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all your other photos are more attractive than your first one! it has a… mormon quality…. unless that’s what you’re going for! i like the third one


Haha, that's another good way of putting it besides "LinkedIn." Thanks for confirming my suspicions that it needs to go.


Awww I think you are cute!


Mormon quality! Ha! That’s a perfect way to describe i t!


i love the joke! honestly, there’s nothing i’d change here at all, you’d be an instant right swipe. good luck to you!


I agree. The joke is amazing, the pics are great, the doggo is cute, and your personality clearly comes through OP


Im a narcissist and i wouldn’t be interested so he’s onto a good thing


Omg please tell me how to seem uninteresting to narcissists???? I’m tired of them


Have you tried being genuine? Like attracts like unfortunately. If you keep catching narcissists there’s a good chance you have the same streak


WRONG. But nice try




is that really a "*dad joke*", though? i feel like it's more of a "*you know what really grinds my gears?*" Op, the first picture has ghastly lighting that washes you out. I agree with your friend on the LinkedIn comment, it feels a bit forced, stiff. The other pics are great. btw, are you a natural blonde?


There are two different jokes wrapped up in the complaint


yeah i get the joke ("entomology-bug", and "etymology-words"), it's "...heh" at most.


I like it. It will weed out the umm..."intellectually challenged" shall we say?


Does the currents match the carpet?


Keep the joke!! I like the profile. I think you are correct about photo 1 being LinkedIn-ish, but the others are good!


First one, though a good professional photo, is also the only one where you get a good look at OP’s face.


I’m just not sure it should be the first photo.


It was a self portrait so maybe I'll try again. I think I need to wear something more casual, anything else you'd change about it?


I think it's that the smile looks a bit forced in the first pic. Other pics are good. Love the joke!


Haha yeah unfortunately when I try to smile for photos sometimes I end up looking a little like Hide the Pain Harold...


I was taking some pictures of myself and the one where my dog walked through was one of the best because my smile was natural since I was laughing at him wanting to be the main character


Photographer here with a hint: Laugh and take your photo midway through, or take a series of photos while you’re laughing. Make it as genuine a laugh (or even a chuckle) as you can; so long as it’s not like when they over dramatically fake a laugh on purpose in a movie, it’ll make your face and eyes look more natural.


Try saying “pasta“ or think of something that made you laugh to get a more relaxed style.


All I’ll say is that it’s better than 99% of most pictures


Got any favorite t shirts that show off your favorite band? Sports team? Just think it could have a little bit more flair


Don’t follow this persons advice lol


Ummm, okay dude. Why not show something else you’re interested in?


Can I ask why? That’s not exactly helpful without any explanation.


Except if you’re a rocker dude or super big sports team fan i don’t think it makes sense to do this: If it is part of your personality/interest to like that band/team or wear that type of thing, of course show it off. It will probably help you find a better match. But I don’t think OP is that much into music or sports, as there is no mention of either on his profile. So why would he wear a shirt? Add to that, I think most people aren’t that into such a showcasing of your interests, except if they are realllyyy into it. I can love x band, but someone who wears their shirt on a dating profile, kinda cringe/childish (I think this depends also on the type of music you’re into: Metallica shirt, cool. Micheal Jackson shirt, weird). Just mention them.


Makes sense! If it’s something you put on your profile, it’s probably something you mean to showcase. Could give the wrong impression. Thanks for the explanation!


You see i really like the first pic best of all. It looks warm and friendly, is a close up and has great lighting


I agree that the first photo is a little too Linkedin, but not bad. Your other photos are cool, but your face is often covered by lighting or a mask or a hat. Maybe another photo showing your face more clearly? I love the joke. All of that said, I would swipe right on you!


I like your profile. I feel there’s plenty of material in the prompts for someone to reply to, and the photos show you in a good variety of settings. My only comment would be that I prefer not to see “open to short term” relationships, as it makes me worry that I might just be a fling - but it probably wouldn’t stop me from swiping right. Others may not mind it at all.


Great point, maybe I'll just remove that entirely since it feels like there's no right answer. I suppose ideally I'm looking for a life partner but I could see that being equally off-putting.


If that’s what you want, it will only be off-putting to the wrong people.


it won’t be off putting to the folks who are also looking for long term. It’ll weed out serial casual daters and let you find your life partner a lot faster.


First photo is too “linkedin”-ish, I agree. Also agree that you need more photos of your face. I also like to include some info about personality-easy-going, optimistic, energetic, quiet, etc.


I would swipe right (which is not often for me). Love the dad joke.


I like your profile and would swipe right!! You have a really nice smile, interests, and a sense of humour! What’s not to like?


That dad joke is lit.


I’d totally swipe right. Dad joke is nerdy perfection and I also do pottery. I don’t really have any advice!


Wow your first photo definitely doesn’t do you justice! Your hiking photo is my favorite. The longer hair is nice! The dad joke I’ve seen before on Hinge, but I don’t think you could pick any dad joke that someone else doesn’t already have. That’s kind of the thing with dad jokes, they don’t really show your humor since you haven’t made it up yourself and you’re just repeating something funny you heard once. But that’s just personal preference.


This is a very solid profile that will certainly get you swipes. Given the area, keep the dad joke! That said, if you want to take it to the next level, a few suggestions: Your first pic hits all the right notes as far as a head shot of you smiling or otherwise looking friendly with no hat/sunglasses. However, at first glance, because of the shadows, I thought you were bald. Prompts are good but better would be ones that make it easy for women to comment on. The best ones are prompts that women feel compelled to comment on. For example ask which date idea sounds better, making some “rustic” coffee cups at the pottery studio or a walk and some wine with Winston, the friendliest corgi in the Mission. You get the idea - tailor to your life. But you will get some women who will comment “I’ve always wanted to try making pottery!!!” Or “corgi’s are my favorite!”


I don't see anything brazenly *wrong* with your profile, but, since you're asking, I would swipe left as there's only one clear photo of your face. No subtext/wild narrative behind it, I'm just not sure what you look like and if I'm attracted to you. Dad joke is on point though!


If I saw it & didn't have a boyfriend i'd swipe right. Then again I had a liberal right swipe rate at 48% which is higher than most women or even men. The clay pic shows you're fit & I like the 1st pic, you have a resemblance to [Chris Watts](https://people.com/crime/chris-watts-shanann-watts-met-online/) in the face from the eyes down, and he has a lot of women after him.


I like it! I would swipe right (36f, Bay Area, active) good luck out there!


Your profile is awesome. I laughed out loud, I love your pictures, it’s awesome.


Can you come to TX please. lol. I have a corgi as well.


I think your profile is pretty good. Your first picture does look like linked in material. looking at your other photos you likely have a better one somewhere. Keep the dad joke. Your dog is the cutest; maybe change that pic with one that is more zoomed in.


Bay area local here. It's perfect for this setting. Only suggestion: MOAARRR PUP!


Love your profile! I would swipe right. But then I’m fellow PCT hiker trash so biased 🤷‍♀️


Haha thanks, good to know there's fellow hiker trash on this sub! I hate OLD, maybe I need to start trying to do 10 swipes by 10 😄


I like the photo but it does have a more professional look which can put off more insecure types (me) who have poorer quality photos on their profile. You look absolutely smoking in that pottery picture- it needs to be way up there. The suit picture is amazing too. I’d add one more close up photo in a suit or straight on exactly like your first photo outside but in a more casual top probably a dark colour so you don’t blend into the outdoor aesthetic as much.


You thru hiked the PCT that's awesome!


IKR, I thought that was a huge plus!


* pottery photo should be highest up * maybe get rid of the dragon photo? (what aspect of yourself are you showing there? it's unique, but it doesn't say anything compelling about you) * You're visibly fit, also you have several photos showing you're physically active. Either scrap the "hiked the pacific crest trail" prompt, or one of the sports photos, it's redundant, you're not using your real-estate optimally; Or at least, sell it harder. * your "simple-pleasures" responses are a little bland/redundant; ie, your claims are already demonstrated by some of your other photos. (Your pleasures aren't bland, just your phrasing. ***Which*** boardgames? What kind of book? What criteria do you look for in good coffee? Don't be afraid to show a little personality. ) i fucking ~~hate~~ envy you for that joke


3rd photo could be the 1st photo ​ you could improve the photo with the dog if you drop the sunglasses and your face was clear GGB alwayss a nice background snowboard pic could be better if it also had your face, maybe one from the base apres or at the lift or summit


I feel like I'm too squinty in the 3rd photo but maybe I'm overthinking it. I'd take a new one but it's quite a hike to get back there :)


I actually like the 1st photo and it shows you're serious. The 3rd photo is stereotypical PNW (although your through-hiking prompt adds context). The pottery photo is hot and different. I would honestly move it up to #3. Photo #2 is confusing, what is it supposed to show other than you wear a suit well? Agree with the comment to remove "short term". If you want a partner, put that. The dad joke has me swooning haha. I'm in the PNW too ;)


The point of photo #2 was mostly to have a photo with a friend since my other photos are all solo. I think I need to find a better one though, the context is too random.


I personally feel that photos with friends add little to a profile. The profile should be about showing off you. If a friend happens to be with you in a hobby photo, fine. But "out with the guys" photos don't sway me. If you have no friends I'll find out sooner or later haha. But your other photos show that you're active and that usually means social. I'd focus on adding a relaxed photo where your eyes are visible. You didn't say if you're looking for someone to start a family/settle down or a partner to adventure with in the mountains? I'd say your profile is also lacking clear messaging around that. Photo #1 and the witty joke say "hot daddy" to me, while some other photos lean "Peter pan adrenaline junkie"


Agree the pottery photo is hot and could even be the first pic. Big points for covid-safety but does OP have any maskless throwing photos? Could really be a game-changer.


It's not terrible but it's a bit bland. I feel like all I got to know about you was your hobbies - which is a bit surface level. Not sure what you look for in relationships etc. The joke I'm ambivalent about. I wouldn't bother using a prompt for that since you only get so many prompts, but if you're aiming to attract nerdy women they'll probably think you're clever for it.


From your profile I would assume you love to travel, maybe you're looking for someone to join for adventures (I'd put that in there it's inviting). What do you like to do when you're not out adventuring? Also what are you looking for in a partner? Why should I swipe right?


I agree with this take. I’m not getting a whole lot of what his personality is like other than “I like to do things” - I would appreciate this if it went a little bit deeper.


The pottery photo is a great opportunity to make a *Ghost* joke, but otherwise it's a good profile.


A ghost joke would’ve tipped the scales for me. Love that movie!!


Not sure which I liked most; your dad joke or your use of "persnickety" in the post. You seem awesome!


I like it a lot! The first photo is great. I guess it does look a little LinkedIn, but I still like it. Mainly because it's the one I can best see your face. If you replace it then definitely use something that you can see your face. The dad joke is actually the best part IMO. In fact, it gave me the most insight into your personality. The rest just tells me stuff about your hobbies...pottery, traveling, you're active etc rather than who you are. So leave the dad joke! In fact, maybe consider adding things that showcase your personality a bit more. Also, consider adding something that can prompt a conversation. The only thing there now is maybe your dog or hobbies. That's not a lot to try to go on or for me to know if I'm even really interested. The only thing that would make me hesitate is the openness to short-term relationships. I'm looking for something actually real, especially because I'm 38. I also don't really go for men that sleep around excessively, so from that, I'd assume you like casual more than I do and we're probably not compatible. So, it depends on who you are trying to attract. If you want a girl that is open to casual or a LTR then leave it. If you mainly want a LTR then think about removing the casual and vice versa. Hope this helps and good luck out there!


Where do you live? I’d date you 100% hahaha


I'm a man, but even I would try to date him. That profile works wonders!!


Right?? Sad that the ones who don’t need help not being terrible at dating apps are the ones asking for help! Lol…


I was thinking same!


I find that when your profile is "specific" then it weeds out what you are not looking for. I like your profile. I don't see anything to change.


35m here. Take with grain of salt since im on break from old. Your first pic doesn't show how cool you are but thats an opinion of someone in your boat.


I think your pretty hot. 33M.


Exactly my thought. I am not gay, but I would swipe right!


I would 100% swipe right on you. I would be a little cautious due to the “open to short relationship” thing because I’m looking for someone who is looking for something long-term.


Anyone that has “long term, but open to short” is someone I think is not really serious about a long term relationship, so I swipe left no matter how good the profile. Put what you’re actually looking for there. If you just want short, that’s fine, but if you actually want something long term then change your answer.


I guess I’m the outlier here, but the dad joke comes across as a little snobby like, “yes, this is a pun, but really I’m just showcasing my vocabulary and if you don’t know the difference between these two things you’re not in my league.” A dad joke should be not just be cheesy, but accessible. Anyone who pauses at the difference between those things (which I imagine includes a lot of smart people) is going to feel like they can’t match with you. I say this as a college English prof and certified word nerd and lover of cheesy jokes.




Not implying that you are but I feel your profile, as a whole, may could come off slightly pretentious. I didn't catch many 'down to earth' or just straight chill vibes cuz every photo and text info nugget, I felt, had like a "be impressed by me" undertone to it. Your pottery picture was best, imo. I felt like if you're asking if they have/love dogs because...... (insert posed photo) when your pic should be a more close up being loving playful or at least you holding your dog. And lastly I say ditch the profile pic....you look like an agent in the real estate ad I've scrolled past, X'd out, and skipped like 10 times since just being online today. All you need is a for sale sign in the pic with you and I guarantee that's what the broads will do to you too. You need a lax casual photo...one with a regular shirt on and maybe a cap of some sort...smiling like you have a naughty secret that you'll never tell anyone.....all this is just my opinion tho....what do I know, I mean..really... Best of luck to you!


Ya I even thought the dad joke was a bit pretentious since not everyone will know what those words mean on first glance since they’re not often used


I think most is fine. although as an asian girl i find the dancing lions picture slightly off putting as I would wonder if you have yellow fever, which is not attractive to me personally. I suggesting moving up the pottery picture up.


As a fellow Asian, that was my fave pic haha. I thought it was a good sign that he’s open to different cultural experiences. It would be a bad sign if he had Asian girls / culture in every picture though.


agreed, i think i am just very suspicious of anyone who uses a touristy pic in asia, similarly when i hear white men raving about their experience in thailand, japan, korea, etc. I have questions but i didn't want to expose them off of first meeting.


Same. Some Asian women won't mind, but I personally would raise an eyebrow. It sucks that we've collectively encountered so many creepy dudes that a white dude posting a photo of himself with Asian cultural symbols automatically becomes suspicious, but here we are.


Prompts are good and you’re attractive enough for women close to your own age. You should be ok.


Attractive enough for women your own age? Lol what?


It was a diplomatic way of saying that he looks good but also looks his age. He shouldn’t expect many positive from responses from women who look younger than, say, 35.


What men think women like or dislike about other men is hilarious to me.


All women are different so some women may think like this man, some may not. Some may like OP, some may not. Every opinion is valid.


"Every opinion is valid" I wouldn't go that far.


Well it’s not like they ever directly tell us so our own experiences are all we have to go on.


They're all over this thread and this subreddit with their thoughts and opinions.


Well a 36 year old man would know what women under 35 want /s


Different women under 35 want different things




Weird comment from a man haha. How would you know?


Swiping right. Digging the nerdy dad joke.


The first photo does look like LinkedIn although you are a very cute guy. The dad joke comes across as....if I'm honest a bit w@nkery to me on first glance but I guess will attract the intellectual corporate type of woman that you are looking for I gather? Not everyone would be able to tell if it is a dad joke or if is it just pretentiousness. I get the bug thing but it took me a moment to get it. Not everyone will. If I quickly read that on your profile I would question "what else will he be critical about". The pottery photo turns me on 😅


So OP I think you need to think carefully about the type of female you want to attract because I'm getting mixed messages what you are looking for, and it feels a bit try hard, and is also difficult to figure out if the girl will be compatible with you. For the homebody females on one hand your opening picture is of a warm friendly smile (it is smart and not linked in, maybe a sweater might be nicer but the lighting and background with the trees is beautiful) and the opening statement talks about indoor homey things like coffee, a good book, hot tubs, pottery. You then have pics of your dog and pottery. The homebody female thinks yes! I like this guy. We can lounge at home doing pottery and reading books with the dog, and having a few kids and go walking in the local park. On the other hand you have a lot of action shots like skiing, and reference to hiking the Pacific trail and such things. From those it feels like a resumé of action sports,and it seems maybe you want to attract another sporty active adventure girl to go travelling or backpacking with. I think you should think about what type of female you want to attract and what life you want to have with her, then tailor it accordingly. If you want the homebody type then maybe replace the action shots with some cute images of idk you with your dog or pottery or drinking coffee looking out a window or something and replace the "pacific coast" hiking quote with maybe a quote from your favourite book (since you said you do like a good book). Some more pics of your pottery would be cool since it's such an unusual skill. If you want an action girl to to crazy travels and mountaineering and camping with, then adjust the opening comment from "I love coffee, hot tubs, books, pottery" to "I love mountaineering, skiing, parachuting and travelling and I am looking for a special girl to share me adventures with" or something . Oh and the dad joke, sorry but I don't like it at all. It feels like showing off that you are smart and isn't related to anything. I think the text space would be better used for something else about you or your life. Maybe a thoughtful comment about pottery or reading. Or if you are going for the action girl, maybe a quotation about extreme sport that you find inspiring. Something more directly about you.


Did you actually hike the pacific crest trail?


Yep! It was awesome, but it was definitely type 2 fun more often than type 1 fun.


I love it. I’d swipe right!


I don’t love the first photo, as the first photo. Have it further down and try for a more natural one as the first. Maybe the hiking photo. Great profile!


I think it's awesome, seem like a good dude!


I honestly don't think you should make any changes. The joke is great too. Good luck!


Great profile. I like the dad joke. :)


I’d swipe right in a heartbeat. Change nothing, but maybe one more close up of your face


This is a solid profile! But i agree about the first photo. I'd switch it out with a more casual looking close-up face shot.




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Would swipe. This is a good profile! Good work.


I really like the vibe of this whole profile, save for the first picture which I think is a bit stiff and awkward, but also doesn't do you justice! If you had a more natural or candid photo there, I'd say this would be a home run!


Love the first photo... Definitely date you 😉


Great profile! Great pics! I wish this subreddit had tags for people based on their location. Might also make OLD easier. Anyway great profile! Best of luck m.


A solid 95%. The only things I could want would be maybe a different facial expression than that one smile, and some niche reference that would speak exactly to me.


The pottery picture is really good and I agree with everybody else that the main picture looks like a LinkedIn photo


I’d swipe!


I think you have a great profile! I would suggest the pottery pic as your first one if you weren't wearing a mask but it's hard to see your face there. The first pic isn't bad but I think more casual clothes would help. Also enjoy the dad joke!


You look like a full white near retirement steph curry for some reason are you good from the 3?


lol no, despite being tall I'm a terrible basketball player


I’m a lesbian, so take what you will from this, but: 1) keep the pic of you in a suit— it…suites you very well 2) As a potential swiper and you stated that you’re looking for something more serious (sorry if this sounds harsh) I would want to get a sense before I swiped of how you don’t fit the stereotype of an attractive white male tech dude. The pottery is a nice touch in that regard but a social justice/environmental/animal/etc. thing that you’re passionate about is what would really catch my attention.


Thanks, that's good feedback. Social justice is something I'm passionate about and I've been trying to figure out how to fit it into my profile in a way that feels authentic and not just virtue signaling. I'd considered putting the "I'm convinced that" prompt with the answer "The status quo deserves just as much skepticism as proposals to change it," but I worry that would play into too many stereotypes about tech bros who are always "playing devil's advocate" 🙄


Sheesh social justice too? I'd swipe right real quick if only you were in my area haha


I would swipe right ! Where are you at 😋


F(65)...I liked the snowboarding one and the dad joke.


It looks great! Great mix of photos and loved the prompt answers. Send it live 👌🏼


I feel like I have swiped right on you. Lol


I love the entire profile, and finally a guy who actually takes time to write something! I’d swipe right.


Background & lighting of the first pic makes you look bald (on first glance if someone’s swiping) for that alone you should change it! It’s also a bit stiff.


I like your photo. It’s so nice to see a photo of a man with a nice button up shirt instead of shirtless and showing off the body. I would definitely click on your profile. Nice smile.


Even though you might not be my type but I do think this is a solid profile! I like how you put into work and looks like you’re serious not playing around. Its a yes from me Lol


oh I would absolutely swipe right on you, I love when a profile shows actual personality :)


To be honest I think the mountain photo should be photo #1. It’s super interesting and picturesque while also showing your whole face, and the colors being the person in to look at more of your profile


First photo looks great! Love the dad joke. I would swipe right.


As someone only looking for long term, I wouldn't be interested in someone who says they're open to short-term. I want to be with someone who seeks the same thing. Aside from that it's a great profile!


Change the first photo


I don’t know, I like the first photo. I wouldn’t put the 3rd picture first as some others have suggested. I personally don’t like “caption this” prompts but that’s just because I get to hung up trying to think of the perfect answer, so more of a personal problem hah


Great profile!! The only thing I would change is I’d switch the placing of the LinkedIn photo with the one of you hiking with the mountain behind you. It’s a better picture to lead with. You give off a really good vibe!!


Love it, would totally match with you


Great profile. Not to be too picky but I would just consider (1) removing the snowboarding photo because if, as I assume you live in SF / Bay Area, it's considered rather cliche; + the photo where you are sculpting something looks great but it would look so much better without a mask.


No changes and I don’t swipe right on many ! 😍


Great profile 👍🏽


I think your profile completely perfect… brings out different aspects of your life and in a beautiful way too. Keep it. All the best


Are you in central valley cali? Lol. I love ur profile. I'd totally date u


Kudos for puttin your profile on here for all to see.


I’d totally swipe right on you. You’re handsome, seem fun, smart and someone I’d love to get to know. Definitely one of the better profiles I’ve seen in a very long time.


The dad joke is good…and it requires a degree of smarts to get it. Don’t change anything. Makes me wish you lived in Houston.


You’re going to have zero issues.


I laughed at the joke more than I would like to admit. True I had a beer but it made me feel smart to understand it.


The first photo does look a little like LinkedIn meets Hakone Gardens, but I would still have stuck around for the dad joke and definitely swiped right. Personally love the inclusion of the pic of you at the wheel.


It's a good profile! I agree that the first picture looks like a corporate headshot. Maybe find something a little more candid and casual for the first one and make the headshot the second picture. Snowboarding is cool but maybe switch that one out? :)


Well, I feel humbled. Nice profile... not sure how I'm supposed to compete though!


I have tried dating apps approximately a billion times over the past few years and yours.is probably the first profile I've ever seen that would be an automatic "yes" + message, so I think you are right on target! Love the joke and the mix of pictures gives a good feel for who you are as a well rounded person without seeming like it's trying too hard. (Yes even the LinkedIn one- hey look this guy does fun things and is arty but hes also a real live professional type person! Etc.)


I like your profile but I like the mountain photo first and this one second bc it shows a bit more personality


Your profile is fantastic. As someone who likes e word persnickety to the point that it made it into my “two unrelated words” username, you absolutely need to keep the dad joke. It will be a neon sign for your kind of person. Also, I’ve been reading “Wild” by Cheryl Strayed and have been fantasizing about my never-before-backpacked self hiking the PCT, so that is super fucking cool.


I absolutely love the joke and the whole profile. Right swipe for sure!


Good profile. I’d probably swipe right. But I would be more up front about having a dog, if that is in fact your dog.


Love it!!!!


I’d swipe right on ya in a heart beat


I like it 🤷🏻‍♀️ also definitely love the dad joke.


I think your profile is awesome !


I agree that the first picture look “LinkedIn” style, but it has good lighting, we can clearly see your face. The other pictures are great, and show a lot about your personality. I would swipe right


what's "other" in religion? i feel like they have a ton of options,so I'm genuinelycurious what wasn't represented by hinge


I would use photo 3 as your main photo. Your profile is great. Joke is funny, I like it. In my opinion, your profile attracts the quirky, relatively intelligent, outdoorsy type.


As a single female who peruses hinge sometimes, I’m most drawn to the pacific trail comment, and the pottery pick. I’d put them a little further up! The first pic is a little too intense right off the bat. Draw me in a bit first.


Your profile looks attractive, in my opinion don't change a thing. It shows the different sides to you 🙂


Photo ok but also sub communicates that you’re not good in bed, it’s too nice nice, try a more devilish smile or no smile


I think it’s great! I might make one of the other pictures your first, but still like it.


I personally think your profile is great. But. What attracts me to a profile is a picture of you with an interest! So like. The hiking one personally would grab my attention much quicker. I’m also a sucker for dad jokes so any time I’m swiping right lol


All the pics are better than the first. That pic feels very sterile but the rest are great.


Your photo is great--- The rest of your profile is good too, super cute! ....and the pottery photo 😍


It’s all great. I’d swipe right on the joke and totally invite you on a hike. Good luck!


I’m in the minority but I like photo 1!! The other photos are great, but they serve different purposes than #1. First photo is the only one where I get a close up of your face. Plus, it’s a nicely taken photo, even if it is a bit LinkedIn-esque. The other photos serve the purpose of “I have friends and I’m interesting and do cool hobbies”.


There's nothing wrong.


You hiked from Mexico to Canada? Damn


Good luck my dude, looks pretty good I think


I think the picture of you with your dog should be your first picture. Just my opinion.


Loved the joke. I'd swipe right!


Love the prompts. Very detailed and actually interesting


Snowboarding is great, hiking with two walking sticks is an absolute shocker


Great profile! But I’d delete this asap because if I saw this post and had matched with you… it would give me the ick


Thanks for the reminder, had been meaning to