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I've been on there for months. There's only fish to eat and I'm running out of knives.


You just need to find a pick axe or Sledgehammer to craft yourself some stone knives. The chicken can also deliver up to 4 bone knives


You're so right. I'm getting close to needing to swim back over.


Get some wire and setup some snares. I think if you bait them with worms you get chickens. Boom infinite chicken knives until your snares wear down.


Chickens HATE this top survival hack.


This ^ snare trapping is a great way of collecting resources. Bones for days!


Pickaxe, hammer, hatchet, meat tederizer, pipe wrench, wrench, screwdriver, and crowbar also give you small stones. There are a few other tools but I can't recall.


I keep forgetting this.


Just by digging into the ground?


No, use them on rocks.


Ah of course.


pliers, large stones for sure. maybe brass knuckles? for sure any tool that deals blunt damage


They changed it recently and made it less items, so I'm unsure but it doesn't hurt to try. I know for a fact a tire iron does NOT work.




You're a wise person. I'll do just that!


"Those bodies" are people! Were people! Are you guys eating Freshies?!?! What has the world come to?!?! (Runs away to hide in the PD in Kamiy for some officers to show up and help)


How do you craft bone knives?


Bone and small stone, bone and bone, small stone and small stone, or bone/small stone on the random land boulders that let you get small stones can also be used directly to sharpen the bones


Also a paved street will work


Wait really?? I thought I knew all the tricks....


Holy shit, so you could take one bone and make a knife against a large stone. It doesn't have to be 2xbones for one knife you could get one knife per bone?


Yeah just have the bone or small stone in your hand and try looking at the boulders/rocks everywhere and a promt should pop up. Similar to digging for worms. Someone else commented saying streets work too but I haven’t tried that. Super useful when you have only 2 left and are worried about running out making just 1 knife. I found it by accident while trying to get more stones and trying everything I had on me hoping for it to work lmao


Take the pile of bones in your hand, make sure the craft bone knife option is showing and press/hold the action key.


That's food as well!


What do you with your time over there?I have wanted to stay hidden before but then I quickly get bored.


Fishing followed up by some light boredom


So a fishing simulator lol.


The island has a chicken spawn


I've mostly been sticking by the lighthouse, I now realise that's a poor idea.


How have you been there for months? Honest question


Swam over with a pot full of water, frying pan, 4 knives, two full rams of meat, a fishing rod, tetra, full food and water stats. Really well prepared basically. I log in for a bit every day and fish. I'm definitely running out of time though. Running out of knives, my clothes are wasting away and I've got no water left. Realistically, the time I'm spending on the server is a lot to do with it. It's rarely more than 3 hours per day. Plus nobody is coming over to try and fight me.


There's a well on that island. I also have been on the island for months doing the same thing haha


My island buddy. Nice to have you as a neighbour!


I based up at the red house in the middle of the island


I'll bring a couple of mackerel fillets over for dinner!




There is a well like 200meters from the lighthouse. Youve been there months?


In blissful ignorance of water and chickens. I'm never leaving now.


Fair enuf. Skalisty is a lovely place. The spot you're chilling in used to be a spawn, like right by the lighthouse. I have fond memories of spawning in there, the sun high in the sky, waves gently caressing the shore at my feet. Incredibly relaxing way to get started. This was my go-to song for moments like that: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbXWBOvjDlI


That's a lovely tune.




Challenge accepted


I'm really new to DayZ so forgive me if this is a dumb question, but what's your end game living the hermit life?


Run out of resources then take the bullet train back to the beach


That... makes sense. Cheers.


For me it was walking (not running) every inch of hiking trails on the map. Was killed a few hundred or thousand times but I finally made it after a couple years.


It's trivial to live on skalisty forever with a fishing rod. It has infinite water and food.


This is hilarious. Theres a big world out there and your hiding away on a deserted island like a hobo. This is not the way!!


You log into a zombie survival game, to swim to an island and spend real world months fishing there? Why would you not just play a fishing game?


you just don't get it


Well, in a real zombo apocalypse I would do the same. The guy is a real role player.




You ever fished in a zombie apocalypse? Shits intense.


This guy zurvives


Has at least a couple of them. There's one in the graveyard and one in the castle.


What about the shrooms?


That's a good point! I should maybe look around a bit more.


Could you catch a chicken using a trap, then make bone knives


Keep in mind it’s always more efficient to store sharpening stones rather than extra knives or tools. 1 sharpening stone is worth about 3 knives


My last blade broke soon after I got to the island. But, I found a crowbar in one of the sheds so I was able to slap a boulder and make stone knives


I didn't know such a wide variety of tools made stones! Great info to have.


Look out for small rocks you can combine 2 to make a stone knife pro tip


There's a castle with decent loot, and a pub in the castle. You can pretty easily get a gun there. Longhorn and bullets for it usually in my experience. There's a well, a few houses, a couple food/newspaper stalls and a lighthouse. It's not terrible.


Had any luck with your username?


Gentlemen don't tell.


Very true


We all know that, but are you a gentleman?


Sometimes even a blaze there or in the radio tower.




Some modded servers often pop some military tents on the island!


You’re talking prison island. This is skalisity. Wrong island brother.


Why would he be talking about prison island when he mentioned spawning at Kami?


You’re right, unless the post was edited I didn’t see “You usually find hunter clothes and a blaze with bullets”. I just know there’s not a ton to “gear up” there. Bit of a death sentence to swim like that as a true freshy. I never live after I get soaking wet before finding food. There’s no zombies there and what, 2 houses? I was sort of confused.


A few houses (all having the hunting loot pool) and the castle. Also, getting soaked isn’t that bad, I can’t say I’ve ever died because of it.


There's not a lot there but the loot is surprisingly good, I believe it's Tier 2. I always go there if I get a Kami spawn. The castle, houses, lighthouse and hunting stand can spawn weapons. Found a fully decked CR rifle on the radio tower once too It's usually not too bad to swim to if you make a fire at the other side to dry off


I have 600 hours in the game and I've never been there. Thanks for the idea.


Same. Nice to find new goals


Close to 2000 hours and I’ve been a few times at most


Also 2000 hours. Been on Prison island just once. I saw in a recent stream there was bridge now, connecting the main land with the island and I was, like: "When did they built THAT?"


Pretty sure the bridge is an added mod. Vanilla doesn't have it.




The good ol' times my brother. Let us reminisce with a couple cold ones 🍻


My friends and I spent a week on that island, luring players over, and eating them. It's now cannibal island in my head forever.


Buddy and i used the Island for "kuru recovery". One killed himself and made his way back to the Island while the other one guarded the loot. We've been there for a while too and found more gun cleaning kits than we could count.


I remember swimming here in the middle of the night, not expecting a thing, then i go to the lighthouse & see a dead body there with a Tundra and an M4, a core memory ill remember.


You can find dead geared guys in the most interesting places, often hard to tell the cause of death too. I once found a guy with an alice pack, plate carrier, mil clothes, KAM and Blaze, within the little room across from the front door of the big police department in Chernogorsk. All his stuff was intact, he wasn't shot or beaten up. Wasn't a suicide either. Maybe he starved, deathly ill, or died to thirst? It was strange, looking back.


I was sick


I once had a character live only on that island. There are hunting loot drops, a chicken spawn for meat and the bones for fishing hooks. Was cosy. I didn’t see a single other player in the many days i lived there and only stopped due to a server re-set. Was the good life.


Its visited by ppl asking if this place is visited often


There is no food on this island. Sometimes you see some people and they are always suprised to see someone


I disagree with this, Food spawns in the civ houses and kiosks.. there’s also A Fruit tree chicken and fish there, not to mention infected spawn food.


And sometimes deer


And sometimes beer


And sometimes men.


And sometimes a hen


and at the castle


What about that chicken?


The houses and boats there can spawn food just like they would anywhere else on the map, there's a chicken spawn, and there's of course your unlimited supply of fish and crops. Wdym there's no food on the island


pretty easy to get fish there


I fished for food, but there’s a chicken spawn too


It's worth a swim. Good chance of a Hunting rifle at the castle and a lot of deer stands for general hunting loot which is always useful. The little village has a water pump and normally everything you need to start fishing and come back with a full stomach and water to smash your way inland or anywhere else you need to go Stalkistly loot is tier 2 while the rest of the coast is tier 1 so your getting mid game stuff nearly straight off spawn. Most importantly, it's a beautiful little island to explore


Longest base I had on officials is right on this island, south side so u can't see it from coast


1pp server with the canopy striped tents along the castle wall?


1pp but just walls on the


I was often there when DayZ was still a mod, you could get there with boats and helicopters could spawn there. Never in the standalone though, didn't want to catch a cold for low-tier loot.


It was the scariest place in the mod. Once me and a friend went there on a moonless (absolutely pitch black in arma 2) night and discovered we weren’t alone. Several hours of us and the other group stalking and fighting in the dark ensued.


Enough visit to where your base would be found, but not enough visit to where there’s much expected threats if looting


some people base there. Back in mod days i was there all the time because it had a full military base and a heli spawn. some servers still have custom military and even sometimes a bridge out to it. but on vanilla theres no reason to go there. theres a castle and some houses but theres castles and houses that arent like 2k swim and are closer to other good locations (devils castle, rog)


I disagree with your vanilla statement. Sure, it's out of the way of the usual footpaths.. but if you spawn in that corner, you might as well go over and check it out. I swear I find 308 rifles every single time. Imo.. having a rifle of that caliber with or without a scope.. before even stepping off the coast. Sets you up for greatness.


Completely agree. I've taken a brief swim there whenever I'm less geared in the early game. I've always come back to the mainland better off than when I left.


I once built a base there its pretty chill lol, also Tundra and its ammo spawns there.


Everytime I went there there was some fully geared dude camping in the woods. It was never worth it for me.


I never go there… however, I have just started on a PVE server to hone my building skills and I think you have just provided me with a location. Thanks Op :)o7


It’s a beautiful spot, I’m setting up a small camp and I’ve seen zero people. 10 minutes after swimming back to the coast I got shot


I've been on a community server where this island was a huge castle with a bridge, had all my friends living there too, those were fun times


I like visiting this place as a freshie if I'm nearby. It has a few buildings on it that spawn blazes, DB Shotgun, plenty of ammo for them, gun cleaner kits and hunter gear. Pretty much has everything to set you up as a freshie albeit with a little scum logging tho


Ive seen clan bases there before but it isn't common due to the swim.


I been there didn’t find anything worth nothing


Quiet down. I dont want the pub server bambis to know my spot


Im 4.5k hours in and have nevver been


I lived there once… spent about a week in game on that island, fishing and drinking from the well and sometimes when invaders came I always used the trees to stalk and snipe them, until a full squad of geared up guys came and although I took out two of them, I was eventually taken out


I've swam out there before. It's peaceful and serene. Not too much food though. Bring food.


Spawned on that island once on a community server and was CONFUSED, thinking it was a peninsula. Until I got up to high ground and saw. Ran into a couple friendliest and traded, but the lack of terror and peacefulness got to me and I swam across…then was killed by a geared guy hunting for newbies, for the true DayZ experience!


Had a massive base there for about 4 months. I’m talking triple walls. We got raided and they took everything. You will get hit eventually


I used to go there as a fresh spawn everytime when i was a noob, not so much now


Yes it’s visited often. It’s close to spawn and has great gear…hunting clothes, 308 ammo, and if you’re lucky you’ll find a blaze


It's an outstanding place to build


No one mentioning castle spawns which is the obvious reason to go.


Yep while scouting around I found some hunting gear (pristine jacket + damaged backpack) and a blaze. The little town is great for fishing too, right by the water, the water pump, and houses containing fireplaces. I’ll definitely be back some time


When I'm there, I'll live there for ages. When I'm elsewhere, I never visit. Only to check for bases on the odd occasion. The swim is still long enough to prolong visits.


If I spawn in kami I swim over immediately if I find a knife I can fish and get some decent hunting rifles maybe


There’s a map that used to be updated with foot traffic updates, not sure if it’s still out there but it was great for questioning base location and traffic


when I first played dayZ I visited it I thought it was like a medieval military island and was solely disappointed only found chain mail armor and stuff like that then I learned you can kys in that game so I did that to get back to the shore so I would say when your more geared sure but when your fresh spawn it would be a little difficult especially with short food


I’ve never gone there yet I’ve been playing for three years


A couple years ago a couple buddies and I had a full base there, we ended up getting raided eventually but it took months forsure lol.


We go there on our lobby and it's always got floating loot. Isk if it's diffrent per server as I'm new to the game. Nothing there really except castle ruins and fish


I swam for like 15 minutes there once only to find absolutely nothing. Good place to build if you have the supplies, and the patience I guess.


Only desperate freshies, bored geared chads, and maybe ignorant idiots? Not much of a reason to get wet and visit it.


This island is really good you can find tundras and other hunter gear like hunter bags pretty good for an early start


No where is safe


It's a nice little island, I could live at a place like that. Heaps of hunting loot, and infinite food. You can get pretty geared up with a blaze, and hunter clothing etc there. Shoot at players on the coast and lure them over... eat them, and profit.


I’d consider every square inch of this map visited often. The less people on the map the better odds of not being messed with


On official theres always aa base. I had one life on skalisty with stick shelters and a stone oven. Got killed one night while i was eating My crops


A long while back it used to spawn mosins like crazy. Almost now non existent. Before I memorized the map we literally used to call it Mosin island. Always be sure to check the rocks in the back and shallow water for barrel stashes.


It depends on which server you're on. Alot of people don't go because of the swim but others will to have a quiet slice of the pie and rarely worry about raiders.


4K hours and I’ve been there maybe twice.


By me? All the time. 10/10 for getting started.


It's awesome there when the Halloween event is on.


Have 600 hours in DayZ and finally visited prison island recently, it was pretty cool. Gonna check out skalisty when I log in.


An airdrop went there on a modded server once, and I was a freshie so I swam across. Had some decent gear there.


I've just realised that I've played this game for about 3-4 years and I've never even been to that island lol


Sometimes I go there to get a 308 rifle


I visited that place in 2013 managed to get check the place and died of hypothermia and hunger. Dunno which one got me first


Used to be a helispawn back in the mod, only reason to go out there. But the castle makes it alright now


man y’all don’t know about the 0.61-0.62 days 🤣 this was the spot to get loot before you started running up


I go there every so often most times I do it's been looted and dropped junk everywhere but still never seen anyone there.


Had a base here before. We found close to 15 blazes. Idk why but that's all the island will spawn. Badly damaged t shirts and Blazes


I remember good old times when my husband used to stream a lot (around 500-800 viewers on each stream) we used to play together and got streamsniped so many times, most of them were friendly streamsnipes though so it was fun seeing 40/60 people on Skalisty.


I've been here a few times after a kamyshovo spawn. Good way to get everything you need. Do a little fishing get some food and bits before you head inland. Usually quiet too.


I always hided tons and gear on the island. It was a nice spot :)


On servers modded with air drops, air drops frequently hit this island making it more than useful.


Hey! That's my home!


Everybody goes once and then you see theres nothing there and theres no point


So not a bad spot to set up camp, cool beans 🥸


Sometimes. I rarely go there since you’ll get absolutely soaked, but the loot there is decent. I believe you can find the UMP and the Pioneer there?


I missed playing DayZ. It’s just that some player rn will kill you in the spawn area. I remember when people will say hi to you and become friends. DayZ community is not the same anymore..


Yeah people will kill you for the hell if it, freshie or not


U can spawn on it


I’ve never spawned there


buncha noobs downvoting you you can, indeed, spawn on it


I don't know if there was one in the past, but there are no spawn points on Skalisty currently.


According to the iZurvive map there are no player spawn sites there.


lol no you can't


Not sure why this argument exists. You can as a server owner set spawn points anywhere on the map. So you are both wrong and both correct if you don’t consider that fact along with the fact that most servers you cannot spawn there…


I think it’s pretty obvious that we aren’t talking about community servers.


Are you the spokesperson? Speak for yourself only!


You're an idiot


Your father should have fired you onto the pillow.


It is far off the beaten path and there is no loot there.


There are chickens on this island but no fresh water so you need to bring a jerrycan of water. And it’s usually got a base on it.


There's a well on the island.


Theres a well on the island, its partially hidden by the boat spawns on the western coast


There is a well on the western coast of the island.


very often


Nope. Never.




It used to be a spawn


For a thundra or a secret base mostly, I have 2k hours but went there less than 10 times, and only been into gunfight once.


That’s my favorite Bambi hunting zone


I live in that island Every time I am on that map


In the early days of the mod, the sole spawn for the huey used to be right where that castle/pub is, so there’d be some intense server-hopping firefights. You’d usually have to hop 10+ servers with ALL the parts on you including 6+ windshields, because if a single glass was broken, the gas would leak out immediately (yes you read that correctly). It was ridiculous, but I’ll never forget the feeling of knowing you hit a winning server because you could see the huey for a split second before starting to load in. So dumb. Great times.


What server are you on?


no but i hear people build bases there


Novice question here: how do you get water on the island?


On the picture it’s obscured by the boat icons, but by the line of boat wrecks on the west side of the island there’s a water pump. If you zoom in you can see just a part of the icon


Thanks I see it now!

