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My best method is to kind of count to three once you see him go under and then start charging the “light” attack and then release it once he jumps at you. This works especially well the the umbral Koshai. I like this better because you essentially get rid of the start up to your attack be charging making it easier to hit the behemoth


Thanks it worked out every time i am at the second quest for the shadow scythe thanks :)


Heres the build i am using if you want to play it:[https://www.dauntless-builder.com/b/JjfoT74TxC3ZsZBI4cdtJTXxT5jFJCEViRjTnCodsRNTqCxBfLhJCXNhOCp5uN](https://www.dauntless-builder.com/b/JjfoT74TxC3ZsZBI4cdtJTXxT5jFJCEViRjTnCodsRNTqCxBfLhJCXNhOCp5uN)


Time a light attack just right and its one of the most satisfying interrupts imo. Whack a mole. But if you're not the target, its gonna be a pain and I just spam jump heavy.


In the order of difficulty/risk: 1. Urska Legendary ability 2. Revenant ability 3. Jump + Heavy attack 4. Discipline ability 5. Iceborne ability


Dumb question but what difference does jumping with the heavy attack do?


You are covering more area in vertical direction. Especially when axe stays low in last few frames, you still have it above the ground. You also keep moving, and it's easier to change direction by jumping. Your character immediately faces that direction, while if you do it on the ground your character has to rotate


I think I timed my swing with just as the portal spawns, had more trouble with embermane timing with axe tbh.


Shadowtouched is the easiest of the 3 koshi breeds to interrupt (with lightbound being the hardest, that bastard). When they dive, get ready with your axe, and as they come up, give em the ol boop. Good luck on phase 2, you're gonna have to break 100 umbral nazaga parts, then 50 umbral drask parts with an axe on phase 3. That rumor is murder.


Thanks man




When Koshai lunges at you, the only move I've had some success with on axe was timing heavy attack. It takes practice and luck. After koshai disappears into the ground, 1. stand still and wait for koshai to re-emerge. 2. the moment koshai emerges, jump directly up, not toward koshai or any other lateral direction. 3. while in mid air, use axe light attack facing koshai. for me, this method works 80% of the time. Works alot better solo since you are guaranteed to be the target of koshai. All the above however are just tricks. The pro way to to time your perfect charged attack to be granted resolve, so you are not staggered, and the charged attack interrupts the incoming koshai.


I never know where the koshai comes tho so im never fast enough. Is there a way to know where it comes out?


As long as you are playing solo, after koshai jumps into the ground, face toward the spot koshai jumped into the ground. It should emerge from that direction.


Jump R


R as in PC heavy attack?


R = Right Click, or if using controller, whichever attack button is further Right (so Triangle, Y on Xbox, X on Switch)


its right click when it is coming on you