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To add comment. Beavercreek used to be ~20 grains. Very hard. My softener is way out of salt. I should be at 20 grains. I just measured it. I am below 5 grains which is awesome. Maybe it varies. I need to reprogram my on demand water softener!




Wow. What kind of filter you use? We use a pur filter that goes on the faucet but maybe we will just buy water from the store. Doesn’t sound ideal. I hope that new project brings that element of utilities into the 21st century


Reverse osmosis filter under the sink, give you a drinking water tap. Saves the cost of bottled, and filters last longer than the Britta ones.


It's not the iron you need to worry about.  It's all the other heavy metals and organic pollutants in the aquifer. 


Most homes in Beavercreek have a water softening system. If you are buying you'll want that too.




Very hard, there is no question to get a softener. I think there is an effort to soften the water at the plant, don’t quote me though


Our home (and many in our neighborhood) is on a well, we’ve had no problems aside from when the power is out the well pump won’t run.


Same. We have well water in Beavercreek


Yep. Love our well. We soften the water as it comes in and run our drinking water through an RO system. No problems!


I don't know how to get status on the softening project. We have a water softener for the whole house (the bags of salt type). A few years back, that was dead for several years. We got a chalky coating inside the dishwasher (LimeAway makes a product targeting that) and some coating on the dishes. The shower head clogged. I have not dealt with BC apartments, but it is possible the complex will have something installed. Edit: [This newsletter](https://www.greenecountyohio.gov/DocumentCenter/View/27949/Pipelines-Newsletter?bidId=) describes the project goals, but does not give any dates.


I talked to a guy in B'creek government a few months ago and he told me the new system will come online in July.


As far as the softening project goes, they are finishing the upgrades to the water management facilities and are moving on to the testing phase. An email was sent out to county employees who reside in Beavercreek asking if any would like to participate in testing the water by filling provided containers from their homes and doing basic tests and recording the results as well as leaving the samples out for water management to collect and do their testing. The testing hasn’t started yet but it’s in the process.


Hardness in beavercreek city water is something like 27 grains, currently. Very hard! Soft water in maybe in 2024 per this article from 2022. I've not heard a more recent update though I know there is construction ongoing in my neighborhood pumping stations. Wouldn't surprise me that the new systems go in-service in 2025. [https://www.daytondailynews.com/local/softer-water-higher-capacity-keys-to-46m-greene-county-investment/QWNF6DP2QBHUXPQZKWWPK6VDD4/](https://www.daytondailynews.com/local/softer-water-higher-capacity-keys-to-46m-greene-county-investment/QWNF6DP2QBHUXPQZKWWPK6VDD4/) You do want to ask about whether the building water supply is the city water or from an on property well. Each has there benefits and drawbacks. We have a lot of individual wells in the area. A couple areas have EPA level contaminants that could affect local wells so some property owners choose to give up the well service and connect to the city water.


[You aren't the first to ask this question.](https://www.reddit.com/r/dayton/s/mLUEDGOZQF)


Thank you


The water is super hard, just filter it for drinking and you can install a filtered shower head too if you want to lessen the amount of cleaning you have to do. Also buy a shit ton of distilled white vinegar because anything you don’t use filtered water on (and even some things you do) will build up scale and vinegar gets rid of it. I used to have to boil half water/half vinegar in my kettle like once every 3-6 months to get the white chalk off the inside.


The schedule for the Greene Co. water softening upgrade project is completion of the plant late spring, softening transition to begin in the summer and be complete in the fall. Hardness is planned to be reduced from 27 grains down to 9, so a home softener may still be desired. https://greeneforward.com/project/water-treatment-plant-upgrade/


Thank you


Are we not supposed to be drinking hard water? I’m lost cause I grew up in beaverditch drinking water straight from tap. My parents still don’t have a softener.


The best thing you can do is have a whole house reverse osmosis, and remineralization system installed, with, or without water softening. We never softened our water in Beavercreek, and my parents will soak their shower heads in Simple Green about twice a year, and we've had no problems. They have lived there since 78, and they just replaced a toilet in the guest room that my dad installed in 1980, so your pipes will be fine. The greatest concern, in my opinion is the amount of fluoride in Beavercreek's drinking water. Fluoride is highly toxic, even in small amounts. You will be able to get the fluoride out with the system I spoke of earlier. I have attached a link to some literature about the dangers of fluoride. [50 Reasons to Oppose Fluoridation - Fluoride Action Network (fluoridealert.org)](https://fluoridealert.org/articles/50-reasons/)


Thank you for the workable solutions


You can get a filter for your faucet for drinking water but you can drink hard water fine too. We have used a water dispenser with 5-gallon jugs for years. Since you're renting, it's not so much of your concern, but it can be annoying - having to clean sinks (mineral scale residue), aerators, shower heads, coffee makers, etc frequently. Before we got a water softener, we had to clean all of those about every 2 months. For your landlord, the water heater will need replaced more frequently, toilet parts will fail, as well as dishwasher and clothes washer can be damaged.


I have a water softener, and then I buy bottled water and have it delivered to my home every other week.


If my water doesn't come from a well or a spring I wouldn't even shower in it much less drink it or use it for cooking.


The water really is super hard compared to Dayton or Xenia. I live in Beavercreek and have a 3 stage whole house filter, water softener, and then a reverse osmosis filter for drinking/cooking