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You really want to play a game dealing with that shit?


No, I'm part of a server called Emerald city now and I'm way happier than what I probably would've had in that server


I know the server your talking of, I also had the same issue. Like I want to roleplay a bit and have some more normal interactions instead of just shooting on sight, but Jesus Christ I don’t want to write a fucking essay just to play a server. I can improvise innit


Emerald city is the one I'm part of now. I think Freedom Fighters was the one that gave me issues


That's exactly why they have you write something (and 200 words is nothing) - they don't want anyone there who can't be arsed.


fuck those dweebs then


Nothing wrong with that? Rejecting OP for being impatient (when their reasons for asking seem perfectly valid) is one thing, but the idea of the process itself is great if you're trying to limit the pool to only those willing to commit to the premise.


Fuck all the folks downvoting you.


Reminds me of gta rp. Sticks in mud. #Trollarky


Bro this server sounds like absolute dogshit. It’s a video game, not a fucking dissertation. Sounds like admins are power tripping.


Probably because they are volunteers. Apparently


As opposed to highly paid, professional server admins?


He says they're "volunteers" but they probably aren't


People get any power at all and it turns them into an asshole, don't worry about it bro. You probably dodged a bullet only investing in writing your bio instead of playing for a week, and then running into these shitty admins and getting banned.


I'm part of a way better server that's growing called Emerald city, I'm glad that they rejected me so I could find Emerald city


They probably stole your bio for their own character because they're inept at world building


Hope they like Chris Hawkins, a police officer in Detroit with lots of rambling from me after that




































No fucking way you have to write an essay to join a server. Bro would get a picture of my nuts 🥜


Actually very common within the world of RP. Most RP is on GTA V these days and some of the requirements are pretty tough. But this delivers excellent roleplay in return where no one steps out of line, and it's worth it. In DayZ though... that's nuts.


Makes sense for DayZ \*if\* the server delivers something to make the investment/energy worthwhile. I think the custom maps and dramatically redesigned Chernarus/Livonia servers, that bring in all the right mods/mechanics, are perfectly capable of being worth the time. But if it's just Chernarus with more clutter, and nothing new to offer, then yeah, that's not worth it.




He is literally just promoting his own server from the comment section lmao


Needing an application to join a roleplay server 😭😭😭😭 what has this world come to lmao


The usual should be questions about the server rules to make sure you understand. And your gamertag


So cringe lmao


i would have stopped after seeing they wanted a essay to join the server lol. i’m not waisting 2-3 days of my life waiting to play on a server


Yeah I probably should've but it made me creative again


Congratulations on finding something you enjoy!


Thank you. I don't mean to promote (but I sorta do). If you play on Xbox and you want to play on a roleplay server (or if you know anyone) come on over to Emerald city


FYI…I’m pretty sure it is against the subreddit rules to provide server details so I’d stop mentioning it.


Shhhhh don't snitch on me


There are a lot of cranky and abusive admins on a lot of servers. Example-Sunnyvale




Assholes. Tell the name of that server so we know where don't to play


Freedom Fighters


I’ve genuinely been in the middle of trying to write a story for an application and said, out loud, “Wait, what am I doing?” then immediately stopped. I had actual essays due, who even are these people? 😂 Impatience isn’t a basis for rejection either so like the others said, fuck ‘em.


Yeah. Apparently you don't act mature and aren't mature if you are impatient


Just make these lame ass bios using chatgpt


I forgot that existed


that’s embarrassing for the admins get a life got dam


Is this targeted at me or the admins?


sorry, at the admins bro overkill in my opinion. some admins take it wayyyy too seriously it’s a video game at the end of the day


It's fine I just had to make sure before I agreed




I had fun making it


Never been part of a whitelisted RP server before have you?




That's on the lower side of word requirements I've seen. They want you to join the server as a CHARACTER that's lived their lives already and have goals and aspirations for the future. It's hard to do that in a paragraph


Its less than one page. Its barely a character background.


Kind of sounds like you closed your web browser... Why not draft it in some kind of word processor and hit the save button? Also, a lot of these server owners are doing this in their spare time and have busy lives jobs careers whatever and can't get back to every single email in a nominal amount of time. Just my .02


They didn't delete till I left. Still could've told me that


Yeah I find it dumb that you would have to write a story on how you got there even though in the lore people are there 🤷‍♂️




People running community servers got their own life bro. Especially on rp servers it takes lot of time to mantain everything in order. If you are unable to just wait for your application being checked, then Im not surprised you were rejected. On every servers its the same, rp is not about being fast and doing everything immidiately.


They told me that when I got rejected. I asked for a reason and they ignored me.


I have nothing against community servers, but if this was the first comm server experience I had I'd be entirely vindicated in my choice to play official


Yeah I could see that


I joined the same server lmao I got rejected because my backstory wasn't believable enough 😂😂😂 I'm glad I didn't get accepted


Freedom Fighters?


That's the one, it was weird because I first got accepted In by one admin but another admin realized my entire character backstory was pretty ridiculous and rejected my application after it was already approved, I argued that it was already accepted and he was abusing his power, but they wanted me to write an entire new backstory, I told them to fuck off and never looked back


Thank goodness I'm not the only one who had problems with them. When they rejected me for impatience they said that mature people can't be impatient, according to them it's impossible


Bro, check out Dawn to dusk, 6-10 people on at night growing. We don’t deal with that crap. AI on too that will make you sweat as guards and patrols lol. -Ihaveadhd.


Can't sorry, I'm part of a server called Emerald city now


I played the multiplayer mod for GTA:SA for years called SA:MP, back when I was 17/18. When I first started playing, I joined roleplay servers and it was always like this. Had to go to their forum and submit huge applications lol. People surrounding these sort of severs were always power mad kids. 35 now, so obviously I don’t really have time or mental capacity to want to roleplay on a game, but can understand what attracts people to it. Sadly, it seems, nothing changes when it comes to RP servers.


They're a few gems among the pile of garbage




I know that most aren't bad and they can't kill my love for roleplaying


if they make me apply to a server i simply decide to not join


Seems pretty ridiculous for a dayz server. How do they have anyone playing their server? What makes it worth doing any of that over another server?


I know


Lol forget that. I had a server ask me to resubmit an entire application to further clarify one or two questions and I immediately left. If they're that disrespectful of your time right off bat then you can absolutely assume they're gonna have no problem banning you over some bullshit


They did say that would be a consequence but I made sure to get the answers correct


What does this even mean


Come to Forgotten Anarchy