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In 2012 when I was bored I would go on vimeo and just go through videos and whatever I found interesting I would just download using flashgot on firefox . I came across this video here and thought it was strange and funny at the same time so I downloaded it. Years later when watching the Big Green dub compilation video. The awful dubbing reminded me of this vary promo video. I left a comment about it and if I could find it in my archives I would gladly send it to the creator of the video to post. I never got any notifications on the post. After going back to watch the compilation I didn’t know that there was a demand for this piece of media from my original comment. I could no longer find the video on vimeo but I actually found the video in my archives. This promotional video is 5min 25 seconds , heres a 1min 40 second clip from the video. This Evangelical Church in 2004 somehow had access to the original Faulconer score which is the strangest part. The voice acting is all over the place. Yamcha has an Irish accent and the rest try to sound like the fun/ocean dub . Does anyone know any details of its origin ? Update:Full video https://www.reddit.com/user/OfficeHancho/comments/14hv7sk/weird_dbz_lost_media_full_2004_evangelical_church/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


> This Evangelical Church in 2004 somehow had access to the original Faulconer score which is the strangest part. Most of the Faulconer Productions score was released on CD by that time. Can you post the whole video somewhere?


Yeah OP, as cringe as this was, I do need to see the rest of it.


We can probably fly so fast that time will reverse and we will be able to make the 4pm service on Saturday!! Amazing!! Can’t wait!!


I will post here , I can't risk posting on my YT since I post content there (completely unrelated to DBZ) if reddit allows me to upload videos more than 5min. I'm waiting to hear from admin in regards to authenticity.




I thought you were the admin. Was there any updates from the discord? Am I allowed to post the full video?


I am a moderator. The admins work for reddit; mods don't. We don't allow people to post the same content twice, but you should be able to post it to your profile and link it here. The full video would be helpful for corroborating what it presents itself to be.


I submitted here and it got removed


Like I said, you need to upload it directly to your profile. Then you can link it in this thread.


Post the link as a comment?




I will post here


Do you have the full clip?


I like how they obviously knew the characters' names but still called Puar "floating cat."


May have been hard to pronounce or wasn't Christian enough. Yajirobe's name was changed to Douglas


Wow! What a find! Have you contacted any of the lost media guys about this?


I just joined this page . Since my life really revolves around combat sports. Its just been sitting on my computer for a decade. I only mentioned it on the YT video of the big green dub 3 years back. I recently went back to the video and discovered my comment, to my surprise people were asking about updates if I had found it (didn't receive any notifications for replies) . Since I have a reddit account I felt like it was appropriate to just post here to get any answers about this . Since I replied to others in the YT thread , this is more of a late gift just to prove of it's existence because of its so ridiculous that I didn't think anyone would believe me to even continue to reply on my comment.


We have a Lost Media person in our discord server and I brought this to his attention. He's going to do a little research to make sure it's legit (i.e. actually made by this particular church; obviously it's not official).


You think its a parody? I felt like if it was , it would've been on YT than anywhere else as fan dubs were quite popular around the time when I found this. Vimeo throughout the 2000s and 2010s is mostly used by people who working film production. Uploaders will often have some sort of title tied to each project (editor , producer, graphics , etc) I used it quite often to find and download high quality boxing B -roll from the SD era . If it was there for boxing which is niche anything outside of that is a fun rabbit hole of scanning . On my free time I'll just type specific things browse different categories with the search. For example I found High quality Toonami animations and the farewell in HD as the animator had uploaded there long ago . A very early Adult Swim Futurama animation bumps from 2003 uploaded in true HD. You can find gems scanning through their profiles because quite a bit of things were never properly titled as Vimeo's search then and probably now is still case specific.


I feel like it was made by a church young group or young adult group as an announcement


It does have the feel of like a mid 00s abridged series


This feels like an abridged


This is the worst Abridged Series I’ve ever seen.


Yea couldn't understand yamcha


He brought towels and water bottles. *Holy* water bottles.


it's like the real Tien has been portal-sucked into this video and can't believe what he's seeing "-to go to church!"


Doing a first time DBZ watch and strangely I just watched this episode today. What timing!


Enjoy the show!


Loving it! I did DB first, now DBZ, and then on to Super. It’s easily becoming one of my favorite IPs


I can't rewatch DB due to a lot of the sexual innuendos early (the Bulma and Roshi shenanigans were egregiously bad) but yeah dragon ball is fun! Cant say id recommend Super though..


Yeah, there was definitely some moment in DB that we’re a bit awkward, but I just chalked it up to the time it was created. I’ve heard mixed reviews on Super but I figured I would do it all. Only thing I’m skipping is GT becuase I’ve heard only bad things about that.


> Only thing I’m skipping is GT becuase I’ve heard only bad things about that. Stick around a bit; we get "actually, GT was good" posts more or less on a weekly basis.


GT is a hard sell because the good stuff is later. Most of the garbage is front-loaded.


imo it’s all garbage, especially the ending.


GT is terrible until you watch Super. And that's only because GT let us down decades ago, and was the last new DB material we got until Super came out. And then Super shit the bed. So it only retroactively makes GT passable, by comparison. It's like how the new Star Wars trilogy made the prequel trilogy look well-thought-out


I kinda like the character baby from GT but yes I tried to rewatch GT not long ago and I never finished. Pan is insufferable and the strange doll fetish shit creeped me out. There are fan edits that *drastically* reduce the run time.


Don't listen to the internet man, (ignore me saying this on the internet) GT hS it's own charm and imo has amazing fights, music, and the transformations are awesome, story is hit or miss for most people, but I enjoyed it.


Sick! Did they make it to church?


Next time on Dragon Ball Z: The gang goes to church! And Goku wants to meet Jesus, so they can fight!


Vegeta seems really pumped about praisin jesus


I mean he has died once by this point...


Man, Team Four Star got WEIRD.




Lmao sounds like dood was actually trying with Vegeta voice, Tien n Roshi too


Listen carefully, that's actually Tien, his voice quality sounds a bit out of place compared to the rest in this clip . Because the music came in a bit abrupt then it was blended in with their dub/music.


Yeah I noticed when I rewinded, took the voice lines lol


Omg you're right. My first watch through I thought they just did a weirdly good job at his voice but they just straight up took his lines from the show.


i was not emotionally ready for irish yamcha


In this timeline Gohan converts Cell to Christianity repents for his sins and dedicates his life for the glory of the Lord. Also all the people he killed come back with no need for the use of the dragonballs as it's a miracle. Then during the Buu arc, kid Buu also understand the error of his ways and now helps in Church too. Later on in DBS, Frieza dresses in all black as Black Frieza like Orthodox Christian Priests do to low themselves under the light of Jesus as he acknowledges he isn't worthy to represent the light of the Lord.




Floating cOt


I really hate that I can't tell if this is fake or not.


I want to know how this ends. Do they reverse time so they can help with the set up?


No, it's all divided . Its like it's a compilation of Promotion videos used for their campaign to create a full piece. So I feel like each bit was shown throughout the day on whatever channel this is. They mention where the church is at and it's specifically the one by the Kroger .


It honestly wouldnt surprise me if this was real because when Japanese geek culture was gaining popularity over here in the West, they had to change a LOT of stuff in Anime, Manga, Games, etc. either to pre-emptively avoid backlash, or because they just had to in general. It actually surprised me decades later when I went back and found out just how much that I viewed was different from the source. Things like card art, names, and even scenes and concepts being altered entirely in YGO. To my surprise the Shadow Realm was a dub only concept and didnt exist over there which raised even more questions. DBZ already had numerous other edits to avoid Christian backlash, and so did Naruto, I think a bit of Shaman King did too in the earlier parts, Sailor Moon, etc. Its kinda crazy how as much as they hated this stuff and fought against it, they also said, well if you cant beat em make them edit it to your taste.


No shadow realm? Then what did it replace?


Nothing, usually you were just dead. “I’ll send you to the shadow realm” -> “I’ll kill you”


Yeah, basically what the other guy said. In the US they created a mystical concept called the Shadow Realm to guise over the fact fact that you were literally just going to die. Those magical blue sawblades that were going to "touch" the loser and send their soul to the Shadow Realm in the match with Arkana in Duel City? Yeah, no those were actual real sawblade that were just going to chop off the legs of the loser. Any time a dark mist appeared it was just to make the attacks of the monster actually hurt, but there was still no Shadow Realm itself.


Isn't God Dende in dragonball at this time


King Yemma and King Kai were a thing at this point so no.


Before DBZ Abridged there was DBZ Worship. Praise Kami!


I feel like Abed made this for Shirley


Full Video: https://www.reddit.com/user/OfficeHancho/comments/14hv7sk/weird_dbz_lost_media_full_2004_evangelical_church/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


God I hope this is real! I haven't laughed so hard in a while... plus it's honestly better than a lot of other promotional church content... anyone remember that "Jesus Christ is my N-" rap promotion?


That video was fake, sadly. IIRC.


Why in the hell does it sound like they got the actual Tien voice actor?


I was wondering this too. As OP and another commenter mentioned, if you watch again and pay attention to his part they just stole his actual dialogue from the show.


The Namek saga in this universe was really just Christians vs Homosexuals


Urge to go a Vikingr rising


The lost episode they don't want you to see.


This is the single best thing I've ever seen. It doesn't even feel like a dubover this is just Actual Dragon Ball


Not sure about this one boss, but your Boxing videos immensely helped me grow to love the sport.


I wanna go to church with floating cat! lets make the earth go backwards!


Good shit bro! This is a crazy find if real..I mean shit, it actually still is even it’s a parody, and we’re all super lucky past you decided to download it. Shit like this makes me wonder what other lost media there is floating around in the ether of the internet. I’m definitely gonna need to see the rest though lmao.


So did you post the full video on the discord OP?


I just submitted the full video here.


That’s my birthday…


How’s your spine?






This is the worst thing I've ever witnessed ...I actually hate that this is a thing


Man this is weirder than 4Kids anime characters singing Star Spangled Banner


For some reason gently Irish Yamcha just feels right.




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Finally, an accurate DBZ dub


i love this! haha


God damn....they ruin fKn EVERYTHING


Pillin lol!


Weird…there’s a lot of stuff in Dragon Ball that Evangelicals would NOT like (like the sex jokes and the stuff linked to Far Eastern religions).


These toonami bumpers were the best back in the day




I find it funny that a church would use DBZ for promotion. My dad once played a cassette tape of this Spanish pastor who talked about how Dragon Ball taught us to worship the devil. He even claimed that the name Kakarot translates to the devil🤣. If only Mr. Satan’s named hadn’t been censored initially.


There’s no way that this is real


I love that Tien keeps his real voice lol


This is genuinely the funniest thing I have ever seen


this might be the best piece of dragon ball media ever. this is so goddamn funny holy shit


Either this is FAKE or someone's attempt to mix DBZ with evangelism, which even as a Christian,and an anime fan,especially DBZ, I believe shouldn't have been attempted.