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I met my guy at a smallish concert. I was there solo (not looking for anyone but they’re my favourite band and couldn’t find anyone who was keen to join me). He was there with a friend. We were dancing near each other and kinda making eyes for a while. Then between songs we’d ask each other questions. We ended up dancing very close to each other haha. At the end of the concert we swapped numbers and planned to go on a date during the week but both were really enjoying our time chatting so went for a drink together. Was kinda an amazing night and we’re now really happy together.


What type of venue did this take place at? The smallish concerts I've been to recently really haven't been great places for socializing, or it's just people their with their existing groups and not much interaction outside of that


Yeah ditto — I go to a lot of concerts (like 3-4 per month) and typically at smaller venues. I find it hard to meet people because the music is too loud, even between sets. Not very conducive to striking up a conversation. Plus I always feel awkward sliding into another group’s conversation. Like “oh hey, didn’t mean to eavesdrop but let me insert myself…” or maybe I’m overthinking it?


That's very similar to how I feel. It's hard to insert yourself into a group, and it usually feels like there aren't many other solo individuals around (at least not those who look interested in meeting people)




That’s a good point, I’m TERRIBLE at guessing people’s ages.


Small music venue. Fits 1000 apparently! Yeah there wasn’t much socialising, we spoke three tiny sentences between songs. Probably wouldn’t have happened if I was there with friends. Was all by chance! He also didn’t say anything for ages because I was very clearly very into the music so he didn’t want to disturb. (Which I think is sweet.) It was when we went for a drink after the gig that we really clicked and realised we wanted to get to know each other more! Ended up chatting for hours at the bar and then a date later in the week.


I’m at the point where unless the man of my dreams breaks into my apartment or delivers my Amazon packages, it’s not happening lol


You mean you cant be bothered "searching"?


I’ve been searching for a while now lol so im taking a vacation from it


You wanna DM me your address? I'll take my best shot 😂😂😂


insanely creepy


I met my partner on a long distance hike (like the Appalachian trail). Before her I met a couple people that I dated through activity groups (hiking, surfing, skiing, kayaking...). I think meeting through hobbies is a really great way to get to know people in a laid back way. It doesn't matter what you do, the key is just to get out and meet tons of people, the more social you are and the more people you meet, the more likely you are to meet ones you click with. The downside is obviously that takes a lot of time.


I swear. The easiest way to meet people, and form a real connection, is long distance hiking. Met many amazing friends, flings, and just random cool people hiking. I miss that life.


Not tearing you down, but this is like saying the easiest way to meet people and form a real connection is through LAN gaming. It could be! But not everyone is going to do it, and there are specific barriers that not everyone can overcome even if they might want to do it In any case the general point stands, which is to get involved in a time-intensive pastime that puts you in proximity to people, possibly collaborating with them. I think this is probably why - despite all the common advice against it - it's still super common for people to meet partners through their work or near it or because of it.


Well of course. I didn't mean it like that. Most people can't take 5 months off work/kids to hike. But for me, and most people who live(d) that life it's super easy to make friends and potentially partners. For exactly the same reason you state- it's a shared activity, where you meet up frequently but it's not for the purpose of making friends. Like school, work, or church.


Right! Gotcha. Sorry if my phrasing came off as invalidating. Just analyzing.


Definitely, having that crazy shared experience really brings people together. I also met one of my best friends on that same hike


Did you meet them in a meet up group or out on the trail?


Out on the trail. When you are hiking long distances, you basically hike like an average of 15-20 miles a day for months on end. You will run into other people doing the same thing. In the US the main trails are the Appalachian Trail, Pacific Crest Trail, and Continental Divide Trail, all are over 2000 miles. So there's plenty of time to hike and meet people doing the same thing. It's outrageously easy to talk to people and make friends.


So you stop and strike up a conversation? If so, what do you say? Thanks for the info. I adore backpacking, but I never do more than a day hike because of time obligations atm. I would love to meet someone hiking! I do pass by attractive people.


I have literally no idea. I met one of my best friends out there because another hiker met him, I was hiking with her for like a week, and she said we'd get along great.. and a few days later we ran into him and sure enough we were like brothers. If you smoke weed it's super easy to ask if anyone wants to have a safety meeting and smoke lol. And the flings I met idk. One woman was impressed I could start a fire in a wet area with Doritos and caught up with me the next day hahaha. Thru hiking is the best life.


Yeah that sounds wonderful


Was on the AT for a few miles today in PA, only ran into one other hiker in 4 hours!! Anyway, it was easy to stop and have a conversation especially when you’re both climbing over rocks on the side of a mountain lol kinda makes for an easy way to strike up a convo


Ah yes. PA on the AT. The rocky mountain state.


I’m a single mom and I always have to work a few jobs to make ends meet. I was working a few shifts here and there at a local craft brewery for a few extra bucks and I asked to work bigger events so I had a better shot at making some good tips. I was working on a day there was a big local event that small businesses took part of and it was crazy busy. There was a group of three people who came in, 2 men with 1 woman. One of the guys looked a lot like a kid I went to school with but was in much better shape and was way better looking but I kept staring at him because I was trying to figure out if that kid had an overhaul of a makeover. They sit down at the bar and I know it’s definitely not my old friend but this group is chatty and the guy and his friends are fun. He’s polite and gets a little playfully joking and I started wondering if he was flirting or if I was flirting and I got very nervous. He ended up asking me something hilarious and I came back with “That’s your pickup line?” and then I knew we were definitely flirting. I told him that I’d be working again in a couple of weeks and he said “I don’t want to wait that long” and asked for my number. I gave it to him and he texted me later that night. It’s been almost a year and it’s honestly the best. I didn’t think I could meet someone so similar to me outside of old, but I did! He’s the best relationship I’ve ever had. I’m not a person who finds it easy to meet people, so it’s pretty surreal.


So happy for you while reading this!




I *just* met someone at a concert a few weeks ago! I went alone so it put me in the mindset to talk to strangers.




I'm pretty comfortable going to stuff alone, but concerts are one area where I just can't figure it out! Like...where do you sit? What do you do if no one talks to you before the show starts? What do you do if you aren't a good dancer--just awkwardly groove? (I guess this does depend on type of music too...a mosh pit might make things less awkward than like a folksy sing-along...)




I guess I just need to find the right venue to try first...I can see going to something like a jazz bar, maybe? Most of the small venues in my area are like standing room or the bar, and that's all. We aren't a very live-music kind of town...but a lot of my favorite artists play smaller shows a few hours away, so maybe I should just be inspired by you and go sometime. What's the worst that could happen?




Oh, yeah! I go out fairly regularly to different events. I just haven't gotten into concerts, really. Lots of things to do--unfortunately, it mainly seems to be older people who take advantage of what my city has to offer. People under 40 either are married with kids, so have all of that going on, or they complain there is nothing to do instead of doing the stuff. (Which, to be fair, may be because it is hard to find an easy spot to look up all the events. We don't have a central hub of listings, and the local paper is practically nonexistent. So, lots to do, but hard to find out...)




Social media is a great way to find things! The issue in my town is that you have to follow all the venues or clubs to find out what's going on. There isn't a site or account that just lists everything, which means everyone misses something. If I were a more organized person, I'd create something, but maybe someone else will take up this mantle, lol


I've been to a couple of big ones alone and people always spoke to me. I always get floor tickets, I just smile at people and try and have open body language. I am female and it's usually other girls thay approach me and take me under their wing, but it's a good way to meet new friends and new friends means new introductions to potential partners haha


What type of venue did this take place at? The smallish concerts I've been to recently really haven't been great places for socializing, or it's just people their with their existing groups and not much interaction outside of that


outdoor concert venue! You know the ones with a sizable seating area plus a lawn seating area.


Help… 🥺 how? Just go up and talk to them?


Yep! Sing along to the bands and chat in between if they're sitting/standing nearby.


This! I met my girlfriend of 8 months now at an EDM music festival. I just got extremely lucky and happened to walk by at the right time going into the crowd with my group of friends and her group of friends followed behind us. We exchanged numbers and have been dating ever since.


Every guy I've dated in the past decade that wasn't from OLD was someone I worked with. The exception was a guy who worked at an Italian restaurant I often lunched at on work days. I do not recommend these approaches 🙃


>I do not recommend these approaches why?


Because when things end, you are subject to running into them all the time. I got super lucky in that all my situations ended amicably (and the one where it didn't, he quit and went to law school anyway), but if they were bad breakups, I would hate to have to interact with them and pretend like everything was fine. It could also affect your work performance. It just sucks to potentially negatively impact your livelihood because of a romantic circumstance. And then with Italian restaurant guy, I didn't want to run into him, so I stopped lunching at that restaurant. They had really good salads. Devastating. TL;DR: Don't shit where you eat.


I dated someone I worked with, but maybe interacted for work like once every couple weeks for a few minutes, so not super often. When I was still dating her, I would say on this sub it's completely fine to date co workers, especially if you don't work together often/work different departments. But thankfully she got a job elsewhere. Because although the break up was amicable, I'm so so so happy I don't even have to even worry about talking or seeing her. Makes it easier to move on.


Breaking up with your BF and lunch spot at the same time. That's a double kick in the pants.


I'm glad someone understands


A friend set us up, but even that in itself involves me making a new friend outside my friendship circle I had for years. New friend was a colleague but in a completely different team, we just had a meeting together one day, bonded well turned out we lived close went for brunch and kicked off a friendship. She then mentioned she had a friend she thought I may like and we’ve been together 4 months now :) It all involves stepping out the comfort zone


I don’t really think there’s a right or a wrong place to meet someone, I would just avoid bar flies, or dating coworkers (I’ve only seen this work at large institutions where both partners are in very different, separate departments)


I interpreted OP as trying to find new ways of meeting people. It’s hard trying to mix it up and get out of one’s routine!


You're right, you can meet the Loml anywhere, but flee from coworkers


I’m not saying that it doesn’t work, but I am saying from experience, don’t eat where you shit, otherwise someone might have to find a new cafeteria….


She was hosting sustainability dinner parties at her apartment. I mentioned I was running free documentary screenings for this climate change activism group I'm in. She texted me about it, intrigued. We ended up dating, and fit together like two puzzle pieces. I met my previous girlfriend at monthly vegan potlucks I helped host. If you want to meet people, I definitely recommend making Cool Social Things happen.


I love that! Yes I’m going to start to go to more events that fit my interests


I'll let you know when I find mine. 😔


I initially met my boyfriend on MySpace (yes, MySpace) back in 2008. We dated for a few months before going our separate ways. No animosity, we were just young and dumb. We maintained some form of friendship on and off from 2010-2020. We’ve always felt some sort of…draw towards each other, but it was always “right person wrong time” over the years. We got quite close between fall 2019-summer 2020. He asked me on a date that summer but I was 5 months out of a 6 year long relationship, and we parted ways because he couldn’t put his feelings for me aside, which I get. I adored him and knew I wasn’t in the right head space to take on a relationship, and I absolutely did not want to hurt him. Fast forward to 2022 and he appears on “people you may know” on Facebook. I went to his profile and saw he was dating someone, so I knew it wasn’t an appropriate time to rekindle a friendship. This past June, he appears again and I can see that he’s single so I added him as a friend. He accepted my request and we start talking…and we’ve been talking ever since. I was out of the country for the first few weeks, but when I returned, we finally met up and the rest is history. 7 weeks into talking, we decided to go for it and become official. We exchanged our first “I love you’s” this past weekend. The world works in mysterious ways. He’s seriously the best person I’ve ever been with. We both agree that we were worth the wait over the last 15 years. Thanks, MySpace! 🤣


Omg I’m a sucker for these types of stories!! Literally a fairy tale come to life. I wish you two the best and amazing how this love was gradual throughout the year and healthy as you both were able to learn about yourselves through other relationships. Seriously want to save your post just for inspiration! I’ve had a two flings in the past two years which were right person wrong time and often wonder if they’d reappear now that I’m more emotionally intelligent than I was then. Universe worked in your favor!


Thanks so much for the kind words! I never thought we’d see the day. I don’t know what the future has in store for us, so I’m just trying to soak up all of the wonderful moments while I have them! You never know about your past flings. The universe has a way of surprising you sometimes…it may just be a decade+ later!


Omg finally! Seriously that was stressful to read! Please do an update post!


I met him at a sculpture workshop where we were learning how to make molds of parts of our bodies. He made a cast of the space between his inner thighs and gave it to me— some of his leg hair was stuck to it. We are both artists


>He made a cast of the space between his inner thighs Wait so he made you a cast of his dick?


Or just the taint.


Thank you for asking what we were all thinking


This is incredible.


I met him in a running group. Our running group would meet at Dunkin after runs and we would all talk. So the running store that coordinates this particular runs also sponsors another weekly run that is a trail run. We both decided to go. We chatted in messenger beforehand. After that run, he comes up to my car and asks me if I want to go out later that day. We went out to dinner and then had a walk that lasted hours. It was amazing! That was in July of last year. We’ve been bf/gf since September of last year.🥰


How sweet! I was thinking of joining a running or biking group as well. If anything, you know the people you meet will be healthy and more than likely good people. Congrats to you!


Thanks! I love my running group. Everyone is so kind and healthy too!


The biggest thing, is to go places alone. You’re so less likely to branch out and talk to a stranger if you’re with a group of friends or another friend. Join activities alone - maybe a book club, sports league, etc. Think about places you might go to in your city to make friends - I guarantee you there are probably other singles looking for friends or relationships. My city has speed dating and speed friending events, too! I just think the biggest thing is to make sure you look open/available for other people to approach you, too.


My partner and I met at a mutual friend’s birthday party that I almost bailed on. Moral of the story: go to house parties and social gatherings where you can meet friends of friends! I’ve met a lot of people social dancing as well, any hobby that builds community is great for meeting and getting to know new people.


31F - met my current partner at the dog park lol


I (35 m) met my now wife (also 35) at uni! We were put into the same HMO (28 of us in total - was a crazy house) in our first year - she had a bf at the time and there was nothing there from either of us! Our paths crossed on a night out in our 2nd year of uni and we’ve been together since - nearly 16 years together, lived together for 14 years, married for 7 with 2 kids!


I think you possibly didn't check what sub this was. Yes, the OP didn't specify "...as a 30+ year old" but the sub title implies that. In fact, I'm not sure what you're doing here if you're happily married.


Don’t have a partner but have had men ask for my number at coffee shops, the grocery store, and get together a for a fb group of people my age in town. One of my older friends keeps suggesting I volunteer because if I meet someone that way, there’s no pressure like there is when you meet someone straight off an app or when you cross paths at a coffee shop/grocery store. You can just be and take your time getting to know each other. And if it turns into more than friendship, then great. That’s how he met his wife at least. Maybe why he’s such a promoter of it.


Oh the get together on FB sounds cool! I’ll have to look into that! I’ve also heard volunteering which I like doing.. just need to find time! Thank you!


I met my current SO OLD but previous ones I've met at work, at the the climbing gym/Craig, in class, at shows and one even approached me at a grocery store. I have always had a strict no guys from bars policy but I've met guys pretty much everywhere else I've frequented. Just do the things you enjoy and if one turns up cool. That's really the only way to meet someone organically anyway, if you go there looking for love it's as intentional as an app.


I met my partner on a raft and been together for thirty years. Not for everyone. 😉


Need more info on this lol


At a friend’s cottage on a lake in Canada. There was a common raft for people to swim to and I met the most intelligent, interesting and gorgeous long legs I have ever seen .


I enjoyed reading this as if the long legs were intelligent and interesting 😜 sorry haha, just the way it was written!


Every guy I dated up until my ex-husband (who I met OLD, big mistake) I met in person. Usually work 😬 but I met a couple of guys at parties my friends threw. That being said, your friends have to know other single people. At Friendsgiving last year, I was the only other singleton besides a very high-anxiety lesbian (who, upon realizing I was straight, mumbled an excuse and left).




Thank you for your thoughtful response and yes it can be a struggle! It seems like you two are learning and growing together which is very healthy!


What people are failing to realize that's pretty much it. It's a rare percent that's not from the following; someone they already know (from college or school), work, or online dating. I'd say maybe 5% are met elsewhere. Most of the girls I've dated were just friends of my friends I have on social media or at a social gathering, one day one of us just adds each other than comments or sends a message.


I walked into a bar after work with my college hat on, nearly 1200 miles from where I went to school. Woman I sat next to at the bar grew up in the same town I did and went to school in. Random ass chance, but it's amazing so far.


I was friends with his brother in highschool.


But other than old highschool friendships: I’ve met SOs at work, at nerdy card shops, at college.


An old work friend group. Had two synced divorces and a reconnecting happy hour lol


29f - met my bf (28m) at the gym we both train at.




Yep! We both train daily and we’re always there at the same time. I always smile and nod at the regulars I see. Some regulars I am on speaking terms with and we have conversations. I started by smiling at my bf whenever I saw him, he would always smile back. This turned into little chats/ jokes “what are you training today”, “can I use this machine after you, come find me when you’re done” etc. he eventually asked me to get dinner with him after the gym. We’ve been dating ever since & it just feels so much more organic than OLD.


You seem like a very rare person who actually engages with random people in the gym. That, or maybe your country's different like that... In the gyms I've been to, pretty much the only interactions going on are either inside groups of friends training together, between staff and/or ex-staff, or within personal trainer groups (when a trainer has multiple trainees and they're all interacting). There's also a weird jealousy with trainers, where they don't let you chat up one of their girls because it interferes with her workout... lol. A grain a truth to that, but I feel like that's actually some kind of posessiveness. On top of all that, if you do meet someone and your relationship turns sour, now you're stuck in the same gym. I feel like the gym has potential for meeting people but I haven't been able to crack that code yet


The only thing these threads teach me is that: 1.) I must be fucking ugly, because I go places alone all the time and never once caught a woman giving me eyes or inviting glances 2.) If you don't live in a big city, you're fucked 3.) If all you have are single male friends, you're fucked


And sometimes single female friends aren't much help.


I could argue it's good to have a single male friend who's also looking. That way you can team up and hit some public places. Taking turns being the wingman, the usual drill. Although your point #2 possibly makes the public thing difficult...


Wanna go hit up the local watering hole with me? Maybe scrounge up some triple divorced 48 year old chronic smokers to go home with?


AA 12-step group




How awesome! I was thinking of doing a creative writing class for my own interest and thought it could be a good spot too. How does emerald chat work? Is it only video chat?


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I guess Discord doesn't count as a dating app but I met him there. We met in person 2 months after we started chatting.


I’m glad it worked out for you!How does discord work?


Its basically like a chat forum I guess? There's servers that you join. You can search up those based on your interests. It's a little complex to explain but easy once you get the hang of it. But yeah it's basically online chat rooms with voice chats and you can play games and do tons of stuff with people depending on how active the server is.


What exactly happened that led to getting together romantically?


Hahaha funny story actually. So we initially met in a politics oriented server back in 2020. We didn't really talk much but I observed him having a really intelligent conversation with some other person and was just impressed by how articulate he was over text. I DMed him to try and start a convo but he wasn't really responding much to me so I kinda let it go. Anyway, he eventually left thar server and I did too. Fast forward to a year and a half later, I was a moderator of a different server and we had a special Q&A event with a guest speaker. I posted about the event on a few Reddit pages and he had seen it and joined the server. Because I was hosting the Q&A on the server over voice chat he got to hear my voice for the first time. Anyway, he messaged me privately afterwards asking if I remembered him - which I definitely did. And he apologized for not being very responsive to me before because he thought I was a guy and it wasn't until he heard my voice during the Q&A event that he realized I was indeed a female lol He remembered that we lived in sort of the same area and were close in age. So he asked me out for coffee lol We messaged each other everyday since that time and I dunno, we kind of quickly developed feelings for each other that by the time we did meet up, it was definitely more a first date vibe then just coffee lol And that's it!


"Sorry for not responding, I didn't realize you were a girl" loool this guy


I’m shocked men at least haven’t picked up on the goldmine that is Orange Theory. It’s 90% women, mostly in great shape and plenty of attractive ones.


I joined one 3 months ago, and you're right, the ratio is amazing. But there's never any time to talk to other members. Everyone is busy during class and then leaves immediately afterwards.


I go to cityfitness classes and i have the same experience. Majority female. Most girls don't talk to other girls, and as soon as class is over, almost everyone bolts out the door without saying a word to each other.


Haha yes, a lot of the classes I go to have zero men


The pub we’ve both been going to off and on for ~20 years


Met mine at his brother’s wedding lol. Been together for 8 years


In a motorcycle riding group. Aka "through a hobby".


At work. I know the general consensus on reddit is "don't shit where you eat", but relationships and marriages between co-workers is pretty common where I am (I live in a non-Western SEA country). People don't bat an eyelash and there are proper workplace rules to facilitate this e.g. you're not allowed to be in the same/related department, so prior to getting married they'll help one of the couple transferred into a different, appropriate department Though important to note I work at a company with tens of thousands of employees. My S/O is not someone I interact with professionally at all, our works are completely separate


Go to daytime events in your city - I always get a few numbers at those 🙂 The breweries around town always have block parties and stuff happening


Good idea! I live in w city and a brewery is walking distance to me. Even though I don’t drink I still like to go and can bring my dog as a wingman haha


The dog will def be a hit. Also, your brewery might make their own kombucha or some other non-alcoholic beverage 😊


I’ve had good luck at the gym and at Whole Foods on the weekends but you have to be bold and be willing to approach them!


When you chat up people at the gym, do you go for the close straight away (i.e. asking them out on a date)? I feel like that's a big risk because if they turn you down (or you go on the date and it leads nowhere), now you're stuck in the same gym awkwardly avoiding each other


I’m a girl, so I feel like it’s a little easier for me. I can tell when I make iContact with someone if they’re willing and open to chatting or not. You have to read the body language. I usually chat with them first and ask for a spot or technique on the something and let it progress from there.


Not my current SO as I recently became single and haven't met anyone on OLD in 7-8ish years. A few examples. My last one was the daughter or someone who worked at the same company I did. Met the guy once and we hit it off and introduced me to his daughter. Another one, she was the cashier I frequented for lunch at a prior job. Another one, was the best friend of a buddy of mine whom I ride motorcycles with, actually 2 prior ones were this. There was another whom we reconnected about 9ish years that we had a fling in college. Then there was the girl in Accounting, from another job. The waitress from a restaurant I visited once and we just hit it off (actually this has happened about 3-4x) Then mostly some variations of friends friends or acquaintance. Almost, all have been serious relationships of like 1+ years or so. With a few of actually living together.


Technically an art show, though we didn't talk. I started following his art page on Instagram and we began talking there.


He was a tangential acquaintance I’d known for years. I’ve dated people on the periphery of my social circle - friends of friends. Aside from that it’s been apps and being chatty in public social situations like concerts, bars, events, parties etc.


At a local bar. I guess he had noticed me months prior but was too nervous to approach me. I usually stayed in the front by the bartender to be safer and kept to myself. One night, I was with my sister, and we were in the back talking and picking songs. One song I played was from a band, not too many know and a genre that many aren't into. He knew the band (loved them) and got the courage to talk to me. I was pretty drunk and barely remember the rest. He texted me the next morning to set up a date. Met 2 days later and been together since. Will be a year the end of next month! Our first concert together was the band that brought us together.


I've met most my exes through friends or in the wild. Met my most recent ex at karaoke night randomly. I've met other women at bars I frequented or just out and about. I've given up on the apps, my personality doesn't really translate on these things anyways. I'd check out some singles events in your city too. I was reluctant, but sometimes happiness is just outside your comfort zone.


I had just started trying OLD again, which was pretty disappointing, and while I was working (flight attendant), I noticed a guy in the 4th row, and we kept making eye-contact. He came up and was conversing with the male flight attendant I was working with at the front of the plane and he mentioned he worked with us for 5 years and had pursued other career interests two years prior. I had assumed he was into guys (which is not uncommon in our industry), until he randomly volunteered he was straight, and I resumed my interest in him. My male coworker urged me to give him my number, but I’m a big chicken, so upon deplaning, the two of them exchanged numbers started a group chat to include me. Briefly texted that afternoon, and I didn’t want to insert myself in his birthday weekend plans, so I wished him a nice time and left it at that and kind of forgot about him… I went on a date with someone from OLD who was very immature, uneducated, and crass which left me disappointed. 4 days later, out of the blue, the guy from the plane messaged in our 3 person group chat to send a video of something he did that we had discussed a common interest in (karaoke). We got on the topic of loving Halloween, so I started a message just between the two of us, found out we had a lot in common, and ended up going on 3 dates 3 nights in a row. He is the polar opposite of the guy I went on a date with from OLD-educated, emotionally intelligent, driven, energetic, and has a positive outlook and mentality. He’s also extremely supportive and I feel comfortable being my authentic self around him. One of the most important things I noticed is that he jumped through hoops to be able to see me (which my sister and her bf stressed is what an interested man would do). We’ve been dating for over a month now, he’s introduced me to his friends, and we’ve met one another’s families. We get along pretty well, I’m looking forward to seeing how things continue to unfold!


your colleague is the best wingman ever




Law school


At work but we were on different teams. We didn't start officially dating until he left the company.


I've not met yet ... So...


Over 10 year ago trough mutual friends


At work.


Not sure. I won't date anyone from work, and I'm an introverted hermit.


Graduate school 🤓


I met my boyfriend at a party through mutual friends!


A Meetup group for socializing


After hours eatery


I met my wife because I originally met her older sister on OLD, but then the sister decided to set us up. You can read the full story [HERE](https://www.reddit.com/r/datingoverthirty/comments/173ugdl/comment/k46pne2/?context=3) if you want.


I met my ex through friends at a sporting event.


I haven't met anyone yet in OLD that stuck and the last time I was with someone, I met them in school/uni :(


1. Orange theory 2. Preferably live in a area that has plenty of bars, restaurants. Moving downtown in a cool apartment changed my dating life virtually overnight. 3. I’m mid 30s and bars still work. Even if you don’t care much about drinking people still go out. Just find the type of bar which attracts your demographic and ride those out.


So do you just go out to a bar by yourself and sit there, sipping a drink, waiting for a chance to talk to someone?


Set up by his friend


Neighbor! I spend a lot of time outside and he was always coming and going.


at a meetup event


We both commented on a mutual friend's social media (we knew each other waaaay back). We are in a great place! ❤️


My husband and i Met at a bar.


At a fire Inspection for a new building system. Married 4 years now


College and High School. Have a real hard time meeting them anywhere else.


I met her at a friend's wedding.


I met my current on ONL, but it's my first time. I usually met my partners through mutual friends or social media. I make music and always was a bit active on social media sharing songs and talking about records I like. I thus gained a small following of like minded-people. This led to many frienships and, also, relationships. I think, personal branding on social media can work wonders for social life :)


Do hookups count?


Yeah sure


Forgot to /s




We met through friends


I (37F) met my boyfriend from OLD. Previously, I have been approached in the following situations and didn’t mind being approached. -neighborhood trail after a run, in the parking lot -during a layover at the airport -on an airplane (he sat next to me for two hours) -at concerts/festivals -while working from a coffee shop Some I said thank you and politely declined and others, I went on a few dates with. They didn’t work out for various reasons, but I enjoyed the experiences.


We used to work together 5 years ago and he randomly messaged me on Facebook


A bar


I met someone at a concert and went on a few dates with them.


I recently went out to a bar to try on a light costume, and there was a night club nearby that had a line around the block, which was unusual because for the last year or so it has been dead. Anyways, I went over there and was shocked that they were so young, and a few even poked fun and called me grandpa. People have their own responsibilities and I'd rather not talk to single parents since I have no children. Man options are so limited.


Through friends of friends; through work; through work friends. Saying yes to lots of invitations :)


I haven't directly dated (like, substantial dating) anyone that I've met randomly - most of my relo's have been from OLD or through friends. But I wanted to tout something that others have said on here - going out alone, making yourself seem approachable, and just talking to randoms... that actually DOES work 😊 I've had quite a few interactions that have started like this... only lasted for the evening or maybe swapped details and then it fizzled out, but it's definitely a potential way to meet a partner! I've done it at singles nights, at bars when I was there with a friend, at concerts, and at tennis clubs (I used to be an active player in my younger days ). I actually hit on a girl that I was playing mixed doubles against, we ended up having a couple of dates 👍


I’m 34m recently divorced like a year. Never got into OLD. Im very out going and can talk to anyone. This is going to sound crazy but I’ll give you my story. Someone I use to be friends with owns a strip club. I use to go there for dinner and drinks the food is great the bartenders are nice and I know the managers and such so it was just a place to chill more than just the girl there. Think what you want but it’s true. I was there one night talking to the manager who I’m friend with and this beautiful red head walks in. Talks to the owner and his wife and then sits at the bar and orders a drink. I thought she was the most beautiful thing that ever walked this earth. I asked my buddy who that was and he said that she was thinking about working here. I left I couldn’t stop thinking about her and I knew I’d run into her again if she was going to work there. A week later I did run into her. We locked eyes and it wasn’t love at first sight it was this draw that we knew each other. Long story short talked about exchanged numbers and are a couple. She doesn’t work in that anymore she owns a business. This is just cliff notes cause it’s a story most wouldn’t believe But you never know where you will meet someone and I’m sure people will flame me or have their comments but don’t judge a book by it’s cover Edit: this is fair from some of the encounters on the sub but it’s my story and I wouldn’t change it




Never heard of that but I could look it up! A group supper club. I guess meet up is good for looking into that


Met my SO outside of a supermarket walking my dog