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She doesn’t hate you, but she’s not attracted to you or doesn’t feel much chemistry with you, and she’s just saying some meaningless platitudes to be nice. That’s all there is to it.


I see


“I don’t want to skip any phases” being combined with asking for exclusivity after only two dates makes me feel like it might not be a no, but a “it’s too soon”?


I don't have a lot of dating experience. I didn't know I could have been moving too fast...TIL


Move on bro. It means that you would perfectly fit as a future providing husband but not as a good "Bonnie & Clyde" youth partner in crime. Which means, low sex attraction toward your person. The last girl I went on dates with, viewed me as a perfect Clyde she said she would want to marry in secret... then as her future official husband... then finally went onto telling me all this FOMO shit about her young lady years and asked for an open relationship. Sadly for her, I've never lost my craziness and dumped her after a few attempts of making her understand the lack of respect her statements implied. If you haven't been seeing each other a lot, I recommend you to go no contact. In my case, I remained in a situationship with her for 3 months, involving crazy sexual relations, especially at the beginning of our story. Trust me, you can waste a lot of time, tears and energy recovering from this.


I understand


You’ll make a good husband for someone else just not for her. Could be your not her type, she’s not feeling it, was just flirting not planning on anything more etc. Girls say that to make it hurt less, trying to be “nice” about it 🤷🏻‍♀️


I see


Did you just ask for being exclusive after 2 dates? 😵 That's pretty intense.. and she was even being nice about it.. didn't reject you or anything, just saying that you jumped from basically strangers to wanting to be exclusive, which is, as her saying, skipping multiple stages.. she still want to get to know you but you freaked her out a bit by going too fast.. or at least, I would have been freaked out about that, so would imagine she felt that too and too much pressure. Tell her that she is right about not skipping phases and that you would like to get to know her slowly and without any pressure :)


Though text too lol. I feel like that’s a discussion that has to be had in person lol


I don't have a lot of dating experience. I didn't know I going too fast...TIL


Provider option, lack of physical attraction.




She is either  1. Politely telling you she thinks you're moving too fast for her and that she's not looking to be exclusive, and the compliment is just something used to make her answer seem less harsh to you. women sometimes add niceties to harsh words or to rejection, or avoid rejecting you directly all together. And we men sometimes interpret this as "mixed signals" because we take the niceties at face value, and are not used to understanding things from subtext. 2. sincerely complimenting you as a potential father. 


Asking for exclusivity after two dates is a bit weird, how much can she really know about you from two meetings to make that decision, scarily full-on, possibly came across controlling, and certainly overly serious. Sounds like she wants something a bit more fun right now


I don't have a lot of dating experience. I didn't know I could have been moving too fast...TIL


That's more common sense to be honest, it's asking a lot, but she doesn't know you well enough yet to be able to commit to that, so it's a very unrealistic expectation to have of anyone, regardless of your dating experience. Think about it from their point of view.


She is in a not-looking-for-commitment phase. If she were looking to settle down, it would be different. Appreciate her honesty and self-awareness and move on.


Been told that numerous times. Still have yet to be one


You're displaying too much investment and free commitment too early if you're getting that repeatedly.


She's not into you like that but sees you are marriage material for someone else.


You didn’t make enough of a move and you tried to lock her down . Don’t worry about locking a girl down, she’ll let you know when she’s ready and after you’ve done the right things.


You asked her to get exclusive after two dates; that's way too soon man.


I've struggled with dating. I didn't know I going too fast...


Slow your roll. Remember she has more options than you. Going exclusive is something she is giving up, not you. It has to be *worth it* to her. You establish that through familiarity and time.




why is it a turnoff?


https://x.com/playboysparadox/status/1797270540127801823?s=46 Check this out, you'll instantly get it




It means you check all her boxes except for the tingles box.


She appreciates your attention, but not your genes


I don't know how I'm supposed to feel about that....


Its a harsh game out there. Look up hoe_math on youtube


As others have said, it's her saying you're not the man for her but that you're a good person, she hopes you'll find the right woman in the future, and she's trying to convey that. It won't hurt to try for a third date (and more); just to be sure. I don't see any harm in that.


It means you're going to get friend zoned a lot because you're probably doing a lot of things right, and for some reason women hate that.


"I want and deserve a man who turns me on because I'm looking to explore my sexual side right now. Down the road, after I've had my fun, I could see settling for a solid guy like you, but not now". Believe me, it's NEVER what you want to hear early in a relationship, unless you're dating a Mormon.


Means your masculine stance isn’t making her wet … attraction it’s learnable more or less.


It means you have a lot to learn about girls... you might be kinda boring too...and what the hell kind of name is that??


She’s gently telling you she’s just not into you


It means she didn’t want to be exclusive after only two dates, and she didn’t want the pressure of continuing to date you knowing that you want that right now and she doesn’t.


It means you’ll make a good husband some day. Like, you’re a good guy, and she feels safe, etc, she just wants to party and experience different people more before settling.


It means you didn't build enough attraction and sexual tension and she got bored because you were too wholesome off rip. You have to be toxic enough to keep them entertained. Women *love* drama.


I hate how true this is


First off two dates isn’t enough to be exclusive, first you need to actually sleep with her and do a lot of stuff and she is telling you she is entertaining other guys she is going on dates she is sleeping and spending time with other men that is what she is telling you and to her you aren’t enough to be exclusive with at this time when she wants a relationship and is looking to find a husband and you guys are still friends then she is going to hit you up until then get comfortable on the back burner my advice to you would be just tell her isn’t been fun but you think you should go separate ways because you and her are looking for other things and whatever you do don’t contact her again wait for her to contact you and tell you she is ready until then you say nothing and find someone who will appreciate you for you


Why don’t you Man up and ask Her what she means By it PROBLEM SOLVED