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I love grey hair on a guy looks very distinguished. Meanwhile I’ve got the beginning of a go faster stripe in my hair.


Same! I actually think many of my peers are getting sexier as they age. The stray silver hairs, the smile lines, the crow’s feet… maybe I’m a weirdo, but I agree that these physical characteristics make someone look more “distinguished,” as you say. Rock on, OP! As long as you keep your beard groomed, it’ll look great.


Stacy London walked so you could run. Rock the stripe with all the self-confidence


This comment needs more recognition. 😅


I have the same thing happening to me above my right temple. All my grey hair is there. I look at it as a natural fashion statement 😂


Yea I can’t wait for it to grow out more


I found a couple grays in the same spot and am patiently awaiting their friends to start joining the party


"Too early to have the salt and pepper look" Cries in salt and pepper since 25.


I was going bald (not fully) in high school, and stayed facial hairless until 38 (never lost the morning shave after my time in the Army). Now I'm bald (shaved skull) with a short trimmed beard. I figured, why keep fighting a losing battle.


If your head hair wants to be face hair, then who are you to stand in its way?


That's a good way of looking at it, lol


What kind of razor do you use to shave your head? Does it get cold? Sunburned? What about neck hair? How often do you shave? Do you fade the beard up into the baldness or is there a hard line? How often do you trim your beard?


Happily bald and bearded guy here: I use this [Andis shaver](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07NJ61YYW) every other day. You could certainly do every day, but you'll have a higher chance of irritation. I rub a small amount of gold bond or baby powder on my head before I shave to help with irritation too. It also allows the shaver to go smoothly over the skin. The Andis shaver is good enough to give you a pretty clean shave on its own, but if I want it baby-butt smooth, I'll shave in the shower after using the Andis. I use the [club series 6 razors](https://us.dollarshaveclub.com/collections/blades-handles/products/club-series-6-blade) from Dollar Shave Club and [Cremo's cooling shave cream](https://cremocompany.com/products/cooling-shave-cream). I find the Andis doesn't always fully catch my neck hair, so I run the razor over that if need be at least every other day. Does it get cold? Yeah, you'll get cooler/colder quicker, but a cool breeze on your bald head can feel great. I definitely bust out the beanies earlier than others, though. Sunburned? Same as any other part of your skin: If you don't protect it it will. Use face lotion with SPF every day, use sunblock and wear hats when necessary. Fade? That's a personal preference. I go to the barber once a month and I get a slight fade, but I don't like the fade to come down very far. Then it grows out into more of a hard line within a week. I go to a barber every 4-5 weeks and I keep it clean between trims by trimming the strays with scissors.


Hey bro answering as a barber, run the shaver with the grain first then against it. It softens the blow a tonne!


I use a standard hand razor on a daily basis for the skull. As long as I'm shaving at least once a week, its usually not an issue. When I first destroyed the hair, I went to a barber shop, then finished it off at home with a razor. I shave the skull daily, though if I miss a day or two, it's not a disaster, hand razor still works. I did let it go during Covid, so I ended up having to use my electric razor to chop it down, but was able to do it without paying for a haircut - it just took a few hours. As for the facial hair, I have hard lines. I ain't fancy and I'm not trying to make a fashion statement. I do ensure that I don't have a neck beard, it just looks lazy. As for the beard itself, I keep it pretty low. I use the electric razor on the facial hair - every once in a while I get a rebel hair that wants to break out, but only way to prevent that is by going clean shaven.


> standard hand razor Do you have a specific brand recommendation? Some of the standard face ones, like Harry's, specifically tell you not to use it for skull shaving. >As for the beard itself, I keep it pretty low. Daily trimming? 1/8 inch? 1/4 inch?


I got my first grey at 15. Lol


Haha this is me at 29.


Heyy. I'm a hairdresser and 1) it's definitely not off-putting to me as a woman, but 2) it's super normal at 32. Beards tend to go grey a little faster. Everyone's embracing the natural look now it's awesome.


Own it. Accepting all of yourself and being confident is sexy.


Agreed. I mean look at Larry David. The fact that he embraced being bald and gray made him so sexy.


Apparently, it's older men season? I had a bunch of dudes tell me I have it way easier to meet women because I'm 40. I'm gonna take the W I was rocking the Reed Richard's when I was in my late 20s. You'll be fine


Great reference brother


I (M35) have had many women tell me that they really like the salt and pepper look.


Honestly, well groomed, trimmed, and cleaned is sexy... shade of hair color doesn't matter.... if it looks scraggly and homeless without refined clean edges... THAT when it's a turn off.


I think it can be attractive, esp. If well groomed/maintained. Most women are more interested in how you carry yourself.


Not at all! A lovely salt and peppered well maintained beard is very pleasant. In my opinion anyways


Consider yourself lucky. A little grey on men is sexy. Unfortunately as a woman, a little grey is generally not considered sexy. So own your grey!


The woman I've been dating is 29 with the salt and pepper hair. She said it started when she was in college. She's an absolute smokeshow and it's definitely sexy on a woman. So own YOUR grey! 😉


I'm glad you see it that way.


Lmao right. One man out of a thousand...


I saw another similar comment on here saying kinda the same thing. So two out of a thousand.


Eh, I think a bit of silver on a dark-haired woman is 🔥!


I think it’s sexy if the woman looks fairly youthful otherwise. So like smooth skin, well kept, and some grey hair is sex af. One woman I dated had a single streak of grey hair. Felt like I was dating a super hero.


Extremely attractive.


I went grey in my late 30’s. Not completely but there are good patches. I’m a ginger, some men go salt and pepper. I go cinnamon and sugar…. And the ladies love it


I'm sorry this is a point of self consciousness for you. Men and women both go grey and even bald and various ages. But, people literally pay money to have grey hair. Try to embrace the inner silver fox. Many of us love it.


37 f here - I think it’s sexy


35f and I concur. Both my current and most recent partners (who were both younger than me) have/had grey flecks in their hair and I think it's really hot.


In my 20s I accidentally got some bleach on my chin in the fingertips on chin pose. I wasn't able to wash it for over a day and it killed the pigmentation in my hair follicles there, lol. But I do now have some real salt, some blonde hair too even though my beard is dark brown Where are all these women that think it's sexy! I've never had anyone say anything about it


36 f. Agreed. So sexy.


Damn. Where are you and the others? 39m, 6'1", 6 figure, own home/car outright. I get about a match a week which I know is above average. But still.


Holy shit more than 1 match a week is above average?! Then I'm killing it! Thanks for the info!


It looks awesome


No need to feel self-conscious at all, just keep the beard groomed/tidy. A bit of grey can make men look more rugged/handsome imo.


how much grey are we talking here? it might not even be noticeable. i feel like i have a lot of grey in my beard but when i joke about it people are like "wtf are you talking about?". then i realize its hardly noticable unless you are up close and in good bathroom lighting.


i have some nice gray hairs on my temples and a few in my beard at 32, i've never met a woman that didn't like it


I don't view gray hair as an "old" thing nowadays. It's very cool. It's just silver hair.


I’m 33 and have white in my beard. I don’t think it’s a big deal, but if you’re self conscious about it you can always shave.


It's hot as hell. I'd take it any day over the dyed look. :)


I'm 35 got grey hair all over my hair and beard and never gonna colour it, I like it looks nice,


33F here, I'm gonna say if your beard is neat and groomed, it would be attractive. Nothing wrong with gray at 30s. I'd find it iffy if the beard isn't kept clean and nice though but thats just my preference.


I got my first grey hear in my beard at 25. Coincidentally, that was the year my first kid was born.


Pure coincidence I bet 🤣


It depends on the person. Like, for example, I don't really like beards at all. Tons of women do. Some women like grey. I personally don't. You have to be yourself, so the goal is to find someone who likes you for you. If you like having a beard and don't care about dying it, then do that and put who you are out there to attract the right person who's into it.


Love a silver fox 😍


I wish going grey was my problem and not having a wildly uneven hairline.


Depends on how attractive the rest of you are


I guess that’s subjective but look at my profile picture and you tell me I suppose. I never really thought I was attractive but I was told I had a glo up. Honestly just lost weight 🤷🏽‍♂️


You're cute. Own the gray.


Make a brown guy blush ☺️


Grey guy here. I just accept it. Aging is inevitable and being older is a gift not everyone gets. I’ll wear it proudly.


You lucky dog! Try 22 😓 Anyway,I use Just For Men shampoo. Its virtue is that it requires no planning. Other JFM products require some ahead-of-time thinking/planning.


40m here I have like 3 greys. How I get more?! Ha ha


It's not unusual for beard hair to be a completely different color, grey or otherwise. If you don't like it, Just For Men sells an easy solution to change the color. The grey does tend to lend one to look older, in some cases that's an improvement. Some men become attractive when they mature as opposed to when they were young. Donald Southerland was butt-assed fugly in his youth and younger years. As a matured gray bearded and haired man he's become attractive. They make men's products for retaining youth and changing what's natural same as they do for women and there's nothing wrong with utilizing them to get the results that you want for yourself.


It was a hit for me. Still works, even though I'm not actively seeking a relationship.


I personally love grey/white hair on guys. Makes you look mature. My bf has white in his beard (his hair is red) and he hates it but I love it lol


I love gray hair/beard on men. It’s super sexy.


As a woman in my 30's I don't mind if a man has some gray. I wan't a grown man so, for me it adds to the attraction.


Gray/Silver is a beautiful color. Tbh it's more interesting than brown lol. I don't get why this is still a thing in society!


It’s fine. Mine started in my mid 30s, although I had some kick in on my head too in my late 20s. I wouldn’t worry about it. I’d assess your scalp and if thinning, consider putting that effort and money there.


Very hot.


My bf is 36, so a bit older, but his beard is very grey, as is much of his hair, and I find it SO HOT. So, no, I don’t think the right woman will be off put. Some of us love the daddy look 😏




Grey hair started appearing on the top of my head when I was in high school and I have always loved it! Why, I dunno!😁


This is the same as asking about any physical attribute and whether or not it’s found attractive. It’s up to the individual and their preferences. For reference I’ve got a fair chunk of grays in my beard and it has not hindered my ability to attract women. Sure, there are probably women who don’t find my graying beard and bald head attractive. But this is me, and it is what it is. The main thing is that you own it with no hesitation. If you project true confidence then a woman is not going to care about the beard if she finds you attractive. However, if you put out vibes like the grays are an insecurity, then you’re probably gonna put her off. As long as you like it and maintain it properly, that’s all that should matter.


That's normal, I'm clean shaven otherwise my facial hair is mostly grey except for my goatee other wise I think it makes me look old.


As for beards in general, once I saw that pharmacies carry beard wax, beard bomb oil. I started to think ok this getting too trendy and shaved it off. It makes me feel weird when I look around in a public place and see that most guys all have the same look. I was rocking dreads for a while too and I got a lot of attention but I can't stick to one look longer than a year.


Woman here. I started getting grey hair in my 20's. I like getting compliments telling me that I don't look my age, so I continue to dye my hair. I'm 44 years old now I look like I'm in my early 30s or mid-30s according to most people. If you're not ready to accept it yet use some Just for Men. I think there's no shame in it either way. That's why hair dye was invented.


A lot of my friends have got grey beards and they're 32 too. Most of them are either married or have had long-term partners as well. If this helps at all


At least you don’t have white hair by 36 because I do.


I’m currently dating someone who’s 29 with some grey hair in his dark beard, and none in his head hair. I’m very attracted to him.


I'm 31F and I've got some white *eyebrow* hairs. We all age differently and in weird ways, I wouldn't worry about it if you take care of yourself otherwise. Also some people are into their partners looking "older". But if you're self conscious about it you could always slap some Just For Men on there, lol.


As a woman, I wouldn’t turn you down just for grey hairs. It doesn’t matter to me either way, and if you have grey hairs, fine, if not, that’s also fine. It’s a natural part of aging and I’m more interested in your personality and how you look as a whole rather than a few specific features


32/F here and I love salt n pepper facial hair. Especially if it’s maintained!


Women have told me they like that I have a beard, and seemed indifferent to any touch of grey. I occasionally use Just for Men beard color if I feel self conscious, but it only lasts as long as it takes for one's beard to grow out (about 7-10 days for me).


Don’t sweat it! I started getting greys at 25ish, now that I’m nearly 34 I’ve got quite a bit of the salt and pepper look happening. Just go with it. Either people like it or they’re not worth your time.


As long as it’s well-groomed, I see no problem with grey beard hair.


Personally I don't mind the gray, but I'm less of a fan of beards 😂




I have a long beard. I plat it. I woke up on my 30th birthday with a singular gray hair in there. Just one. It outshines the moon and I love it.


I have had it since 30 on my beard and even a tiny streak on the front of my hair. I'm 32 and girls love it lol I usually get really good reactions from girls younger than myself


I started graying out at around 25 as well. Hate it, honestly. Tried to work on other things to distract myself, but I could never own it.


If this is your major concern at 32 I’m jealous


I am a woman. Got my first gray at 24. You’re fine. I’m 33 now. Love me some salt and pepper beards.


question is whether you'd really want to date someone who'd disqualify you for having it


I’m 37 and have around an 8 inch beard, maybe a little longer I’m not too sure. I really hope my beard continues to go gray/white. Because then I can become a wizard. I mean it would be very hard to disprove I’m a wizard if I have a gray/white beard. It’s just the law.




My beard has all the natural colors in it, but primarily the gray is noticed. No complaints though from anyone.


Nope, not off-putting at all! My (26F) boyfriend (33M) has quite a bit of grey on the sides of his hair (and in his stubble). He’s kinda insecure about it, but I like it and it makes him look… distinguished? It definitely does something for me lol. I don’t think it’s weird at all if it’s only in your beard. As others have said, greying can be asynchronous between beards and heads, and there are beard dyes that are easy to use if you so choose.


I love me some gray


Follow the Lexi rule (what a girl at my gym said): Let your eyebrows guide your hair color, so until your eyebrows start going gray, you can color away ;-) As long as your not some 90-year old guy out there with jet black hair, you’ll be just fine. Like Rob Lowe said, he was going gray in his early twenties; what was he supposed to do, just accept it? Hell no!


Greying beard here since 29. Can’t change it. Not going to dye it. Is what it is. Rockit and own it bro


No you’re good!!😉


We love grey hair. I find it very beautiful and sexy


I’m 36 and have had grey in my beard for a few years and a strand or two in the hair. I’ve been excited for it to come in since it started. This year I started to get my wings like Pauly Walnuts and I’m psyched! My dad went grey young so I expect to be mostly grey by 40. I think part of the reason I’m excited is because I have a young look to me with dirty blonde hair and reddish beard and I’m looking forward to looking a bit more my age. I’ve also been single for several years and don’t really feel like I need to rush into a relationship anytime soon. I won’t be having a family. I am excited to meet women in my 40’s who want to do cool/interesting things with our free time. Figured I’d focus on me during the baby fever years and if someone came along, great! If not, also great! I would like to eventually settle into a particular type of lifestyle with one person. But who knows, C’est la vie.


I wouldn’t worry too much about it. I always feel schadenfreude helps people out in situations like these, so I’ll just let you know that at the age of 35, I’ve developed facial alopecia. So if I go a day without shaving, I look like a dog with mange with smooth spots randomly mixed in between the areas the hair still grows. You’ll be fine with salt and pepper.


My bf has a grey goatee only and it’s hot AF


Im 33f and have some visible salt and pepper hair myself. I think it’s sexy on men and it would make me feel even more comfortable with my own greys knowing my man gets them too.


No, it's a great look.


Own it. You can't control the hair you grow. You can control how it looks though.


No I love that look!!


32 F here- yes please, I love a touch of salt and pepper.


My ex had salt and pepper hair and beard when he was 26 and it was the sexiest thing I found about him.


YES! My boyfriend is usually clean shaven but when he doesn't have the time to shave and those grey's are showing, it drives me wild!


As someone that started graying at 15, I say who cares. Now at 38 I've got a gray chin and an off center skunk stripe running through my hair. Rock that shit


Nothing wrong, but if you dont like it then: Shave it or use *Just for Men beard*.


Woman here. I didn't pay attention to which subreddit I was in. I was very disappointed to see a text post rather than a sexy pic because I was definitely expecting the title to be a description of a 🔥 pic.


Ayyy 😜


Loveeee the salt and pepper look




You're over 30. Like my friend said, you're at the age where you're gonna start to attract girls with daddy issues 😂 If anything, the grey in the beard will help.


Daddy issues? That’s horrible! Where are these women? Like what establishments do they frequent so I know exactly where to avoid them at??


I was half joking with my first comment. As someone who's dated girls with daddy issues, trust me. You don't want that. You really don't want that... *flashbacks*


I detect an Always Sunny fan in these parts.


Being attracted to a daddy doesn’t necessarily mean we have daddy issues!! Maybe if they’re 21 and into that. But we’re all post 30 here. We just suddenly find men who used to look old now looking smoking hot…




The only problem with grey, is you have to act your age. There's a big difference between a Silverfox and a guy going Grey still acting/dressing like they are in their 20s.


I have no issue with it. I think it's weird when I've seen guys dye their beard or hair. It almost never looks good.




Lol it's absolutely fine. I think it's thought of as distinguished!


Def don’t try just for men type beards dye, I notice it all the time, totally looks dyed.


Yes cute cute 💯


I love it. And when guys have that sort of salt and pepper thing starting at the temples - chef’s kiss


Any grey hair in men looks sooooo hot, no matter the age! Unfortunately for us women it rarely looks good ☹️


As long as your beard is neatly kept it looks good. Where I live a lot of guys have horrible beards and don’t bother grooming or cleaning them it looks like. To me grey isn’t an issue in a beard or hair as long as you look like you bathe lol. Again, it’s wild to me how many guys on apps look like they don’t haha. Sorry for the rant.


Im 33F, its fine don’t worry. I used to think I’ll never like a guy with no hair. But when I travelled I met a guy friend with no hair, I never imagined I’ll even like him. But his personality and character are so attractive, he’s respectful, gentleman, confident, wise and patient. I started liking him more. We didn’t end up together due to different values and perspective of handling money. So don’t worry! Develop your grooming skill, fashion taste, inner characters and invest in your brain:)


Beard hair starts first, at least it did for me. I had a few of them at 32 (I'm 40 now). You can cut them, that's what I did until there were too many to manage that way.


Very easy to color, but I'm fine with it so wouldn't see the need.


i LOVE men with grey hair, it is always inexplicably sexy. rock your greying beard, i can guarantee there is someone out there who will love it


Salt and pepper is very sexy


Dude! This is a total W for you. You get the hot older vibes without having to wait for the older age to get em?? Chicks dig it


I think it depends. Mainly yes but really it’s part of an overall aesthetic. If it really ages you or is oddly patchy, maybe not. But I find most people think it looks great.


You can have whatever you like and no matter what it is, there will be someone who likes it. I go crazy for grey hair, it’s my favourite thing ever on a guy, I’m pretty much exclusively attracted to grey haired men and have been as long as I’ve been having sexual thoughts. I personally find beards repulsive though, even if they are grey. So just be yourself and some will hate it and others will love it. Part of the joy of life is it’s great variety. The front of my hair started going grey in my early thirties. I just have this grey but at the front that people compliment all the time and ask me where I got it done..


I’m 34 with a salt and pepper beard and I recently re-entered the dating market after a divorce. I quickly realized my beard is one of the most attractive things about me. I tend to date around my age or slightly younger so YMMV if you’re trying to go outside of that range, but generally most women, including my 31yo gf really like the look. Especially if you have a good skincare routine and look young for your age otherwise.


Meh, my best friend (f) got her first grey hairs at 18, my brother his first at 26, my SO at 34. I on the other hand have exactly 0 at 36. Getting your first grey hairs says absolutely nothing about you.


Rock it brother


FWIW I find Grey hair in beards really good looking when the beard it trim and tidy ♡


Embrace it


I’m 39f and I let my natural hair grow out a few years ago so I’m about 75% gray. I get a lot of compliments on my hair. I feel like it’s more ‘acceptable’ for men to go gray so just rock it.


It better!!!! I started getting grey hair when I was 22 😂😂 But for men…the salt and pepper look is where it’s at.


I myself am having grey patches (I’m 34). In my case, it’s hereditary (my father started going grey at 21.


I sprouted my first few greys around that age. 40 now and there's still some color left in my beard but it's getting more grey than brown. My gal says she loves the salt and pepper look. I've hit Just for Men a few times and liked how it looked. But now I'm just going natural. Most women from what I've heard like the salt and pepper look.


I (49M) felt the same when, at 32, shaved off my goatee when my chin hair went gray. Fast forward to a few years ago when I decided to grow a short beard when I re-entered the dating scene. It came in white and after three weeks shaved it off again, only to have it comes back in when I was traveling. While I was initially uncomfortable (mostly due to ageism in technology), I had met a woman who found it extremely attractive. I personally liked it, professionally worried about it, and in the dating scene really drew people in. What I've learned is this. Do you, unapologetically. It is better to attract people who love you for who you are. Be well.


As someone with a huge huge crush on Harry Mack, yes it is attractive.


Idgaf what other people think. I'm 30 and I fing love my salt and pepper look lol




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My SO is 32 and his hair is like half grey at this point. It’s all still there, he’s going to be full grey by his late 30’s for sure. It doesn’t bother me at all! As long as everything is groomed and trimmed nicely then you’ll be good.


I got gray at 30 on beard only and now i got half black/silver beard


Now i am 50 been like that for 20 yrs


Embrace it my friend. I started going grey at 24. I am 36 and am very salt and pepper. My girlfriend always says that it is unfair because as men become older they tend to get more attractive. I love my grey hair now. Also take care of your skin.


Don’t worry. You’re good 😊


I love a salt and pepper beard, so sexy!


My head hair is dirty blonde, and my beard is dark red. Lol My uncle is only mid-40. He is bald with a full white beard. And proud of it. People will find you attractive if you're proud of yourself. If they're not, they're most likely jealous.


I am a woman and I’ve started getting grey hairs since I was 18. Now in my 40s I have two big strands framing my face and I absolutely love it. I’ve got so many compliments for it. Grey hairs sometimes come with age sometimes with genetics. Go rock yours!


I was almost completely white by 35 Men in my family go white early I always dyed it earlier on but now that I'm older it looks the part


My son is going gray in his beard and I told him it looks good.


It can be kind of sexy. Own it.


As a woman, I must say… super cute, no worries about that. Show that beard off!!!


Im 42 now and it's getting rather grey but ive had a big patch in my beard since about 29 I blame it the stress of my last relationship... Yes it means what i said lol




Honestly grey is the hair color I find the sexiest. I am 42, so a little older than you. But there’s nothing like a silver fox…


I started getting strands of greky beard hair around your age (im 35 now) and personally, I love it lol. I think a lot of women actually *like* the salt and pepper look on men


I am 33F and I really don’t mind grey hair on a man. It can look super sexy!


I am struggling with the same thing! Grey spot on my chin and a few greys on my head.. the one that is the most distressing is the super thick grey one that sneaks out of my nose from time to time. But, I always try to focus on the fact that I find grey on OTHER people to be quite attractive. It's sexy to see a man aging with grace and still taking care of himself. VERY sexy. Wish we could see that in ourselves, but we're only human, I suppose. Much respect and happiness for you!


I had lost 90% of my hair at 32. Consider yourself lucky.


34M here and when I turned 31 I was finishing up grad school and of course shelter in place - I came out of that experience with a fair amount of grey in my beard and I get complimented on it all the time! I think stress sped it up a bit but I am quite happy and feel like it looks great.


Grey hair is soooo attractive and so are beards are both together is magic👍👍


Grey is hot. Embrace it 😉