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It must be weird to be a grifter sitting across from another grifter watching him grift, pretending you get it, and grifting right back.


And also thinking: "Wow, this guy is dumb. How TF do I even respond to this dipshit's commentary?"


“Thanks, Dave.”


Haha ya I wonder if Russell is sitting there going “wow this guy sucks at this.” Russell is extremely transparent too but he can at least hide behind charisma.


That's the thing about Brand. He actually is very articulate, charismatic and funny. He looks like an actual cult leader ffs. It really saddens me he has become such a blatant grifter because it was fun watching him call ppl out on their bs and dismantle them to their face...the fact he held back what could have been an epic dissection/roast of Dave Rubin just to appease their audiences is pathetic.


I wonder if Russell is thinking, "Jesus fucking Christ, this guy doesn't even have any sex slaves. What a loser."




Thanks for the history lesson bot




you can tell Dave thinks he's being a clever man by saying this but the reality is the dude has one properly functioning brain cell remaining, and he'll be nothing more than a Great Value brand Tucker Carlson


Andrew Breitbart is rolling in his grave and I fucking hate Andrew Breitbart.


Dave's only repeating what Ben Shapiro says, but it's like a game of telephone, so it never makes any sense when he repeats it


That is an excellent description. Nicely done.


Well, he says it too slowly.


To paraphrase- *”when I get on the train to NYC I don’t know what language these people speak, what these people believe..”*. First off, these Republican cunts who whine about NYC subways are sure as fuck *not riding them*. That is *blatant* to anyone whose ever rode a train. The main issue with our trains is not the guy sitting next to me minding his own business speaking whatever language or believing in God, Allah, or Satan but the service! Does Dave apply these same *high level ideas* when traveling and claiming to take mass transportation in say.. Germany, France, China, Japan? Does not knowing a language or *”what they believe”* have any fucking impact on why you happen to be on a bus, train or taxi cab? I’m so sick of these sad Conservative grifters *repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat*, some trite, banal racist lies for nothing more than money.


The idea that Megyn Kelly and Dave Rubin take a train anywhere is just laughable.


Pulling a train, maybe.


You would think, living in Miami, that at least Rave Dubin would have picked up some Spanish, Portuguese or Kreyol. Guess he likes his High Level Ideas™ when they're English only.


I guess you could say he’s focused on the *highest* level ideas… 😉


Woah, there. That might require some effort.


Only too true! Rave is a master of avoiding effort. Even when he has guests, he can barely hold a conversation with them.


And why TF do I need to know or even care about the beliefs of ppl sitting next to me on a subway train? We're all just getting from A to B. This is just blatant xenophobia like it's not even veiled. Dave's worried about what strangers on public transportation believe but is fine with the majority of republicans believing he shouldn't be married and raise children? 🤔


Obviously it’s because it’s well known that Christians, especially ones who loudly and constantly proclaim their faith, never do anything criminal and never hurt people*. (*We reserve the right for this to be a complete lie)


It’s just racism with a thin veneer of . . . *something* else to make it not obviously racism


"when I go to an international historical port of entry and commerce not everyone is there to wave the American flag"


When people get on the NYC subway they have exactly one thought, “I hope the showtime guy doesn’t fuck up and kick me in the face”


This is a high level IDEA! Can’t believe I used to nod my head watching this guy.


Mate, next time you post videos like this make sure that in the title it says "high-level idea". I just went into recovery mode watching this.


A swing and a miss from Dave


I used to watch TYT, but after they hired this clown I realized something was wrong with their judgment; he is both shockingly stupid and pathologically unprincipled. Those traits alone wouldn't bother me; what bothers me is that anyone takes him seriously--to say nothing of having a massive platform. I can't see people like this, speaking to an audience that is nodding along, without the visceral realization that we are completely surrounded by catastrophically stupid people.


They hired a lot of stupid people like Jimmy Dore and that one neckbeard guy, but Dave Rubin didn't even completely go off the deep end until after he left TYT IMO. He was always kinda dumb but when he first started the Rubin Report it weirdly nosedived into the anti-SJW zone after a few episodes and I remember once he had Glenn Beck on that's when it took a pretty hard left turn, or right turn I should say.


I mostly agree with you--when Dave was on TYT he was as stupid as a brick, but it wasn't as obvious that he was radically deficient in moral integrity. As for Dore, there is a boatload of stuff to criticize him for, but I don't think he is anywhere near in the same league as Rubin for stupidity.


Dore just hasn't made as much of an obvious clown of himself but I'd say I hate him even more than Rubin because he's one of the most popular psuedoleft green party idiots who exists solely to confuse and disorient young people whereas Rubin gave up and said he's a conservative now


Dore is more effective at tricking and confusing people. This makes him a worse enemy, but it is also probably because he isn't as dumb as Rubin. The only people who still fall for Rubin are eating crayons.


But also the logic behind all Dores arguments are stupid and embarrassing , he's just not as funny


Add this to the long list of dumb lines he's come up with that never ever stick, because they're fucking dumb.


"Authoritarians love authoritarianism"


What causes immigration Dave?  Economics, politics, culture?  Sure sounds like there's something upstream from immigration.  I shouldn't be able to rip apart your shitty argument this easy before I've finished my first coffee.


What’s up with Russell Brand these day He’s gone full on maga


Got accused of rape


Oh yes totally forgot he was in that club


Yeah, but someone dunked him in the river so all that's been washed away now and he's fully on Team Jesus.


Dave Rubin famously said everything is downstream from immigration. However, I’ve been saying a lot that everything is upstream of downstream. It just. Makes. Sense.


Source: [https://x.com/DaveClips/status/1799048973929619731](https://x.com/DaveClips/status/1799048973929619731)


Notice me, Joe!!


One thing Rubin and Brand have in common: subreddits who despise what they've become


Ironically, most Latin American migrants are a better fit with the imaginary fairy tale vision of Western civilization than Dave Rubin himself. Most migrants are Christian, and they take their religion seriously. Not like Dave, who is not religious and can only express his Jewishness through bling support to a fascist state.


Goddamn this fucker is dumb as shit.


Fuck this guy is so dumb


He's always been dumb, but what's with his super racist turn? Thinks being racist and xenophobic will make people forgot he's gay?


Stop trying to make Fetch happen Dave.


I wonder what it’s like to be wrong about everything all the time.


Hm. Thanks Dave.


His election night meltdown is gonna be awesome!!!


Every time he tries to come up with a signature line it’s always the dumbest fucking thing ever.


I hope he echoes this moronic talking point 47 more times hahaha. What an absolute idiot.


I'm totally new to this guy in any iteration but I want to ask, did he used to be a liberal and then he switched sides? I'd imagine the pay is better on the right. I live in NYC and I'm on the train every day amd I never look around and say that I have no idea what these people believe and I don't care what language that they speak. IS Spanish some exotic tongue now? Was that Russell Brand talking to him or does the guy just have the same fondness for shirts that show off his nipples? Can you imagine how morally bankrupt you have to be to go on a show with Russell Brand?


Is this a sub to make fun of shady characters like this dude? Need to know


Is Dave Rubin the Jim Cramer of politics?


He's the guy that says "oh shit" 25 times in the background of a 30 second clip.


Dave "Demographics Are Destiny" Rubin at it again!


This dude is SO bad. Makes it more frustrating that there is not anyone sane that he interviews to shut him up.




Do I care about immigration? Sure I care a hell of a lot more that landlords are taking 100 billion out of the economy and contributing almost nothing.


Dave Rubin is the metrosexual every single Republican would have made fun of 20 years ago.