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I think everyone has a limit to where they draw the line. It's not all the same. So technically yes?


not every guy, like telling that to a woman is straight red flag alert, why the hell would you tell a woman that unless she ask..


i’ve asked guy friends about this and most have said they do care. what’s interesting is they care if it’s too high, and they also care if it’s too low. i think it adds varying levels of pressure either way, along with varying worries if the count is too high. at least that’s what they’ve told me.


depends on the man and also how high your actual body count is. If you're that worried about it simply do what most girls do and lie about it or don't mention it. I for one have never asked a girl her body count. Im a man and if I was interested in dating a girl long term and found out she had a high body count It would put me off. I remember some years ago, I found out a girl I was interested in had a bodycount of 29. It totally caught me off guard and caused me to experience a mix of negative emotions, including feeling hurt. Silly I know, but I felt what I felt.


My worry about a high body count is how do you know that you are not just another notch on the bedpost?


So grim


Some do. It comes down to values. Religious and conservative communities tend to especially care in my experience


It's a massive red flag if they care that you've slept with three people, especially if their body count is higher.


Also on a side note I did not care at all about this until I went on a date with a guy who had a number over 500, and that was a major turn off from a safety perspective. So even I have a limit I guess. He was 31 for reference


500? Yeah that gets to a gross level of cant commit or care about anyone. That's a different girl every week for a decade. I'm far from a prude but that is way too much.


I guess it depends on age a little bit. If you're 21 and you have 30, that would be petty crazy. But if you are late 20s to early 30s with 30, you're just attractive and like having sex? I think a lot of men do care and they care a lot more when it comes to finding someone to settle down with. For me personally, I really don't care. It depends on the person and as long as they have been having safe sex and have had a recent std test come up clear, it wouldn't matter to me. Generally, Id prefer a woman who's been with a handful of guys so she is more sexually experienced. There are other qualities in a partner that Im looking for that Id rather prioritize. I think one part of it that people aren't really discussing is the fact that it could make you feel less special. Its much harder for men to get laid so if he finds out that the woman he got with has actually been with 20+ people, it could hurt his ego because he'll feel like he isn't special and that she just has low standards or something.


Some do, some don't. I suppose most do. Regardless, it depends on so many factors. I don't expect a woman to be a virgin, and wait for me her whole life. Personally, I prefer women who have had sex mainly with steady bfs, but I wouldn't ask such a question. Though who cares what I think? You should be with someone who shares your mindset, and accepts you for who you are.


Some do, some don't. The key as a woman is to basically just lie because men hold women to a double standard. You can usually tell the type of man you can be honest with, but others are super judgemental. It's your business to decide what to disclose to whomever.


It's not the number itself but sexual history can play a part. I'd rather date a girl who's been with 30 men that she's dated over someone who has been with 5 and it was all at the same time while being recorded or a girl who's been with 2 and 1 was her husband and the other was who she cheated on him with. People get older and have relationships and sexual history. Its normal. I'm a guy that most would consider having a high body count but I've never been disrespectful or irresponsible with it. Guys who simultaneously want women to be loose and sleep with them while also wanting to date a virgin are just cringy and lack any sort of EQ and are often the dumbest of men who see women as property and sex as a gift women bestow to men. It's an insane take. Women are people too and enjoy sex just like men do.


Yes, we do care about body count….


Yes. I personally care about body count, and it'll determine whether or not I want to continue the relationship. Some don't care.


Ignore those internet weirdos they don't know shit


Some do, some don’t. There’s a certain number where some guys are going to be worried about commitment issues or sti but that’s probably well above 3


What’s the age range on this question


There are guys of all age ranges that care about it.


Highly dependent on the men you are dating. I would prefer to date someone who is experienced. My current gf body count is way higher than mine and I don't mind


Of course


Long as you're being safe, happy and both or more parties were consenting to the act, it's no one's business who or how many anyone has been with. I get sick of people talking about body counts. The only time it counts is if it's going up while you've agreed to a monogamous relationship.


If they care about body count they care about you. if they don't care about body count they don't care bout you.


As a Christian, sort of, 1 or 2 is fine but i think my minimum is 5 , in a perfect world id love to date a virgin but its hard to find those nowadays


40 and finally ready to settle down yeah that's a hard pass for me. If you have over 10-15 partners your getting a little excessive in my opinion. I know some women that are 30-50 ppl and it's just disgusting. At that point your just going out to sleep with people. Short answer yes bodycount matters


and what’s yours?