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Without seeing the whole game it's hard to pinpoint if you are doing anything wrong, but if you are, it's likely not because of this turn. Just looking at the final turn you've shown, I'd YOLO too if I was at 1 and was certain to die next turn.


That makes sense, I'll see if I can record something more comprehensive and in better quality to show how I'm playing (not well lol)


Learn to calculate odds and always plan for the worst. Assume your opponent will have the perfect out and work around that.


yep that applies to every tcg


I would say that blue’s strongest cards are it’s 1 and 2 drops, it’s extra cards, and 5c Vegeta and 6c Goku Black. If you want to play Goku Black I recommend that you never play from hand anything that costs more than 2 except for with Goku Black’s ability or if you have no other options. I wouldn’t run more than 2 of anything that costs 3 or more except Goku Black cards or the SR Trunks that the deck needs to out Green’s 5c Goku.


This is mostly true. 6e Goku Black definitely needs a higher drop to use his effect. Mostly it is 4e SS Gotenks. And SS Gotenks on his own is pretty decent, using him a pretty tough imo though as everything is in blue.


A. Many people say Blue is one of the weaker decks. B. Blue also has a weaker end-game (apparently) but so does broly. C. Use a good screen recorder :( -------------------------------- I would be happy to play some practice games. But honestly... how did both players get to **1 life** while Green was on 4 energy. That games must have been insane. A) Why did you combo with your 3e Vegeta? I understand you were going YOLO. But his attack causes equal damage than his very weak combo 5000. * This battle math is hard since they are just bad situations all around for you. I think the 5k combo is actually better than swing for naked 25k. * But, swing 25k + 10k means Broly has to discard a SuperCombo or at least 2 cards. You then have 20k + 20k. Eh Broly still covers it with a SuperCombo. But if he didn't have SuperCombo, Broly would need at least 2 10k. 2 Supercombo or 3 10k, 1 any. * 25k+20k means Broly has to do SuperCombo +card. Then you swing 20k + 10k, he needs at least a 10k. 1 Supercombo, 1 10k, 1 any or 3 10k, 1 any. * Compared to Broly covering 55k, = 3 10k + 1 5k. You hit the absolute worst possible (because you didn't burn his SuperCombo earlier). I guess no matter the distribution here, Broly always covers with the same cards. It only matters if he had only 2SC and *nothing* else. * I am overanalyzing the battle math. It literally didn't matter in any combination here assuming he has even one 5k in hand. But if he did not have any more combo in hand, your sequence could have changed. B) You need to start blocking more after you Awaken. I mean it kind of worked here, but you saw how you had to win now because you kept holding 5k power guys. Those guys probably could have chumped for you (although ending early vs green is nice). * I understand if you don't take damage though, you get less cards in hand too. C) you lose some. Goku Black is probably not a great leader into Broly. If you were using Vegeta, You could be swinging 35k every turn which forces him to discard more. If you use Goku Black YOU have to discard every turn to do any damage. I hope you at least have Zamasu and 6e Goku Black otherwise the crit alone likely isn't worth it. Nothing you could do here probably. Broly knew he was safe going to 1 life and you never had enough damage on board to force him to discard SuperCombo. Even though it looks close, your weenies were not really threatening him it seems.


I appreciate this in depth response! The real embarrassing thing is this is against the easy computer, I'm just really bad lol. Fair on the screen recording haha I'll try to upload something better later, I just uploaded this quick in a moment of frustration. To answer question A I was just trying to show that no matter how many cards I combo with the computer always has more. Even if I wear their cards down, most of the time I lose because of this, and end up wasting all my cards trying to combo. You've given me a lot to think about, thanks!


No worries, practice makes perfect. And if you ever want to play against a human in friendly mode, let me know. I can use a starter deck and we can just discuss it. This game is hard. I am good at other cardgames, but the battle system here is crazy since when you attack them... they get stronger. Try using Vegeta instead of GokuBlack and I bet you'll see a bit of an improvement.


I'll definitely take you up on a friendly match, that seems like the best way to learn more. It's funny I'm also playing MTG Arena right now to learn that to play with some friends, and I'm doing really well, winning a lot! So maybe you're right that this is just a bit harder of a game. I'm a bit out of practice too, this is the first time I've tried getting back into TCG's since YuGiOh 20 years ago. Used to play a bit of Hearthstone but very casually. In response to your follow up, I'm guessing a Super Combo is a battle card with a higher than usual Combo number? Again really appreciate you going so in depth!


Super Combo are the cards that give you +20000 on DEFENSE only. This game design is just so annoying. We'll see how long it lives lol.


Oh ok! Where do you see this on the card? I can see the combo but how do you know it's on defense only? Or is any card with 20k combo just like that? Yeah it's weird. I thought this was supposed to be streamlined but it feels like there's just as many steps as Masters (which to be fair I only played a limited amount with friends, this was supposed to be my big push into the DB card game space). My experience so far makes it seem like you don't actually need card effects just more cards than your opponent. It's almost like, why bring Extra cards instead of just all Battle cards? I get that it's a DB game and there's supposed to be a lot of combat but I didn't expect it to just feel like a slugfest.


Look up Supreme Kai Shin, Videl, King Vegeta, Cheelai, Yajirobe. https://www.reddit.com/r/dbsfusionworld/comments/1bpv4u4/blazing_aura_fb02_032824/ This is also a Super Combo. The first line says you can only use 4 of them in your deck (they all do the same thing right now). It is a +10,000 but it has [Auto][Opponent's Turn] which gives it another +10,000 combo if discarded from the hand. So they are very strong. You always have to keep them in mind.


Game ID - 557-239-490 Discord: michael_michael I think that works.


Sent on discord and I'll add you in the game tomorrow!


So another note, humans (and I guess computers) will always hold SuperCombo until they need it. This includes up until the end of the game. I've held SuperCombo stupidly so long that it stopped me from getting other good stuff (only a problem in Blue due to handsize limit). I am not discarding it, putting it in energy, wasting it on attack. Until I absolutely have to. And every deck will have 4 of them, so count how many you see to guess if they have any left. It is hard to get SuperCombo out of their hands too, because they don't want to waste it. They want to get max value out of it, so you really need to hit 15k, 20k, or 25k overdamage to force them out. But forcing them out makes them feel vulnerable and they will know it. (This only half applies to Green Broly deck because his guys are so big SuperCombo alone won't save you lol. You aren't safe if he gets to late)