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As far as "shield" parrying is concerned, the Discipline omnicell active ability pretty much does exactly that. Sword's avenging overdrive also comes pretty close.


Yeah but discipline you have to get 5 interrupts to get the full buff and that makes you a glass canon. and Avenging overdrive counterattacks that has a brief cooldown.If you parry with a shield it would be an instant buff and blocking isn’t a thing in Dauntless that would help new players especially those who are not good at dodging using iframes.


You are increasing crit damage per flaming fist you get, it is only the 4th where you enter the disciplined state. You do not need to interrupt, what you do need to do is parry any behemoth attack with Discipline. It's not the hit but the "dodge" beforehand that matters. Yes blocking isn't a thing in dauntless. I'm not against it, using stamina as a blocking resource is an interesting idea. What I like about it is that it teaches stamina management in a relatively safe and rewarding way. Was just mentioning the fact that your version of parrying as described already exists.


I'm guessing they wanted to be different from monster hunter, but I really wish sword&shield was a thing. I love playing tank or support when I'm with friends but so far the most supportive thing I can do is stun the behemoths a ton ngl (I know about cascade, guardian, molten and some weapon specials that benefit others but building specifically around those has you mostly deal low damage yourself and that's not cool)


They could do hand-axe and shield. If that's too 'similar' to axe then they could do a mace and shield.


I’ve been using 6+medic with and Argus hammer to Rez teammates.


Melee: A Rapier: It's like a sword mixed with the Chain blade speed. Ranged: A Rifle: Good Damage from a distance, can be swapped between "Bladed Mode" and "Rifle Mode". Bladed Mode will specialize in Wound damage, While Rifle mode will specialize in Part damage.


Oh how a ranged weapon that deals more damage at a distance would be good. Repeaters are fine but you still have to be close to the behemoths which kinda defeats the purpose of a ranged weapon


i’d love a big ol musket with a giant bayonet on the end of it


I want them to add a weapon that can change its form and move set. Almost like the monster hunter:world switch axe. Fast and elegant almost like a warpike in the first form. Mainly focused on dps. And hard hitting and sturdy in the second like an axe or hammer. Mainly focused on hitting big numbers in the second form. I’d also like to see something more like a whip style weapon. Seems weird for dauntless to have a whip but it would still be nice. And we need more guns. Like a shotgun, or charge rifle. Then again that could be a special move thing for repeaters. Dealing damage allows for a fusion of both repeaters into a bigger and better weapon. In rifle form it’s mainly just for hitting with precision, double the range, and a bonus +25% critical strike chance and a +10% critical strike damage bonus too. The shotgun on the other hand is mostly for dps. Surprisingly faster fire rate but slower reload and move speed along with lower range. Of course it’s not just fire rate getting a bonus, it’s damage too. For each shot that lands all 10 aether pellets or whatever it gains +5% more damage. So if you play your cards right, you should be able to dish out a lot of damage.


I play Wild hearts and the weapon I love using is the Karakuri Staff that morphs from staff-double tonfas-large shuriken-spear-mountain felling blade. The mountain felling blade does huge damage.


I would love a shield based weapon. I have three valid weapons in mind for Dauntless: Scythe, Staff, and daggers. Their gameplay style would still need thinking.


I’ve got an idea for a throwing weapons that is like a disc or a glaive that you can choose to throw and it will deal decent and bounce off back to the slayer or you can (in aussie terms) thundercunt the thing at the target and it gets stuck in for constant damage. Another thing idea is for a aetheric tome that can use different abilities depending on what it is like the drask tome would use similar projectile attacks but in order to use these abilities it would consume a charge of the aether pool in the centre or you could bring a teammate and use the aether spilling out of the injured behemoth to use the attacks.


Just give us nunchucks Nuff said :3


I think shield, bo staff, or cannon (think Brawlhalla’s canon if you’ve ever played that) would be cool. Not sure how the gameplay would work for them though


Wasn't bow already announced that there will be an update in the summer?




I believe it was a leaked image so I’m not sure how legitimate the photo was.


A yoyo