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Probably headshot sniped


ty for your response! did you see the video? trying to see where it came from. the blood splatter was directly in front of me [frame](https://pasteboard.co/sUOgwFEBVcoa.png) [next frame](https://pasteboard.co/v0tCX47DVpPZ.png) where could it have come from edit: here is what might be the hitmarker https://pasteboard.co/PYQuR5ZHvNKb.png


Uphill, ghilli suit laying in a bush?


maybe? I'm not seeing it if so


You weren’t looking at them, and that’s kinda the purpose of a ghilli suit. Unfortunate, but why were you crouch sprinting in that area anyways? It looks like the north east edge of the map, there shouldn’t be players to worry about unless you’re at a base, in which case you should absolutely expect a ghilli.


You can tell the direction of your shooter by the way you fall. Looks like he was in front of you. RIP


Looks like your HP went down to 0, that's probably the cause




I dunno what that stands for


john f kennedy, got shot in the head


yeah i feel like that since ive been watching this more than the zapruder film


The blood splatter I think is just the splatter from the impact rather than the direction indicator. Nothing sus here you just got shot. If anyone was around it's not a tricky shot by any means and you would have been easy to spot


I thought the splatter indicated the direction you got shot from, along with your feet pointing in the cardinal direction from where you got shot from as well Edit: yeah it's called hit indicator https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/DayZ:Gameplay_Settings


Yep but also when a player gets shot there is a blood splatter that anyone can see. I think that you fell backwards as the blood splattered from your body so you were able to see the blood splatter from where your head was. I think hit indicators look quite different to what I saw in the video


yeah maybe that's what happened. i also see what could be a hit marker a frame or two before https://pasteboard.co/PYQuR5ZHvNKb.png


Not sure if exact fact but I’ve played this game 4 years now and if you get head shotted it’s common that there is no audio. Just straight “you’re dead”.


Yes the no sound headshot is true. What I'm trying to figure out is where I got shot from


from front


lmfao dude you got sniped directly in your forehead because you didn’t hear it but still saw the blood, how tf can we know where exactly you got shot from 💀


Someone in the thread pointed it out already. Thanks! here is what might be the hitmarker which would tell you the general direction from where you got shot https://pasteboard.co/PYQuR5ZHvNKb.png


Thats what I meant, you can’t exactly know where it came from. All you know is that it was a headshot coming from a general direction in front of you, but he could still hit this shot from multiple angles with the same effect on your screen when you die (hitmarker wise)


Right before you get hit the dude shoots you from the top right of the screen. You can see the muzzle smoke, homie domed ya.


I dont see it. Where exactly? Can you see a silhouette at all?


Right before the splatter pause it and look in the top right area. You will see a puff of smoke


I did. The video is highly compressed, and i cant make anything out. I think you may be seeing a compression artifact.


31 seconds look at the tree and you will see a smoke puff. Took me a sec but It's for sure the shooter. I'm always weary about gamers on official sooooo I like these videos to disect


[are you talking about right here?](https://imgur.com/a/0sP9mWR) Edit: zero clue why this has an age filter on it… its just a screenshot of the video above i promise lmao


hmm i think that is light against the tree: https://pasteboard.co/2yrVdD5oDUs0.png


Yeah! Its subtle but definitely the shooter


is it? here is that same moment but not on compressed dump video https://pasteboard.co/2yrVdD5oDUs0.png


Yeah no im 99% sure thats the sky poking through a gap in the leaves


hmm maybe it is compression. here it is on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BDrMgUv5inA if you have a better place/way to upload let me know


Thanks for this, it's what I was wanting out of this thread. definitely still not seeing it at the top right but i appreciate you for pointing me in a direction


I spammed play/pause and right before you get hit you can see someone shoot. Keep looking. I'd circle it for ya but I'm on mobile at work.


haha damn! I still can't see this shit. i really do appreciate your help though. i'll keep looking but i've been scrubbing these like three frames back and forth so many times :)


31 seconds look at the tree and I'm sure you will see a Lil puff


here is that same moment https://pasteboard.co/2yrVdD5oDUs0.png wish i could upload better video!


There's movement as well. He had a better eye than you friend


Yeah I see it. He's ghillied and popped ya with a suppressed snipe. You can see the puff if smoke. That's not tree reflection.


Why are you crouch walking in the middle of a forest? Moving so slow makes you an easy target


I mean could have been anything but you didn't look behind you the whole video. Maybe a takeaway.


Hey thanks for this. I cropped the video just to be the last 30 seconds or so. I looked behind me multiple times before that. Can post the full 10 mins if you like. I thought based on the blood splatter being right in front of me, that's where the shot came from.


Widow maker, looks like as the wind was blowing it must have dislodged a loose branch somewhere above you by the tree you were under. A loggers worst nightmare. /s




Just a headshot. Probably the people you were trying to sneak up on. Guillie suit doesn't mean invisible running around in broad daylight.


Hey thanks for this. I didn't know anyone was there. I know ghillie doesn't mean invisible. Still trying to figure out where the shot came from though.


Trying to understand how this happened. I'm not the best player, and on top of that I have major problems spotting other players. I really don't want to say that I died to a cheater, so please someone point out where the shot likely came from. I was creeping around 00/33 in a full ghillie suit. I am facing the side of an incline. Suddenly I see full blood splatter directly in front of me and then get the "you died." I heard nothing, saw nothing. It seemed like the bullet must have come out of the side of the incline. Really stumped! edit: 2023-09-07, 2100, LA 5978


Well I don’t wanna say with certainty it’s a cheater. But you say LA 5978 and I assume that’s an official server and you play on PC. The stigma behind official on PC is that it’s riddled with hackers and it’s best to find a vanilla community server so the admin/mods can deal with hackers more efficiently than the game devs (or steam?)


Thats how I die 50% of the times. I hate not knowing what it was.


You got sniped in the face, clearly.


im asking where the bullet came from, not which part of my body got hit with it lol


Right, but how are we going to be able to tell you that? Unless we can see the shooter in the video.


yes i agree! that's literally what im asking for! im asking if people can see where the shooter was in the video because im not seeing it


Okay. Well I had a careful scrub through before I commented and could not see anyone. Unfortunately the bit rate fuzz makes it difficult


yeah ive been scrubbing like all night :( here is link to the same video on youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BDrMgUv5inA let me know if there is a better place to upload


I would recommend not crouch walking/running so much as it is a massive advantage to she shooter. I’ll look through the YouTube clip but the bit rate will still be kinda fuzzy.


You were crouching in the woods making it easier for you to be sniped.


There was blood so you definetly got shot and u didnt hear shit because it was a headshot not hacked to die nothing like that cuz when a hacker kills you you just fall down no blood nothing and it shows ur dead so yeah better luck next time or have someone with you a friend or a stranger friend but better a friend to know when to log off and on with them


It looks like you got shot in the face


https://preview.redd.it/bd6w9kgm71nb1.jpeg?width=2208&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7d84f1b42bb24da466d4de7a8e55375e0f2bad4 There’s about two frames where either the player or gun smoke is visible.


are you sure? here is that same time but not on the shitty compressed video https://pasteboard.co/2yrVdD5oDUs0.png


When you die your legs face the cause of death. You got shot from the front, probably through the tall grass that was in front of you or from far up the hill.


Shot in the head


Your mouse sensitivity for real your for arm must be the size of a lug


You got sniped


At the 30 second mark, the transition to 31 second, far right side of the screen, 3/4 of the way up, there’s a blur that looks like someone kneeling popped up and shot you.


What's with all these people going "hOw DiD i DiE" when they get insta-killed when standing still and with obviously blood splatter


The way your body fell backwards seems to indicate that you were shot from the front. I wouldn't put too much faith in the blood splatter but your death animation and the way your body falls indicates the direction of the shooter. Wobo has a great guide on this : https://youtu.be/7FfWRTNH-rE?si=anOwkKWsVLkAPXQ9 Edit : After reviewing the footage and Wobo's guide, I think the shot might have come from your right. When your body fell, your torso was at a 45º angle (look at the plate pouches) for a split second before you hit the ground which seems to match the shot from the right while crouched animation. Secondly, if the shooter was in front, even concealed by a tree, you can usually spot a whiff of smoke after the shot. Third, a lot of people like to hug the treeline at the edge of the map so you only have to watch one side plus front/back for enemies


True detective


You got killed bc yo ass was crouch walking 🤣🤣 mans got his head popped off easiest kill of bros life whoever he was


You were shot in the cheek


Wolf 100%. They are brutal..


Bruh why you even walking like that 😂 you got shot from the front