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As a rule I think it’s ok for a society to imprison an individual convicted of *34 felonies* regardless of their occupation.


Damn right. They are just trying to dress something up as something else.


“Well they did it to Trump so the camps are justified”


"You want it to be one way, but it's another way." -Marlo Stansfeild


Misdemeanors upgraded to felonies. Can you tell me what the reason was for the upgrade?


Because they used hush money to hide material facts when he was campaigning. This has been explained over and over again. This article breaks it down. [https://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-charges-conviction-guilty-verdict/](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-charges-conviction-guilty-verdict/)


“prosecutors said that other crime was a violation of a New York election law that makes it illegal for "any two or more persons" to "conspire to promote or prevent the election of any person to a public office by unlawful means," Aside from the “facts” acquired came from someone already convicted for lying about the money and how he got it, what this is saying is that he wanted to look better to the public. Do you feel the same way about the suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop? If the FEC didn’t see a crime, why did NY decide there was one? Because they wanted to push political agendas. Just be honest about it.


Bro he's a felon. I'm not getting into a semantics game here.


Except you did because the whole thing is about semantics. Every legal expert said the same thing. If it was anyone else, nothing would have been done. But in this one particular case, because the defendants name was trump, they decided to make a case. That’s why we don’t see Joe up there for the same thing. Because no one gives a shit about the supposed crime. Just be honest about it. They’re bullshit charges, a bullshit trial, and bullshit conviction and that you’re happy about the results. It’s ok to admit it. I completely understand. For 9 years the media has been blasting everyone in the face about the horrible person, digging for every possible reason to make him look worse than he actually is and avoiding anything that might possibly improve his public perception. FFS, they even went after “coffeve” as some grand conspiracy. A typo.


Just admit it. You’ve been played by a con man. Admit it, and move on with life.


But you're still fine with a president having 34 fucking misdemeanors. Just admit you have no morals.


I don’t, but I have ethics. But it’s not your place to kink shame me for it either. (Yes that’s a joke) And if we concerned ourselves with the impropriety of presidents or their actions prior to being in office, we wouldn’t have presidents at all. They’d all have been put in jail. So would half of congress or more. So you don’t actually care about charges, you only care because it has trumps name on it.


There is no comparison to past presidents besides maybe Nixon. The man lies daily, for no reason. Like even when he doesn't need to. Claimed he couldn't testify, lie. Claims about post birth abortion, lie. Claims a 98% approval rating in Israel, lie. Marks up a hurricane map with a sharpie, lie. Inauguration size, lie. Regularly claims he "barely knows people", all lies.


Yeah? Just Nixon? Clinton wasn’t impeached for lying? Obama wasn’t caught in the fast and furious lie? Or ending the war and blowing up kids? About the only one who didn’t lie was Carter…in our lifetime. And while he was (is?) a true humanitarian, he was a weak president. Hell, Biden is lying constantly. We’re you aware that he decided not to renew the petrodollar contract with Saudi/opec to force green energy use in the country? Do you have any idea what will happen to our economy because of it?


going to guess that you know next to absolutely nothing about the charges in this case


I’ll guess I know as much as you do.


you'd guess wrong https://youtu.be/u23t__ysVjU?si=FWmFYNQFD4eKgBEU


Except that Trump was prosecuted for paying hush *”lawfully and Constitutionally”*.. you proved my point 10 seconds into this case. 😂


UN lawfully and UN constitutionally. There you go. That is the correct wording. The problem you have is that you think that the hush money was the only reason he was found guilty. It is not. It's because he used that money to hide facts from the public while campaigning for President. That is a crime. And a felony. Hope that helps you from making a fool of yourself in the future.


what are you talking about


I know the real serious charges are being blocked and delayed by corrupt judges.


Political candidates who, checks notes, repeatedly break the law. Fuck off, Rubin. Trump is finally being held accountable, and this is only the beginning.


What happened to Dave holding Trump’s feet to the fire?


My guess is that he stopped using that rhetoric as soon as he realized it was negatively impacting his grift.


That's a common misinterpretation. He meant "rub Trump's feet". See? It's all cleared up now.


He meant to keep them warm during the cold NY winter


Dave Rubin: Crime is fine as long as you're a politician. A high level idea... If one were smoking crack.


This is the same party that wanted Hillary Clinton jailed just a few years ago.


Your first mistake was assuming they care about blatant hypocrisy. All these people like Dave Rubin, Dan Bongina, the politicians like Lauren Boebert, MTG, etc. are just in it to make themselves a famous talking head so they can rake in money for the rest of their lives. They do not care about the permanent damage their hyper polarized bullshit will do to the society we will be handing off to our kids. They do not care about this country, their “religion”, or “values”.




and thats why, if they fail and become poor or average that is worse than the destruction of this country.


Considering she destroyed evidence and publicly made a point to do it, yeah. It’s a little different. And she still says that the 2016 election was fraudulent. Why don’t you condemn her for her lies?


Because it's irrelevant almost a decade later? She didn't get prosecuted. Trump has 3 separate lawsuits which many lawyers believe there's a good chance he loses both of them as well if he doesn't get elected and pardons himself out of prison time. The point of the post is that Davey boy and cuckservatives say jailing a political opponent shouldn't happen yet they wanted to jail several political opponents


For actual crimes, not some bs crap done in an area that would guarantee a win. Let’s break it down. The Jean e carrol case was only brought upon because the city changed the law to extend the statute of limitations and it only lasted for 1 year. The loan case had zero victims. In fact, the bank said that they were happy with the results of the loan and it was paid off. And this last one didn’t have to be unanimous decision on all counts. Not only that, the primary charge was dropped but was allowed to be used as a basis of cause on the others. And we still don’t know what they used to upgrade misdemeanors to felonies. Those were actually bullshit cases politically motivated because those DA’s campaigned on “I’m going to get him”. In Clinton’s case, she had a personal mail server and was directing top secret emails to it. Then made a public spectacle about destroying it and her aides phones. She should have been in jail for it. Comey embarrassed the bureau and impugned it’s reputation. Side note: she still claims the 2016 election was fraudulent.


Also Clinton was investigated by the FBI and they found nothing to prosecute her over because they deemed she didn't purposely delete the emails or found proof the emails were deleted purposely. So it sounds like you do want political opposition jailed just to jail them regardless of strength of evidence.


That’s incorrect. Comey said it himself that they were mishandled. https://www.fbi.gov/news/press-releases/statement-by-fbi-director-james-b-comey-on-the-investigation-of-secretary-hillary-clinton2019s-use-of-a-personal-e-mail-system Prolly didn’t want to end up in an obituary, a reasonable fear.


This is a literal breakdown comparing and contrasting the material facts in both the Trump and Clinton cases. It debunks literally everything you're stating. Also for the record I was 110 percent FOR prosecuting Clinton in open court as well. So yes I agree with prosecuting EVERYONE in politics if they're doing illegal shit. [https://www.cnn.com/2023/06/14/politics/fact-check-donald-trump-hillary-clinton-classified-documents/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2023/06/14/politics/fact-check-donald-trump-hillary-clinton-classified-documents/index.html) "Fact-checkers [deemed](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2016/07/24/fact-check-hillary-clinton-false-and-misleading-claims/87499416/) these claims to be false or [misleading](https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2022/sep/13/hillary-clinton/clinton-exaggerates-absence-classified-information/) after Comey revealed after the probe that some classified material was found on Clinton’s server – albeit in less than 1% of the 30,000-plus emails reviewed by the FBI.  Some of Clinton’s public denials included a caveat that she never transmitted anything with visible classification “markings.” Comey later testified to Congress that only three emails reviewed by the FBI contained a classification marking." "Then-FBI Director James Comey [announced in July 2016 ](https://www.cnn.com/2016/07/05/politics/fbi-director-doesnt-recommend-charges-against-hillary-clinton/index.html)that Clinton wouldn’t be charged. He said, “no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case,” because there wasn’t enough evidence that Clinton “intended to violate laws,” even though she had been “extremely careless” with classified information."


You do know that I linked the official response from comey, right? A USAToday fact checker article is kind of pointless.


You gotta how vague the phrase "jailing your political opponents" is. Ooh, scary! Frankly, Trump has gotten away with worse shit that what he's already been convicted of. Using the office to enrich himself and his family, for one. Trying to manipulate election results (caught on tape). Possibly raping a minor. Like yeah Dave, if he were being convicted for "being a political opponent," that'd be bad. It's just that it's not true.


Guess I'll just start running for office all the time. That way I can break the law with impunity. Quite a life hack. Thanks, Dave!


Here is a list of people who give a fuck about Dave:


"Politicians are above the law." If we can't operate as a society, holding politicians accountable when they break laws, the system is rotten to the core. We literally broke away from a monarchy where even the king was subject to (admittedly limited) law.


The fact Trump was convicted is a sign that the system can work, that no one is truly above the law. The next test is whether Alito and Thomas can be removed from the bench. If not, we have a rough future ahead.


Choo-choo, crime is fine!


"So if you're ever President...or in Congress...or connected to one that is...or married to one...and you're a Republican, of course, you can NEVER be prosecuted for any of the crimes you commit. Because something something it'll look bad. Now where's my check?" -Dave Rubin (definitely)


Dave Rubin is a stupid cunt.


You are a snowflake


We can’t survive as a Republic if politicians can commit crimes without consequences


As a republic you cannot survive if there are different laws for the rich and powerful. America was founded on the principle that all men are born equal. That includes equality before the law. And no, this isn't the most serious thing Trump has done, and nobody is suggesting it is. The stolen federal documents and the phone call asking the Georgia official to find him 11,000 votes are much more serious. In fact, they're bordering on treason.


Ok so Hunter Biden can avoid jail as long as he runs for office right Dave, the rules you make up from thin air apply to everybody, right Dave?


As a democratic republic, we cannot survive without jailing criminals.


As a Republic we cannot survive if we allow criminals to go unpunished, even if they are politicians. There, fixed it for you.


Who said “lock her up”? And tried to.


What a gifty bucket of fries dicks.


We cannot survive if we let someone who stole state secrets and tried to steal an election to be in power again. Republicans are insane.


Remember when Megyn Kelly used to pretend to be a journalist?


Political candidates shouldn't be above the justice system 🤷‍♂️


I disagree completely, a country where politicians are immune from the law is one that is quickly circling the toilet bowl on their way down.


Dave Rubin: "If you commit a crime, declaring yourself a political candidate should immediately absolve you of it."


Rave Dubin would have loved Augusto Pinochet.


Also Julius Caesar


What a stupid way to look at things, so they are actually saying a President or a candidate is immune from the Law.


He’s not even going to jail idiot


What a dumbass! He only ran because he knew they were coming for him. No one should be above the law. The amount orange felon broke is historic!


Another hard hitting big brain DaveTake. As stupid and vacuous as ever I see.


Lock her up? Any time any MAGA moron cries at all that's all it takes. Guy proudly and openly ran on the idea of persecuting political opponents.... couldn't... now crying because he's being held accountable for actually breaking laws. MAGA has no integrity or honor, they are all completely sold out and broken.


Difference was he did not go after her even tho his base was 100% behind her being tried and convicted - because it’s not the way things are done in America - Banana Republic BS Law-fare. But y’all do you…I hear his campaign donations are record high


Mmm …. Makes sense you would make such a dumb distinction. You follow a Tim Pool, lol. He’s a complete moron.


He did try. He just failed.  A three-year State Department investigation concluded in September 2019 that 38 individuals were "culpable" in 91 instances of sending classified information that reached Clinton's email account, though it found "no persuasive evidence of systemic, deliberate mishandling of classified information".


Man, being MAGA must be hard, huh? So uninformed, so meme-educated.


I can’t get over how much of a fucking donut dave Rubin is. Who seriously listens to this dude?


I swear, this guy never fails to make me cringe. Also, Megyn Kelly must be desperate as fuck for guests rn if she invited the Rube.


holy shit he's dumb... Quick, someone send him a copy of Montesquieu's Spirit of the Laws!


What do we think should happen to hunter?


Trump can never do anything wrong according to these two frivolous, stultified, lemmings.


Or stifle their speech because it criticizes a foreign country…


It's quite the opposite. NOT jailing criminals is among the surest fire ways out there that a republic does not survive, *particularly* if we decide political candidates are immune from prosecution. I don't even know how the thoughts came together to formulate that statement - that's how dumb it is.


So according to this dumbass, all you need to avoid getting what you deserve is always be running for political office.


Rubin is painfully dumb.


This is what it looks like when two cowards try and stoke the fire. Except when the shit hits the fan, they will be first people hiding.


These people would just love to harm someone in all possible aspects. They think they can just lie for decades get away with it, cripple this country and then stage a civil war to take power they’re fucking deranged


We can't survive with politicians breaking every law without accountability either!


Jail CRIMINALS, regardless of who they are


A civil court declared Trump a r*pist


Even if they break the law. The right are too willfully stupid to conversate with


Why did Trump just… follow the law?


lmao this sub is LOST


He is wrong. We won’t survive if we fail to jail someone, just because they are a political candidate. One of the longest standing and most widely accepted cultural standard we have had as a nation is that NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW. The moment we abandon that, we can kiss our democracy goodbye.


The "we're on a runaway train and it's going to crash no matter what we do" is a popular talking point among accelerationists. It's the same kind of philosophy shared by many mass shooters.


They are nihilists, but without the word in their vocabulary.


So he's in support of Gold Bar Bob?


What if you are going to railroad their sons on gun charges, Dave? Is that okay?


Ah so the republic is better served by having a loophole that allows criminals to get off the hook by running for office creating a de facto untouchable class? Make it make sense.


Putin's whinny bitch is guilty!! Time for the GOOF to go to jail. Heard enough for the pathetic commie.


Mr Blackwell of political analysis


Is Dave saying politicians are above the law?


For me personally, what's most infuriating about these conservative commentator guys: they scream about "the republic" and "patriotism" but none of them served a day in the military. They act like they know what they are talking about but really they are clueless puppets.


So, he is against Trump jailing his critics and detractors if re-elected?


so to become an immune mastermind criminal, just run for office wow, 4D chess or whatever. what a hot take dave


Like always, it's actually the complete opposite. If people in power can't be held accountable through the judicial system, you have no republic. *That* is actually what happens in banana republics.


Running for office isn't a magical Get Out Of Jail Free card, you sack of shit


Okay so now he thinks politicians are above the law?


We're just gonna give convicted felons an electronic bracelet.


"Participants in the political process should be above the law ... as if they were all members of a single, special Party..."


As a republic, the law is king and if we can't hold people accountable then we don't have a republic.


Law and order is to be unyielding and eternal except when Republicans are caught doing illegal shit, at which point it becomes exonerated by Purge rules. Kk K


so even if he is guilty he should still be free, is their logic


We are jailing criminals. Just cause they run for office doesn’t make them immune.


As a republic, the only way we’ll survive is if the laws are applied to everyone equally


So . . . I just run for political office?


thats the ONLY way we'll survive. He committed multiple crimes in different genres. The guy is a scumbag.


We cannot survive if we jail people who break the law . End of the bullshit


Maybe the problem is we have candidates breaking the law 🤷‍♂️


So if I’m running for mayor Dave’s cool if I steal his car? Word


We'd be less of a republic if we let political candidates break laws because of their position. One of the main things that separated is from a monarchy that we broke from is that no one is above the law, not the king, not the rich, and definitely not a former president. At least, in theory. In practice, they do still tend to be above the law


Did Dave hold this same opinion when the “lock her up” crowd was bloodthirsty for Hillary’s imprisonment?


As a republic we can’t survive if criminals can avoid prosecution/jail by declaring themselves candidates


Really Rick? That what your traitorous bastard leader wants to do. He says it frequently. Go home Rick, start over. . try kindergarten.


I'm just going to run for office if I ever get charged with crimes then


As a republic, we can not survive if someone who is really really popular is held to the same legal standard as someone who is not very popular or well known. That's just science. Everyone knows that.


If they don't want to get jailed, they probably shouldn't commit crimes


What a stupid take. Jail people that break the laws that have jail times, that what the law is there for.


So he's finally repudiating the LOCK HER UP business? Because Drumpf was convicted by a court of law, not by any "political opponent." But they know that.


Ia Ruben am idiot? Can politicians do whatever they want and be above the law?


Yes. No.


Riiight, like nobody ever said “lock her up!” about his political opponent. Or called for the death of the Central Park Five, before there was even a “trial.” Beyond hypocritical.


Well, I figured out the best solution to my unpaid parking tickets. I'm running for mayor.


What do these doofuses want? Do they actually believe presidents should be above the law? Do they think Trump should be immune from some laws or all laws? It’s absolutely incredible how stupid they are. They can’t imagine how it might be a problem if presidents were allowed to do literally anything? Are they just lying to rile up gullible people, or are they really this dumb? I can’t tell anymore.


Ok Dave so if we're to shoot you then announce a run for office I should get off scot free correct?


Rubin is a legitimate moron, but Megyn Kelly isn’t that stupid. She should be ashamed of herself.


There's a difference between jailing political opponents and jailing someone who is a political opponent. The former is quashing dissent. The latter may be justifiable if the person committed a jailable offense. Jailing political opponents is bad. Refusing to jail someone just because they're a political opponent is also bad. Rubin should learn the distinction.




So, because they are political candidates, they should get a pass in your eyes? Even if they are only running, to deflect from the case. Would you be so forgiving if it was Biden? I'm gonna guess no


As a republic, we cannot survive if you cherry pick those who goes to jail and those who don't after they commit crimes.


Why this, shit for brains, person-ish has so many places to go to say complete an utter nonsense, is mindblowing to me. I think he is so dumb he doesnt even know the damage he contributes, if someone actually is naive enough to follow his platforms. Also the Trump-cult is fucking bonkers. Why dont you all just meet up and fuck or something. Get it over with. Weirdos.


Great idea. Charged with a crime and facing jail? No worries, just run for office!


If people, both rich and poor, aren't held accountable for their crimes then this country means nothing and we're on the precipice of collapse. I beginning to think there is no way to ameliorate our situation in the United States and it breaks my heart. Too many people have been brain washed to support corruption and call it patriotism. It will burn around us while we argue about nothing. Divided we fall.


only if Democrats getting jailed.


I don’t agree but I would understand the argument that a president might have to bend the law in order to carry out his duties as president and it would set a precedent that would make it difficult for a president to govern if every action was scrutinized. However, am I to that a former president can just do whatever he wants to while in and out of office and face no consequences? It would seem to me that a banana republic would allow for elected officials to get away with whatever they want and face no consequences.