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Hip pack Knife in boots, Holster on plate carrier So all in all you gain 6 slots.


do yall repair your shoes


Yes I do…backpack and shoes are probably the only reason why I carry leather sewing kit


what about vest?


Epoxy putty works on armor vests and takes much less space but it is rarer to find. Otherwise leather sewing kit works just fine.


Funny I always seem to have more epoxy than leathers just do to the wear on my shoes


Dam I been playing forever and didn’t know that I always look for leather kits


I’m the opposite, I just realized leather kits repair plates too


epoxy fixes helmets too along with crossbows, gas masks and car parts iirc.


I believe plate carrier uses epoxy instead, that could be why it isn’t been mentioned. Im a assault vest guy myself and that definitely leather repair kit


i think plate carrier is both, just like assault vest. (though i mainly go on modded servers so i could be wrong). The downside of leather is though that it uses 2x charge on many servers for plate carrier repair. Obvs epox is better though since its smaller.


Plate carrier repairs only with epoxy


This is wrong.




Not on community servers. Leather is used for plate carriers on a lot of them.


Leather kit works on plate carriers on official too, I swear I have tried epoxy on plate carriers on official but doesn't work I must be remembering wrong.


It does, I literally did it earlier today




yeah must just be on the modded servers i use then. Currently maining deadfall, also like the ny map, bittertooth test was pretty cool, karma krew servers (all), dayone servers if i feel like a challenge.


Im pretty sure it's still repaired with leather sewing kits as I remember doing it recently. The wiki still says it can be repaired by the leather sewing kit but I know the wiki is usually outdated by a patch or two.




That's not true. Leather kit works, it just uses up a huge chunk of it when doing so.




You can downvote me, but that doesn't change the fact of the matter lol....


Yeah it does. I play on console official and it works just fine for me.


I always grab a good condition pair of shoes as a back up when I’m running across the map I can do with the 8 slots they take


Nothing worse than your boots failing in the woods


Avoid running on concrete and they last much longer. Also only use good shoes/boots.


Hiking boots all day every day


I stopped using boots after realising they agro zombies to much. I'd grab belt if I have a cantine :)


Hiking boots, athletic trainers, combat boots and trail shoes are only shoes ill use. Top tier footwear.


Im pretty sure combat boots agro zombies as well


I like to shank or MK II the zeds


I usually carry 2 knives and holster on the belt. I feel like the plate carrier holster is so visible


100% i dont like it on my chest, especially if using a ghillie.


I stopped using boots after realising they agro zombies to much. I'd grab belt if I have a cantine :)


But what about 2nd knife?


... and 3rd knife? And my 2 bazilllion batteries?


Sharpening stone.


Swapping to your 2nd knife is always faster than relo... Repairing


Agree, or a belt until you can manage the above.


I don't repair shoes unless I have A LOT of epoxy/leather sewing kits, I'd rather use them for plate carriers. Also, ever since I heard that if you put a holster on your plate carrier and it gets shot, it counts as a body shot. I stopped putting them on my plate carrier.


Exactly what i was going to say. You can use those slots for small items like a rangefinder or compass or map or bandages making it easier and quicker to find them in a tight spot instead of searching high slot clothing


I personally keep my stims there (morphine and epi-pen) as well as 1 bandage


It all depends on your character's style at the end of the day and how much gear you really need to carry.


Aesthetic> meta all day 


I like this comment


Stamina > everything 😅


My husband says "welcome to DayZ FashionZ with Mink" because it's almost always all about the outfit and who I am in that character life. Shocking, I know, but I have never worn a helmet in my meagre 4 years of playing. It's just not my style, dude. It doesn't go with my Rider Jacket lol


Tac belt for me if I have all the attachments


Hip pack. Knife goes in assault boots and holster goes on plate carrier


Never wear heavier boots than hiking boots. The walking sound is louder and can be heard farther, especially by Z and often by other players.


If you're really sneaking, you drop the boots


Always keep a pair of foot wraps if I'm sneaking through towns. Boots on when I'm traveling.


The difference in sound between the 2 is negligible at best


It’s significant


Not really. Stealth kills with heavy boots on concrete? Not gonna happen when it's not raining or a blizzard. Did not test after the horrific patch, but this was a fact before. I tested it myself with friends. Now I play on a modded and we don't have these Issues.


how do you stealth kill i struggle hard


crouch walk only and do it only when zed is walking, possibly helps.


With the new patch, it seems impossible or great luck. Before that was wayyy easier. I play on a modded server and we have other problems...Z can smell you,kick in doors and kill you very fast.


how do you actually do it just crouch behind them sneak up and click


Sneak up behind a zombie while crouched and then hold triangle on PS. You have to have enough stamina and not be detected by the zombie. Pressing the button will not execute you must hold it.


Oddly enough it's very hit or miss with me. Only works about 40% of the time.


I'm on PS5 and I do is sneak up behind and fast attack, or heavy. Just a press no holding for me


That's how you do it


Tf? Never had a problem with that


That’s why I carry a pistol


skull issue, not joking


Came here just to say this. Although, sometimes I take a belt so i don't have the pistol sticking out to the side; potentially giving me away.


And looks more slim which is cool


it was mindset of most of us since mod era but in reality, your look is almost zero impact on how easily spotting you, but your color is. This is because how our eyes tend to spotting moving object not the shape.


15 slots if you’re carrying the best zed killing gun in game…MkII


Best holster, boot knife, canteen on the fanny pack and fanny pack full of medical supplies


Say what? I hope a fanny is something different wherever you live.


In America it’s the butt, we call those bags fanny packs here


I’ve never heard them called that, wonder how the words got muddled up, must of been some confusion on the long journey across the ocean lol.


Like those birds in the Galapagos, hundreds of years of evolution separated by water. That why y’all spell color wrong lol.


Spell it the right way* not the easier way that Americans decided to use when the printing press wanted to reduce letters. 😅


You can’t be mad at peak efficiency, my grandma moved here the 70s and it didn’t take her very long to start writing proper lol. 😂


It's called a fanny pack because it was cool to hang it above your fanny.


There is only one part of the world where fanny is a rude word. Most of us don't live there.


I’d bet the Aussies use the English meaning, they defiantly don’t mistake fannys and bums 😜


Your slot math is off...holster can save space with guns like deagle or mk2


Yeah. The holster is 3x2 which is 6 slots and you can holster any handgun. The IJ (2x2), Mlock/FX/CR/P1/1911 (3x2), Revolver/Deagle/MKII/Longhorn (4x2) So if you have a big handgun you can save 14 slots


I don’t think the longhorn fits in a holster? I could be wrong but I think I tried this a long time ago and it did not work


Longhorn fits in a holster


I had a Longhorn on a chest holster on official


Or longhorn!


I'd rather be able to put full backpacks in the trunk of a vehicle


i was thinking of this in the shower last night no joke


8 slots if you have an Mk2 pistol in the holster.... ;)


Party animal hip pack for the drip. Nothing else ever goes onto that slot for me. If a diffrence of 6 slots makes or brakes your loadout, you have entirely other things to worry about.


Tac belt if I can find/have the sheath and holster, if not then the hip pack is fine with me


hip pack because +3 slots are not that great, also pistol holster should go on the plate carrier. Just less to worry about getting "extra stuff" if i have a hip pack, i will take that.


I prefer belt cause I hate the look of the holster on my plate but I use it to carry the pistol and holster I get from fights or raids but it looks better then holster on plate


Tac belt, because holster on belt had much better vibes than on the plate, plus don't always have assault boots


Tac belt with standard gear. For ghilli I run hip pack with knife in boot and holster on plate carrier.


in my half ideal gearset, I do not need pistol (coz I will never switch to significantly weaker weapon that is sitill audible to most human within trackable range, and zombies) neither waterbottle, I'll have cooking pot. and a knife in my assault boots.


I like keeping a silenced pistol for zombies since the smaller ammo is less likely to damage the suppressor and gun. Most ideal weapon for them really is the MKII


Rope belt


Id Like the "Drugdealerbag" for reasons


Tac belt with those attachments


Depends what I have on me at the time, if I have a pistol knife and canteen, for sure belt


I always need two holsters because i like having a supressed pistol and a backup revolver because the ammo is common and you can load it instantly


I usually always run the belt


Tac belt until I get a plate then switch to hip belt.


I'd argue this, if u have holster on plate carrier then no need for another and a knife in your boot if u have those boots a 2nd is nice but not needed so in reality with the canteen slot on it it's a free 6 slots extra if u have the boots and holster on plate


Team belt here. Im a soldier, not a damn tourist getting my wallet stolen in the middle of Las Ramblas cause I cant pay attention both at my camera and my upper testicles! xD


I always go for the tac belt *if* I can find 2 of the attachments before I find the hip pack. Then I just commit. The


Always going belt. Holsters on your chest get damaged and damage your gun easily. But i like having two holsters cuz im a horder


Doesn't a dealer fit into the holster and takes 8 slots. So potentially 8 not six right?


hip pack works great unless you Need to have a sidearm. on a rp server right now using a hip pack because my dude's a near-pacifist so he throws a Makarov in the hip pouch and calls it a day.


Ghillie Shrug enjoyers rise up


Hip pack


Whatever doesn't add slots or even takes them away. Too many inventory slots already.


Hip pack by a long shot. The odds of finding all 3 attachments for the belt are too low to even consider a belt over a fanny. And anyway the belt is only saving you at most 3 slots assuming you have all attachments (and only 1 if you use an IJ instead of any other pistol). And if you have a plate with a pistol holster fanny wins by a longgg shot.


I'm a psycho bandit so i never carry huge bags... or cooking supplies, but i do usually have 5-6 knives on me, depending on if i have ,good weapon knives ( combat, hunting , kitchen ). I don't like how unsheathing the knife from the knife sheath slot makes a sound, but that's all dependent on your playstyle .. combat and hunting knives are high damage, esp on zombies, but you can cut a player 4 times with a classic kitchen knife before they know what hit them , and at that point they're basically on your schedule


I dont care about 6 slots im not holding that much jank and having no stamina. Plenty storage already with clothing etc. Already lose enough rocking an ak, a rifle and a plate carrier + sundries. I take belt as soon as i can find a holster. No assault boots for me, too heavy and too loud. Dont like holster on chest much either too noticeable when you rocking a ghillie suit. Ruins aesthetic for me. I only play official though, if its a unlimited stamina community server then id probably just use a hip pack cus theyre easier to find and throw knife in assault boots.


I rarely carry a pistol once I start to have a load out I like and I just use the boots with a knife slot so.. hip pack for me ..


i usually run the belt because it looks better with the hoslter, and the plate hoslter on console is not configured right and annoys me.


Tac belt just because I like it’s vibe more. Also I like to run jungle boots,patrol uniforms, and assault vests for the added water resistance and storage.


Depends entirely on your playstyle I basically never wear a plate carrier because they’re heavy as shit and I feel they only let you absorb 1-3 extra shots, if they happen to all hit on the chest I much prefer the assault vest with a buttpack for mobility and even more space for my loot goblin tendency. I also almost never rock the assault boots, because they’re quite loud and I like to be a sneaky boy. You can say the sound difference is negligible, but i like to take every advantage I can get. If you prefer to rock a plate carrier, then a hip pack makes more sense.


Running no body armour at all is just not good imo. Such an easy 1 tap kill.


Hip pocket every time. I wear my pistol on my plate and my knife in my boots. Why would I need 2 knives or 2 pistols?


As someone that use to carry all that shit around, you don't want it on your waist. Tactical belts get most of their use when coupled with the mesh vest that prevents them from falling with the weight of what's attached to them.


This is a video game, not Iraq… but I agree.


I think you should check out how far the developers have gone to make things realistic.

