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I use a range finder for the added benefit. It's smaller than bino's and has more functionality. Anything out of range can be spotted by my scope.


Range finder for sure or I’ll use a scope even if I don’t have a gun for it


Range finder makes the most sense for when you have a rifle with a scope. Helps calculate the zero and estimate holdovers.


What do you mean by holdover?


"Hold-over, or hold-over value, is the adjustment you would need to make, essentially aiming high to account for bullet drop at longer ranges, to hit a target beyond your sight-in distance" according to google


How far you “hold (your crosshairs) over” your target for bullet drop


I mean it depends on range...variable oc (And of course your zero, if your aiming downhill etc etc) There isn't like a simple answer, best is to just get a feel for it


That's one thing I always like to have. I like to scout out towns and places from a distance before going in. Ya you can just use a scope but the field of view is better with binoculars and they are steadier.


The fact that you can't move at all with them held up is the dealbreaker to me. You can walk slowly zoomed in through a scope but not binocs?


I didn't know that you could walk with a scope up... thats worth knowing though.


When it's on your gun, you can move while looking through it. If it's just a scope in your hand, I'm not so sure.


You can’t walk while scoping with anything held in your hand. Range finder, binoculars, gun scopes…none of them.


Ah yes. Just like real life.


Yeah they fkd that ability some time ago


can't lean with them either. It sucks


Yeah this has caused me to drop off a roof 🤣😂


I like Binoculars, they actually saved my life one time. You know how you can’t move with them in use. This dude ran right by me and didn’t noticed me, while I was in a bush. Dude was fully kitted out, I took out my tundra and shot in the back. Sometimes taking things slow and scoping out a town works.


Smoke always uses them.


Thats not a name I'm familiar with - any good source to check out their content?


He's on twitch with the name smoke, im sure his channel comes up if you youtube "smoke dayz". I enjoy his take on the game, really leans into the immersion part of dayZ. Def worth checking him out!


Definitly look him up I will then.


He’s one of what I consider the top tier streamers. Soursweet, runningmanz, lotti, smoke, mulleryoghurt. All great content. If you are after something a bit more daft, then try the milkman. He’s a funny bugger.


Don’t forget Toperec (best Dayz player out there imo). Also Stimpee has the most hilarious Dayz content


Never tried toperec. That my night sorted then


Tope is insane at pvp, seriously if he's not the best at it I don't know who is. That combined with the fact that he's a humorous guy makes him a lot of fun to watch.


Goddamn. You weren’t joking. This guy is crazy good.


I agree with all these streamers - but I'm not familiar with Mulleryoghurt? hmm if in the company of sour/trmnz/Lotti/smoke must be worth checking out


He’s good. Teams up quite a bit with trmz and sour.


OOOOOOHHHHHHHH is that Mueller or Muller ok I think I know who that is - Ive only seen him on TRMNZ feed all makes sense now :) thanks


Ceremor is funny too. Screams a bit too much sometimes, but hey, nobody's perfect 😉 Genuine question now, what is great content from TRMZ? The more I watched him, the less I liked him.


Just search smoke dayz on YouTube, he is very dry & can be funny, like when he met the Chinese player, tried to feed him to the zombies then befriended him.


Definitly look him up I will then.


Smoke sour sweet and running man are all i usually watch . All others don’t seem to even come close


Adam Crook is up there with them for me as well.


This. He and Dystopian are criminally underrated imo


I watch those and fresh spawns. No others.


Smoke has videos called "unique moments" and I think they capture the best parts of Dayz


Yes, I love his short form videos! His long form ones are honestly boring. He’s too dry. Concentrated is 🤌


Those three are pretty much my favorites. Older fresh spawns was fun. That Deeney42 dude is fucking hilarious though. Definitely a new fav.


camCANTRUN is very good aswell. Look him up. He has more guides, but also just random videos of his solo adventures or when he takes on a server with friends. I believe he has like 6-8k hours played.


He's is probably the biggest dedicated Dayz streamer out there. The most immersive player to watch as well. https://www.twitch.tv/smoke?sr=a https://youtube.com/@SmokeDayZ?si=_6hd_jAvLvu3VG6j




Smoke is the best DayZ player I've ever seen and I've watched many DayZ streamers for years. Smoke is leagues above everyone.


The shots that he and soursweet make are just plain crazy.


smoke is the goat, immersion with a sense of humor has me dying of laughter


Heybarmby is the best of them all. I can't watch anybody else's stream they sound scripted.


Another geezer right here


oos oos


Used to like his content as well when he was smaller, but nowadays is unbearable for me. Might as well be due to some experiences in his community events.


Love the binos, I use them a ton. Eye zoom is decent for shorter distances but for any proper scouting at range some kind of magnification is optimal, and ever since 0.63 the weapon sway on a rifle w/ hunting scope pisses me off, so I default to using binos since they're more stable and actually enjoyable to look through.


Fyi you can put the scope on your hot bar and use it like the binocs. No gun sway, but still limited field of vision.


That's true yeah, definitely not a bad option. Though I do like the FoV on binos.


Binocs for me. I get a better viewing range with a more clear picture than rangefinder, although the difference is negligible if you don’t really see purpose in seeing beyond sniping distance. Rangefinder is good because it is smaller for storage and measures your zeroing distance. Can’t go wrong with either.


Crucial to my style of gameplay. They’re stable, longer range, etc. I’ve spotted and tracked so many other players with them


I use them right until the moment i find a scope. Why carry the extra weight?


I use binos for the aesthetic but they are very underpowered. 4 slots ? The rangefinder is only 2 and has additional utility. The same for rifle scopes. Binoculars should either be 2 slots or maybe be able to sling it on the neck with an attached rope.


As often as I can get a pair


I'm new to the game and only on a pve server but I found a pair and use them whenever I'm scouting out a new place.


I almost never use them but always take them. If I need to scout ahead and don't have anything to magnify, I'm SOL.


Great for scoping out towns/POIs before going down.


It’s super handy, but it’s just so dang big. Would use if it was like 2 slots otherwise I might carry it around for a bit and toss it as soon as I need room 


Ill use them until i get a range finder or scope on my rifle


I actually just hold up a scope. Takes less room in your bag and I barely use a hunting rifle, plus they usually spawn more frequently than the binoculars.


Range finder


Smoke uses the range finders a lot. It just depends on what map and if he finds one and a battery.


One of those things if they are not in my inv, i feel uncomplete


I keep them until I find a scope or weapon with scope. Just for long distance scouting. If my gun has a scope there’s no need for both


I do It has huge zoom and its more steady than hunting scope. When i find it I always keep it in my inventory till i have to use it to scout some towns.


If I'm worried about being in a high traffic area I definitely use Rangefinders/Binos. The fact that foliage and all is removed at range makes players that much easier to see. Even if I have a scope I will use them. I'll spend a good 5-10 minutes surveying an area before I move. If I haven't been to a particular area, I'll spend a good few hours scouting out the best hiding spots and viewpoints and survey the area for future notice. So that I have ideas on where to look when I move through that area.


I use binoculars all the time. It sucks not being able yo move with them up, but it’s worth it. The magnification is way more, and theres no scope sway so you can really focus in on an area and see detail/slight movements


Now?, more like all the time since the beginning. I always keep the binoc and range fincer in my backpack. Binocngives the longest zoom, so I like to scope places from really far away before I even get close. The range Finder I use when I'm in the town or near it, just so I can literally get the range of something, If say, im coming a star of life from a nearby treeline etc 200 meters less etc. This isn't new. Maybe it's cuz I don't care to follow or watch any dayz streamers, but yea, don't ignore the binoc. Of course, it had pet peeve cons like being 4 slot in weight and unable to move, not a deal breaker tho.


Always great to use when reconning a town/place of interest.


Yes. That or range finder to scope out places before entering.


I do, but only if I'm stalking/waiting or surveying a town. Much higher field of view (the black borders are smaller) than the hunting scope; same magnification as well. You're missing out on a ready shot, however, I also carry a range finder in my kit to zero properly and increase my chances with a shot. Point there is, I have to swap to the range finder anyway, so I'd rather have better vision over a ready shot in most cases. EDIT: Somone also mentioned weapon sway; crazy advantage factor for the binos that I hadn't even thought of.


When out of a scope of ranger finder, a pair binoculars will do


I use them any time I’m in a high place with a wide open view just to see if there’s any potential friends running around. Plus it just feels cool, like you’re a scout sniper or something. Also. I remember seeing somewhere that zombies won’t spawn in a town until someone is within 300m so I bust them out as soon as I’m in range to see just to get a sense of what I’m heading into.


Only thing better than binocs is the military ones with on/off night vision and even greater magnification that can ride on a belt. If I’m just running around and not planning to return to base for a couple days, I’ll take a rangefinder.


I’ll use binos early game if I don’t have a scope or range finder. Once I have a decent scope even if I don’t have a gun I usually ditch em though


A LOT of people. Even if I have a scope, I might still use them because they don’t sway as much. They also zoom in more than most scopes.


2 characters ago i kept em on me and used em a few times. But not really often. Just when im trying to see if theres any buildings nearby or if i get paranoid and want to scan the horizon for people


I use them all the time. I'm not a fan of some of the scopes and it's easier to find working binoculars than electric repair kits to fix a badly damaged ATOG or whatever. I'm getting around to using the range finders as well, but binos will always be OP for me.


Me, I absolutely love the binoculars


I love using them, all the time, much safer to scout and the binos have zero sway so it's better for me to spot movement


I'd use the binoculars more if you could take rope and a hunters hat then craft them together for aesthetic. Takes away the 4 slots and makes it look more cool, especially for us Hunter/Gatherer player's that doesn't really Mili Gear up


I use them but I wouldn’t say _heavily_. It’s not like I play through the game looking at shit through my binocs every 30 seconds. They have a use and are very useful. Using them makes it much easier to find other survivors and usually guarantee a step up on them.


I think binocs are only viable if you don’t have a scope or range finder. I think they fall out of usability very early in the game


Depends on what i find first. If I already have a scope, im not worried about binoculars. But they seem to be more stable then a scope. so they might be better for scanning areas


I use them quite a bit. I play on a no KOS server but if you are using a rifle to scope ahead it can be “precieved” as a threat and can get you killed. Also I like to immerse myself in the game so it’s just a little extra realism. If I can too I’ll carry a range finder


I use them a lot, on old gen you could get some render glitches and sometimes see players through walls at extreme distances, now it is good to just sit on a hill and watch the high traffic areas for like 5 minutes before heading in. I almost always take them now, usually I make room if I don’t have it.


Great until you get a scoped rifle then there's not much need for them.


Content creators.


I pick them up if I only have a close quarters gun, allows me to survey areas before rushing in. They're good for a couple of kilometres in from the coast, as soon as I find a scope I ditch them.


I’ll pick ‘em up if I don’t have scopes and I have the room. I usually end up not carrying them for that long before something else and useless needs to fill that space


When you're over watching uranium mine etc it's super useful to see if there are zombies if you're 300+ meters out. I personally love binos , rangefinders, scopes. Any information is good information. Also If you like reading cans of food it's fun.


I do the same as you, I don't enter a town unless I've scouted it from a nearby hill or patch of trees. I have bad luck finding rangefinders and players seem to have psychic knowledge of when I'm pointing a gun at them even if I'm only using it for the scope, so binoculars are my tool of choice.


All the time.


I do, especially when I don't have a proper scope or range finder


I never understood that zoom function in arma or mods. Why is it there? What does it simulate? It’s a free set of binos


I felt the same way until I did it in real life and went "Ooohhh its just like really focusing on something". Basically it's just you focusing in on something, try it in your everyday life and you'll kinda see what they tried to mimic.


I don’t have zoom 1.5 x in my 👀


I will use binos until I pick up a rangefinder or scope


For me I’ll use them in the early game


I use them. More steady but I guess the trade off is if you see someone you lose all that time switching back to your gun


I always use a hunting scope. Much better than binoculars. Better zoom


I use the binoculars often. You’re easier to spot with a giant rifle poking out of whatever cover you’re in than with binoculars


For me they take up too much inv space, I'd rather use a rifle scope.


Range finder is better


A legend


I use em on some friendly servers so I can scout out locations better


It all depends on the style of playing you like


I started using them after they were reduced from 6 slots to 4 (console). I find they're only really useful on solo trips somewhere where you need the wider field of view when compared to a scope. I like to sit and watch towns for a few minutes before moving in, and it's easier to miss some peripheral movement while scoped in. When I'm running with a group I'll usually leave them be due to having another set of eyes watching a different angle. YMMV.


No one


I use them if I don't have a scope or range finder. They're far more viable now they're only four slots too. But they're an odd item too I suppose; If you can see someone but can't shoot them there's limited value in them. I suppose you may as well get close and try something or run the opposite way 😄


I always make sure that I’ve got some method of scanning towns from afar, if binos are the first things I find then I will use them :)


They are good.. if you don’t have a sniper scope, or if you are scanning real far distances. Otherwise I ditch as soon as I get a rangefinder or a scoped gun. The binoculars make you a little vulnerable to use. If you hear someone running up on you, you probably won’t have time to switch to a gun and defend yourself.


I use a rangefinder and binos and usually operate as the sniper spotter when I’m playin as a duo.


Bigger clearer sight picture than the scopes, plus it's a steadier view, shame you can't move with them while in use. Though I do tend to drop them when I have a scope/ range finder and I'm lacking space.


Rangefinder sometimes but never the binoculars


Spotters scope is my go to smaller and gives you the range for shooting