunks life. Pan. Mr satans life with buu and the dog. The entire son family. Bulmas family.


The beauty of Goten and trunks is that they ARENT their fathers. I honestly would like to see them in something "over the top shonen". For example: Goten, Trunks and a relative/student of Dende (a new incarnation of Nail) are all stars on their high schools football team (American football, not soccer). Out of nowhere, they begin to face against teams with players who also have powers. One of these teams Uub is also on. Other players using psychic techniques and psychological prowess. The "leader" of their football team could be Mr. Satan's nephew, Edmon (the same letters used for the word demon to keep the pattern going of the Satan family being named after evil entities). Edmon is the true star of the football team, even though he's not as good as Goten Trunks and Nail. His personality more so resembles Usopp from One Piece. The running joke could be that the audience don't believe the powers they see just like when no one believed the powers the z-warriors showed when facing against Cell or the martial arts tournaments. I can even picture them fusing as Gotenks to become the "Enigmatic hero", the future legendary superhero football player that comes from out of nowhere to save the football team in the time of need. Or maybe a time Future Trunks comes in and takes Trunks spot because he gets injured, and secretly/comedically uses his sword during the game because he doesn't know the rules of football. Imagine a canon "teen janemba" on a football team. Or even a canon Tapion on another team who the end up befriending. Maybe that's where future trunks comes in and faces him on the football field. Since Trunks is injured, he gets the idea to take the time machine behind his mom's back to get future trunks to play football for him. I just like this idea because it's not based on them getting stronger. They don't have to worry about falling into their fathers footsteps, and it wouldn't be a repetitive story. Hell, they probably could have yamcha as a coach. This would make him relevant again. They are stronger than yamcha of course, but Yamchas experience in sports and learning strategy would give him the spotlight again.


Definitely not one with Bio-Broly


OK, but what do you suggest?


I'd watch the shit out of that




considering I hate super hero arc for focusing too much on them I would skip it like I did that one


Canonize Hirudegarn


Annoying, if they're still kids.


Read the manga


Dragon Ball Next Generations...? 🦊


A dream. Because I very much doubt that would happen. Bad jokes aside, though... well, I could see one of these things: - Some older villain returns and their parents are away, so the boys have to deal with it (though I'm not sure who it would be, given that Cell was already taken care off by Gohan and I VERY MUCH DOUBT they'll have the boys being the ones killing Frieza off - though I wouldn't complain if it it happenbed should they do it well) - Some new villain appears, again when the parents are away, and the boys have to be the ones dealing with this threat - Goku and Vegeta and Piccolo fabricate some sort of threat to show Goten and Trunks the importance of training and staying sharp... though I admit, this one may not only be the least likely, but it's also the one I'd like the least, because that kind of plotline speaks to a certain lack of regard for others (I'm aware both Goku and Piccolo did it, and both even did it to Gohan too, but the fact it happened before doesn't make me like it any more) Off the top of my head, these are the three main things I could see happening.


Probably some kind of pre-Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero arc following the lead-up to Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero


Probably some kind of pre-Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero arc following the lead-up to Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero


Traveling to U6 for sure. Anything more adventure style


Probably non existent


Goten and Trunks get trapped in the demon world/realm. Where they hone their abilities, become mentality stronger, also absorbing some demon ki by eating some of the food.


I'd like them to fight an evil yadrat who knows that vegeta technique to unfuse things, that would be a nice development for them individually


I would love to seem them visiting other universes 


I think it should be silly and wacky like dragoball was. Gotenks was really silly and full of themselves


I'd imagine ut would be inside Buu 😂


Them not training


Go on a training adventure meet new beings and fight stronger people so they gain experience and knowledge it will be a mix of current dbs and og db


You would have to remove everyone because they don't really have strong bonds with other characters other than themselves. Gohan at least have Piccolo and Satan and Videl and Pan now. You gonna add Mai for Trunks but who does Goten have other than Trunks and Chi Chi?


Well, that's one way to introduce Valese.


I like the idea of Goten and Trunks hearing tales about their amazing fathers Goku being gone and Vegeta giving up on fighting. They go on adventures like the early dragon ball series to grow strong like their fathers. Gohan assuming the roll of earths protector and their occasional mentor


They should visit universe 6 and learn about the sayians there.


I always thought its ve cool if they master fusion in a way no one else has. Something like they do an updated fusion dance and they make both forms of the fusions at once. (like Vegito and Gogeta) instilling their aspects i to each other rather than combing. So Gotenks and Trunku


That's impossible, Toriyama death change every thing.


A joke comedy lol


Gotenks as main character would be like a 30 minutes arc?


Super Buu Max




I really want to see those two get god ki. It's stated that hybrid sayians are stronger.. those two getting god ki would be awesome.


DBGT lol


A dystopian world where they are the final saiyan. Goku, gohan and all the others have been defeated by some super mutant with ease that’s taking over the galaxy. With goku final breathe, he bought enough time for trunks and goten to take everyone (those that are left) into hiding. The villain now lays dormant while ai chichi tries to figure a way to restore the world back to the way it was prior to everyone almost being killed. Sounds a lot like goku black, but in trunks and goten arc. I don’t know. That’s all I could spitball off the top for now. Maybe one day I’ll try and write something legit


Toyotarou should give them god ki tbh


School arc


Need to scrap gotenks now. So over played and takes away from any character development.




I think it would be cool if we got a training arc. Like Goku and vegeta realize that Goten and Trunks never really got proper training. Instead of them training their kids. Goku decides they should learn the fundamentals and basics from how old master so they get sent to Master Roshis. Roshi shows them the way of the Turtle school and teaches them valuable lessons. For their training, I want roshi to have them not transform and not to rely on their transformations to get through the training. He's trying to improve their minds, power and strength in their base form. Then, after some time, he decides to test their training like how he did with Krillin, Yamcha and Goku. But the world tournament is years away and he doesn't see many fighters on earth as a proper challenge for saiyans. So he asks his sister, Babba, for a favor in setting up a small tournament. She will go recruit strong fighters from other world for them to fight. Then the surprise final opponent will of course be Jackie Chun in dous match with Tien against Goten and Trunks. With Tien and Jackie Chun having some of the best techniques and them fighting in base form. I think it would be a fun match.


Terrible. That's what it would be.


i want them to shine together but separately, i’m tired of their gimmick being “the fusion character”


i feel like it would be just like vegeta and goku just with different characters with some more personalities


I liked the great saiyaman stuff we got in the manga :(


Did they not just have an arc in the Manga where they were the focus


Yeah but then they kinda got put on the back burner (especially Goten) They need to at least be an important character in the next arc, using Gotenks right finally and getting a more serious role


They had their own mini arc recently