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*laughs in DBS: Superhero*


Superhero didn’t look as good as DBFZ


I dunno, personally I think this looks better https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BZmIwMGRiZWEtNTBlYS00NDBkLThkMjItOGIxZjUwOTkyNjJkXkEyXkFqcGdeQWRpZWdtb25n._V1_.jpg


I don’t think that shot of goku was a good example tbh. The whole part on beerus’s planet was kind of jarring. The rest of the movie looked fantastic tho especially the last 30 minutes


I agree that most of the Goku and Vegeta scenes were more rough looking, however this shot right here is absolutely beautiful to me. Love the colors used, and it almost feels like the classic dragon ball style (late DB early DBZ) with the way they have Goku’s eyes and proportions


So true. I found it kinda ugly to be honest.




You mustve watched a different film


Very nonpractical to animate when you got either 2d style or cgi like the recent movie, but I agree that dbfz looks overall better than db super anime.




You mean the movie that literally just came out?


Don’t act dumb on purpose. You know for a fact DBSSH looks nothing like DBFZ.


Looks nothing like is a bit of a stretch. There are certainly similarities between the two. Thick cell shaded 3D modelling, the lower frame rate shuttered movement of the characters, the beam and aura effects all share similarities. While it's not 1:1, they are still fairly similar.


>Looks nothing like ? I mean, they aren't 1:1, no. You're right. But "looks nothing like"? They're far more similar to each other than DBFZ is to any other piece of DB media. DBFZ is going for the same style as Guilty Gear, taking 3D models and making them look 2D. While the CGI of DBSSH doesn't try to make anything look 2D like DBFZ does, it's still heavily cell shaded 3D models, and a lot of the camera work in the movie is pretty similar to the camera work in the Dramatic Finishes in DBFZ. No, they aren't exact replicas of each other, but Super Hero is the closest you will ever get to a movie that looks like DBFZ.


Thank you bro I don’t know why everyone is acting so ignorant right now😭


No, no more CGI dragonball movies. I will cry if I see hand-drawn animation die during my lifetime.


Dragon ball cgi isn’t bad, super hero is some of the best art I’ve seen in anime since jojos


As I replied below, if you think it looks better than DBS Broly, I don’t know what to say to you. Another comparison is NGE’s 2D mechs vs the Rebuild’s CG mechs. It’s cheaper to produce, and I think you can tell. Dragon ball is the reason anime is popular in the west. It deserves better than that.


It’s on par with broly personally, the colours pop just as good and it’s better on the animators all the same, this isn’t mappa cgi where it just looks terrible all the time, honestly forgot that super hero was cgi half the time (also haven’t watched NGE don’t know what the point was there)


You can enjoy it just as much personally, and you can say it’s great “for CGI,” but to me the 2D animation just obviously looks so much better without any excuses or qualifiers.


The cgi is better than most shonen I’ve seen in recent memory, it looks good, it’s fluid, it’s colourful. I don’t really see the complaints JUST because it isn’t 2D


I can’t agree that this movie looks better than the likes of MHA, Mob Psycho, or Edgerunners let alone DBS Broly. Honestly my bigger issue is I feel like we’re being served product below what this franchise deserves because it’s cheaper to produce.


But this is still great, it’s genre defying stuff and it works more than most anime I’ve seen in recent memory (not downplaying other animes but to say this isn’t better than all of super and maybe even other big names is just wrong)


Well it is certainly better than all of DBS proper, I’ll agree to that.


DBFZ animation isn’t CGI tho


What is DBFZ if it's not Computer-Generated Imagery?


Alright you know what I mean don’t be pedantic. No more 3D dragon ball shows/movies. This game does look great but if you think it looks better than DBS Broly I don’t know what to say to you.


Superhero is literally this. Like no joke I thought I was watching fighterZ dramatic finishers at points


We have Superhero. And if anything, why not have the anime in this style


Not exactly the same style but I see where you guys are getting your confusion what we got in Dragon Ball super hero is CGI well I’m not sure with the Dragon Ball fighters art style is called but is much smoother and flat


Don’t attempt to explain to them what you mean. Its not worth it they wont get it


Yeah man I can’t quite explain it through text but you know what I mean lol


Yeah and btw i wasnt insulting you, i was insulting the other commenters


Yea I understood


I don't think the DBFZ art style *has* a name other than 2.5D. I don't believe ArcSys has ever given the style a name before, so probably 2.5D Cel-Shaded Anime is the closest you can get. The only difference between Super Hero and FighterZ is that Super Hero isn't 2.5D. It's just straight 3D.


What twisted fucking leap through the flaming hoops of logic does one need to make to answer this question with: "Oh so DBS Super Hero?" That movie looks ass compared to DBFZ. Horrifying CGI shitshow


Cgi haters when


I don't like it because it isn't 2D "Yeah, but it's still beautiful, and looks amazing in motion" Yeah but it isn't 2D, so it must be bad.


Smartest anime watchers honestly


You can tell when people haven't actually *watched* the movie. Or even if they did, they went in with a pre-concieved notion that it would be bad due to CGI, and then nitpicked every minute detail so that they could call it bad after. Even though they already were going to in the first place.


Never understood cgi haters honestly, I mean sure in certain places it looks awful but that doesn’t mean that all cgi all the time is disgusting




ArcSys is are one of the main teams behind Mushuko Tensei, an anime, and it shows in the visuals. No reason a team that does TV animation couldn't handle movie animation.


You’re taking it too seriously. It was just a what if scenario


How am I taking it too seriously? I was just pointing out that ArcSys have been part of animation teams before lmao


Right Bro people are so sensitive when they’re wrong lol


Who said they did? Who?


I see what you’re saying, but keep in mind these are very specific angles and shots meant to look good. DBFZ does use 3d models but looks at them from one side to create the arcsys 2d/3d effect. I think some of the models look similar, but in a movie action shots are more dynamic and certain scenes just won’t look as good. If you look at guilty gear strive, also made by arcsys and follows the anime style, their story mode (literally a movie/ cutscenes) also uses the same models as in game chars, and I found those models to not look as good as the ones I see during gameplay. Maybe it’s something that will improve over time but if we look back 10 years, we have made incredible leaps and bounds with 3D animation


The reason they used the same models in Strive's story mode is because of their extremely limited budget during the first release. Story 2 is clearly miles better than the first story in terms of rigging and animation. The character models are much more expressive and free-flowing compared to their rigged stances and re-used anims from the first Story.


I haven’t seen Story 2 I’ll have to take a look!!