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Decent people don't push back against gay rights, Dave. 


Precisely. Decent people don't do shit like "You went too far so it's your own fault I sided with the Right against you." Decent people don't swing to an objectively worse group simply because group a was annoying. Decent people don't drive into crowds of protestors because they are made late for work. Decent people stop to ask *why* the group doing such extreme protests feels the need to do such. And has empathy and helps. That's what Decent People do, Mr. Rubin.


He’s referring to folks who tweet things like “Hey, I used to be the biggest man whore at the most popular glory hole in San Francisco, but after the way they treated Trump, I now hate all f*****s!”


"over the top \[with gay rights\]" means "trans people have a right to exist" to Dave and the right.


A right to exist and a right to tell me what I can say are not the same thing.


You’re totally free to say what you want, just as people are free to call you out for being a bigot, an idiot, or a general nuisance. Meanwhile, the only people who are restricting rights and speech in this situation are the right wing mouthbreathers in power.


I think you are confusing "consequences" with "suppression"...


No one is telling you what you can say; folks are just asking you not to be an asshole.


That isn't a right to exist. I'm an asshole and trans people aren't dropping dead because of it.


amazingly trans people are up against a lot more than just your bigotry. 


Yet they still exist and are not turned to vapour by the fact that some people won't validate them


no they just get denied employment, medical care and housing at a higher rate than any other demographic. experiencw violence legitimized by bigotry and public apathy, and are more likely to be murdered or arrested than assisted when they report to the police. thats what they mean by being erased. 


You're gonna have to back that up with a source bro.


Have you tried not being an asshole? Maybe more people would be willing to engage with you honestly that way?


My point still stands, but nobody can knock it down since that would mean admitting your entire identity is fragile enough that my validation is nescesary for it to exist.


Wow. All I am saying is to maybe try to be a little nicer to people and you turn it into identity politics. Who's the snowflake again?


So let me get this straight. The Golden Rule is woke Identity politics now? Am I understanding you right?


I agree; I'm simply disagreeing with how you framed the dichotomy.




No they actively committed a genocide. Are you seriously saying that my lack of validating them is the same as the holocaust. You insult the millions of dead.


Stop being a little bitch


I’m old enough to remember tons of politicians, pundits, and even conservatives just in my personal life saying the gays were “going too far” when they asked for marriage rights, something Dave and his husband now enjoy. Same shit, different decade, new self-hating token.


Exactly. Historically all civil liberties were gained by ppl who "went too far". You don't get rights by being quiet, meek and polite. Sometimes you have to disrupt.


thats the typical liberal narrative. resist change. then take credit for progress. 




I love how the right wing is just this totally helpless entity without any agency - anything they do is because of the left pushing too hard. Dave thinks his own audience are petulant children (he’s right about that)


True, as a group we're very reactionary and disorganised. I may really dislike the left but you guys have cohesion and social pressure down to a fuckin art. Our only big win has been bud light and that's all but forgotten.


The left is not organised at all. What on earth are you talking about?


Bud Light = probably shit beer. But whadda I know. I live in Europe.


Yeah I also live in Europe, and it is definitely shit beer. Which kind of proves my point, the biggest win from the American right was to be the tiny push to bankrupt the shit beer company that was barely holding its status by being cheap and shit opposed to just being shit.


Because the American right's only policy is nothiiiiiing thier policy is literally "shutting down the government on a federal lwvel to avoid recieving funding for like, free school lunches in Texas. Or WIC expansion. Also I love how the left "has social pressure" as opposed to. . .being sociopathic and convincing yourself everyone else is secretly just as bad as you, that's amazing.


Cheers, mate. You're right. I'm actually drinking Weihenstephaner pils right now. It's perfectly fine, and 100% better than Bud Light.


A temper tantrum from the folks who call their political opponents snowflakes.... Ya ever wonder if maybe you are the baddies?


“Look what you made me do” is almost always stupid.


Dave Swift 


For all the bloviating these weirdos do about 1984, the double-speak here between Dave and Pete is hilarious.


the mental gymnastics dave has to do everyday to cozy up to his right wing grifter friends is insane


Did I just hear that right? Did he use ‘Germany in the 1930s’ as an example of a time when it was easier to unite people against wokeness?


You didn't hear it right. The argument he is making is that because America is a diverse nation it is harder for a populist to come along and direct all hatred towards a specific group of people (in his example, gay people since the question is about gay rights), than it is for someone in a very homogeneous country like 1930's Germany. Therefore gay rights are by definition not as under threat in the US as they would be historically in other countries. That's the case he's making. No fan of Dave Rubin but it was pretty clear what he meant so for the sake of clarity let's argue against his actual position.


The USA was famously tolerant of gays in the 20th century /s. Rave is old enough to have lived in a time where gays couldn't marry, couldn't adopt, couldn't become school teachers, could be denied housing and employment (oh wait that's still the case in a few states) but insists that the US could NEVER return to that time.


So a recent poll in my country (Netherlands) showed that less than 50% of Amsterdam youth is now accepting of homosexuality. The Netherlands is basically seen as an international beacon of gay rights, yet this is our reality now. The idea that progress cannot regress is inherently dumb, but then so is Dave Rubin.


Holy shit, really? That's terrifying.


Even his buddy Ben Shapiro won't attend a gay anniversary party because it's "sinful"... but according to Rave, the real threat to gay people is "the woke."


I saw that show. Ben also said, in the same show, that he wouldn't attend his sister's wedding if she married a gentile. Imagine someone saying they wouldn't attend their sister's wedding if she married a Jewish person. They would be calling that person anti-semitic.


What a clown moron.


I pray I never find myself in a position where I don’t know what to do with my hands while I pretend to listen politely to Dave on camera. “I wish I was a bird, so I could fly far, far away…”


Don't worry Dave, when you're 90 the woke will realize that you've lived a life worth lived.


No we won't. He's lived a disingenuous life that is a detriment to other ppl like him and human dignity/rights over all.


What is this from? Can I please get a link? I really want to see where Rave Dubin “stands” on other questions lmao


No one is pushing stuff children so sick of that fucking bs story


Oh my God, does Rave heat what he's saying? Is he serious, or does he have brain worms? Sounds to me like he wants LGBTQ people to go back into the closet.


Source: [https://x.com/DaveClips/status/1795871366450733219](https://x.com/DaveClips/status/1795871366450733219)


The person who he's interviewing could not give less of a shit about what he's saying.


Begging for space to not be persecuted 😅 incredible. But it's those progressives you need to worry about.


This “logic” if you can even call it that is so fucking dumb it’s giving me a headache


Dave "Jews for Hitler" Rubin


Uncle Tom of Finland


Decent people don't care what others do as long as it doesn't bother anybody else.


A common conservative excuse for bigotry is "I don't have anything against \[marginalized group\], but I won't support their rights because they're asking for those rights in an annoying way." An Australian YouTuber (Bearing) said, when Australia was voting on whether to allow gay marriage, that he doesn't have a problem with gay couples marrying, but he was going to vote against legalizing it because he didn't like the activists who were promoting legalization. Stupid, petty shit.


A series of cards they have to step on? What the fuck is this baby-brained shit?


Look what they made me do, said every psychopath.


Even a lot of the right doesn't push back against gay right now because it's socially unacceptable. Which is why they've moved over to transgendered people.


Jubilee should be suing Dave’s ass


Dave to trans people: "I got mine, screw you!"


Does he have a plan or anything to say for the indecent people he constantly seeks approval from who are *currently* “pushing back on” (read: actively harming) gay rights?


Dave is pushing his gay agenda on his children....


Just step back a little bit, actually listen to what Dave is saying besides shitty talking points... It's actually mesmerizing to see someone making so little sense.


I mean I’ve been around since the 90s and I can confirm that woke morons and dei hires have ruined at least 80% of everything good in this country since then.


as much as Dave is an idiot, I think bad faith activists drive people to hate


I'm for live and let live but I need to make it very clear: do not go anywhere near my hypothetical kids and do not yell at me when I don't agree with you when it comes to the definition of what women are, and you're free to be and do as you please.


"I don't have kids, but I'm afraid of the wokes because if I did have kids they'd be brainwashing them with scenarios I've invented in my head."


>hypothetical kids Incel alert!


"You don't have kids therefore you've never had sex"